
Ikki just nodded slightly and returned to his room without looking back, continuing to sulk.

Seeing this, the sophomore also shrugged, and then began to think deeply.

"Why did the doctor agree with me on such a remote location? Isn't it more convenient and safer to pick up the goods directly from the base in Phoenix?"

"Because you two brothers are going to be in bad luck next time! Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

The mirage laughed wildly in the sophomore heart.

It's just that the sophomore didn't take Mirage's words to heart, it was all nonsense.

After all, isn't Dr. Karisaki just a logistician and a scientist who provides equipment?

So far, all of Phoenix's combat equipment, as well as the transformation drives and sin seals of the two Igarashi brothers have been provided by Karisaki. What bad intentions can he have?

The next day, at the Dongdam ancestral factory, Yihui and Daer came here as agreed.

"Ikki, I always feel like there's something wrong with treasure hunting. Is this a trap?"

Weiss asked Ikki tenderly in his heart.

"Ah, I don't know, whatever."

Ikki responded to Weiss numbly, probably in his opinion, just dealing with Weiss casually was enough.

If possible, Ikki really doesn't want to continue to transform, because Weiss's current appearance, once it materializes...

I'm really going to die!

So now Ikki's idea is to go home and dig a hole and bury it immediately after getting the [Levis Drive].

I will never transform into a Kamen Rider in this life, absolutely not.

As expected, Karisaki stood in the center of the abandoned factory holding the [Levis Drive], waiting for them with a smile.

"You are very punctual!"

Keeping a smile, Karisaki took the initiative to step forward and handed the [Levis Drive] to Ikki's hand.

"Thank you!" ×2

Just when Ikki and Daiji were about to turn around and leave, Karisaki stopped them again.

"Please wait a moment, you two, I have a few more things that I need you to see!"

With that said, Karisaki took out two paper documents from his white coat and handed them to Ikki and Daiji respectively.

The cover of the document not only has the names of Ikki and Daiso written on them, but also...

"this is......"

""Kamen Rider Report Card"?"

"That's right, this is my score and basis for your behavior as a Kamen Rider so far."

For a moment, neither of them could figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the doctor's gourd, so they could only obediently open the so-called "Kamen Rider Report Card" and look at it.

There is no doubt that Ikki's performance is uniformly poor, with only a few barely qualified reviews in a few places.

Sophomore is barely better than Ikki, but not much better. There are still a lot of negative reviews, which means there are slightly more qualified evaluation options than Ikki.

Looking up at Karisaki, both of their eyes were full of doubts.

"The transcript has been completed and the PDF has been sent to your mailbox!"

"What on earth do you mean?" Yihui's face was still filled with questions.

On the contrary, the sophomore year, after receiving the reminder from the mirage, vaguely noticed something.

For a moment, Karisaki seemed to be changing his face in a Sichuan opera, from a smile to an expression of gritted teeth.

"You two are completely unqualified as Kamen Riders! You two have never experienced any life-and-death battle situations, and you don't have the slightest sense of responsibility. You only acted as Kamen Riders because you can transform into them. This role!"

The more Karisaki talked, the more excited he became, as if he wanted to fight the two brothers physically on the spot.

"You two only have the appearance of Kamen Riders, but you don't have the consciousness and will to be a Kamen Rider! You have no inner qualities at all. All Kamen Riders will be ashamed to be in the same category as you!"


Having said this, Karisaki let out a long breath. He had poured out all the words he had been holding in his heart.


"Although there is no devil in me, I have not given up my dream of becoming a Kamen Rider. After constant research, countless failures and setbacks, I finally obtained the qualifications to be a Kamen Rider!"

Gradually, Karisaki's face became extremely determined, as if he had made an extremely difficult decision.

"You two, listen to me now. As a Kamen Rider, you are sworn to protect all humans in this world. You must not be afraid of any enemy, let alone be merciful to the enemy for some unknown reason!"

Karisaki suddenly took out his hands, holding the brand new [Timmons Drive] in one hand, and the Stag Insect Seal of Sin in the other.

"Now I declare here that I am the real Kamen Rider!"

The drive is tied around the waist, the sin seal is pressed and stamped on the drive.


A giant stag beetle was released from the drive and circled around Karisaki.

"Transform! Transform!"

"The deal is confirmed! Deletion and upgrade! Unknown! Chaos! Beyond! [Kamen Rider Beyond Timmons]!"

Accompanied by the transformation sound effect, the giant stag beetle hit Karisaki's right shoulder and completely became part of the armor, and the two huge pincers on its mouth became part of the helmet, just like the crocodile bully next door.


Ikki's brain was still in a state of shutdown, and he had not yet reacted to what had just happened.

However, the sophomore reacted quickly and without hesitation took out the [Double-Sided Drive] and pressed the Seal of Sin.



"[Kamen Rider Live]!"

Seeing Karisaki coming step by step after completing his transformation, Da Er quickly took off his short gun-like weapon and prepared for battle.

As for Ikki...

"Brother Ikki, transform, transform quickly, get ready to fight!"


Ikki was still in a state of confusion, and seemed still unable to accept the huge transformation that Karisaki, who had always provided him with transformation equipment like Doraemon, would become an enemy.

"Oh my God, isn't it?"

In an instant, the sophomore understood what Ikki was thinking.

Thinking back to when Mirage took away his body in sophomore year, the best solution was to kill Mirage and sophomore together.

But in Ikki's eyes, family members are more important than anything else, so much so that in the end he even drew his sword against [Kamen Rider JUDO] and fought to the death.

And now, something similar happens again.

It's just that this time the protagonist of the incident changed from sophomore year to Karisaki, and in sophomore year he became [Kamen Rider JUDO].


The sophomore felt that his nerves were about to snap, and he quickly rushed to Ikki, snatched the [Levis Drive] from his hand, and at the same time took out the Tyrannosaurus Seal of Sin from Ikki's body.

"Sophomore year, what are you going to do? Sophomore year?"

"Since you don't want to transform, then let me help you!"

After transforming into a Kamen Rider, Dai Er forcibly tied the [Levis Drive] around Ikki's waist with tons of power after transforming into a Kamen Rider, then pressed the sin seal and covered it, helping Ikki complete the transformation. .

"Wow, I can finally come out! I'm so happy!"

After Weiss materialized, she was as happy as a little girl who hadn't been out for a long time.

"Something seems to be wrong?"

For Weiss, it feels like he not only changed his temperament in his sophomore year, but also seemed to have changed his voice actor.

Taking another closer look, the sophomore felt like his eyes were about to pop out.

I saw that at this time, Weiss had transformed from a dark demon into a man with pink hair, a pink tyrannosaurus-shaped hat on his head, and a figure similar to the giant cherry...


"Wes, why are you like this?"

I was so excited that my sophomore year even stuttered a bit when I spoke.

"Like this?"

Weiss looked down at his body, puffed out his chest, and looked as if he should take it for granted, even a little proud.

"I've always been like this, that's who I am, Wes!"

Ikki, sophomore: Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

"Next, I'm going to fuck you! Yoho!"

Without waiting for Dai Er and Ikki, Weiss charged towards Karisaki.

The two of them fought for a while.

Ikki and Da Er were like two puppets, watching them fight.

After only a few rounds of fighting, Weiss was beaten by Karisaki's transformation into [Kamen Rider Beyond Timmons] and rolled crazily on the ground.

"Ikki, sophomore, why are you two just watching? Aren't we companions?"

"Oh, oh! Weiss, wait for me, I'm coming now!"

The sophomore reacted quickly and immediately joined the battle to besiege Karisaki.

"Bat Just Finish!"

Without hesitation, he launched a sure-kill attack.

A large amount of energy bullets ejected from the short gun and attacked Karisaki.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

The sound of explosions was heard for a while, and the thick smoke and dust explosion obscured the sight of everyone present.

"Is it resolved?" Weiss looked at the sophomore with some uncertainty.

"Whoa whoa whoa-"

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew through, blowing away the smoke and dust.

Karisaki held the insect wing weapon on his right arm in front of him. [Kamen Rider Beyond Timmons] was unscathed, not even a scratch on the armor.

It can be seen that Chongyi's defense alone is not something that the sophomore can defeat.

"Brother Ikki, how long are you going to watch from the sidelines?"

The sophomore was practically roaring at this moment.

"Obviously, Igarashi Ikki has lost the qualification to become a Kamen Rider. It's a shame that I was wrong."

Karisaki couldn't help but sneer, not only mocking Ikki, but also mocking himself.

"Dr. Karisaki, what exactly do you want to do?"

The sophomore did not dare to let down his guard, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Weiss, preparing to continue fighting.

Also, Weiss smells... quite good?

"My purpose? Hahaha, hahahahahahahahaha!"

Suddenly, Karisaki lost his mind and laughed wildly, even bending his body backwards.

"I just want to prove that you two have no qualifications to call yourself Kamen Riders! Especially you, Igarashi Kazuki!"


"That's right. From the day you become a Kamen Rider, you have to protect love and peace at all costs. Even if the enemy is your own relatives or even your parents, you must kill them completely without hesitation. , merciless awareness!”


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