"No matter what, we just need to know that Tan Zhengzong is our enemy! If he is an enemy, then destroy him!"

"But, if it is Black Parad who controls Tan Zhengzong now, would it be too rough for us to eliminate him directly?"

"What do you want?"

"I want to save Tan Zhengzong and make him laugh!

After all, he is Lord Kami's father. Even if the relationship with Lord Kami is bad, Kami must be eager to gain the affection from his father! ? "

"Don't think so much! We are not Black Gods, and we do not have such powerful power. It is impossible for us to save everyone! All we can do is to save everything we can save as much as possible!"

"If possible, I still want to save him! After all, human beings are human beings, and they are not like bugsters who can be resurrected through computers! Their lives are extremely precious and only happen once!"

"As you please!"

While Ce and Nangong Qi were having a brainstorm, Tan Lidou immediately rushed towards Tan Zhengzong.

He could tolerate others questioning his divine talents, but he absolutely couldn't bear it. Someone wanted to extend his game indefinitely without his permission.

"You old thing, I can never make a game without an ending!"

"Powerless struggle!"

Under the mask, Tan Zhengzong showed a confident smile and pressed the two buttons of [Faulty Drive 2.0] at the same time.


Accompanied by special sound effects, time in the game realm completely stopped.

Everything seemed to be frozen, and everyone was motionless.

The only being who is not affected by the cessation of time and can move freely is probably Tan Zhengzong...


"Li Dou, your talent is indeed excellent. But your commodity value can only go so far!"

In the still space and time, Tan Zhengzong passed by Tan Lidou, with no intention of taking action against his son.

Because he wants to settle accounts with the guy who wants his life first!

It’s Ren Amasaki!

Arriving in front of Amazaki Ren in silence, Tan Zhengzong coldly pressed the B button of the drive.

"[Decisive Skill]!"

"Critical Crews—Aid!"

The image of a huge clock was projected at Tan Zhengzong's feet, and the minute hand of the clock turned with his left leg towards the end point, which was the twelve o'clock position where Amazaki Ren was.


Huge attack special effects appeared on Amazaki Ren's body.

Amazaki's blood tank, which was already on the verge of reaching its limit, was completely emptied in an instant.

Tan Zhengzong turned around handsomely, and there was no need to continue looking at Amazaki Ren.

Due to his death at the hands of the [Kamen Rider Chronicle] cartridge holder with administrator rights, Amazaki Ren also completely lost the possibility of resurrection.

There is no way back!

"[Heartbeat Crisis] is now out of print!"

After making this announcement, Tan Zhengzong turned his attention to the other Kamen Riders.

Although these Kamen Riders are not Kronos' opponents, their existence is still a hidden danger for Tan Masamune's plan to promote "Kamen Rider Chronicles".

For example, right now, Parad and Gurafat are on the verge of death.

With just one click, you can completely kill these two inhuman beings and then clear the game.

How can this work?

"Let all your cassettes and drives be out of print!"

After removing the driver and installing it on his wrist, and adjusting to the light gun mode, Tan Zhengzong pressed the B button again.

"Critical Judgment!"

Green energy gathered at the muzzle, and like a goddess scattering flowers, it was launched towards all the Kamen Riders present.

"Don't think about it!"

Suddenly, space is torn apart.

Several black holes appeared out of thin air and absorbed all the energy bombs fired by Tan Zhengzong.

And Ce teleported directly in front of Tan Zhengzong through the black hole, and knocked him away with a heavy punch.

After Tan Zhengzong landed, his voice was filled with incredible emotions.

"Impossible! How can you be active in Pause?"

"Uncle, did you really go to college?"

Ce moved his hands.

The act of pretending to be stopped and having to stay still made his hands and feet feel sore.

"The gravity of a black hole can distort time!"


Tan Zhengzong took out the keyboard sword through his administrator's authority and rushed towards Ce.

Since it can't be solved through Pause, then it can only be solved by physical combat.

Nangong Qi quickly reminded Ce in his mind.

"Ce, don't forget, [Kamen Rider Kronos] can increase punch power by ten percent with every attack! We must fight quickly!"

"I understand! Then use Drunken Fist!"


With a twisting pace like a drunkard, Ce walked slowly towards Tan Zhengzong.

Not only that, Ce's body seemed to be in an unobservable state, like a ghost in Tan Zhengzong's sight, constantly changing its body shape and twitching, just like a low-quality projector with a lot of short-circuit faults emitted. The projection is average.

It's like Ce can't maintain his body shape in the real world. All it takes is a gust of wind to blow by and it will disperse like flying sand.

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

Tan Zhengzong raised his keyboard sword and slashed at Ce's head.

However, this sword is

But it failed.

Not only that, Tan Zhengzong even passed directly through Ce's body, as if it was a phantom.

"This is so unscientific!"

Even if he is a serious member of Tan Zhengzong, he rarely uses foul language.

His damage mechanism must hit the opponent to work.

Now, he can't even touch Ce's body, how can he still have a chance of winning?

Ce's body was still trembling wildly, like an irregular image presented by a rugged mirror.

Even if you wave your arms, you can leave long afterimages in the space, just like the ink marks left by waving a brush wildly.

Tan Zhengzong refused to give up and continuously swung the sharp blade towards Ce's body.

But no matter how he attacks, the keyboard sword will go directly through Ce's body, as if he is swinging the sword into the air.

"Hoo" "Hoo" "Hoo" "Hoo" "Hoo" "Hoo"

Tan Zhengzong was breathing heavily. He didn't know whether he was angry because he failed to hit the target, or because he was impatient.

"Are you done?"

Ce's voice was very distorted, suddenly louder and softer, shriller and thicker, as if he was using a faulty voice changer.

"Now it's my turn!"

Ce raised his hands.

I saw a black hole forming out of thin air on top of Tan Zhengzong's head, sucking him in directly.

The next moment, the black hole disappears.

Another black hole was formed next to Ce.

And Tan Zhengzong was like a toy, being sucked towards Ce in mid-air.

Powerless to resist.

The originally confident ruler was like a child unable to resist, letting Ce manipulate him.

Even if [Kamen Rider Kronos] possesses more than a hundred tons of terrifying power, he cannot break free from the shackles of gravity.

"Sure enough, we have to use knight kick to solve it in the end!"

"Finish time!"

Ce activated the [Decisive Skill].

"Black HoleCritical Finish!"

With the surge of energy, the black hole under Ce's feet converged on his right foot, and kicked out violently towards Tan Zhengzong who was sucked in.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

There was no unnecessary sound, just violent vibrations in the space.

I saw Tan Zhengzong being sucked into the black hole, flying backwards quickly, and then...


The black hole explodes!

All the substances that had just been inhaled, including Tan Zhengzong, were spit out.

Tan Zhengzong is safe and sound?

Do not!

It’s time to let go!

He could have directly compressed Tan Zhengzong into a white dwarf, but he didn't.

The powerful gravity of the black hole simply twisted his body into a noodle, and then Ce used molecular control to forcefully restore Tan Zhengzong back.

It's just that the feeling of being infinitely stretched into a noodle is never pleasant, not to mention that Ce used molecular control to completely dismantle his body and reassemble it.

The worst part is that after being sucked into a black hole, time will also be stretched.

From the outside, it seemed that Tan Zhengzong was only sucked in for a moment, but to what extent Tan Zhengzong's body sensation time was extended, I am afraid only he himself knows.

As if he had been thrown into the eighteenth level of hell and experienced countless ultimate tortures, Tan Zhengzong could not even maintain his transformation and fell directly to the ground to cancel the transformation.

As for the time stop, it was naturally and automatically lifted.


When time moved again, everyone present widened their eyes.

Because for them, in the blink of an eye, Tan Zhengzong was beaten until he opened his mouth and closed his eyes, and fell to the ground.

By the way, there’s also Amazaki Ren!

After this guy restored the flow rate of time, he directly turned into countless data streams and dispersed.

Amazaki Ren, completely dead.


Ce fell into doubt.

According to his calculations, Tan Zhengzong should have suffered such pain that he would have been unconscious.

Why is he breathing heavily now, as if nothing happened?

Is it possible that Black Parade really controls the current Tan Zhengsong?

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