As the crimson energy was released from the drive, the squid immediately turned into a twisted monster.

The legs are like locusts, twisted to the point of forming huge anti-joints, which enhances its jumping ability.

At the same time, a long tail stretched out from the tailbone, as flexible as a third hand.

"Chimera monster? Maybe I should deal with Amazon instead!"

Nangong Qi's steps did not stop because his opponent turned into a hateful monster. On the contrary, he even accelerated.

He has killed many beings that were more terrifying and powerful than the monsters in front of him.

Chainsaw Heart-piercing Sword!

The squid immediately used its legs, jumped slightly, and successfully crashed through the ceiling, leaving a big hole.

"Comparing with jumping ability?"

Under the mask, Nangong Qi smiled slightly, and saw more than a dozen slender fangs and sharp blades bursting out from his back, piercing into the ground like spider legs.


The spider's legs suddenly exerted force, causing Nangong Qi to follow in the footsteps of the squid, and also opened a large hole in the ceiling of the abandoned factory.

"Pretty good!"

Seeing Nangong Qi following him so quickly, Squid couldn't help but applaud.

Only stronger people can give birth to more powerful demons and awaken Keefu who has been worshiped by the "Desperados" for a long time.

"Second round!"

The squid took off again, hoping to increase the lethality of its flying kicks by jumping.

Only if the labor and management are stupid will they take over forcefully!

Nangong Qi secretly laughed in his heart and jumped away quickly.

I guess if the squid jumps so high, it will smash another hole in the ceiling of the factory?

Who would have expected that as soon as the squid landed on the ceiling, it landed steadily on the roof without making any sound, followed by an extremely elegant tail flick, and the scorpion tail was drawn towards Nangong Qi like a sharp sword.

It’s a reducing force, extremely pure reducing force!

Nangong Qi waved his chain saw blades with both arms to block the incoming scorpion tail.

Who would have known that the scorpion tail was so flexible that it did not directly collide with the chain saw blade, but instead wrapped directly around Nangong Qi's waist.

Just when Nangong Qi was about to forcefully saw off the scorpion tail that restrained him, the squid's slender and ferocious legs exerted force again, forcing both of them to fly high into the air.

"Let's see how you can hide now!"

The squid is indeed a genius in combat. During the flight, he also burst out with extremely fast hand speed and took out the third sinful seal.

"Gene injection!"

"Strange shrimp!"

"Domination! Anomalocaris! Gene mixing!"

A pair of thickly armored and spiked fists appeared on the Squid's hands.

Now, Nangong Qi was forcibly pulled into the mid-air by the cuttlefish. He had nowhere to exert his strength and was even more unable to dodge. He was almost a piece of meat on the chopping board.

"It looks like we can only have a head-on confrontation!"

Nangong Qi did not panic, but instead became more motivated to fight.

Isn't it just that when we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!

Two chain saw blades and several long whips that resembled sharp claws grew out of the body.

Chain blade versus gauntlet weapon;

Long whip versus scorpion tail weapon;

The two people fought all the way from the ground to the sky. Every punch, every kick, and every blow could shoot out a lot of sparks on each other's body, even penetrate the armor and stab the flesh.

The blood stained their bodies so red that they couldn't tell whether it was their own blood or the other's blood.

It's just that neither of them can control that much.

Since it's a fight to the death, don't hesitate and keep fighting until the opponent completely falls and can't get up again!


Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!

Big wood big wood big wood big wood big!

Only death can stop the two fighting.

His eyes returned to Ikki, Weiss and Mirage.

At this moment, Ikki was facing a sophomore who was a completely different person. He had completely lost his will to fight. Whether he could exert [-]% of his usual fighting power was a question.

So we can only rely on Weiss.

"Lady, Uncle Ben has long wanted to eat you! Now, I can finally get it as expected! Hahahahahahahahahaha-"

Weiss showed his malice unabashedly, opened his big mouth, and rushed towards the mirage.

It's just that Mirage is not an easy person, and he activates his special moves without hesitation.

"Must kill to admit!"

"Bat! Darkn

ess Finish! "

Mirage was seen holding a dagger in his hand, swinging it continuously, forming a sword energy of energy in the air, slashing at Weiss.

Fortunately, Weiss himself is rough and thick-skinned. Even Nangong Qi's extremely powerful fang memory can hardly break through his defense in a short period of time. In addition to being cut with several cracks on Weiss' body, , basically nothing serious.

After rolling on the ground several times, Weiss couldn't help but cast his gaze at Ikki aside.

"Ikki, why are you just watching?"

Mirage didn't care what Weiss was saying, and directly pulled him up from the ground, and used his knees to slam Weiss's abdomen, neck, Tianling Cap and other parts that were extremely fatal to humans.

Weiss was knocked to the ground again, even more embarrassed than before.

"Ikki, aren't we companions?"

Mirage was still beating Weiss, and every move was a sure-kill attack, leaving Weiss unable to fight back.

It seems that he plans to kill Weiss first, abolish Ikki's transformation ability, and finally take care of Ikki.

After all, the prerequisite for using the drive is that you must be able to summon a demon and sign a contract with the demon.

If Weiss is gone, Ikki will become an ordinary person and let the mirage fish him.

At this moment, Weiss was still rolling on the ground.

It is estimated that the number of times Weiss rolled in this battle may not be as many as those of the Kage Kings who were pinned to death in the Kage position.

Soon, after going through all kinds of difficulties and countless beatings, Weiss finally rolled to Ikki's feet and grabbed his host, who was also his partner.

"Ikki, don't hesitate anymore! If you want to save your brother, you have to drive!"

"Tata open?"

"Yes, it can only be driven by Tata! It must be driven by Tata!"

Weiss shamelessly deceived Ikki. Anyway, he definitely didn't want to die, let alone Ikki.

Rather than letting himself and his host have a happy time together, he would rather kill the sophomore first.

"Then, then, let me drive!"

As if being persuaded by Weiss, Ikki finally rushed towards the mirage.

"Must kill to admit!"

"Bat! Darkness Finish!"

It's just that the current mirage is like a code that turns on unlimited firepower. It looks like it consumes zero and activates the sure kill again.

This time he didn't swing the sword, but hit Ikki in the chest with a knight's kick, sending him flying away.

Weiss was dumbfounded.

If demons had such a thing as blood pressure, Weiss would have died suddenly on the spot due to a burst blood vessel.

Brother, even if you show off to your own brother, there's no need to do it so obviously, right?

So what to do?

"Give the mud to Luda!"

Without any hesitation, and not bothering to care about the injured Phoenix lying on the ground, Weiss chose to pick up the lying Ikki, turned around and left.

"Ikki, Weiss, you saved a life!"

Mirage did not continue to pursue, but stayed where he was and taunted.

Probably in his eyes, he only needs to prove that he is better than Ikki, and that's enough!


Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed and a figure fell.

No, to be precise, they are two different people who are so entangled that it is difficult to distinguish each other with the naked eye.

It was Nangong Qi and Squid.

As soon as they landed on the ground, the two people quickly separated and climbed up from the ground with difficulty, staring at each other with hatred in their eyes.

The originally pure white armor on Nangong Qi's body was completely covered in blood, and there were still several broken fangs, sharp blades and remnants of long whips left on his body. It was obvious that he was seriously injured now.

The squid is not much better. The originally deformed and abominable monster-like weapon has been forcefully blasted out by Nangong Qi. The armor on his body is also broken in many places. Blood is constantly seeping out from the wounds, and there is even a broken horn. The chain saw blade was stuck in the palm of his left hand.

Even so, the two of them only have each other in their eyes at this moment. Even though they have been so injured and their physical condition has reached the limit, they must continue to fight.



"Hoo ho ho ho--"

As soon as they took action, the two of them blasted each other in the head.

The two of them were like two wild beasts without any reason, roaring in low voices and fighting each other.

Every move is aimed directly at the opponent's vital point, and must be done until the opponent is killed.


Kill it!

Suddenly, Squid pulled out the fang chain sword from his left palm and stabbed Nangong Qi's right knee with his backhand.


Nangong Qi did not stop attacking because of the pain. On the contrary, he jumped up, locked his legs in a cross, locked the right arm of the cuttlefish, and then twisted it violently.


The right arm of the cuttlefish was violently twisted like a twist.

His right hand was broken, but he still had his left hand. Even if he was injured, he could still continue to fight.

Holding back the excruciating pain, Cuttlefish gritted his teeth and used his injured left hand to pull out the fang chain saw blade from Nangong Qi's knee, aimed at Nangong Qi's thigh and stabbed hard, so that Nangong Qi had to give up and continue to lock. Death pose.

"Hoo ho ho ho ho..."

After the two of them were injured more seriously, their eyes were still full of hatred and hostility towards their opponents, thinking about how to kill them.

It's just that now Nangong Qi can't even stand up, and Squid has lost one of his arms.

Even so, they continued to fight and fight.

"Orutega, that's enough!"

Suddenly, Yu Zhihao took the initiative to come to Squid's side and persuaded him like this.

Although he is one of the three giants of the "Desperate Crowd", Yu Zhihao can still be regarded as a relatively normal person. Seeing the cuttlefish covered in blood and scars, and his right arm was twisted, he had to take the initiative He came to persuade him, and he even carried the fainting kangaroo demon on his shoulders.

The cuttlefish is a selfish person who does not have the great consciousness to sacrifice himself to achieve the great success of his fellow men.

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