
In the process of falling, Ikki actually burst out with extremely fast hand speed and successfully completed the transformation in just a few seconds.

It's just that even after completing the transformation, Ikki is still unable to exert his full combat effectiveness.

As a Kamen Rider whose main job is a bathhouse worker and whose hobby is playing football, most of Ikki's combat power is concentrated on his legs.

When he sprained a foot, his combat effectiveness dropped by at least [-]%.

But fortunately, he is not alone. Ikki also has a helper, and that is his demon, Weiss.

Ikki really didn't have a good impression of this devil who appeared like a "family member, super delicious" to him.

But facing the current situation, he could only trust Weiss.

"Wes, this is not the place to fight! Take him to fight somewhere else!"

This place is full of Phoenix's wounded. If two Kamen Riders start a fight here, it is estimated that there will definitely not be a few accidental injuries.

"give it to me!"

To Yihui's expectation, Weiss actually became obedient, and swooped down, hugging Nangong Qi's waist, pushing him to break the wall, and abruptly completed the scene change.

"Devil? Then I don't have to be polite!"

Seeing that Weiss came to die on his own initiative, Nangong Qi immediately popped out fanged chain saw blades from his arms and slashed towards Weiss' back.

"Ding Ding Bang Bang—"

Along with the sound of metal cutting, a large number of sparks were scattered as the chain saw blade cut, as if they were Weiss's blood.

"Hey! It hurts, it hurts so damn much..."

Weiss screamed in shock and threw the Nangong Qi he was hugging directly away.

In the air, several fangs and sharp blades like spider legs sprouted from Nangong Qi's back, which pierced into the ground, abruptly stopping his backward flight, and then landed firmly on the ground.

Nangong Qi couldn't help but be secretly surprised in his heart:

Is this guy so thick-skinned?It is definitely not on the same level as the previous orangutan demon or lion demon, at least it exceeds level four in terms of danger level.

"Hey, do you have any humanity in you, you want to chop me up with a chain saw?"

Weiss still looked like he was playing tricks, blaming Nangong Qi for why he was so cruel to him.

Nangong Qi couldn't help but think, was he pretending to be crazy or acting stupid, or was he really that way?

Well, I couldn’t figure it out for a while!

do not care!

Anyway, devils don’t have human rights, so just chop them all into pieces and that’s it!


There was a sound like an explosion, and ten whips were seen growing out from the back of Nangong Qi's hand.

If you look closely, you can find that these ten whips are made up of countless tiny fangs and sharp blades, like countless tiny snake heads biting the tail of the previous snake, like the chain saw blade on an electric saw.

Weiss was dumbfounded as a whole.

What is this operation?

Without having time to think about it, Nangong Qi waved his hand, and ten whips shot out as if they were alive, piercing into the surrounding walls, floors, and pillars.

"Yabai! Run quickly!"

Weiss was not a fool. Strong uneasiness enveloped his heart, causing him to subconsciously choose to run away.

Anyway, his mission to delay Ikki was completed, and it was almost time to run away.

Mud should be given by!

"Don't run!"

Under Nangong Qi's control, ten whips suddenly emerged from the ground, the walls, and the ceiling, biting towards Weiss from ten different directions like poisonous snakes.

However, Nangong Qi ignored one thing.

That is because he still has too little experience in dealing with demons, especially with demons like Weiss who have adult intelligence.

Faced with a seemingly unavoidable attack, Weiss actually made various movements that exceeded the limit of human stretching and dodged the wave of attacks.

(Poor Uncle Yongde’s waist, Weiss’ movements are really comparable to those of a gymnast)

"I want to see how you hide now!"

Nangong Qi clenched his fists with both hands and slammed them down to the ground as if swinging a heavy hammer.

I saw a huge piece of ceiling falling off, hitting Weiss right on top of his head.


The ceiling shattered into countless pieces, and smoke and dust obscured the view.

Weiss was hit so hard that she became dizzy.

"I'm so dizzy, who am I? Oh, I remembered, my name is Fat Tiger, and my favorite thing to do is sing!"

Suddenly, Weiss felt his tail tighten, as if it was wrapped tightly by something.

I saw a whip growing out of the back of Nangong Qi's hand tying Weiss's tail, and at the same time, he exerted force with both hands and forcibly pulled Weiss out of the ruins.

Not only that, more whips also came from all directions, entangling Weiss, who had not even touched the ground, in the air.

"No, no!"

Seeing Nangong Qi's white voice, but full of spikes and extremely ferocious appearance, Weiss was frightened and woke up, and struggled desperately.

It's a pity that Nangong Qi is the best candidate for the fang memory. The power exerted by the fang memory is definitely not something that Weiss in the basic form can break free from.

No matter how much Weiss struggled, he eventually flew powerlessly into Nangong Qi's arms.

Nangong Qi saw Nangong Qi hugging Weiss tightly in a very philosophical posture.

Nangong Qi: Eat me and slaughter the gods without regrets (cross out), fangs and meat grinders


Countless spikes grew out of Nangong Qi's armor, and moved at high speed like the teeth on a chain saw, forcibly turning himself into a human meat grinder, cutting into Weiss who was firmly bound and unable to resist.

Nangong Qi is so cruel and ruthless towards non-human hostile existences.

He didn't believe that no matter how thick Weiss's skin was, it could still block the crazy cutting like a meat grinder.


"Ikki, save me!"

Weiss howled in pain, a large number of armors were chopped into pieces and scattered in all directions, and his body melted as fast as ice and snow burned by fire.

If this continues, Weiss is probably dead, right?

Suddenly, Nangong Qi felt that his hands were empty, and Weiss disappeared into his bear hug out of thin air.

With his eyes closed, Nangong Qi could guess what happened just now.

It was probably that guy Ikki who took the initiative to cancel the transformation and let Weiss return to his spiritual state.

Although the battle was over, Nangong Qi did not cancel the transformation to prevent Weiss from turning into a spirit body and still monitoring him around.

"Weiss, you successfully saved your life!"

With a sneer, Nangong Qi summoned [Combat Locusts] and rode away on his motorcycle.

However, no one could have imagined that after this seemingly insignificant battle, a terrifying network wave was coming.

The source of this Internet turmoil was the golden retriever guy who was broadcasting almost the entire battle live.

Not only because Nangong Qi’s unique fighting style with violent aesthetics has attracted countless fans, but also because on the Internet, many people are willing to reveal the unpleasant and dark side of their lives here.

This is cyberbullying.

Compared with China, the online violence in Neon is truly terrifying and radical. Because of this, so many celebrities choose to commit suicide every year.

Ever since, Phoenix and Sophomore have been miserable.

Phoenix was directly covered by almost all the media in society, especially the sophomore. At the end of the live broadcast, such a cowardly performance directly made people wonder if there were any hidden rules when Phoenix was recruiting.

You must know that the purpose of Phoenix being established is to expel all demons and protect mankind. At the same time, it has a military overtone. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a counter-strike organization.

In such a counter-terrorist organization, there are actually deserters. How could this not make people question, or even anger?

Especially in his sophomore year, this poor child was deeply involved in the whirlpool of online violence.

All the people close to him also suffered. Almost everyone cut off all contact with the sophomore and pretended not to know the sophomore Igarashi.

The Happy Bathhouse has not been pulled down either.

Every day, Xingfu Bathhouse receives thousands of threatening letters, and people mail razors, dead rats, dead sparrows and the like.

At the same time, countless good people went directly to the Happy Bathhouse to watch and see what kind of family the Igarashi family was.

Fortunately, the Igarashi family is in a better situation now.

My mother, Yukini Igarashi, is still hospitalized and not at home.

His father, Genta Igarashi, is even more heartless and optimistic. There is no such thing as pressure.

On the contrary, the more people came to the Happy Bathhouse, the happier Yuantai became.

Ikki and Sakura were both grown up, but with such a happy father, even if they were under pressure, they would be greatly reduced by their father.

The most pitiable person is the sophomore.

This poor kid is bombarded with thousands of text messages and calls every day on his phone, to the point where he can’t even turn it on.

Ikki and Sakura had their father to help them take care of them. During their sophomore year, they stayed at the air base in Phoenix. He couldn't even see his father until he was on duty for a mission.

This is cyberbullying.

Maybe among these people, there are some who really want to seek justice for Nangong Qi, or maybe they think that the sophomore is too cowardly and are dissatisfied with his position in Phoenix.

But more often than not, they simply want to find a punching bag to vent their negative emotions.

What is more terrifying than the devil is the human heart, probably in this case!

If Nangong Qi knew that his momentary softness would bring such big trouble to the sophomore, he would definitely dislocate the sophomore's hands and feet without hesitation.

After all, who makes him a kind person?

It's just that Nangong Qi doesn't have the time to think so much now, because he is almost too busy to die.

In a secret base that could not be detected by any detector, Nangong Qi's hands almost turned into afterimages as he kept tapping the keyboard in front of the computer.

He is very busy now.

Very very busy.

He is frantically using his hacking skills to invade every device that exerts cyber violence against sophomores, completely cutting off the possibility of them continuing to send messages to sophomores, and also deleting all the black history of sophomores, and A threatening text message sent to a sophomore.

Maybe time can make people forget everything, but the pressure accumulated in a short period of time will definitely crush the sophomore year.

What Nangong Qi wants is to give Ikki training, not to force Ikki's family to death.

The most important thing is that this incident started because of him.

If the sophomore chooses to commit suicide because of this, he will really regret it for the rest of his life.

But now...


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!Ce, I miss you so much! "

Nangong Qi worked overtime until he felt like Spartan.



Gentleman plans to change Karisaki's character into a twisted knight chef

how is it?



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