Well, since some people dislike emotional scenes, then let’s start writing battle scenes!




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Chapter 145: There was a loud noise in the sky, and Tan Li Dou made a brilliant appearance.

The battle resumes!

Although Baoshengyongmeng, Jingfeicai and Huajiada have three people on my side, Parade doesn't take them seriously at all.

Because in the final analysis, Jing Feicai and Hua Jia Dawo are only at lv.50, and he, Parade, has just been upgraded to lv.99.

With such a huge level gap, Hua Family Dawo and Jing Feicai could only barely scrape Parade.

Maybe even scraping may not be possible.

Currently, only Baosheng Yongmeng is at the same level as Parade.

Therefore, except for the eternal dream of Baosheng, no matter who he is, Parade will not take it seriously.

"I will change the fate of Bugster!"

Although Parade doesn't care about the fate of the bugster race at all, this does not prevent him from imitating the style of Baosheng Eternal Dream and making his own battle declaration.

"It's going to go up, it's going to go up, it's going to go up!"

As excited as Taotaros next door, Parade took out the brand new weapon he got from Daigo's factory after his level up, the [Gashacon Paradox Blade Gun], switched to an ax form, and charged from the front. Come over.

I, the elder of the Hua family, don't talk nonsense. I immediately raised my hand and unleashed a burst of firepower.

I saw the infinitely powerful energy bombs, like a group of snakes coming out of their holes, blocking all possible directions for Parade to avoid, and attacking Parade from all directions and from different angles.

Parade didn't care about this, he just waved his hand, and an energy prop flew towards him at a speed exceeding the energy bomb and hit his body.


Along with the sound effects of the energy props activating, Parade's body immediately turned into an iron-grey color, like steel.

At the same time, the energy bombs from the Hua family fell on him like fireworks, exploding into brilliant sparks.

However, there is no change in Parade's knight slot.

[Ironized] greatly strengthened his defense, allowing him to bathe in energy bombs.

In just a moment, Parade was like a lover who had been separated for many years, completely ignoring the Hua family and Jing Feicai, and came to Baosheng Yongmeng.


Without any hesitation, Baosheng Yongmeng immediately jumped out of the powerful extreme armor, began to control two bodies at the same time, and launched an attack on Parade.

"Hahaha! M (Yongmeng), you are so enthusiastic! It makes my soul burn too!"

Facing the murderous Baosheng Yongmeng, instead of having any negative emotions, Parade became even more excited.

"But I am not the brainless fool like Gurafat! No matter what game it is, I will win and become No. 1! Even this time there will be no exception!"

While explaining himself to Baosheng Eternal Dream thoughtfully, Parade avoided the double attack from Baosheng Eternal Dream's body and the ultimate armor.

In order not to repeat the mistakes of Gurafat, Parade very cleverly jumped out of the encirclement of the two to avoid the recurrence of the previous phenomenon of being attacked from both sides.

Like a hip-hop dance, Parade continued backflips to avoid all incoming attacks. At the same time, he kept waving his hands and controlling the energy props in this game field to fly towards him.

"M (Yongmeng), do you know? Ever since you defeated Gurafat last time, I have admired your gaming skills very much! At the same time, I am also constantly studying how to defeat you. The doppelgänger tactic. Now, I finally thought of it, let you see my new power!"


As the energy props took effect, a large amount of data flowed through Parade's body.

Then, in front of everyone, Parade actually split into twelve identical beings.

And unlike those inferior clones that can only imitate the main body and make exactly the same actions in ordinary times, each of Parade's clones has a separate consciousness and can make different actions, such as:

Some clones are wiping the ax blade;

Some clones are generals

Adjust the device to shooting mode;

Some clones made provocative gestures towards Baosheng Yongmeng;



Parade can actually control so many clones at the same time.

Presumably this was the inspiration for the armor that simultaneously controlled his body and limits through the eternal dream, allowing Parade to learn to divide his mind and then perform the operation of this clone.

For humans, unless they have a severe split personality, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

But Parade is not a human being, he is a bugster, surpassing human existence in many ways.

Each clone is like the main body, and there is no way to defeat the twelve Parades by defeating the real body.


The elder of the Hua family and Jing Feicai couldn't help but feel a sense of soreness in their teeth.

Just one Parad is so difficult to deal with.

Now that Parade has used so many clones, is it possible for them to win?

The two of them have long been aware of their mortality and are not afraid of death.

They are simply afraid that they will not be able to save more people after they die.

Where is the eternal dream of a baby?


He and the extreme armor beside him took an active step forward.

Do not!

They actually strode towards Parade without fear.

"Hoar? Are you coming from the front? Instead of running away, are you approaching me actively?" ×12

The twelve clones spoke the same words, which made people feel like they were surrounded by stereo sound.

“Obviously now, I am the one with the truly overwhelming strength!”×12

"How could I have punched you to death if you hadn't walked in?"

Baosheng Yongmeng continued to approach Parade.

And the frequency of his steps is getting higher and higher, and his speed is getting faster and faster.

Now, he and the extreme armor around him had taken steps and ran towards Parade.

"It would be better to say that after I witnessed you killing Brother Nangong, I was so angry that I no longer knew what fear was! Go to hell, Parade!"

"Hahaha! Then let's start the last round!" ×12

Twelve palads face the eternal dream from the front.

To be precise, there are Jing Feicai and Hua Jia Taiga.

After seeing Baosheng Yongmeng's behavior, which should be said to be anger or courage, the two men still bit the bullet and followed Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Hey! You four, go deal with them!"

Parade casually looked at his four clones and ordered.


"I also want to play with M (Yongmeng)!"

"Why didn't you go?"


The clones of the four lucky ones who were selected immediately complained.

After all, every clone of Parad has his own consciousness, and his consciousness is deeply engraved with the desire to play games with M (Eternal Dream).

"You guys should fight it quickly! Don't tell me that you can't even solve these two pieces of garbage! Besides, you don't want to be disturbed while playing games with M (Yongmeng), right?"

"It makes sense!"

After a short discussion, the four clones also agreed to the task and rushed in the direction of Jing Feicai and the Hua family.

ten seconds later.


Accompanied by two exiting transformation sound effects, Jing Feicai and Hua Jiadawo were beaten out of the transformation state, and fell to the ground one after another, with their mouths open and eyes closed.

Just like a pair of brothers in need.

After all, they were facing Parade, who had absolute skills and levels to crush them both.

Even if it's just a clone, it's definitely not something they can deal with.

"M (Yongmeng), we are here!" ×4

After easily defeating Jing Feicai and Hua Jia Taiga, the four Parade clones immediately rushed towards Baosheng Yongmeng without looking back.

It was a brutal battle of two against twelve.

Facing the seamless and perfectly coordinated siege of the twelve Parades, Baosheng Yongmeng and his ultimate armor could only struggle to hold on like a small boat in the rough waves.

Despite this, Baosheng Yongmeng still did not give up and continued to fight, like a piece of tenacious steel.

"Knock Out Critical Finish!"

"Perfect Critical Finish!"


Accompanied by various sound effects that were comparable to a concert, several [Decisive Techniques] hit the Extreme Armor's armor, which was completely unaware of pain.



Suddenly, a large number of effective attack special effects appeared on the extreme armor.

The next moment, the seemingly invincible extreme armor was violently beaten to pieces and disintegrated into countless pieces of data.


But the battle is not over yet, Baosheng Yongmeng is still fighting against the twelve Palades.

But without a powerful helper like Extreme Armor, Baosheng Yongmeng's situation is even more precarious.


This time, even without using the [Decisive Skill], Baosheng Yongmeng was able to release his transformation amidst Parade's attack.

Fly out, fall to the ground, roll around.

Despite this, Baosheng Yongmeng still climbed up from the ground tenaciously, his eyes full of unwillingness, unyielding, anger, murderous intent and perseverance.

"Even if I break my arms and legs, I will avenge my brother!"

Roaring like a mad beast, Baosheng Yongmeng punched Parade.

But without the blessing of Parade, what can an ordinary person's punch do?


Parade easily blocked the punch, and then struck Baosheng Yongmeng's body with several strikes, causing him to fall directly to the ground in pain.

Even so, Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes and expression still did not change at all, and he still looked like he wanted to kill Parade.

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