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Chapter 154 Then there is only one answer!

Looking at Baosheng Yongmeng's lonely back, Tan Lidou felt uncomfortable.

He knew clearly that Nangong Qi was just a pawn that he inserted into [CR], but he was still moved by Baosheng Yongmeng's sincere emotions.


With his brows furrowed, Tan Li Dou became irritable.

Immediately afterwards, the original plan to test the [Invincible Player] was thrown aside. Tan Lidou directly digitized it and jumped into the computer.

At the same time, in an inconspicuous corner, Nangong Qi was playing with a game console.

"Hey, I lost again!"

Nangong Qi is not a strategy, let alone a game master. Naturally, his game ability is not very strong. Naturally, he will suffer repeated defeats when playing games.

Suddenly, data flows.

Tan Lidou materialized in the data and stood out.

"Hey, isn't this Tanli Fighting God?"

Nangong Qi's words were a bit strange.

However, Tan Lidou did not take this to heart, but regarded Nangong Qi's yin and yang aura as a compliment to himself.

"Well, not bad, I feel like I have a plan!"

"So what are your plans this time? Have you researched the cassette for Pause?"


As soon as he mentioned his cassette, Tan Lidou became elated and even took out the shining golden cassette.

"It's called [Invincible Player]!"


Nangong Qi continued to respond coldly.

After receiving no more compliments, Tan Lidou suddenly felt uncomfortable and winked at Nangong Qi involuntarily.

come here now!

Praise me more!

"Okay. Something must have happened when you came here this time. Neither you nor I are people who like to beat around the bush. So what are you doing here to find me?"

In the end, Nangong Qi still didn't give Tan Li a fight.

Tan Lidou couldn't help but curled his lips and temporarily suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart.

"That guy Yongmeng seems to have a very good relationship with you!?"

"It seems to be the case. Because I personally helped him give away Baosheng Qingchang, and after Lazer died, I became his spiritual support! In addition, he didn't have many friends to begin with, so I probably He is the most important one among all his friends!"

"It is indeed very important!"

When Tan Lidou said this, his face was obviously troubled.

"Now he will be in a state of despair even if the relics you left behind were damaged!"

"So exaggerated?"

Nangong Qi also didn't expect that he had such a heavy weight in Baosheng Yongmeng's heart.

He also felt that Baosheng Yongmeng was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"Besides, even if he is decadent and ruined, what can be saved? The person who has passed away is already dead, and it is impossible for me to return to him as Nangong Qi!"

"Then there's nothing you want to say to him?"

"this one?"

Nangong Qi thought for a while and replied:

"Respect and meaning do not need to be placed on dead objects. It is enough that they can exist in thoughts and memories!"

"Tch! I thought you were going to play dream-telling, or beg me to let you come back as a bugster!"

His words were full of disgust, but Tan Lidou also felt an inexplicable feeling of envy, jealousy, and hatred in his heart.

Baosheng Yongmeng can still be comforted by Nangong Qi.

And his plan was completely shut down by that old guy Tan Zhengzong.

Although the person in front of him is part of Ce, this part is more concerned about the existence of Baosheng Yongmeng.

"As expected, I still want to kill that old guy Deng!"

Tan Lidou spoke his mind very honestly.

"Yeah! I feel the same way!"

Nangong Qi agreed.

Tan Zhengzong was probably the first human being who made him murderous after he became a bugster.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you something!"


"Lao Paden spent a lot of money to buy all the prototype cassettes from the Ministry of Health, and found Brave today. He must have wanted to use the data of Brave's girlfriend to threaten Brave into submission."

"It's just a brave, even if there are a billion more braves, I won't take him seriously!"

"But if this method works on Brave, then Kronos may use the same method on Exaid! But I am here now, even if Kronos presses my corresponding prototype cassette Even if it explodes, I won’t be able to summon it out of it.”

Compared with the arrogant Tan Lidou, Nangong Qi has a different view.

"But if this continues, the fact that Nangong Qi is a [CR] spy will inevitably be exposed."

"Of course, I don't care whether I am exposed or not. What I care about is whether I can take advantage of this opportunity to get close to this guy Cronus, so that I can get back my half body and make me whole again!"

"Is that so?"

Tan Lidou pondered for a moment.

"It is indeed an opportunity!"

I also hope my Ce can come back!

"But are you sure you can sneak in? Old man Deng is not so easy to deceive!"

"It is true that he is not easy to deceive, but he is easy to get proud of. Especially when the other half of my body is shut down and [Black Hole Player] is completely banned, his self-confidence will explode to an unprecedented level. It is foreseeable from above. Something! He probably thinks that with his [amazing wisdom], he can become a real life manager!"

As he spoke, Nangong Qi's voice became excited.

Just like Tan Lidou, he longed to save Ce.

"Life Manager? Just him? Are the cassettes and drives he is using now made by me? Where does he get his confidence?"

Although he said he despised his father, Tan Lidou actually had a certain interest in Nangong Qi's proposal.

"Then just wait for the opportunity to act! Remember to pay attention to safety, I don't want to recover only half of the strategy!"

"Farewell! Also, be careful of the brave! Never underestimate the damage a mole can cause!"

"Are you kidding me? It's just brave! Hahahahahahahahahahaha——"

"Dou Shen Tanli, don't forget how you became a bugster as a human!"

Suddenly, Tan Lidou's laughter stopped abruptly.

How could it be possible to forget?

At the beginning, after he was [reprogrammed] and all the bugster virus antibodies were deleted from his body, he was directly taken away by Parad's gorgeous backstab.

"So, never underestimate the damage a mole can cause, especially if you know him!"

After saying that, Nangong Qi was directly digitized and disappeared.


Seeing Nangong Qi leaving, Tan Lidou smiled crookedly again.

"Although the two people are obviously different in many aspects, after in-depth understanding, I discovered that both Nangong Qi and Ce are the same person!"

As he spoke, Tan Li Dou's eyes became red.

"Although the methods are different, the concern for others is still so obvious and so heart-warming! And..."

Tan Li Dou laughed again.

"It would be too wasteful to destroy the bugster on my body like this, so as compensation, my father can be my stepping stone!"



——————————Jing Feicai looks at the photo of his girlfriend——————————————

In the Fantasy Group, Jing Feicai came to Tan Zhengzong.

Although he was still hesitant in his heart, he still chose to give it a try.

It's not that he wants to resurrect his girlfriend, but he just wants to say a final farewell to his girlfriend.

As soon as he said his final farewell, he immediately broke with Tan Zhengzong.

Although it was very shameless and a waste of money, it was still the best plan that Jing Feicai could come up with.

Not only can it satisfy your own selfishness, but it will also not violate your consciousness and morality as a doctor.

"Hoho, brave, are you finally willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light?"

Seeing Jing Feicai as he expected, Tan Zhengzong, who was sitting on the revolving chair, showed a satisfied smile.

"You said you could resurrect Xiao Ji, why should I imagine that you resurrected the real her?"


Tan Zhengzong, as a veteran in the workplace and in the human world, instantly heard the hidden meaning in Jing Feicai's words.

This brave doesn't have one thousand percent loyalty!

As the saying goes: Loyalty that is not absolute means absolute disloyalty.

It seems that the training activities for Jing Feicai will continue.

Despite this, Tan Zhengzong still maintained a professional smile and stood up from the chair.

"Then follow me!"


Jing Feicai followed Tan Zhengzong's footsteps and walked towards a certain stronghold where Tan Li Dou once lived.

Soon, the two came to a relatively closed space with only two people.

Jing Feicai still didn't speak, but clenched his fists and bit his lips, nervously waiting for the reward Tan Zhengzong would give him.

Tan Zhengzong smiled crookedly, took out the original gray-white [Dragon Knight Hunter Z] cassette, and pressed the button.

Immediately afterwards, just like before, a large amount of data was released from the original cassette, and condensed into a human form in front of Kagami Aya, turning into Momuse Kohime.

"Little Ji!"

Seeing that the lover he had been thinking about day and night finally appeared, Jing Feicai excitedly held his lover's hands.

But no matter how Kagami Aya called, Momose-chan stood there like a puppet, with no expression or words.

At this moment, Jing Feicai was so anxious that she was about to cry. She asked the ruler next to her anxiously:

"Why is that?"

"This is a necessary insurance measure to protect the company's property! As long as you make enough contributions to Fantasy Group, I will naturally hand over everything that belongs to you to you! After all, Fantasy Group is a very conscientious company! "

Tan Zhengzong showed a contemptuous smile.

Damn, labor and management already tasted and spit out your little thoughts 500 years ago.

Jing Feicai's hands were shaking violently, and his face was full of unwillingness.

He wants to cry!

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