"What the hell did you do?"

"It's very simple. I spent a lot of money to acquire all the shares of other shareholders of Huanmeng Group in the name of Xiao Xingzuo. By the way, I also acquired the shares in your name. In other words, Tan Zhengzong, you have been You've been fired from the company you've been running for most of your life!"

This should have been something that made Tan Lidou laugh maniacally, but instead of showing any signs of strangeness, Tan Lidou acted very calmly.

"Damn it! You have always been a bastard son!" Tan Zhengzong was completely furious now. "Do you know how much effort, experience, and price I have put in to make Fantasy Group what it is today?"

"Don't make it sound like what happened to the Fantasy Group today has nothing to do with me. Your six years in prison proves one point. The Fantasy Group can live without you, but it absolutely can't live without me and my divine talents!"

Tan Lidou directly smashed the table in front of him with one hand, and his facial expression at this moment lost the madness and divine appearance of the past, and instead became more serious and serious than ever before.

Perhaps the madness and beauty in daily life are just a disguise used by Tan Li Dou to hide his true self.


Tan Zhengzong found that he could not refute.

After all, the entire "Kamen Rider Chronicles" from beginning to end was researched by Tan Lidou alone who spent more than ten years.

"How ridiculous. I have obviously made the greatest contribution to this company, but you, an old man, not only don't give me anything, but are constantly using me! Treat me as a tool, a tool. !”

"Dream Group? Bah! Father, are you worthy of me calling you that? Apart from bringing me to this world, what else have you given me? Everything I have now is what I use my god-like You can earn it!"

"If there is no Fantasy Group, I still have the talent of a god. Tan Zhengzong, tell me, if there is no Fantasy Group, who are you?"

"I tell you, without the Fantasy Group and without me, you are nothing at all! You are worthless, you are useless!"

When talking about the excitement, Tan Lidou directly grabbed Tan Zhengzong and threw him against the wall. Then he stepped on the side of Paitan Zhengzong's head, with a faint smile on his face and an inexplicable tone. 's eased down.

"But it doesn't matter anymore, because I am Camida, and I won't care if you use me! So be grateful and thank Ben Camida for your gift!"

As if he really didn't care, Tan Li teased Tan Zhengzong's hair playfully, and a smile broke out on his face.

Despite this, Tan Zhengzong still did not relax at all, and cold sweat was still covered in his forehead. "Since you don't care anymore, why did you come to me this time and even emptied everyone in the Fantasy Group?"

"Of course I am here to perform my duties as Game Master and eliminate violators like you! By the way, I would like to warn everyone that when playing the game I created, you should abide by the rules I set!"

"You want to kill me?"

"No, it would be too wasteful to kill you! So Tan Zhengzong, just be prepared to let me squeeze out the last bit of your use value, and then live on in the most miserable way!"

"I will never give in... Hum hum, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -"

——————————————Nangong Qi digests Gurafat——————————————

In Aunt Dong's ancestral garbage dump, a person was lying on the garbage dump, looking up at the sky as if his eyes had lost their brightness.

It's Parade!

Ever since he was killed by Baosheng Yongmeng and then brought back, he has been lying in the garbage dump, as if he had become one with the garbage.

He has been here for a full week.

During this period, he didn't say a word, and he didn't even look at his favorite game.

Thanks to him being a bugster, if it were a human being, not eating or drinking for a week would have reduced the person to nothing more than a skeleton.

Suddenly, the stream of data flowed around Parade, forming a humanoid shape.

It's poppy.

"Parade, you have been lying here for a week, is there really no problem?"


Parade didn't respond, he just lay there without saying a word, as if he had really turned into a piece of garbage.

Poppy couldn't help but look embarrassed when he saw Parade acting in such a bad way.

After much hesitation, Poppy finally revealed a piece of information that was enough to attract Parade's attention.

"Yongmeng has been waiting for you on that rooftop, Parade!"


Until then, Parade finally started to move and looked at p with a puzzled look on his face.

oppy, made a hoarse voice.

"Why? Why did he do that?"

To say that he, Parade, doesn't care about the Eternal Dream of Precious Life is to be damned.

"I don't know either! Yongmeng said that he will wait there until you go back! Now, Parade, do you know? Baosheng Yongmeng has been waiting for you on the rooftop this week! "

"Whether it's raining or sunny, he eats, drinks, and sleeps on the rooftop. His whole life has changed a lot! If the dean hadn't given him a week's leave, he would have been expelled long ago!"


After hearing this, Parade finally pulled himself out of the trash heap.

The next moment, he turned into a stream of data and disappeared.

At the same time, on the rooftop of Dongda Ma's ancestral home, Baosheng Yongmeng was lying on the floor looking up to the sky, exactly like Parade before.

"M (Yongmeng)! Why are you doing this?"

A familiar voice rang out.

Looking towards the source of the sound, it turned out to be Parade.

At this time, Baosheng Yongmeng's skin became extremely rough after being exposed to the sun for a long time.

Despite this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Parade, you are finally back!"

"Answer my question first! Why are you doing this?"

"Didn't Poppy tell you? I've been waiting for you!"

"Wait for me?" Parade showed an incredible expression. "What do I have to wait for? Didn't you tell me that I am an unpardonable sinner and should go to hell to repent. What do I have to wait for?"

"Before that, I need you to answer a question of mine. How do you think death feels?"

It's okay not to mention this. When Baosheng Yongmeng said it, Parade was so frightened that his whole body trembled. He was afraid that Baosheng Yongmeng would go through the process of resurrection from the dead, living again and killing again like Tan Lidou.

"Don't worry, I will never hurt you this time!"

Maintaining a smile, Baosheng Yongmeng pointed to the drive not far away. After indicating that he was unarmed, he approached Parade and patted him on the back.


Parade finally plucked up the courage and let out a long sigh.

If he could, he would never want to recall that horrific experience that made him tremble from the very core.

As he thought about it, Parade felt his whole body go weak, and he knelt on the ground, crying out of fear.

"I'm so scared! It's so dark, so cold, so lonely! M (Yongmeng), I don't want to remember it anymore, I beg you!"

Parade actually cried.

"Then you know? All the people who died because of you feel the same way as when you died!" Baosheng Yongmeng's facial expression was as firm as crystal.

"Actually, I once had the same experience as you."

"Huh?" Parade was stunned.

"As early as 16 years ago, when I was infected with the bugster virus, that is, when you were here, I was sent to the hospital due to a car accident. It was like I was struggling in a bottomless ocean. , I can only watch myself sinking downwards. Just like you, I feel cold, fear, and loneliness!"

Baosheng Yongmeng leaned down and held Pralade's hand.

And Parade was like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, tightly holding the hand of Baosheng Eternal Dream, as if he wanted to use it to seek the only warmth after the coldness of death.

"M (Yongmeng), don't abandon me, I need you!" Parade begged without any image.

Baoshengyongmeng didn't make any extra moves, but he didn't break away from Parade's hand either.

"I will never give up on you. Just like you said, you are me and I am you!"


"Because I brought you into this world. As the one who created you, I have the responsibility to educate you, guide you, and guide you to the right path."

"But, but I killed someone, and it was your most beloved Nangong Qi!"

"So I will never forgive you, just like I can't forgive myself!"

Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes at this moment were as clear as crystal, as bright as crystal.

"All the sins you have committed are my sins, and I will never escape from this! Therefore, in the rest of my life, I will atone for my sins!"

"Brother Nangong once told me: Sometimes, living requires more courage than dying. And now I finally understand this. Because of this, both you and I must live well and cleanse our common sin!"



it hurts!

For some reason, Parade just felt that his heart hurt, and tears couldn't help but flow down.

"M (Yongmeng), I was wrong, I was really wrong! I'm sorry!"

Even though he was a guilty god, Baosheng Yongmeng still chose to face it with him. Parade was immediately moved to tears.

"Then live a good life for me. In order to wash away your sins, before the final judgment comes, live a good life with me!"


Parade nodded extremely seriously.

Baosheng Yongmeng smiled and pulled Parade up from the ground.

The two looked at each other, holding each other's hands tightly.

On the side, Poppy saw this situation and was very happy that the two of them were getting back together.

"Great, Yongmeng finally got back on his feet, and Parade finally changed his ways!"

But the smile soon disappeared and was replaced by worry.

"Tan Li Dou has a new conspiracy. Can Baosheng Yongmeng and Parade solve all this?"



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Chapter 166 Tan Li Dou’s huge conspiracy

It's time for the final battle!

The Kamen Riders of [CR] are also waiting for the birth of Eternal Dreams, because only when the [Invincible Player] of Eternal Dreams is in charge, can they have a thousand percent certainty of completely clearing [Kamen Rider Chronicles].

When Hosei Nagamu and Parade completed their reconciliation, the Kamen Riders who had been waiting for them finally came to the moment they had been waiting for.

With Parade's cooperation, Tan Li Dou naturally extracted some of Parade's data, and successfully produced the last two [clearance reward cassettes] without completely killing Parade. .

"This is the [clearance reward card] for the [best combination] and [knockout fighter], accept it well and be grateful for God's gift!"

Only this time, everyone felt vaguely uneasy.

Because before Tan Lidou handed over the last cassette to them, he maintained an unusually calm attitude, and his usual madness was completely gone.

If a person who is usually crazy suddenly stops being crazy, then something really big has happened.

The last time everyone in [CR] saw such a calm Tan Li Dou was when Tan Li Dou did not reveal his true identity as the mastermind behind the scenes and spread the bugster virus throughout the city.

"Tan Li Dou, what other conspiracy do you have?"

"There is no conspiracy, I just want to say that since all the [clearance reward cards] have been collected, our cooperation can only go so far!"

"Want to run away?"

"We have never been allies, and some are just relationships of mutual use. The reason for cooperation is simply because we have a common enemy, Tan Zhengzong."

Tan Lidou put his hands in his pockets, looking very elegant.

"You don't want him to continue to trample on life. I think he has broken the rules of the game I set. And when the completion of [Kamen Rider Chronicles] is close at hand, our cooperation will naturally end here!"

The sensitive Kujo Guiriya obviously heard something unusual from Tanlito's words.

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