This is impossible.

When Nangong Qi and Ce were injecting their own power into the cassette, these Showa Knight powers belonging to Nangong Qi were like a bunch of garbled codes without any order, all poured into the cassette at once.

In other words, the inside of the cassette is now as messy as a lazy college student who forced all kinds of dirty and clean clothes into the closet in order to cope with the health inspection.

This also caused Tan Lidou to have to analyze these data codes one by one, and then place them in the correct position.

The whole process is like asking a Chinese to tear the English version of the Bible into pieces, and arrange the pieces of paper into the most correct sequence according to the order, page number, and traditional Western culture.

But for Ce, analyzing these data codes is just a matter of taking a glance.

"Master Kami, can you do it? If not, let me do it! After all, as the saying goes, there are specialties in the art!"

"Shut up for me!"

Tan Lidou's eyes were bloodshot, and he jumped up from the chair as if his butt was on fire.



Suddenly, Tanli Duguai screamed, and his whole body turned gray and turned into countless data scattered.

"Game Over!"

"Ah? Master Kami is dead?"

Ce did not expect that Tan Lidou, whom he had finally rescued, would die so easily.

For a moment, he felt that his mentality was a little broken.

Then, something even more incredible happened.

I saw a dark purple water pipe with "CONTINUE" written on it that looked like a deep purple pipe in "Super Mario" emerging from the ground out of thin air. A Tanlito jumped out of it while maintaining the posture of Ultraman's transformation. And out.

"It actually came back to life?"

Ce's whole body was stunned.

I saw Tan Lidou showing off the previous zero-level cassette, and introduced it to Ce thoughtfully:

"This cassette is the alpha version I originally developed, and it is equipped with the function of automatic life renewal! By the way, now I have lost one life and have 98 lives left!"

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Ce was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"Camida, immortal!"

In response to this, Tan Lidou no longer had the madness of the past, but bowed slightly like an elegant gentleman.

"Okay, Ce, you just said you wanted to try it, right?"

"Yes, after all, this cassette was born from my body!"

"Then try it!"

Tan Lidou took his hands off the keyboard and pushed the laptop towards Ce.

Later, Tan Lidou picked up a cup of black tea that Ce had brewed for him and tasted it by himself.

"Hey, I will never let you down Camida!"

Ce looked like he was gearing up, and immediately turned over. The body of a five-year-old child sat directly on the table, and the fingers of both hands began to tap the keyboard rapidly at a speed that exceeded the limit of human vision.

"Da da da da da da da da da da --"

The dense sound was like a typewriter.

5 minute later.

Ce pushed the programmed notebook towards Tan Li Dou.

"Camida, I succeeded!"


As if he was startled, Tan Li Dou, who was drinking tea, spurted out.

I never expected that the time I spent working for more than ten hours would be less efficient than that of a single person.

But Tan Li Dou's tea sprayed out right on the laptop.

The computer screen immediately flickered for a while, and then completely turned off.


In an instant, the entire stronghold fell into deathly silence.

I'm afraid the air will suddenly be quiet.

Ce and Tan Lidou looked at each other, and then looked at the laptop with the screen turned off in a tacit understanding.

"Kami, you should have other computers here, right?"


"Our cassette

It's still there, and if I want to, it's just a matter of a few minutes.If there are no extra computers, then I will sell another one! "

"...No need!"

After hesitating for a while, Tan Lidou finally chose the latter between [eating soft rice] and [straightening his back].

"There is more than one computer in my stronghold. There is no need for you to go out and risk exposing yourself!"

"I understand!"

In just half an hour, Ce completed the writing of the data program in [Play Cassette Gear]. He also spent a little time adding comments next to each program instruction.

With Ce's help, Tan Lidou quickly browsed through all the program data.

"Ce, you are really a computing genius! Perhaps this is the hidden power of [Strike Robot], which allows your brain to operate like a supercomputer!"


PS: Today’s reset of “Kamen Rider Black” is coming out

Stay up late waiting




PS again:

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Chapter 138 [Black Hole Player] There is no black hole

"Ce, I want only your calculation limit!"

Tan Li Dou asked Ce with a serious face.

Ce was stunned by this.

"I don't know the specifics. After all, I don't feel my own limits on weekdays. I just need to be able to use it!"

"By the way, Master Kami. What does this have to do with our new cassette?"

"More than just a relationship? The relationship is simply broken! Because I plan to use this for your form!"

Tan Lidou glanced at Yi Ce, then continued to type on the keyboard, creating a model.

It was a halo-like existence, but the inside of the halo was extremely dark, as if even light could not escape from it.

In an instant, Ce felt suffocated.

"Yes, it's a black hole?"


That model is a black hole.

"Camida, are you going to let me directly calculate a model of a black hole?"

"Not only that, I also need you to express every part of the black hole in the form of data!"

"But, I have no way to calculate the singularity at the center of the black hole! The density and space-time curvature of the singularity are infinite! I really can't do it!"

Tan Lidou's request was really too much.

If you simply build a model, you can create a hundred of them in minutes.

But if you want to calculate the entire black hole, even the singularity, then Ce really can't do it.

Because in mathematical theory, singular points cannot be calculated and can only be infinitely close forever.

"Little fool!"

Tan Lidou rubbed Ce's head and patted his back.

"I didn't ask you to calculate the entire black hole. What I need is your calculation limit! As much as you can calculate, then build it for me!"

"...Is that so?"

Ce still hesitated.

At this moment, another mature voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Let's give it a try, I also want to know what our limits are!"

"elder brother?"

"Promise Tan Li Dou, and then we will work together, calculate together, and fight together!"


Ce's eyes flashed red.

"Then I'll go!"

The next moment, Ce turned into a data stream and jumped into the computer.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

In an instant, a large number of numbers zeros and ones filled the entire screen.

Immediately afterwards, a black hole gradually formed on the computer screen.

"It's hot!"

Tan Lidou was startled by the laptop computer that suddenly heated up.

It can be seen that with the help of the policy, the computing speed of the laptop has reached the highest level.

But after a while, Ce popped out of the computer.

The whole person seemed to have collapsed, and he fell to the ground without any image.

"Ce, you did a good job, you did a good job!"


Compared to Ce, who had a bad look on his face, Tan Lidou was even more excited. He threw himself on the laptop, wanting to stuff his head into it.


"It's so hot!"

Tan Li Dou was so excited that he forgot how his laptop overheated, so he was burned again.

But this time, even if the computer was so hot, it still didn't stop Tan Lidou from enduring the pain and carefully browsing the calculation data and formulas left on the laptop.

"That's right! This is it! This is what I want!"

————————————————Tan Li Dou boils medicine to explode the liver and rubs it in the cassette————————————

After staying up late for several days, Tan Lidou finally finished programming the brand new cassette after losing 23 lives.

Although it was said that there was a plan to help interpret the program data, Tan Lidou still had some difficulty.

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