Although there was no change in form, Tan Li Dou's whole body seemed to be plated with a layer of gold and sparkled.

At the same time, Tan Lidou felt that his power was increasing rapidly, rapidly increasing, and rapidly increasing.

Now he is truly invincible!

"Hahahahahahahahaha! As expected, my divine talent is the strongest!"

Tan Lidou laughed wildly, and ten seconds passed like this.

"Time Up!"

The golden light on Tan Li Dou's body dissipated directly.

But he was still laughing wildly.

The elder of the Hua family on the side couldn't help but frown.

"Can invincibility only last ten seconds?"

Ximanike looked thoughtful.

"It's in line with the game's settings. Every invincible item has a time limit!"

After laughing for who knows how long, Tan Lidou finally laughed enough.

Only then did he realize that the other four people present were looking at him strangely.

"Hail my divine talents!"

Tan Lidou was still laughing and didn't even notice that the power of [Invincible Player] had dissipated as the effective time expired.

Baosheng Yongmeng immediately rushed forward and punched Tan Lidou, knocking him to the ground.


Tan Lidou's first reaction was not why Baosheng Yongmeng beat him, but that he was surprised that the [Invincible Player]'s power had disappeared.

"This seems to only last ten seconds. Is there something wrong?"

"It's not the cassette's problem!"

Tan Lidou jumped up from the ground and faced Baosheng Yongmeng.

"The problem is people! It's you, Baoshengyongmeng!"

"Me? What does it have to do with me?"

"That's right! [Invincible Player] was developed specifically for you! If you can't use it, it's your fault!"

poppy asked quickly.

"Why can't Yongmeng use the cassette?"

At this time, Tan Lidou calmed down a little.

"It must be because Yongmeng used [Reprogramming] to completely cut off the direct connection between himself and Parad, so he lost the power of [Genius Player M]!"

"[Genius Player M]?"

When Baosheng Yongmeng mentioned the vocabulary he was familiar with, he couldn't help but show an expression of extreme disgust.

If Tan Li Dou is his second hatred, then Parade is undoubtedly the existence he hates the most.

For Tanlito's act of killing Kujo Guiriya, Homu Nagamu can temporarily deceive himself by saying "Tanlito is the key to defeating Cronus and closing the Kamen Rider Chronicles".

But Parade was the only one he could never forgive.

Because it was Parade who controlled his body and killed his beloved brother Nangong Qi with his own hands.

The most terrible thing is that Baosheng Yongmeng has a clear memory of what he did after being controlled.

This memory was clear enough that Baosheng Yongmeng would have nightmares every night, and wake up with Nangong Qi's blood on his hands.

But now

Tan Lidou told himself:

If you want to use [Invincible Player] to defeat Kronos and close [Kamen Rider Chronicle], you must find a way to get back the power of [Genius Player M].

How is this possible!

"Pallad, I can't forgive you!"

Baosheng Yongmeng almost said this through gritted teeth.


"Hey, M (Yongmeng)! I heard you are missing me!"

At this time, a mean voice sounded.

It was Prahlad who spoke.

Gurafat was eating ice cream next to him.


Baosheng Yongmeng showed an unprecedented fierce expression, and his eyes seemed to want to tear Parade to pieces.

"M (Yongmeng), don't show that expression. We are here to help you this time!"


"Yes, that guy Kronos actually trampled on our bugster's life and gave us so-called commodity value. We absolutely cannot forgive this kind of thing!"


A smile suddenly broke out on Baosheng Yongmeng's face, and then he leaned back sharply and covered his face with one hand, as if he was extremely happy.

He was actually so angry that he laughed out loud.


"what's so funny?"

"You ruthlessly took Brother Nangong's life and trampled on all human lives. How dare you mention the value of Bugster's life to me now?"

Baosheng Yongmeng's expression has completely turned into that of an iceberg.

This is his expression of extreme anger.

He couldn't be angrier.

"Stop saying such ridiculous words! There is only one ending between you and me, and that is you die and I live!"

Speaking like this made everyone present feel chilled.

Poppy was so frightened that she no longer dared to look directly at Baosheng Yongmeng.


Parade seemed to be frightened and actually took a step back.

Gurafat ate the remaining ice cream in one go, took Parad's place just now, and asked:

"We are not here to fight today, we just want to ask a few questions! After [Kamen Rider Chronicle] is cleared, who is the last BOSS, the God of Games?"

"I have no obligation to answer the traitor!"

Tan Lidou narrowed his eyes, showing a dangerous expression.

He hates these bugsters as much as Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Then it's not up to you!"

Gurafat immediately digitized, teleported to Simaniko's side, adjusted the [Faulty Driver] in his hand to the light gun mode and pointed it at her, and by the way, he punched the big brother of the Hua family away.

Tan Lidou still squinted his eyes, looking very much like a Russian-style rescue counter-terrorist.

Poppy couldn't help it.

Tan Li Dou had already shared information about the game god with them.

If speaking out now could save a life, poppy would speak out.

"The God of Games is the strongest BOSS that only [Kamen Rider Kronos] can defeat!"

"Oh, I get it!"

Parade looked suddenly enlightened.

"In other words, only the God of Games can defeat that guy Kronos, right? Thank you!"

After saying that, Parad and Gurafat were digitized and disappeared.

"I absolutely will not cooperate with you!"

Baosheng Yongmeng still had the same expression just now.

Tan Li Dou was extremely distressed.

The current Baoshengyongmeng hates Parade to the core.

It is obviously impossible for him to cooperate with Parade and transform into the strongest [Invincible Player] to defeat [Kamen Rider Kronos].

So what should be done?

Tan Li Dou pondered.

Soon, he thought about blind spots.

The reason why Baosheng Yongmeng broke up with Parade was because of Nangong Qi.

In other words, as long as Nangong Qi takes the initiative to unravel the eternal dream of treasure, the [Invincible Player] will still have a chance to appear.

Thinking of this, Tan Lidou directly digitized and left the game field.

Soon, he came to one of his former strongholds and dialed Nangong Qi's phone number.

"Nangong Qi, what are you doing now?"

"It's just as I expected. The old man resurrected Kiriya and I, and plans to use us to deal with Yongmeng and the others! So I plan to actively infect the game god's virus so that I can gain the ability to fight against Kronos. strength!"

"What do you mean? Didn't I say that? I will develop equipment to deal with Kronos!"

Tan Lidou was obviously dissatisfied because Nangong Qi did not put the hope of defeating Cronus in himself.

"What I mean is very simple

.Maybe [Invincible Player] is truly invincible, but Baosheng Yongmeng is still an ordinary person.As long as you are human, there are weaknesses!This is my credo, it is better to seek help from others than from yourself! "

Nangong Qi avoided the issue of trust and successfully comforted Tan Lidou, who was almost furious.

After all, there are indeed problems with the current Baosheng Eternal Dream, and it is not one thousand percent absolutely reliable.



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Chapter 156: Sarah, count your sins!

In the game space, Gurafat and Parade found the game god who had not yet been completely liberated, and extracted everything they wanted from the body of this behemoth.

That is the virus of the game god!

After leaving the final game space, Gurafat actively injected the game god's virus into his body.


Immediately afterwards, Gurafat howled in pain.

A gray-white flame burned fiercely on his body.

Even Gurafat cannot withstand such a terrifying virus.

However, bugster is extremely adaptable to game viruses.

Given time, Gurafat's body will be completely adapted to the Game God's virus, and he will even surpass his limit as the final BOSS and become the strongest bugster that is infinitely close to the Game God.

However, what they didn't know was that there was someone following them.

No, to be precise, a bugster.

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