Because in the [Zero Day] incident, many people lost their loved ones and close friends.

Among these people, there must be countless people who want to resurrect the dead.

But defeating [Kamen Rider Kronos] is almost an impossible task for ordinary [Knight Players].

If left unchecked, it will have a chain effect, causing more people to fall into it.

Under the influence of Nangong Qi, Baosheng Yongmeng also developed the habit of watching TV in the morning, and even stopped playing games.

Therefore, he also knew Tan Zhengzong's conspiracy for the first time.


After letting out a long sigh, Baosheng Yongmeng stood up from his seat.

Although Nangong Qi reached a reconciliation with him before his death, he was unwilling to forgive Parade, let alone himself.

However, the fact is that only [Invincible Players] have the possibility to defeat Kronos.

Since now you are the only one who can thwart Tan Zhengzong's conspiracy, then let yourself be the guilty one and work with Parade to pay for your sins!

For all patients!

For all humanity!

Even more so to wash away the sins he had committed!

Go and replace Brother Nangongqi and protect this world!

Let's fight!

Baosheng Eternal Dream!

"It's up to me to change the patient's fate, even if it means risking everything I have!"



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Chapter 1 Sixty: Haipa Hen Iron Chicken

On the ancestral rooftop of East Auntie, Baosheng Yongmeng stood here and pressed his [Knight Play Cassette].

The field of play expands!

But Baosheng Yongmeng didn't make any moves, didn't even transform, he just stood there, as if waiting for something.

10 minutes passed and still nothing happened.

However, Baosheng Yongmeng did not panic, because he had a hunch that the guy he was waiting for would definitely sense that he was in the game field but had not transformed.

Another half hour passed, and Baosheng Yongmeng was still waiting.

As a doctor and someone who has gone through Nangong Qi's special training during the Showa era, Baosheng Yongmeng will definitely not lack patience and perseverance.

And now, the originally calm gaming field has finally experienced fluctuations.

The data flow rolled up like a storm, and a figure gradually condensed in the storm.

It's Parade!

Ever since Tan Zhengzong completely killed Amazaki Ren, the BOSS of the same level game, Parade was completely frightened.

Therefore, even if he felt that someone was invading the game field without changing his color, he would not dare to poke his head casually, for fear of running into Tan Zhengzong head-on and being kicked to death.

It's just that almost three quarters of an hour has passed, and the person who invaded the game field still hasn't left.

At this time, Parade was like a clam hiding in its shell, quietly sticking out its tongue and taking a peek at the game field.

It was okay not to look at it, but Parade was shocked when he looked at it.

Isn't this M (Eternal Dream)?

"M (Yong Meng), long time no see. Are you waiting for me here?"

"um, yes."

Baosheng Yongmeng nodded with an expression on his face and stretched out his hand towards Parade.

"This time I want to use the power of [Genius Player M] to completely defeat Kronos!"


Parade was immediately surprised and delighted.

Not only because he could defeat his inner demon [Kamen Rider Kronos], but also because Nagamu Hosei took the initiative to invite him to play the game unprecedentedly.

This is the first time that M (Yongmeng) takes the initiative to invite him!

First time!

"M (Yongmeng), do you have a way to completely defeat Kronos?"

"Yes. But this method requires your strength, so even if I don't want to, I have to use it.

Use this power that I don't like! "

At this moment, Parade was so excited that he didn't even listen to the second half of Baosheng Yongmeng's words.

"So I'm going in now?"

"bring it on!"

Baosheng Yongmeng opened his arms, as if waiting for Parade to enter.

"Then I'll get on it! Yoho!"

As happy as a child who just got a toy, Parade turned into a data stream and jumped directly into Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

At the same time, Baosheng Yongmeng's left eye flashed a red light, but his right eye showed no change.

Parade, who had just returned to Baosheng Yongmeng's body, had completely adapted to his body.

After all, this isn't the first time.

Only this time, it's not just Parade who controls the body, but two people controlling the same body.

"The fate of the patient is up to me to change!"

"I will change the fate of Bugster!"

——————————————During the battle between Tan Li Dou and Nangong Qi Guan——————————————

A group of people holding [Kamen Rider Chronicles] cassettes came to the square where Toda Mazu was born.

Each game has its own small circle, so these people have naturally made an agreement long ago to fight the world-class BOSS [Kamen Rider Kronos] together.

Of course, even if they have a common enemy, they have different purposes.

"I must become a hero, a hero who saves everyone!"

"Dad, I must save you!"

"Daisuke, after I return victoriously, let's complete the wedding that we didn't complete five years ago!"


Some simply want to become heroes, while more people want to bring back their deceased relatives.

Although the Ministry of Health has already announced that when using the [Kamen Rider Chronicle] cartridge, once the user dies in the game, the user's life will be completely dead the moment the knight gauge returns to zero, but so what?

People here are full of confidence in themselves, or they are willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to save their lost relatives and friends.

Everyone looked at each other.

They looked at each other to confirm that they were both people who had made an agreement in private.

And the time to defeat the world-class BOSS [Kamen Rider Kronos] is coming soon.

It's almost time for them to transform.

Everyone took out the [Kamen Rider Chronicle] cassette that they had purchased through formal channels or on the black market, and pressed the cassette button.


"Kamen Rider Chronicle!"×N

Along with the special effects of transformation, everyone transformed into [Knight Players] and entered the game field.

On the first floor of the Ancestral Building of East Auntie.

And here, Tan Zhengzong and Kujo Guiriya have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing the [Knight Players] who were willing to die, Tan Zhengzong showed a cruel smile.

He didn't mind revealing his identity as the final boss, anyway, in his eyes, the people in front of him were just corpses.

"Are you [Kamen Rider Kronos]?"

"Hoho? The corpse is talking?"

Masamune Tan took out the [Faulty Driver 2.0] and [Kamen Rider Chronicle] cassettes, and tied the drives around his waist.


"Kamen Rider Chronicle!"

There was no need for extra movements at all. Driven by Tan Zhengzong's powerful bugster power, the cassette seemed to have its own consciousness and inserted itself into the drive slot.

Press the button again.

"Gashat! Buggle Up! The Heavenly Rider! Engraved in the Chronicle! This moment is the perfect moment!"

Along with the special effects of time transformation, Tan Zhengzong transformed into a fluorescent green and black Kamen Rider with the symbol of the strong.

The invincible [Kamen Rider Kronos] has arrived!

It seemed that he was attracted by such a powerful existence, and the original day turned into night.

Kujo Kiriya on the side also transformed into a zero-level [Kamen Rider Lazer].

There is no need for extra words.

It's time to fight!

Dozens of [Knight Players] charged towards Tan Zhengzong.

Unsuccessful, they become benevolent.

"Bang Bang Critical Fire!"

Suddenly, the sound effect of [Decisive Skill] sounded, and dense energy bombs fell from the sky like rain, knocking the charging [Knight Players] off their feet.

Calm down the fight.jpg

The person who launched the attack was naturally the Hua family's elder self.

When he activated the [Decisive Skill], he also controlled his intensity.

After completing all this, the Hua family immediately rushed into the battlefield, and under the cover of the fog of war, he held all the dozens of [Knight Players] who had been blown unconscious on his shoulders. He fled the battlefield without looking back.

This is not a place where his level can intervene.

Instead of staying here and dragging your feet, it's better to do more meaningful things.

At the same time, another person walked slowly towards the scene.


Tan Zhengzong could see who was coming at a glance, and he had no intention of stopping the elder brother of the Hua family.

As the leader of the Fantasy Group, Tan Zhengzong will never lack patience.

There will be opportunities in the future to continue to announce world-class BOSS events like today.

But he didn't notice one thing, that is, at this moment, Baosheng Yongmeng had one red eye and one blue eye.

"I didn't expect that you would actually show up in front of me today. Do you want to hand the cassette and drive into my hands?"

"No! Cronus, I will end your fate! For all patients, for all mankind, and for Brother Nangong!"

With that said, Baosheng Yongmeng took out the [Extreme Sports] cassette and a glittering cassette.

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