I, the elder of the Hua family, was too lazy to be polite, so I immediately walked forward in three steps, two steps at a time, looking aggressive.

"I'm just asking you, what tricks do you want to play this time!"

"Trick? Mr. Snipe, you seem to be too sensitive! I have to admit that Lazer's death is indeed a sad thing! But we are Game Masters, what bad intentions can we have? At most, we just want to build a A perfect world without death and sorrow, so that people all over the world can be Smyr, Smyr!"

Having said this, Ce actually put his two index fingers on both sides of his mouth and made a smile.

"That's nice to say! In my opinion, it's nothing more than an empty lie!"

"That's really a sad thing. After all, few people in this world are willing to believe the truth! If possible, we would even like to resurrect all the people who died because of us!"

He looked very sorry.

Jing Feicai suddenly felt as if he had caught some blind spot, and his heart seemed to speed up ten times, and he quickly asked:

"Resurrection? What do you mean?"

"It's just resurrection on paper!"

With that said, Ce knelt down on one knee and opened his arms in the direction of Tan Li Dou.

"Just like Master Kami now! All humans who lost their lives due to the bugster virus can be resurrected like Master Kami!"

At this time, not only Jing Feicai, but also Baosheng Yongmeng and the Hua family's elder self were a little excited.

After all, all three of them have lost important people to the bugster virus.

Hosei Nagamu lost Nangong Qi and Kujo Guiriya;

Kagami Aya lost her girlfriend Momose Kohime;

The elder of the Hana family lost his best friend Makijiro.

"Is this true?"

"Of course it's true! By the way, everyone's data is stored in the corresponding prototype cassettes. However, when the Ministry of Health and the Police Department searched the base, they took away these prototype cassettes!"

"As long as these prototype cassettes can be retrieved, all those who lost their lives due to the Bugster virus can return from the world of the dead! Now, are we sincere enough?"

Suddenly, the three Kamen Riders of [CR] felt their hearts beating.

If nothing else happens, the three of them will probably agree to cooperate with Tan Lidou!

However, in the current [CR], there is someone who seems to be an outsider.

It's Sima Nicole.

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute, all of you!"

Unlike the three Kamen Riders who were immersed in resurrecting the dead, this little girl obviously did not agree with everything Tanli Dou said.

So, she quickly stood between Ce and the three Kamen Riders, questioning the child-like Ce with a suspicious look on her face.

"It's all just your words. Why should we believe that you don't have any conspiracy?"

"It's simple, because there is no Kamen Rider more caring than us!"

Ce didn't feel any boredom. Instead, he smiled, just like the company's customer service public relations, or the NPC in the game who was responsible for answering questions, patiently answering all of Ximanike's questions.

In response to Ce's reply, Simaniko just smiled contemptuously.

"Nonsense! So what happened to the [Zero-Day] incident? What happened to Qi and Kiriya? Are the deaths of so many people a joke?"

"Those are necessary sacrifices!"

At the same time, Nangong Qi in Ce's head murmured to himself.

Then you haven't seen that I even risked my own life in order to help Tan Lidou.

Tan Li Dou himself also joined in.


For a moment, Simaniko started yelling curses, even using English, French, and Chinese.

She had never seen such a shameless person in her life.

What he did clearly killed countless innocent villains, yet he could say the line "Necessary Sacrifice" so righteously.


At this time, the three Kamen Riders also calmed down from the frenzy of resurrecting the dead, and began to think about some issues.

The eldest son of the Hua family stood up first. He pushed Ximanike away from behind and faced Ce directly.

"I also want to know one thing. Are the people who have been resurrected humans, or are they bugsters like you?"

"Of course bugster!"

The conversation between the two was like beating a drum, with heavy

It hit Baosheng Yongmeng's heart.

The Kamen Riders of [CR] have been committed to fighting bugsters and saving lives.

If Nangong Qi and Kujo Guiriya are resurrected in the form of bugsters, these determined people will not be able to accept it from a psychological level.

It's like a paladin who believes in the Holy Light and is finally resurrected in the form of a death knight symbolizing death and shadow.

This is not a story about "the dragon slayer eventually becomes an evil dragon", but a story about using the enemy's method to blaspheme the souls and lives of the dead.

Even if he thought about it with his eyes closed, Baosheng Yongmeng could guess that Nangong Qi would never accept this.

Where is Jing Feicai?

Jing Feicai didn't care in what form his girlfriend was resurrected. He just wanted to have a good talk with his girlfriend, no matter what form she was resurrected in.

"Then I'm afraid we have nothing to talk about!"

The elder of the Hua family has made up his mind and refuses to continue cooperating with Tan Lidou.

"Wait first!"

Jing Feicai stood in front of the eldest brother of the Hua family and asked Ce for details.

"Can all the dead be resurrected?"

As if he was not satisfied with Ce being his spokesperson, Tan Lidou gently pulled Ce away, showed a divine smile, and answered proactively.

"Just like I said, they can all be resurrected! And Ce made a mistake in saying that they will be resurrected as humans by Ben Kami! To be precise, the bugster will be turned back into a complete human being! "

For a moment, Baosheng Yongmeng's breathing became rapid.

If Nangong Qi and Kujo Guiriya could return in human form, then they wouldn't mind, right?

"Tell me, how do you transform Bugster into a human?"

Simanico continued to ask tit-for-tat questions.

As expected of the [Genius Player N] who looks like a couple to the eldest daughter of the Hua family.

"With my god-like talents, hahahahahahahahahaha!"

As soon as he mentioned his divine talent, Tan Lidou seemed to have triggered a certain keyword, revealing his divine appearance, which made Simanike feel nauseous as he asked the question.

"That's it?"

In an instant, the expression on Tan Li Dou's face was like that of a real [Dangerous Zombie], showing a distorted look as if he had been greatly insulted.

"You guy, are you questioning my divine ability?"

The talent of a god is the ability that Tan Li Dou has been most proud of since he was a child.

If someone questions his divine ability, then for Tan Li Dou, it is like questioning the meaning of his existence, his life, his soul, and everything about him.

The ultimate insult.

If Ce hadn't pulled Tan Lidou, Tan Lidou would have rushed forward and started Mortal Kombat directly.

"It's OK, it's OK, Master Kami!"

Ce smiled bitterly and firmly tugged on Tan Li Dou's clothes to comfort this child's temperamental god.

"They are just mortals, and they have not witnessed your miracles with their own eyes. Naturally, they cannot understand the true greatness of your divine talents!"


After thinking about it carefully, Tan Lidou finally suppressed the anger in his heart and began to explain patiently.

"This card can transform humans into bugsters, and naturally it can also reversely transform bugsters back into humans, as long as there is enough data and time!"

"There is no evidence for what you say!"

Ximanike had no intention of showing mercy and furiously attacked Tan Lidou.

“It’s very similar to those evil scientists in those games who like to make cakes for the protagonist!”

Although Ximanike, as a JK who has not yet gone to college, does not have much social experience, her IQ is not limited.

What's more, she has played many games, so she naturally understands the villain's tricks.

"You bastard..."

Tan Li Dou once again showed off his divine appearance.

But he had nothing to say.

He is indeed painting a pie.

However, unlike those low-key game villains who only describe some mirror images, Tan Lidou has absolute confidence in his own divine talents.

He believed that he could definitely accomplish this.

However, it took Tan Li Dou more than ten years to perfectly transform humans into bugsters.

If you want to deduce this process in reverse, more time and experimental data will be needed.

More is needed.

However, Tan Lidou is a person with a strong desire to perform.

Once others question his ability, he will feel as uncomfortable as countless ants crawling on his body.

But what made him extremely depressed was that he couldn't immediately correct other people's doubts about himself.


Before Tan Lidou could get angry, Ce quickly pulled Tan Lidou back and took his place.

"Let's not talk about reverse engineering for now. For now, we have a common enemy. This is a fact, right?"

Seeing that there is no way to form an alliance, Ce can only start to use the method of seeking common ground while reserving differences to discuss real issues with the Kamen Riders.

"No, I don't think so!"

Baosheng Yongmeng’s eyes became sharp. After all, Nangong Qiping

During the day, I did not educate him less.

"Pallad is indeed our common enemy. But after destroying them, what will your attitude be?"

"Oh? exaid, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. We plan to completely clear [Kamen Rider Chronicle]. But [Kamen Rider Chronicle] is something designed by Tan Lito. How can you guarantee that after destroying Parad and the others, you will not Are you rebelling against [Kamen Rider Chronicles]?"

However, this time, Tan Lidou smiled.

"It's simple. As a consummate game developer, I have always been committed to using games to bring smiles!"

"Why should we trust you?"

"All the drives and cartridges you are using now are all from my hands! In fact, if I want, I can leave backdoor programs in your drives and cartridges, but I don't! Because I absolutely I will not allow even a single flaw in my perfect works. This is my principle and this is my rule!" (Monthly fee group

When Tan Lidou said this, his face was more solemn than ever, so much so that a powerful aura was released from his body, and the air seemed to freeze.


At this time, not only Baosheng Yongmeng, but everyone present was speechless.

"[Kamen Rider Chronicle] has been completely abandoned, so I plan to completely destroy this game that I am not satisfied with. Will you accept the gift from God?"

Within a few seconds of being handsome, Tan Lidou showed his true colors again, changing from the serious face just now to a look of superiority.

"Tan Li Dou, whenever I want to show you more respect, just speak up!"


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