Nangong Qi actually wanted to take the robber back to his small base and torture him slowly.

(Don’t say Kamen Rider can’t do things like torture.

I can give you an example, such as Shigeru, also known as [Kamen Rider Stronger], he is the most radical among all the Showa Knights.

In Aunt Dong’s works, his great achievements include the following points:

In the TV plot, in order to fight against more powerful enemies, he does not hesitate to perform ultra-electronic transformation surgery. However, this surgery has hidden dangers of death.

In "Knight's Soul", facing ZX who just jumped back,

You can kill without hesitation.

In Wang Xiaoming's SIC novel, he believed that the death of the radio wave girl was destined to happen on the timeline, so he refused to save the radio wave girl in the parallel world, and even killed Wang Xiaoming who helped the radio wave girl.

So don’t tell me in the future that the protagonist is as radical as Shuka Rider, because among the Kamen Riders, there are many people who are even more radical than the protagonist, even crazy. )

"You, who the hell are you?"

The sophomore stood up on his own initiative and asked Nangong Qi bravely.

There is no way, now he is the one with the highest military rank in the game.

Even if the brutal killing methods just shown by the opponent scared him, he still had to play his role to prove that he was definitely not weaker than his brother Ikki.

"JUDO! My knight name is [Kamen Rider JUDO], remember it for me!"

After saying that, Nangong Qi waved his hand, and the [Battle Locust] revved up its engine and crashed straight towards Nangong Qi.

When the distance was about the same, Nangong Qi exerted his strength with his legs, jumped up, landed on the [Combat Locust] seat, and walked away.

Ikki, Sophomore, and everyone else in Phoenix were left confused.

"It's so handsome!"

Karisaki took out his treasured [Kamen Rider W] and [Kamen Rider Black] figures and jumped up from his seat with excitement.

But as a scientist and the most pure knight chef in the city, Karisaki quickly suppressed his excitement and began to call the city's surveillance cameras.

"JUDO, right? Let me show you your true face under the mask of Kangkang!"



There was a snowflake on the screen.

Obviously, Karisaki's computer was reversely invaded by Nangong Qi.

Despite this, Karisaki still kept smiling.

"It's getting more and more interesting! JUDO, I must let you wear the belt I made and prove to that old guy my skills as a Kamen Rider!"



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Chapter 186 The influence of Nangong Qi

After Nangong Qi drove the [Battle Locust] back to his small base, he immediately began to appease the machine soul... to be precise, he was pacifying the [Battle Locust].

In the warehouse, light [Fighting Locust]'s favorite incense.

Then, check the [Battle Locust]’s engine, pipes, steering wheel, and even the tires and oil.


[Battle Locusts] whistled with joy.

It was only then that Nangong Qi stopped trying to please the machine soul.

Anyway, Nangong Qi has no other hobbies in his daily life. When he has nothing to do, he tries to find ways to enhance his relationship with [Battle Locust].

After finishing soothing the machine soul, a strong feeling of boredom came over me.

This is also impossible.

After all, after time travel, Nangong Qi’s biggest hobbies are:

Maintenance [Fighting Locusts];

Training the baby to give birth to eternal dreams;

Replay the battle in your head;

The other thing is to find a way to advance the progress of Tan Li Dou's main plot and transform himself back into a human being as soon as possible.

Now, Tan Lidou has sought benevolence and received benevolence, Nangong Qi has successfully transformed back into a human being, and Baosheng Yongmeng is no longer by his side.

Nangong Qi's fun in passing time was suddenly reduced by half.

"Forget it, let's review today's battle!"

After much hesitation, Nangong Qi chose the latter between developing new hobbies and reviewing battles.

I will probably never be able to live a normal life again in this life, right?

"Is this the devil?"

Recalling the way the orangutan demon fought during the battle, Nangong Qi couldn't help but show disdain.

"It's just a beast with no power. I hung it up and beat it, and I couldn't even fight back. The whole battle process was smooth and smooth. It can be seen in "Devil May Cry" and "Bayonetta". The highest achievement is the final execution..."

The fangs and sharp blades were actually stuck directly in the demon's body.

Fortunately, there was only one demon this time. If there were a few more demons, I'm afraid they wouldn't have seized this opportunity.

Nangong Qi was beaten until he opened his mouth and closed his eyes.

The power is still not enough!

I still need more powerful power!

Nangong Qi took out the fang memory and pressed the button.

"Fang! (fang)"

Insert the lost drive and strap the lost drive around your waist.


Push the slot.

The next moment, white but full of spikes, extremely ferocious-looking, aggressive armor was attached to Nangong Qi's body.

Although Nangong Qi himself couldn't figure out why the Fang Memory, which went on a rampage in the TV plot, was as quiet as a child after meeting him, this did not prevent Nangong Qi from using his optimal memory.

So what are the characteristics of Fang memory?

go berserk;

Enhance awareness of struggle;

You can grow spikes on your body at will.

"What a waste of power!"

Nangong Qi couldn’t help but complain.

Indeed, compared to the previous Showa Knight JUDO who single-handedly killed the entire card repair base, and the super invincible [Black Hole Creator Player], the special ability of the fang memory is really useless.

But it doesn't matter, just because he has such a useless ability, Nangong Wizards should accept it.

"Let me think about it, how can I increase my lethality?"

While thinking, two fanged blades shot out from both sides of his arms, making Nangong Qi look embarrassed.

"The design of this fang blade is really anti-human. It must use a motion similar to a large cut to achieve maximum damage. By the way, can I turn the blade back and forth?"

Just do it.

Under the influence of Nangong Qi's consciousness, the fang blade that originally popped out in the opposite direction began to retract into his arm. When it popped out again, the sharp blade began to grow toward the front of his fist.

Soon, two fanged blades that looked like hell swords grew out of Nangong Qi's arms.

The length beyond the fist is about one meter, shining with cold light.

"The power is still not enough!"

Nangong Qi continued to think.

If you can completely control the growth of the fangs and sharp blades on your body, maybe you can also make small spikes similar to those of a chain saw grow on the sharp blades, and make them move quickly on the large sharp blades.

Just like a chainsword.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

The sound of piercing the air sounded, it was the sound of small sharp blades cutting the air at high speed.

For a moment, the fangs and sharp blades on Nangong Qi's arms also glowed with dazzling brilliance, just like Kaz's Stream of Light technique.

"That's enough!"

Satisfied, Nangong Qi released the transformation and began to walk towards the happy bathhouse of the Igarashi family.

After the battle review is completed, it’s time to push the main line.

For Igarashi Ikki, Nangong Qi is relatively friendly.

After all, before he traveled through time, he had a younger brother and a younger sister.

On the street, Nangong Qi soon saw Sakura.

However, behind Sakura, there is an uninvited guest following him.

Nangong Qi immediately walked behind the man and patted him on the shoulder.


The stalker was obviously startled by Nangong Qi, and soon relaxed again.

"It turns out to be Mr. Nangong!"

Nangong Qi also recognized this person.

After all, the person in front of him is also a frequent visitor to the Happy Bathhouse, so it is not incomprehensible that he recognizes himself.

"Hey, isn't this a cow-horse light?"

"Mr. Nangong, you are so rude! You even remembered other people's names wrongly! My name is Ushijima Hikari, not Ushima Hikari!"

"Ushijima, let's put aside the discussion of cows and horses for now. You guy, why are you following Sakura? You're not a crazy person, are you?"


Ushijima Hikari jumped up on the spot like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

In Neon, the crime of being an idiot can make a person completely dead.

"How can you denounce someone's innocence out of thin air? I, I, I am obviously along for the ride!"

"By the way?"

"Yes, that's right, it's just along the way! Sakura and I are students studying at the same karate dojo, so after the karate class is over, I can go to the Happy Bathhouse to take a bath!"


Nangong Qi narrowed his eyes.

He really didn't believe Ushijima Hikaru's words.

"Since we're on our way, why don't you go with Sakura? You two are obviously classmates, so your relationship isn't so bad that you're pretending to be strangers on the road, right?"

"This, you can't say this!"

Ushijima Hikaru was breathless by Nangong Qi's questioning, but his tone was very firm.

Ushijima Hikaru seems to be extremely weak on ordinary days, but when he reaches the bottom line, he actually becomes brave.

Well, it seems that I really can't tell, unless I directly start the torture.

"Oh, I understand! So you are a sociopath!"

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