It can be seen that Yuantai's plan is indeed quite attractive.

A whole street was lined up with people queuing up to consult Ikki about their troubles.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s just a full row


Nangong Qi happily joined the queue.

I don't know if I should praise Yihui for his efficiency in doing things. A whole street team quickly completed the consultation one by one.

It's your turn!

"Mr. Nangong, what troubles do you want to ask this time?"

Ikki's whole body seemed to have lost all energy and energy, and he slumped on the table helplessly.

Among the identities Nangong Qi has been given by the world, he has the attribute of being a frequent visitor to the happy bathhouse.

Therefore, it is natural for Ikki to recognize Nangong Qi.

"I'm not here to help you with your worries. In fact, I'm here to help you!"

"Huh? Help me?"

Facing someone who was finally not here to consult on troubles, Ikki immediately became interested, and his eyes barely regained some brightness.

The whole person stood up from the table, and then lay down again.

"It seems like I don't need your help for anything!"

"Ikki, this is your fault! I think it must be very difficult for your family of five to make a living in the bathhouse, right?"

"Ah, this..."

Nangong Qi's words hit the target directly, making Yihui feel a little embarrassed.

The Igarashi family has to support three children in education, and Sakura even has a karate cram school.

That’s a lot of money to spend!

If the eldest son Ikki hadn't been independent enough and reliable enough to give up his dream of becoming a football player for the sake of his family, the Igarashi family would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Not only was Ikki interested, but Genta on the side was also extremely excited. He pushed his eldest son away from the seat and asked eagerly:

"Mr. Nangong, I wonder if you have any good suggestions! If you can really help us, you will be a great benefactor to our family!"

"I heard that your son is working as a non-staff member in Phoenix. And he is the only one who can transform into a Kamen Rider, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

Yuantai nodded repeatedly, wondering why Nangong Qi asked this.

"I just don't know what your son's salary is in Phoenix?"


It was only then that Yuantai discovered the blind spot.


It's clear that Ikki's job is to save mankind, why doesn't he even get any salary?

In "Kamen Rider Sword" next door, Kazuma Kenzaki and Principal Tachibana finally get paid.

Ikki, on the other hand, was just working for free.

Are they really just tool thugs?

Suddenly, Yuantai's facial expression became more solemn than ever.

"Indeed, this Phoenix actually made our Yihui work for free. It's really abominable! No capitalist would suppress his employees like this!"

"And if you fail in the work of saving humanity, you may die. So, I suggest you go and ask for more!"


This word shocked Yuantai and made his head buzz.

He thought about his children saving the world, but he never thought that he would die doing this job.

Now after Nangong Qi mentioned it, he vaguely remembered some not-so-good memories.

The crimson devil, the tragic deaths of family members, and...

"Ikki, it's too dangerous to cooperate with Phoenix! You should return the belt quickly and stop getting involved in those things!"

Suddenly, Yuantai seemed to be a different person, with unprecedented decisiveness in his words.


I didn't expect that the good-for-nothing dad in daily life would have such a decisive side and be so concerned about his own safety. Ikki felt that he was also a little tearful.

On the contrary, Nangong Qi was thoughtful.

Because this change in Yuantai reminded him of a possibility, which was personality switching.

However, this does not affect Nangong Qi's continued support.

"I'm thinking that this kind of highly dangerous and human-saving work should cost at least fifty times an officer's salary!"

"Wow oh oh-"

Genta returned to his previous living treasure appearance and directly grabbed Ikki's hands.

"Ikki, don't worry! Just leave the happy bathhouse to me. You can go and save the world with peace of mind!"

Sure enough, the money given was too much.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ikki was really stunned now.

Give me back the touch I just had!

"Without further ado, I'll contact you now!"

Genta, who didn't feel sorry for selling his son, immediately picked up the phone and answered Phoenix's call, ignoring Ikki.

Soon, the call is over.

Yuantai also showed a satisfied expression.

"How much salary did you ask for Ikki?"

"No more, no more, just five hundred times!"

Five hundred times! ?

Ikki was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.


That's not how it's meant to be ripped off, right? !

Are you really not afraid that Phoenix will arrest you and put you in jail? !

"Then I'll take the first step, CIAO~!"

Nangong Qi had no intention of staying and left directly.

Only Ikki with a dislocated jaw and a man who seemed to have passed away were left.

Yuan Tai was as excited as a young man.

Soon, Nangong Qi was far away from the Happy Bathhouse, while thinking about the information he had just obtained.

There is no doubt that even if Phoenix is ​​a formal official organization with abundant funds, it cannot be such a waste of money, right?

At least......

"You don't even have the most basic behavior of bargaining. You must have some thoughts about the Igarashi family! If it is a spy, he will definitely refuse such a rude request, and even find ways to reject Ikki as the only one. The Kamen Rider."

Driving [Mechanical No. [-]], Nangong Qi was enjoying the fun of racing while thinking about problems.

"There is only one answer that can explain this phenomenon! That is that in addition to the moles in Phoenix, there are also careerists who want to plot evil against Ikki and even the entire Igarashi family!"

"Is co-authoring this Phoenix really the winery configuration? Either a mole, a waste, or even careerists have appeared. Sooner or later, this organization will take a pill!"


Suddenly, Nangong Qi's cell phone rang.

Obviously, another demon started to cause destruction. It was detected by Phoenix and sent over by the back door left by Nangong Qi.

Taking his hands off the steering wheel, Nangong Qi started flipping through his phone, frowning.

I saw a yellow-haired guy live broadcasting on his mobile phone, claiming that he was now in a black-hearted company, and he planned to use the power of the sin seal to summon demons, impose sanctions on evil, and uphold justice.


Nangong Qi couldn't help but smile crookedly at such funny remarks.

Isn't this young man suffering from an extreme case of chuunibyou?

What should I do if I get middle school disease?

Just hit it!

"Fang! (fang)"


Pure white, but densely covered with spikes, a simple shell that looked extremely ferocious appeared on Nangong Qi's body.

At the same time, the [Mechanical No. [-]] on his crotch was also switched to [Battle Locust], and its speed increased several times.

"Let's charge!"


[Battle Locust]'s eyes glowed with crimson light, turning directly into a dark green lightning.

At the same time, in a certain company, the golden retriever boy ordered his lion demon to pull out the boss of the company and beat him up, and this was broadcast live.

What's even more outrageous is that the golden retriever guy plans to make his boss kneel down in front of the live broadcast and make him completely socialized.

"Rumble rumble—"

Suddenly, the roar of the motorcycle engine sounded.

[Battle Locust] breaks through the wall directly and knocks the lion demon away.

Nangong Qi jumped up, jumped off the [Combat Locust] seat, and pulled the boss away.


"Ah? Ah. Thank you, I'll take the first step!"

After simply thanking Nangong Qi, the boss left without looking back.

When the golden retriever saw this, his hair immediately exploded, just like a lion. No wonder he corresponded to the lion devil.

"Who are you, this guy? Why do you stop me from getting justice?"

"Just a passing Kamen Rider!"

"Kamen Rider?"

"That's right, it's [Kamen Rider JUDO], remember it for me!"

"I don't care who you are! As long as you stop me from getting justice, then you are evil! Devil, get on me!"

Under the command of the golden retriever brother, the lion demon really rushed towards Nangong Qi.

"Is it evil to stop you? Master Duda, are you still so good?" Easily dodging the attack of the lion demon, Nangong Qi was about to start his attack.

"Then let me defeat your so-called justice!"

Two fanged blades sprouted from Nangong Qi's arms, and countless tiny sharp blades that were imperceptible to the naked eye also moved at high speed on the fanged blades, just like electric saws, while emitting a dazzling light.

The first knife hit the lion demon directly in the waist.

Suddenly, the demon's body, which was as hard as steel, was slashed straight through, like butter being cut by a hot table knife.

Black unknown liquid was scattered all over the floor.


The lion demon let out a cry of pain.

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