Doctors should save the lives of living people that can still be saved, rather than saving the lives of the dead.

Why did I just figure it out now?

After thinking about all this, Jing Feicai shed tears under the mask.


"Xiaoji, I'm sorry, forgive me, ahhhhhhhhhhhh--"

Almost letting out the most hoarse roar in his life, Jing Feicai immediately used his telekinesis to pull the eldest brother of the Hua family away from Cronus.

As the elder of the Hua family, I plowed a deep ravine on the ground.

The next moment, Jing Feicai held the holy sword in his hand and rushed towards Kronos.

"Now let's start the surgery to remove Momose-chan!"

Jing Feicai almost said this through gritted teeth.

He must have made a great awakening.

Just coincidentally.

The powerful Kronos slapped Jingfeicai away with a casual slap.

There is no way, the suppression at the level is absolute.

Unless they can use Bugster to improve their level and card effect like Baosheng Eternal Dream, otherwise, there is basically no chance of winning.

After having a cordial exchange with Mother Earth, the elder of the Hua family suddenly woke up from the pain.

After looking at the situation at the scene, Kagami Aya, Kujo Kiriya and Nima Nico were still fighting.

Although Jing Feicai finally made up his mind to take action, Kronos's power was still obvious, completely crushing everyone in the audience.

Now that the Hua family is older, I finally understand the reality.

Even if [Kamen Rider Kronos] doesn't use Pause, which is almost a cheating level, its strength is still extremely powerful, and it is definitely not something that the noobs here can mess around with.

If you want to defeat Kronos, then

Then one must become Cronus.

Gradually, a bold idea formed in the mind of the Hua family.

He hurriedly ran to Shima Nicole and pulled out her [Kamen Rider Chronicles] cassette.

Simaniko immediately canceled the transformation in confusion.

"Big self, what are you going to do?"

"Kamen Rider Chronicle!"

Without any intention of answering, the elder of the Hua family pressed the cassette.

Immediately afterwards, the glowing phenomenon of the bugster virus appeared on his body, causing his body to twitch uncontrollably and his facial expression to be a little out of control.

Now, he is going to use that legendary power.

"Bet my life! Transform!"

Pulling out his own [Cassette Gear], Hanagata inserted Nima Nico's [Kamen Rider Chronicles] cassette into his drive.

"Gachan! Level Up! Rider Chronicle! Rider of the Sky! Engraved Chronicle! This moment is the ultimate time!"

Under Simaniko's shocked gaze, the Hua family's eldest self transformed into Kronos, who was exactly the same as the opposite one.

It's just that unlike Momose-Kohime, I use the player driver and cannot use Pause.

But it doesn't matter, because Kronos has the ability to be immune to Pause.

Which of the two Kronos is better depends on their fighting spirit and patience, rather than their flashy abilities.

Although the transformation was completed, the elder of the Hua family still couldn't stop breathing.

Forcibly transforming into Kronos was still a terrible load on his body, and he probably wouldn't be able to sustain it for long.

It must be resolved quickly!

"Mission, start!"

As the oldest member of the Hua family, I chose to face the difficulties without hesitation.

Because he understood that Cronus had the characteristic that every attack could increase his power by ten percent.

In the previous battle, they had been hit by Kronos countless times. The power of Kronos on the opposite side must have been increased to an extremely terrifying level.

If I want to close these gaps quickly, I must attack Cronus as quickly as possible, so that my strength can be equal to or even surpass Cronus in the shortest possible time.


The elder of the Hua family completely ignored all the attacks from the opposite side, and his fists fell on the opposite side, Kronos, like a violent storm.

Kujo Takariya and Kagami Aya also understood the intentions of the great Gao of the Hana family.

After the two looked at each other, they immediately hugged Kronos' left and right hands from one side to the other, trying to reduce her resistance as much as possible.

Although Cronus still had an absolute advantage in terms of strength, the actions of the two men still successfully weakened Cronus' range of resistance movements, and at the same time prevented Cronus from increasing his strength and continuing to pull apart. The gap between me and the Hua family.

This made the Hua family's boss attack even more brazenly.

With punch after punch, the power of the Hua family's punch is also increasing rapidly.

From the beginning, it could only play energy special effects, but now it can forcefully play special effects such as [HIT].

At the same time, the Hua family's attack speed is getting faster and faster, as if it is not only his strength that has been improved, but also his attack speed.

It was also thanks to the fact that the elder of the Hana family had controlled his increasing strength, otherwise, Kujo Kiriya and Kagami Aya would have been destroyed by the aftermath of the boxing just like the blue-haired man next door.

During the process, they were almost blinded by the light of Baosheng Yongmeng's promotion to [Shining Invincible]. Fortunately, they reacted quickly and did not let themselves be blinded.

Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——

Gradually, cracks were hardened on Kronos' armor.

Presumably the elder brother of the Hua family's boxing power has been improved to a level that he himself cannot even imagine.

it's time!

The three of them looked at each other and reached a consensus immediately.

Kagami Aya and Kujo Guiriya let go at the same time and quickly left in the away direction.

The elder of the Hua family also began to accumulate strength. Every muscle in his body tightened, accumulating strength, just like a tight strong bow.



At this moment, the world became quiet.

The sky is cracked.



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Chapter 1: The eldest brother is dead!




The moment the eldest brother of the Hua family punched with all his strength, the whole world fell silent, as quiet as before the nuclear bomb exploded.

Such tranquility only lasted for a moment, a moment.

And when this moment ended, a terrifying storm formed in front of Hua Family's fist.

Before the fist could hit Kronos, a fist force comparable to a level [-] typhoon (the Sea Tiger Terrier next door) had already torn apart the earth and the sky.

Large tracts of houses disappeared directly from their original sites.

What exactly are you protecting? (cross out)

Fortunately, this is the field of games. If such a terrifying thing appeared in the real world, it would probably be necessary to call the team next door and Ultraman to come over and help.

At the same time, it was not only the sky and the earth that were torn apart, but also the strong armor on the Hua family's elder self was torn apart.

The terrifying power, even [Kamen Rider Kronos] transformed by the Hana family's elder self, could not withstand it.

Under this punch with almost self-destructive power, there is absolutely nothing that can stop it!

Absolutely not!


The self-destructive fist instantly penetrated the armor of Kronos on the opposite side, and even penetrated her body.

It went straight through her body!

Immediately afterwards, Hana family Taiga and Momose-chan released their transformations at the same time and returned to their original human appearance.

The elder of the Hua family fell straight backwards as if all his strength had been taken away.

Fortunately, Kujo Takashi caught him quickly with his quick eyes and hands.

It seems that the elder of the Hua family himself would definitely not feel comfortable if he threw such a self-destructive punch.

What about Momuse-chan?

The girl in a white skirt also fell backwards like the flower petals.

Jing Feicai quickly caught Momose-chan.

"Little Ji!"

Jing Feicai's voice started to sob.

In order to let Momose-chan see herself clearly under the mask, Kagami Aya took the initiative to cancel the transformation, but little did he know that he was already in tears at this moment.

After the knight slot was emptied, Momose-chan should have disappeared and died, but she didn't.

Probably just as Tan Li Dou explained before, as long as he can defeat the two people who were controlled, Tan Li Dou's control over the two people will naturally be released automatically, and he will even become their companion.


Momose-chan was in a daze, but she still managed to recognize Kagami Aya.

She stretched out her trembling hand and gently touched his neck.

Jing Feicai understood something, put his ear close to Momose-chan's mouth, and listened carefully to his girlfriend's first words after her resurrection.

"Feicai, you want to be the best surgeon in the world!"

After saying this, Momose-chan fell into a coma.

After all, she is not like the Kamen Riders present. Almost all of them are fierce warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles and will continue to fight even if their limbs are broken.

After taking a punch from the Hua family's eldest brother that could even cause self-destruction, I was lucky not to die, but now I'm just in a coma. It can be said that I have made a lot of money.


Suddenly, a pure white cassette fell to the ground.

After Jing Feicai wiped away her tears, she picked up the cassette that fell on the ground and looked at it in her hand.

"what is this?"

"I almost forgot to mention, this is the reward for defeating the boss!"

At some point, Tan Lidou himself appeared and gave an intimate explanation to Jing Feicai.

"Don't underestimate this cassette! This is a level 100 [Exploring Ruins] cassette, second only to [Invincible Player] in strength! I wish you have fun!"

After saying this, Tan Lidou digitalized and disappeared.


Jing Feicai doesn't care about this.

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