"For example, go to trouble Junpei Shiraha or something?"

A bold idea appeared in Nangong Qi's mind.

Anyway, the Spider Sin Seal is still in his hand, and Phoenix may not know the fact that Nangong Qi successfully snatched the [Timmons Drive] back.

You can definitely learn the behavior of the Caojiaya people.

Nangong Qi: Squid, look at this pot, it’s big and round!

Crumb Squid: WDNMD!

"Haha!" Bell sneered. "Do you think I don't want to?"

"If Weiss hadn't seriously injured me and left me recuperating for so many years, I would have burned down that Lao Shizi's happy bathhouse and his whole family!"

"You actually abandoned me for that kind of woman? Shirami Junpei, you are unforgivable!"

Bell's deep resentment almost overflowed the drive, like a sick girl abandoned by a scumbag.

You actually abandoned me for that woman, then I will destroy your and that woman's family, children, everything, no one left, everything.

"Do you want to sign a contract with me? Unlike your previous contractor, I hope you can live in my body so that you can recover faster!"

"With you?" Bell made a confused voice.

"I originally planned to sign a contract with you. I will give you the power to transform, and you will give me the vitality to heal my wounds, in equal exchange. But this is the first time for me to live in the body of someone other than Junpei Shiranami. But there is no It’s a relationship, no problem!”

For a moment, Nangong Qi felt the corners of his eyes twitching.

"But regarding the content of the contract, I have an additional condition." Although he felt guilty, Nangong Qi still put forward conditions to the naive Bell.

"I hope that after you fully recover, you will not harm anyone except the Igarashi family without my permission, how about that?"

"no problem!"

Bell's straightforward attitude made Nangong Qi's eyes go straight.

"Originally, I only wanted to seek revenge from Junpei Shiranami and Yukihei Igarashi. What do other humans have to do with me?"

Is this really a demon?

Nangong Qi couldn't help but roar in his heart.

He must be an angel!

It was obvious that he could drain the user's life completely in one breath, but he still firmly chose equal exchange.

Me, I just cried to death. (Forcing truth)

"I plan to make trouble for the Igarashi family immediately after I sign the contract with you. What do you think?"

"I can't ask for it!"

"But how can I sign a contract with you?"

"I'll teach you this!"

Under Bell's guidance, Nangong Qi took out his Carcharodontosaurus Sin Seal, pressed it, stamped it on the drive, and then stamped it on himself.

A piece of contract paper was created out of thin air in front of Nangong Qi.

After stamping the Carcharodontosaur's sinful seal on the contract paper, something incredible happened.

"The deal is done!"

Nangong Qi felt that from his perspective, there was another humanoid creature like Weiss, whose body was extremely dark, but its eyes and other parts were dark red.

It’s Junpei Shiranami’s devil, Bell.

This is because Nangong Qi and Bell further signed a contract, which allowed Bell to be transferred from the [Timmons Drive] into Nangong Qi's body.

Policy:? ? ?

But unlike Ce, this Bell is just an illusion-like existence, only

Nangong Wizards can see it, but others can't see it at all.

"Bell, how do you feel?"

"You have a very strong vitality. It won't be long before I can recover to my full body."

This is a natural thing. You must know that Nangong Qi's current body is a perfect body made by Ce himself, ensuring absolute health and strong vitality.

"But compared to this..."

Bell's eyes shone with scarlet light.

"I can't wait to take revenge! Ahhhhhhhhhhh-"

This crazy look is comparable to Nangong Qi's original state of being a gangster.

"There's no rush. You need to get familiar with my body first. You've been waiting for so long anyway, so you don't care about waiting a little longer, right?"

"You're right, my new partner!"


I didn't expect that Bell would be so familiar.

It was obvious that Nangong Qi had only known him for a while, but he already had such high trust in Nangong Qi.

"I'm going to sleep first. Wake me up when you need me!"

With that said, Bell yawned and flew into Nangong Qi's body, and there was no other movement.

Of course Ushijima Hikari couldn't see Bell, but he just heard that Nangong Qi and Bell signed a contract, intending to deal with the Igarashi family.

I had an inexplicable feeling that I would be suddenly silenced.

"Don't worry, little brother!"

Nangong Qi patted Ushijima Hikaru on the shoulder with a kind face, then took out a can of iced drink and drank it in one gulp.

"Everything I do is for the good of the Igarashi family!"

"Ah? Are you dealing with the Igarashi family for the sake of the Igarashi family?"

In an instant, countless question marks surrounded Ushijima Hikaru's head.

"This is a natural thing. Although Ikki and Daiji have a certain awareness, as Kamen Riders, their awareness is far from enough! And what I have to do is naturally to inspire their hatred! For Kamen Riders, their awareness is far from enough! The hatred of this race of demons!”


Before being transformed, most of the Showa Knights were just ordinary passers-by (players), and they didn't look like they had the consciousness to fight the evil forces to the end.

But once they experienced the almost unforgettable biochemical transformation of the [Card Repair] organization, their hearts would naturally be filled with hatred for [Card Repair].

Driven by hatred, even if there is no awareness, there will naturally be awareness.

Don't you see, Principal Tachibana next door couldn't overcome his fear at first, but after losing Sayoko, his hatred for the undead beast directly overshadowed his fear, allowing him to defeat the peacock undead beast in a single fight.

What Nangong Qi has to do is to use Bell's hatred for the Igarashi family to inspire their hatred of the devil.

As for whether the Igarashi family would hate him or not, Nangong Qi couldn't care that much.

After all, in order to deal with the enemy, Nangong Qi could even risk his own life, so naturally he wouldn't mind being hated by a few people who didn't even have consciousness.



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Chapter 2 Invincible?Climb for me!

The giant cherry slowly woke up.

"Is it a strange ceiling? Ah——"

Finding that she was still wearing brand new clothes, and that she was lying in an extremely unfamiliar room, Juying couldn't help but scream like a girl who had been deceived and finally found out that she had been sold.

In addition, Ju Sakura remembered that she was knocked unconscious by [Kamen Rider JUDO], which made Ju Sakura think of bad possibilities such as being a crazy person.

Maybe I have been completely ruined by others!

It’s all [Kamen Rider JUDO]’s fault!

Nangong Qi:? ? ?

While Ju Ying was cursing Nangong Qi crazily in her heart, Ju Ying began to check her surroundings.

Well, it looks very ordinary. He doesn't even have restraint equipment such as collars and handcuffs on his body.

It must have been picked up by a good person, probably?

"you're awake?"

The door to the room was pushed open, and the person who came in was a middle-aged woman.

What made Juying even more relieved was that this person was still an acquaintance of hers.

This person is none other than Ushijima Ma.

Ushijima and his family are all frequent visitors to the Happy Bathhouse. After going back and forth, Ushijima and his family have a lot of feelings for Ushijima.

At home, Juying is quite familiar.


Juying was about to get up from the bed when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and rolled off the bed.

When he opened his clothes, he saw a large dark purple bruise on his abdomen.

Needless to say, this is the mark left by Nangong Qi's previous punch to Ju Ying.

Not only that, Juying finally felt the burning pain on both sides of her face, as if she had been smeared with pepper water.

It was only then that Juying realized that her face was still swollen, as swollen as a steamed bun, and she couldn't even hold it with one hand.

"JUDO, you bastard, I'm going to be disfigured by you!"

"Oh, why are you so careless!"

Ushijima's mother hurriedly stepped forward, helped Giant Sakura back to the bed, took out the medicine, and helped smear the bruises on both sides of Giant Sakura's face and abdomen.

"Auntie, thank you!"

"It's so trivial! I just don't know what happened to you, Sakura, and you actually fainted on the side of the road. It's all thanks to our Aguang who passed by and brought you back."

"This? It's a long story!"

Soon, Juying told everything about his karate teacher and Nangong Qi.

In fact, Ushijima's mother had directly seen the entire surveillance video and audio recording from Ushijima Hikaru, but she still wanted to hear Jusakura's opinion on this matter.

The version told by Ju Sakura was exactly the same as what Ushijima Ma saw, except that Ju Sakura seemed to focus more on how terrifying and abominable Nangong Qi was.

"By the way, Auntie, can I borrow your cell phone?"

"That's no problem. I just don't know who you want to contact?"

"Of course, contact the master. She is such a gentle person, and she will definitely be used by the evil [Kamen Rider JUDO]!"


Ushijima's mother was completely speechless and could only silently take out her mobile phone.

I can finally see why Nangong Qi, a berserker who is obviously an intellectual type, is so harsh on a girl like you who cannot transform.

Originally [Sabbath] was still discussing internally whether to mail a belt to Ju Sakura to let her become a Kamen Rider.

Now it seems that, at least in Ushijima's eyes, this belt must not be given.

According to Ju Ying's current thinking, the first thing he will do after getting the belt is to challenge Nangong Qi without overestimating his abilities.

Nangong Qi will not pamper her and will definitely beat her to the ground.

That scene was so beautiful that Ushijima’s mother didn’t dare to continue thinking about it.

The purpose of their [Sabbath] organization is to fight against evil and protect mankind.

Handing the belt to Ju Sakura was as dangerous as handing a machine gun to a wayward five-year-old.

Soon, Juying called the karate teacher's phone number.

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