But such smiling tiger behavior made Nangong Qi even more vigilant.

Suddenly, the three members of the Ushijima family stood apart, making way for Nangong Qi, and said respectfully: "Master JUDO, this is not the place to talk. Please go this way."

After thinking for a moment, Nangong Qi maintained his transformation state and walked into Ushijima's house.

After Nangong Qi left, the door was closed.

Under the guidance of Ushijima's father, Nangong Qi came to a tunnel and continued to go deep underground and down.

The tunnel was narrow at first, but soon the entire passage suddenly opened up.

It turns out that there is a cave underground under the Ushijima family, along with a secret base.

Entering the base, I saw a group of people wearing uniform plaid ties and black jackets, standing on both sides of the road.

At the end of the road, in the center of the base, is a man wearing a black and white mask and a black hat.

Are you cosplaying Philip's mother Sheppard here?

"Welcome to [Sabbath (weekend)], a guest from afar! I don't know whether I should call you [Kamen Rider Fang], [Kamen Rider JUDO], or Nangong Qi?"

The masked man's voice was very hoarse.

Nangong Qi guessed that he should be the person who talked to him through the mobile phone before.

"Just call me JUDO!"

After briefly looking around, a successful escape route gradually formed in Nangong Qi's mind.

"So Mr. JUDO, what do you think of Phoenix now?"

"It cannot be reused!"

"Clap clap-"

Unexpectedly, the masked man applauded.

"Heroes really think alike! In fact, I have the same idea as you."

"So why did you call me here?"

"Of course I'm here to help you!"

"Help?" Nangong Qi under the mask couldn't help but sneer. "It's just you, one

An underground organization that can't even put it on the table? "

"Mr. JUDO, I admire your decisiveness and bravery, as well as your determination to protect the world to the death! But some problems cannot be solved solely by relying on strong strength. For example, the second stage of the devil."

"What do you mean?"

"You must have noticed it, right? The so-called second stage of demons is for humans and demons to sign a contract, allowing the two to merge with each other, evolve, and enter the next stage, thereby gaining more power. But as a price, humans Life will be linked to the devil. Once the devil dies, the person who signed the contract will also die."

"so what?"

Although Nangong Qi was panicking, he was still determined not to give in.

"As an adult, you must learn to pay the due price for what you have done. Since you choose to go with the devil, it is reasonable to pay the corresponding price, right?"

"You are right, but sometimes the living are more useful than the dead!"

As if Nangong Qi's reaction and words were expected, the masked man crossed his hands, showing that everything was planned.

"If you can leave someone alive, maybe you can get relevant information about the [Desperadoes] faster, right?"


Nangong Qi did not answer.

"Then I'll take it as your default!"

As he said that, the masked man looked to the side, and Ushijima came to Nangong Qi with an aluminum box in his hand.

Nangong Qi opened the box and took out a sin seal and a handful of...

A chain sword with a steampunk technological style?

It seems that the masked man in front of him has carefully studied Nangong Qi's behavior and habits, and made him a chain sword tailored to his taste.

The Seal of Sin is also the genome of Carcharodontosaurus.

Carcharodontosaurus, another powerful dinosaur race that once dominated the earth in the same era as Tyrannosaurus rex.

It must be an auxiliary prop used with this chain sword.

"I have carefully studied your interests and hobbies. With it, you can safely eliminate the second-stage demons without harming the fusion person. How about it?"

"I have to say, this is quite in line with my taste."

"So, are you happy to work together?"

"Happy cooperation!"

Soon, accompanied by everyone, Nangong Qi got a set of clothing that looked like the vest and cape from "God of War" next door, the same checkered tie and black jacket from "Sabbath".

In the future, no matter what technical problems Nangong Qi encounters, he can come to Ushijima's house and inform [Sabbath] to seek technical solutions.

Ushijima Hikari is Nangong Qi’s direct contact.

As long as [Sabbath] is aware of the [Fugitives] and the information about the demon's infestation, Nangong Qi will be informed immediately through Ushijima Hikari.

At that time, Nangong Qi will attack in the form of Kamen Rider.


"Why you coward?"

Looking at the timid Ushijima Hikaru, Nangong Qi couldn't help but feel that he had a big head.

From his point of view, even if [Sabbath] were to assign a liaison officer to him, at least it would have to be a mature man like Ushijima dad!

But the Ushijima Hikaru in front of him obviously didn't have that kind of courage and consciousness. Can he really take on such a big responsibility?

"I, I'm not a coward."

Ushijima Hikari's voice was still timid.

"Then you should prove it to me and let me see your courage!"

"Ah, ah, courage..."

"Hey, hey, hey, Ushijima, the so-called courage requires not only expressing it in words, but also showing it in behavior, proving that your courage is not a cheap thing!"

Nangong Qi began to teach Ushijima Hikaru skillfully. After all, he had brought out a treasure-born Eternal Dream before, and it shouldn't be a problem to bring another Ushijima Hikaru.

"To put it simply, anyone can do this kind of thing. But if you want to have real courage, it is not an easy thing. For example, what are you fighting for?"

"What are you fighting for?"

Ushijima Hikaru was a little confused and could only repeat Nangong Qi's questions like a repeater.

"That's right, that is to say..."


Suddenly, Nangong Qi's cell phone rang.

It turns out that [Sabbath] has detected demonic activity and has sent the specific location to Nangong Qi.

"When I come back, I'll chat with you slowly while I go clean up some little devils."

Without waiting for Ushijima Hikaru to react, Nangong Qi jumped directly onto the seat of the [Battle Locust] and walked away.

Only Ushijima Hikaru was left, still looking confused.

This time the devil appeared in a bank. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that the devil had changed his career to become a robber.

The moment the devil appeared at the door of the bank, the whole bank was in chaos, and people were screaming and running for their lives.

But the demons are blocking the gate, how can we escape?

I saw the fat and swollen demon like a giant waving its deformed tentacles across the entire bank hall, blowing away money and people like blowing leaves.

"Rumble rumble—"

It was at this time that the sound of a motorcycle engine, familiar to everyone present, sounded.

It’s the engine sound of [Battle Locust]!

It's him!

he came!

He is the hero of innocent people, [Kamen Rider JUDO]!

Driving the [Battle Locust], Nangong Qi rushed straight into the bank, drifted, and hit the demon with its rear wheels, knocking it away from the bank and onto the street.

"Heaven is calling, earth is calling, people are calling, calling me to defeat evil! I am a warrior who hunts demons - [Kamen Rider JUDO]! Taku -"

Mimicking the strongman's opening remarks, chain swords sprouted from Nangong Qi's arms.

As Nangong Qi jumped, two fanged chain swords were swung out, opening two huge wounds on the demon's body.

But what Nangong Qi didn't expect was that the two wounds he had just made on the demon healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Qi's first reaction was the sea demon Boku Lagu.

Note: A monster made entirely of sea water made Aguru, the boss next door, defeated for the first time.

How to deal with the demon in front of you?

In an instant, Nangong Qi thought of more than a dozen ways to kill this high-speed regenerating demon.

Grill, freeze, chop, throw in space, steamroller, black hole kick...

Also within a thousandth of a second, Nangong Qi made his choice.

"Since you recover so quickly, let me beat you until you don't even have time to recover!"

The next moment, dozens of long fang whips grew out of Nangong Qi's body and penetrated directly through the demon's body, with dark blood spilling all over the floor.

And these fangs and long whips that penetrated the demon hooked tightly on the demon's body, and even directly wrapped around its body.


Nangong Qi suddenly exerted force and pulled the deformed demon into his arms.

Fang crusher!

The moment he hugged the deformed demon firmly, a large number of fanged chain saw blades sprouted from Nangong Qi's body, forcibly piercing the demon into a sieve.

"Hoo ho ho ho--"

Roaring, Nangong Qi almost summoned all his strength to squeeze the demon in his arms.


The poor demon was cut up by Nangong Qi like a water ball and crushed into countless pieces of flesh. The dark demon's blood spilled all over the floor, even staining most of Nangong Qi's originally white leather sheath black.


Suddenly, he issued a warning to Nangong Qi frantically.

Nangong Qi immediately rolled to the right.

"Whoa whoa whoa-"

A green energy hurricane roared past where Nangong Qi had just stood.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be [Kamen Rider Timmons], armed with a dark green electric drill in his right hand.

"Oh, you are indeed JUDO, you are quite alert!"

The despicable voice of the cuttlefish sounded, as if he was extremely disappointed that he had not been able to successfully attack just now.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

Five fanged blades were seen flying out from Nangong Qi's body, like darts, attacking the squid from various tricky angles.

Nangong Qi is not a person who likes nonsense.

Facing the enemy, brutal combat is often more effective than boring talk.

"Well, it's true!"

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