"Tan Zhengzong, hold on! I'm here to save you now!"

—————————————— Tan Li Dou’s joyful unlimited firepower ——————————————

At the bottom of the Tower of Babel, Nangong Qi's hands and feet were tied up at this moment, like a rice dumpling.

"Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

Nangong Qi, who has never been in love, obviously underestimated the obsession of women in love.

"Even if I didn't break your legs, it's a good temper!" Poppy said angrily. "It was obvious that I took the initiative to propose marriage to the girl, but in the end I broke my promise! Don't you think you should be beaten?"

"It really should be fought!"

Nangong Qi nodded in agreement.

If he didn't agree with Poppy's idea from the bottom of his heart, he probably wouldn't just surrender.

"By the way, can't you tell me more information about the attack on Tanli Dou?" Poppy raised her head worriedly and looked at the top of the Tower of Babel.

I don't know how their battle went.

"I have told you all the information I know!"

Nangong Qi was a little helpless.

What he told was the truth. He told all the information he knew about the Tower of Babel, Tanli Dou, Ce, and himself.

You can't let him talk about the [Novel Player] report that the upper limit after stacking Baosheng Eternal Dream and Parade is beyond the [Invincible Player], right?

"Qi, do you think Yongmeng and the others can stop Li Dou this time?"

"It's difficult, but it's not impossible!"

After all, even if the current Tan Li Dou does not have the help of himself and Ce, [Creating Player] is still his masterpiece. Rounding it up, he is the [VR Player] in the theater version. Against Baosheng Yongmeng [Invincible Player], who No one can really say who will win.

When Nangong Qi said this, Poppy's little mouth couldn't help but pouted.

"Actually, you have a way to stop Tan Li Dou, but you didn't say it, right?"

"...You can also say that, maybe?"

Nangong Qi himself was not sure.

After all, Tan Lidou's divine talent is too metaphysical, and there is no bottom to the bugster's limit.

Although Nangong Qi will not fuse with Tan Li Dou like before, Ce will still help Tan Li Dou after all.

After all, brothers choose different paths.

However, the relationship between Nangong Qi and Ce will not change.

Because this is a game after all.

When the game is over, the two brothers will still get back together as before.

"So what can you do?"

"I will not say!"

Although the two brothers have different choices, this does not mean that Nangong Qi will take the initiative to cause trouble for his brother.

"I can guess it even if you don't tell me!"

Poppy took [Black Hole Player]'s cassette directly from Nangong Qi's body. "Is this the key to defeating Li Dou?"

"Well, almost!" Nangong Qi had no need to deny it.

Tan Lidou created a total of two such cassettes, one is a simple [Black Hole Player], and the other is an upgraded version of [Black Hole Player], [Black Hole Creator Player].

On the basis of the original, the function of creating any game according to your own wishes has been added.

Even without the help of Ce and Nangong Qi, who lost his black hole ability, the remaining creative function is still enough for Baosheng Yongmeng to drink a pot.

If Nangong Qi's [Black Hole Player] is used by Baosheng Yongmeng, maybe it can really turn the tide of the battle, but...

"[Black Hole Player] can only be used by me. This is a cassette tailor-made for me and Ce by Tanli Fighting God. It is impossible for others to use it!"

[Black Hole Player] is based on the fact that Nangong Qi was forced to stuff a supercomputer into his head by [Overhaul Card] when he was still a cyborg.

Without this foundation, don't even think about using gravity to build a complex black hole model in the game field. At most, you will be like Payne in "Naruto" next door, playing Shinra Ten

Symbols and all things Tianyin.

This is almost similar to vector control and Accelerator.

If you don't have Accelerator's computing power, then you can't even think about vector control being as powerful as Accelerator.

"Can't you help Yongmeng? Just use the method you and Ce combined with Li Dou before!"


Nangong Qi shook his head. "The bond between me and Baosheng Yongmeng is over!"

In the past, the three of them could play Fusion Arrival simply because they had a very high bond with each other. After the fusion, they could truly be of one mind, instead of being like the Den King next door who would hold each other back if they were not careful.

Now the bond between Baosheng Yongmeng and him has been destroyed by his own hands, so much so that Yongmeng even thinks that the elder brother in his heart is dead, let alone playing the fusion of one heart and one body.

"No, it's not! In Yongmeng's heart, you are still his big brother!" Poppy grabbed the rope that tied Nangong Qi and pulled him close to her, denying Nangong Qi's denial.

"As long as you are willing to go back, Yongmeng will still recognize you as his eldest brother!"

"Is this so? Sigh——"

Nangong Qi let out a long sigh.

If what poppy said is correct, then there is about a [-]% chance that Nangong Qi will complete the fusion with Baosheng Yongmeng.

You ask where the other [-]% went?

The remaining [-]% is to fight with Tan Li and play with the fusion to come.

The most important thing is that Ce is his younger brother and Baosheng Yongmeng is his best friend. No matter which side he helps, he will feel guilty.

Which side should be helped?

I decided not to come at the moment!

So Nangong Qi chose to show off, mother-in-law.

As for deciding the fate of the world...

Nangong Qi knows what kind of person Tan Lidou is. If planned according to the nine-square grid, he is probably chaotic good or orderly evil.

Besides, Tan Lidou had Supervisor Ce by his side, so it was impossible for him to do anything outrageous.

"Brother, just go ahead and do it!"


Suddenly, Ce's voice sounded in Nangong Qi's mind.

"but I......"

"There is no good but!" Ce interrupted Nangong Qi's words.

"You should know that this battle was supposed to be a glorious funeral prepared by Mr. Kami for himself! He had already understood that he was not allowed to exist in this world, so he wanted to die. I had a great time going crazy before! By the way, I gave [CR] the technology to reverse engineer bugsters into humans!"

"..." Nangong Qi felt speechless for a moment.

It's not that he doesn't understand Tan Lidou's thoughts and plans, he just doesn't want to take action against his own brother.

"Brother, there is no need to be so reserved!"

Ce seemed to realize something, and his voice was full of laughter. "This is just a game, and it can't hurt me. Besides, I've long wanted to try to compete with you in the game! Besides, you and I are one, even if one of us dies. , can also be resurrected through another party, can’t it?”

"Only relying on [Invincible Player], he is probably not the opponent of [Creator Player]! Brother, Yongmeng needs your help, and he is your human friend, unlike me who is a bugster, a person who should never have been born. Life in this world!”

"So please go and understand Lord Kami's life!"

"......All right!"

Nangong Qi let out a long sigh.

The thoughts just happened happened in a thousandth of a second.

Nangong Qi's face and demeanor changed drastically, which also made Poppy on the side look sideways, and he took the initiative to put the back of his hand on Nangong Qi's forehead.

"Qi, what's wrong with you? Do you have a fever?"

"Nothing, just enlightenment!"

A faint smile finally appeared on Nangong Qi's face, and Poppy was stunned.

"Poppy, please help me untie the rope on my body! Next, I am going to help Baosheng Yongmeng and Tan Li fight with them?"

"Huh? Why do you want to help Li Dou?"

Poppy didn't understand Tan Lidou's desire for a glorious burial.

"You won't understand!"

"Then you must make it clear!" Poppy pouted, feeling angry, but still took the initiative to help Nangong Qi loosen his ties.

Although Nangong Qi can be directly digitized or even physically break free from the rope, he still has to retain respect for Poppy after all.

"Okay, after all this is over, I will explain it clearly to you!" With that said, Nangong Qi moved his hands and feet and shaved the bridge of Poppy's nose.

"Let's talk about it together forever and ever, until the end of time!"

"It's a deal!" Poppy rubbed her nose, her face became more and more rosy, and she handed the [Black Hole Player] to Nangong Qi. "Don't forget, you promised me that you would marry me! You can't leave me alone like last time!"

"no problem!"

Nangong Qi took the cassette and gave a thumbs up to Poppy.

Then, he was digitized on the spot and disappeared.

Poppy clasped his hands together and began to pray for Nangong Qi.


Suddenly, the door of the Tower of Babel was kicked open.

The visitor turned out to be Kagami Aya who had used the level [-] cassette [Ruins Exploration].

After finally waiting for his girlfriend to wake up, Jing Feicai finally rekindled his fighting spirit and rushed towards the Tower of Babel.


"Where did everyone go?"



It should be candy, right?


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Chapter 179 Novel Player

[Invincible Player] has extremely strong numerical values ​​and extremely fast speed.

In addition, [Invincible Player] also possesses the ability to teleport infinitely, comparable to that of Hyper Jetton in "Ultraman Legend".

And when encountering fatal injuries that are so fast that even the operator cannot react, [Invincible Player] can also automatically identify and actively avoid the incoming fatal injuries.

Perhaps the attack limit of [Invincible Player] is foreseeable, but in terms of survivability, [Invincible Player] is really worthy of its name.

It is truly invincible!

However, as the creator of [Invincible Player], Tan Lidou still noticed the weakness of [Invincible Player] during the battle with [Invincible Player], that is, Baosheng Yongmeng.

That is terrain killing!

Just like the invincibility star in "Super Mario", after the plumber obtains the invincibility star, he will indeed be able to kill gods and Buddhas, but if he accidentally falls under the cliff, he will still be judged dead.

Tan Lidou has found the way to conquer [Invincible Player]!

First, create a closed space that [invincible players] cannot teleport out instantly.

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