

Tan Lidou: The ending of the game is up to us!

Baosheng Eternal Dream: The ending of the game is rewritten by us!




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The ending of the game in Chapter 1 is up to us to rewrite!

"The ending of the game is up to us to rewrite!"

[Novel Player], a new form of the eternal dream that appears in the follow-up novel of "Kamen Rider EX-aid".

Its strength completely surpasses [Invincible Player] and [God's Billion], and it only takes a few words to directly restrict [God's Billion] to the point where it can't move.

When Nangong Qi, Baosheng Yongmeng and Parade, three already extremely powerful bugsters, completely merged and arrived, their strength increased dramatically to five times or even ten times their original level!

And [Black Hole Player]’s original transformation program was even more influenced by Nangong Qi’s subconscious;

Influenced by Baosheng's eternal dream to change his destiny;

Influenced by Parade's desire to defeat Tanli Dou, under the fusion light of three powerful bugsters, it was completely rewritten.

This is the strongest [novel player] after evolution!

Maybe the birth of [Novel Player] at this moment is an accident, a joke of fate, or a miracle that is destined to happen.

But no matter what, at this moment the three beings who have completed the three-in-one can no longer think so much.

After merging, they have one and only one goal in mind, and that is to stop Tan Li Dou!

It's just that Tan Lidou currently doesn't know the [Novel Player] yet, and he still looks quite indifferent.

"clap clap"

Tan Li Dou applauded.

"Baosheng Yongmeng, I didn't expect that at this time, you would still create a brand new cassette that I have never seen before. It is really gratifying! It's just..."

As he spoke, Tan Lidou leaned down, as if ready to charge.

"Facing me, who has become the strongest complete [Black Hole Creator Player], even if you create a brand new cassette, there is only one final outcome, and that is defeat!"

As he spoke, countless black holes appeared out of thin air, and endless weapons were launched towards the [novel player] like a violent storm.

At the same time, there are countless powerful long-range weapons outputting more firepower.

The black hole blocks all escape routes for the [Invincible Player];

Melee weapons are thrown out, and long-range weapons output firepower. The two are intertwined with each other to form a fire coverage web like a spider web.

And on this web, the being who will be swallowed up by the spider like a small insect is the [Novel Player].

There is no way to avoid it, no way to hide, and the own defense power cannot reach the bombardment of so many weapons.

It was as if there were a billion alien beings who were attacking the [novel player].

Faced with such an offensive, how should [novel players] resist?

How to get there?

I saw a faint green light shining in the eyes of the pure white [Novel Player]. He pushed out his right palm and said two simple and cold words:


In an instant, the whole world is clean.

Pure in every sense of the word!

In the blink of an eye, all the black holes and all knight weapons in the entire world disappeared without a trace.

It’s like it doesn’t exist at all!

It was as if what Tan Li Dou had just created was just his own illusion.


After seeing something he couldn't understand, Tan Lidou screamed out immediately.

Just like when he was hit by [Reprogramming] for the first time and lost the ability to continue to transform.

"This is impossible! There is a billion level gap between you and me, how can you surpass?! This is impossible!"

Tan Li Dou panicked.

With a wave of his hand, more weapons were created and rolled towards the [Novel Player] like a mountain.

[Novel Player] stood so alone in that space, like a small boat facing the stormy waves.


The cold voice sounded again.

Everything created by Tan Li Dou was erased again.

Just like dewdrops at dawn, they evaporate directly into steam under the sunlight.

No trace will be left, it's as if it never happened.


The whole place was silent.

The entire game field was as quiet as if it were the eve of the Big Bang.

Tan Li Dou was obviously stunned.

Although [Black Hole Player]’s cassette was created by him personally,

The current [Novel Player] is obviously not the same cassette as before, but a brand new cassette.

He just couldn't imagine that without the help of his own divine talent, Baosheng Yongmeng could actually create a [Novel Player] that was more powerful than his [Black Hole Creation Player].

For a moment, Tan Li Dou had some doubts about life.

The divine talent that I was most proud of was ruthlessly beaten by [Novel Player], which almost completely denied the significance of Tanli Dou's existence in this world.

If Tan Zhengzong previously believed that Tan Li Dou should not come to this era and denied Tan Li Dou's significance to this world, then the frustration of his divine talent means that Tan Li Dou's motivation to continue living has been undermined. To the negative.

"Lord Kami!"

Ce's voice sounded in Tan Li Dou's mind in time.

Unlike Tan Lidou's panic, Ce's voice actually contained a hint of excitement and fighting spirit.

"Plan!" Tan Lidou seemed to have grasped the last straw.

"According to my observation, [Novel Player]'s ability seems to be to say what he says, use his own language, and make direct modifications to the real world!"

For [novel players], this can be said to be the strongest form in the official setting. Ce naturally has heard about it and seen it from Nangong Qi's memory.

Therefore, Ce has already begun to make some targeted strategic assumptions for this form.

Of course, it was also because Ce's playful nature as a bugster was aroused, which made his fighting spirit burn like a raging fire drawing a sword.

"Ah? This..."

Tan Li Dou, who has always believed in science (the talent of God), is a little confused.

"But we have no chance of winning!"

"Oh? Oh. Oh! I understand! Ce, tell me, what should I do now!"

"Let's give it a try first and test the limits of [Novel Player]!"

Tan Lidou and Ce immediately opened a black hole and swallowed themselves in.


[Novel Player] gave orders to this world.

The black hole disappeared instantly, and Tan Lidou's entire body was cut off by the closing space, leaving only his lower body still in the game field.

He escaped.

"Bring me back!"

[Novel Player] issued the order.



Tan Lidou did not appear as ordered by [Novel Player]. On the contrary, his crazy laughter still echoed in Baosheng Yongmeng's ears.


There was a trace of cadence in the crazy voice.

"Thanks to my strategy, now I have found the limit of [Novel Player]! Your [Novel Player] can only make reality changes to the current world, and even modify the settings. Once I travel to other worlds , then what else can you do to me? Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

Tan Li Dou smiled crazily.

[Novel Player] just waved his right hand without saying a word, creating a black hole around him, and then jumped into it.

After emerging from the black hole, it was Tan Li Dou who came into view.

At this moment, Tan Lidou was still laughing wildly, and he didn't even notice the arrival of [Novel Player].

"Master Kami, don't laugh anymore, and you can't laugh anymore! Time is precious, we'd better think of a solution and take the long term!"


In his mind, Tan Lidou firmly rejected Ce's sound strategy and chose to continue wandering in the same place.

Keep laughing.

"Now it is obvious that Baosheng Yongmeng cannot continue to disturb me, Ce, you can take a rest now!"


Still laughing wildly.

[Novel Player] naturally couldn't hear the conversation between Ce and Tan Lidou, so watching Tan Lidou laugh wildly was like watching a fool.

Sometimes, plans are perfect.

But plans ultimately have to be executed by people.

As long as there are people involved, deviations will eventually occur.

For example, Tan Lidou, although he is almost obsessive-compulsive about his plans, he not only destroys his own plans a lot of times, but he is also very good at destroying them. own plan.

For example, in order to protect Parade from stabbing him in the back, Tan Li Dou did not hesitate to expose the fact that Baosheng Yongmeng was the No. 1 bugster virus infected person in the world in advance.

For example, in the original TV plot, Tan Lidou used the [Invincible Player] cassette for the first time, laughing wildly while explaining his cassette, causing the ten seconds of invincibility to be wasted.

It can be seen from this that Tan Lidou often does many unplanned things for his own feelings.

After all, it’s a game, so of course it’s all about having fun.



[Novel Player] sighed slightly, suddenly feeling that he had been fighting with such a guy for nearly a year.

Regardless of all that, we must first block all Tan Li Dou's movements.

"Don't move!"

"Hahaha, gah——"

Tan Li Dou's

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