"Hey, hey, hey, I'm going to bring you equipment right now!"

—————————————————Ikki is taking a bath——————————————————

In the base of [Desperadoes], Squidward was looking at Mirage with an unhappy expression.

"Hey, why don't you take the opportunity to kill JUDO? I've obviously already severely injured him, I just need one last stab to kill him!"

"That's not our agreement, right?"

Instead of being ashamed, Mirage looked at Squidward with a reproachful look, as if he was not the one who made the mistake, but Squidward.

"If I remember correctly, our agreement is that I will deal with Ikki, and you will be responsible for dealing with the others, right? This is all agreed upon!"

"The problem is that you didn't even kill Ikki! If you can't even fulfill your promise, why should I keep it?"

"Okay, okay! We are all companions. Even if we are not, we are at least allies, right? Let us Dosmailu, Smyrlu!"

Seeing that Mirage and Squid were at war with each other, Tamaki Hao quickly jumped out and stopped the two of them.

"Humph!" ×2

The squid and the mirage could only turn their heads and not look at each other.

"Forget it, I'll trust you again!"

With that said, the Squid took out a Brachiosaurus Sin Seal and threw it to Mirage.

"We won't take action this time, let's see how you eliminate Levis!"

"We'll see, Timmons!"

Without any thought of thanks, Mirage picked up the Seal of Sin and left the base.

So who should I go to to summon the devil?

Suddenly, Mirage's cell phone rang.

When the call was answered, it turned out to be a scam call.

"Very well, let's choose the swindler as a sacrifice to summon the devil!"

Soon, Mirage found three lucky scammers, and punched one child at a time, capturing all three alive.

The mirage of justice.

"Sarah, come and enjoy hell!"

Showing a healthy smile, Mirage pressed the seal of sin, and immediately stamped it with one person.

The three-headed Brachiosaurus demon was summoned in one fell swoop.

That is wrist three.

"The end of Kamen Rider is here!"

Commanding the three-headed brachiosaurus to the street, Da Er took advantage of the situation and summoned more demon soldiers.

Such a big fuss also succeeded in making Phoenix pay attention to the sophomore and wrist three.

Immediately, Ikki rode his bicycle and arrived at the scene with the Phoenix team led by Kadota.

"Sophomore year, it's time for big brother to save you! Forgive me! Transform!"

"Didn't I already say it? The sophomore is dead, and now I am a demon named Mirage! Transformed!"

I have to say that even though Ikki didn't make up his mind at the beginning, which led to him trapping Nangong Qi half to death in disguise, as long as he made up his mind, he was invincible.


"Give it to me!"

Mirage had no intention of fighting Ikki, and directly ordered the wrist trio to swarm forward, hoping to use their numerical advantage to consume Ikki's physical strength first.

He is bad, but not stupid.

Only a fool would choose to go head-to-head with the enemy when the enemy is strongest.

"Sophomore, please wake up!"

As a former comrade in the sophomore year, Kadota was the most responsible person in the room, and he rushed towards the transformed mirage desperately.

"I don't know what to say, get out of my way!"

As expected, Kadoda was slapped by Mirage and flew far away, falling directly to the ground, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

I guess there's nothing good to say about it except for your courage, right?

Also with Kadoda's fall, the current situation immediately became one-sided.

Since Mirage specially summoned three demons in succession this time, even if Ikki and Weiss team up, it will be difficult to defeat them.

not to mention......

"Must kill to admit!"

"Bat! Darkness Finish!"

Once Ikki or Weiss forces any Brachiosaurus Demon into a blind corner, Mirage will not hesitate to choose to activate his special move and forcefully intervene to prevent the two from killing the Brachiosaurus Demon.

"It's so despicable! I have never seen such a shameless devil!"

Weiss couldn't help but complain loudly.

But still to no avail.

Adhering to pragmatism, Mirage will not give Ikki or Weiss any chance to completely kill one person and one demon.

As time goes by, fewer and fewer people from Phoenix are able to continue fighting, and even miscellaneous demons can join in the battle to surround Ikki and Weiss.

If nothing unexpected happens, Ikki and Weiss will really die in the hands of Mirage.

"Rumble rumble—"

Suddenly, the familiar sound of a motorcycle engine sounded again.

"Isn't it?"

Now Mirage felt a little helpless.

"You know Phoenix is ​​targeting you so much, but you still choose to fight for Phoenix?"

It’s Nangong Qi!

At this moment, he was in the state of transformation, driving the [Battle Locust] towards the battlefield.

As for Ikki, Weiss and Phoenix, everyone had mixed feelings about Nangong Qi's arrival.

After all, Phoenix had specifically issued a kill order against [Kamen Rider JUDO] before, and Nangong Qi also defeated Phoenix mercilessly, even beating up Weiss and Ikki.

But who would have thought that the person they used to be hostile to would be the only foreign aid capable and willing to help them in this situation.


Relying on the dynamic vision he had developed, Nangong Qi accurately captured the figures of Wrist San and a large number of miscellaneous demons. With a wave of his hand, several sharp fanged whips burst out of his body like swords, directly penetrating Wrist San. and a large number of miscellaneous demons.

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Qi pulled out the long fang whip from his body.


For Nangong Qi, breaking this was as painful as breaking his own bones with his own hands.

Without enough time to feel the pain, Nangong Qi tied all the fangs and whips to the body of [Battle Locust].

[Battle Locust] also burst out with powerful horsepower, directly pulling Wansou San and a large group of miscellaneous demon soldiers and dragging them on the ground.

Nangong Qi stood up from his seat, pulled out the fang memory from the lost drive, pressed the button, inserted it back into the right side of his belt, and pressed the button again.

"It's time to end it!"

"Fang! (fang)"

"Maximum Drive! (Maximum Drive)"

"Rider Kick!"

from seat

Nangong Qi jumped up, spread his legs, and flew towards the demons rubbing on the ground in a scissor-kick shape.

He saw a phantom that looked like a tyrannosaurus looming behind him, and a blood-mouthed upper and lower jaw overlapped with Nangong Qi's legs, attacking the demons.


Along with countless heart-wrenching crushing sounds, large swaths of demons and wrists were crushed into pieces by Nangong Qi's scissor feet.

Yihui looked at Nangong Qi with complicated eyes.

He had thought about the gap in strength between him and Nangong Qi, but he did not expect that the gap between them was as big as a cloud of mud.

Landing steadily on the ground, Nangong Qi didn't even bother to look at Ikki, his so-called teammate.

Because Levis, the so-called main rider, was so disappointed that he would abandon his teammates on the battlefield and run away.

Rather than leaving the mirage to Ikki, it would be better for him to do it himself.

"Your name is Mirage, right?"

Nangong Qi was ready to continue fighting.

"Sarah, count your sins!"

"Can it be counted by now?"



I took a look at the latest Jihu, and it looks pretty good.

A competition between Kamen Riders to save the world turned out to be a reality show

Looking forward to further development

I hope Takahashi can play to the level of a young doctor!




PS again:

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Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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Chapter 196 Sophomore Year: Brother Yihui, save me——

"Sarah, count your sins!"

"Can it be counted by now?"

As if he was mocking himself, or as if he was breaking a jar, Mirage's body leaned back in an exaggerated manner. "Rather, only sin, despair, and pain can become my food and make me stronger!"

"Then I will become everyone's hope, and your end will only be despair!"

Using both legs, Nangong Qi rushed toward the mirage like an arrow from a string. Two sharp, gorgeous fanged chain swords sprouted from his arms.

"Then let's see whose end is despair! Huh——"

"Hoo ho ho ho--"

Like two irrational wild beasts, Nangong Qi and the mirage collided heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the mirage was directly knocked out by Nangong Qi, and even smashed the wall of the building next to it.

After just one fight, Mirage finally understood Nangong Qi's difficulty.

Nangong Qi seemed to be in no pain and would just keep fighting. At the same time, his strength was even greater than that of the orangutan demon. Countless sharp blades could grow from every place and corner of his body.

Rounding things off, Nangong Qi is as troublesome as a hundred-armed giant.

"Hoo ho ho ho--"

Continuing to roar, Nangong Qi smashed the building next to him and continued to pursue the mirage deeply.

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