Killbus just rolled on the ground a few times, then sat on the ground, assuming a posture that was comparable to that of Emperor Qi brother showing off his legs.

"Hahaha! Ten thousand feet long, I didn't expect that I still underestimated you! Hahaha!"

As if he was not hurt at all, Killbus jumped up from the ground angrily, and at the same time began to shake the [Build Driver] joystick on his waist.

"Ready to go!"

The next moment, Killbus seemed to be going into "super speed", bursting out at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. It turned into a red meteor and rushed towards the ten thousand feet dragon me.


evolto figured it all out in just a few microseconds.

It is absolutely impossible for him to defeat Killbus, and the only two people who are extremely likely to defeat Killbus are Ryuuga and Kiryu Sento.

Therefore, for the sake of the earth’s tomorrow (fart);

For love and peace (fuck you);

In order to protect this world (who believes it);

In order to survive, Evolto decided to give up everything in the past and the gap between Kiryu Sento and Wanzhang Ryuuga, and did everything he could to help these two Kamen Riders (tool men).

I have blocked my life on Wan Zhanglong.jpg

Just when Killbus turned into a red meteor, Evolto on the side immediately punched Longwa away with a fist, and he faced the powerful Killbus directly.

"Very good! Evolto, let you be the first sacrifice of Pandora's Box! Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

While laughing wildly, Killbus kept spraying spider silk on Evolto's body, and constantly adjusted its position at an alarming speed, spraying more spider silk from different directions.

In the blink of an eye, Evolto was wrapped up in a large amount of spider silk and turned into a mummy.

"Move, don't move!"


killbus is still laughing.

It's like a magnetic field.

By the time I could react, Evolto was already entangled and unable to move.

"Killbus Spider Finish!"

Accompanied by the terrifying announcement of death, the four spider legs that had been coiled up on Killbus's shoulders quickly expanded like inflated balloons, turning into four thick and strong huge spears, and penetrated the blood submersible equipment in an instant. evolto.


Killbus is still laughing wildly.

The next moment, the four spider legs exerted force at the same time, tearing Evolto into four pieces.

Of course, the blood-depleted planets do not have the same body structure as humans. Even if they are torn into four pieces, it is not a fatal injury to Evolto.

Even so, Evolto, who had been severely damaged, was almost at the end of his life.

"Wanzhanglong I!"

Using his last bit of strength, Evolto threw out the [Dragon Evolution Bottle] in his hand.

"this is......?"

After Wan Zhanglong caught this, I also fell into confusion.

"This is probably the hope of defeating the killbus. Ciao~!"

As soon as Evolto finished speaking, Killbus took out a box made of white Pandora panels and completely absorbed Evolto, which was divided into four pieces.

"Evolto has been killed. Next is you, Wan↗Zhang↘dragon↗me↘!"

Killbus's ups and downs voice adds even more oomph to it.

"Finish Time!"

Suddenly, a large number of pink materialized fonts completely surrounded Killbus.

The next moment, a Kamen Rider with the katakana of "Knight" written on his faceplate jumped up and kicked towards Killbus.

If you have good eyesight, you can even see the words "Kick" Katakana on the soles of his feet.

It was Tokiwa Shogo.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! Another great energy!"

Killbus had no intention of escaping. Instead, like a turtle brother, he puffed out his chest and just wrote "Come on!" on his breastplate.Kick it here! ] words like .

"Time Break!"

(Break time!)


Shogo Tokiwa hit Killbus right in the chest with a knight kick.

However, Tokiwa Shogo only felt as if he had kicked a big mountain, and it had no effect at all.

"That's it? Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Killbus let out a disdainful laugh, and the next moment, two spider legs stretched out from behind Killbus, and directly knocked Tokiwa Shougo away.


He was directly hit by Killbus with a casual blow and transformed into contact.

Tokiwa Shougo fell to the ground in pain, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.



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Extra Chapter 3 Spider Sacrifice to Heaven

"Zhuang Wu!"

Seeing that Tokiwa Shogo was beaten with his mouth open and eyes closed by his uncle Killbus, Wanzhang Long rushed forward and helped Tokiwa Shogo up.

It can be said that I am surprised and delighted by the current Wanzhanglong.

Who would have thought that the little brother who lives not far from his home is actually a Kamen Rider, and even took the initiative to become a support.

It's just that this foreign aid is slightly weaker, so that this foreign aid also needs more foreign aid.

Tokiwa Shougo reluctantly stood up from the ground, looking embarrassed.

After all, he didn't expect that his novice protection period was so worthless, and was easily shattered by a slap from Killbus.

"Sorry, Senior Long Ga, I caused you trouble!"


The big-hearted Ryuuga carelessly comforted this Kamen Rider junior.

"You all die for me!"

However, those on the side will not be like some bosses, watching the protagonist group conspiring loudly, while he just stands aside and OMOs or the like.

A true destroyer of worlds, Killbus is both cruel and cunning.

Taking advantage of the time when Wanzhang Ryuuga went to pull Tokiwa Shougo away, he immediately began to select the grip on the [Build Driver] again.

"Ready to go!"

"Killbus Spider Finish!"

I saw a large amount of spider silk shooting towards me.

Seeing this situation, Wanzhang Ryuuga quickly pushed Tokiwa Shougo away, and he was tightly entangled in spider silk.

"Can't move!"

My danger level for the Ten Thousand-foot Dragon has exceeded 7.0, but facing such spider silk, I can't break free.

Killbus's strength is so terrifying!

"Wahahahahaha! Become a sacrifice to Pandora's Box!"

Laughing wildly, Killbus released two thick spider legs like spears this time, and stabbed me fiercely at Wanzhang Longme.

If nothing else happens, Wan Zhanglong and I will probably be defeated again.

And this time, once it is defeated, I am afraid that Wanzhanglong will really be completely dead.

"bang bang"

Suddenly, two rays of light struck, hitting the two spider legs stretched out by Killbus and knocking it back.

Wan Zhang Long I quickly looked towards the direction of the light source, and two familiar figures came into his eyes, causing him to blurt out the word "haha".

"Yihai, Huande, why are you here!?"

The ones coming are none other than [Kamen Rider Grease] Saruwatari Kazumi and [Kamen Rider Rogue] Himuro Gentoku.

After temporarily relieving Wan Zhang Long Wo's crisis, the two people quickly helped tear apart the spider silk on Wan Zhang Long Wo's body and loosened him.

"All our memories have been restored!"

"Muscle fool!"

Himuro Hantoku was very honest and gave me a headache.

Squeeze the three fools together.

"There are so many Kamen Riders!"

Tokiwa Shogo on the side was stunned.

Without any slogans, the three men charged towards the killbus very bravely.


"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Killbus punched three times in a row, one for each child, and knocked all the three idiots away.

"This guy is even stronger than Evolto!"

Just when I was squeezing the three fools to think about whether they were going to explode and die together like the last world, or should they retreat first and then come back and die together...

Well, in fact, there is not much difference between the two methods. The only difference is probably whether to squeeze the three fools earlier or later.

Rather, as long as the three of them can die together with Killbus, it will all be earned with blood.

"Switch venue!"

Suddenly, a strange wave formed on the ground, and passed through the three idiots, Tokiwa Shougo and Killbus.

In an instant, the entire world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When several people reacted again, they had already arrived at the Allegiance Beach.

I am extremely familiar with this fluctuating dragon.

"It's the gaming field!"

"What is gaming?"

Saruto Ikkai, Himuro Gentoku, and Tokiwa Shogo are all question marks.

"Killbus? It looks like I came at the right time!"

A man with black hair and black clothes wearing a [Player Driver] on his waist took out a black [

Knight turns to play cassette], a look about to transform.

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