The most important thing is that the number of people Nangong Qi sent back was so large that it was definitely not an amount that a mere underground organization could fully absorb.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound in the space, and then a white light flashed.

When the people present regained their sight again, they only saw a mountain of people lying on the ground.

And on the top of the human mountain, there was a man who was all white and covered with ferocious spikes, and looked extremely terrifying.

"It's [Kamen Rider JUDO]! It's one of our own!"

Seeing the wary look on [Sabbath] present, Ushijima immediately shouted out to avoid accidentally injuring his teammates.

To know that Nangong Qi's cooperation with [Sabbath] is only known to the senior leaders of [Sabbath], and low-level combatants are not qualified to know so many things.

"Master JUDO, it seems that you have returned home with a full load this time!"

"[The Desperate Crowd] have been taken over by me."

There was no emotion in Nangong Qi's voice, as if he was asking Ushijima's father "Have you eaten?"

"What!?" Ushijima's father was once again refreshed by Nangong Qi's work efficiency.

"[The Desperadoes] have been taken care of by me, and here are all of them."

With that said, Nangong Qi jumped down from the mountain of people and stretched.

"I'm going to take a shower first. You can handle the rest by yourselves. Remember to call a few more people and prepare equipment. Because the demons in the [Desperate Crowd] cadres have not been eliminated yet, so be careful!"

After summoning the [Aurora Curtain], Nangong Qi walked into it and disappeared.

"JUDO, you really gave me a difficult problem!"

Ushijima could only shake his head, take out his mobile phone and make a call, asking his wife to prepare to call for more manpower and equipment to restrain the devil.

As for the former base of [Desperate People], it has now become the new home of Nangong Qi and Bell.

Nangong Qi lay directly on the ground, rolling happily.

"Bell, from today on, this is our new home!"

"My, our, home?"

"That's right, this is our home!"

"Yes, you are right, this is our home, my partner!"

After saying this, Nangong Qi jumped up from the ground like a carp.

"Next, let me find out if there is any system on this spacecraft that can restore you to your original state!"

Actually, it doesn’t matter to me whether there is or not, partner!

Bell whispered softly in his heart.

For me, I am very satisfied to have you as my partner!

——————————————————Phantom Stealing Gasoline————————————————

A few days later, Phoenix's air base welcomed a large number of [Desperate Crowd] prisoners.

Including Squid, Tamaki Hao, Aguilera, Haigu and the lawyer, almost the entire cadre of the "Desperate Group", one by one, went to jail.

Not counting the other low-level combatants, the originally empty Phoenix Air Base was overcrowded.

"It's really good!"

Kadota, as the vanguard captain of Phoenix, saw that the [Desperadoes] were almost wiped out in one fell swoop. He didn't even have time to think about how to catch them, so he cheered directly.

"In this case, the entire [desperate crowd] will be finished, and society can restore stability and calm!"

Of course, it was not just Kadoda who was cheering, but also many other Phoenix combatants.

In order to celebrate the fact that the entire "Desperate Crowd" was wiped out in one fell swoop, the Commander specially held a grand banquet that night, gathering almost all the members of Phoenix together to have a drink.

Of course, Karisaki refused the invitation as always. Even if the commander tried his best to invite him, he still refused to give face and devoted himself completely to the research.

Despite this, the grand banquet still invited the vast majority of people in Phoenix to attend.

Drinking and drinking together, time flies.

Within an hour, there were only a few people left standing in the huge Phoenix.

However, some people have been waiting for this moment.

In the prison area of ​​Phoenix, two jailers, one old and one young, were holding flashlights and conducting routine patrols.

The long corridor was empty except for the two jailers.

Under the dim light, only two slender figures were left crawling slowly on the ground.

"Ahhh. It's really quiet!"

"I heard that the usually stern commander actually held an unprecedented party. Maybe they transferred all the spare combatants there."

"But this has nothing to do with us! What a bunch of bastards!"

"It sounds like you are in a very bad mood!"

"Isn't this a natural thing? The commander finally made an exception and allowed us to have a party, but the two of us are actually arranged to patrol here. I'm really angry!"

"There is nothing we can do about this. After all, the [Fugitives] are a group of extremely vicious gangsters. We need to continue to work harder and keep a close eye on them!"

The veteran continued to comfort the recruit.

"Everything the two of us did tonight was meaningful, and it will be the same in the future. As long as we continue to work hard, Phoenix will definitely be able to complete its mission of protecting mankind!"

"Tap -" "Tap -" "Tap -" "Tap -" "Tap -" "Tap -"


Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the dimly lit corridor.

The veteran immediately took out his pistol, pointed it in the direction of the footsteps, and prepared to fight.

Seeing this posture, the new soldiers also hurriedly imitated the movements of the veterans.

"There's no need to be so nervous, is there?"

It was still very sudden, and from the direction where the footsteps came came a sound that was familiar to both jailers.


The recruit asked tentatively, with a vague tendency to put down the firearm in his hand.

"It's me! It's me!"

A familiar voice sounded in the dim corridor again, but in the dim light, only a humanoid creature could be vaguely seen, and his face could not be seen clearly.

"I wonder why the commander came to the prison area instead of maintaining the banquet?"

The veteran did not relax at all, but became more vigilant.

Because he is a veteran brought up by Kadoda, he will remain absolutely vigilant even if he is facing the commander.

"Haha, I don't want to treat my brothers badly, so I came here to bring you drinks!"

A bottle of fine red wine appeared under the light, and the scarlet liquid looked like blood.

"Thank you!"

When the recruit was about to step forward to get the drink, the veteran made an unexpected move.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

He pulled the trigger three times in a row, shattering the red wine bottle, and even hit the commander in the shadow, sending sparks all over his body.

The ground was even more red, and I didn't know if it was blood or wine.

"You, what are you doing?"

"To shut up!"

The veteran scolded the new recruit. "Let me ask you, can a person stand up after being shot three times by me?"


Only then did the recruit react and quickly raised his firearm and pointed it at the commander.

"You, you, who are you?"

"Since you all can see it, I won't pretend anymore!"

The shadow moved into the dim light.

The extremely ugly appearance made the recruits want to feel sick.

"I am the spy who broke into Phoenix from [Desperadoes], codename: Chameleon!"



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Chapter 213 Phoenix is ​​completely destroyed!The commander is a mole! (Tribute to Leo)

Although the Chameleon Demon does not have very strong fighting ability at all, in the final analysis it is still a second-stage demon.

, even pure physical fitness and reaction speed can easily kill ordinary people.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

"Hey, why are you doing this? Can't you just drink and forget everything in your drunkenness?"

After revealing his true identity and speaking in a regretful tone, the Chameleon Demon easily knocked out the two jailers and found the key from their bodies.

Relying on his experience in Phoenix, the Chameleon Demon quickly found the cage where the Squid was, used the key to open it, and at the same time opened the shackles and shackles that specifically suppressed the demon's power.

"Lord Orutega, I welcome your arrival!"

"Well, you did well, well done!"

For capable subordinates, Squid does not hesitate to praise him.

"So what's going on inside Phoenix now?"

"Because all the [Desperadoes] were imprisoned, I held a grand party in the name of this. Now, not many people in Phoenix can still move around!"

"So, have you found that thing?"

Suddenly, the Squid's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't care whether Phoenix was captured, he cared more about whether he found what he wanted.

"Is it the Keefe seal?"

The chameleon demon reacted quickly and lowered his head immediately.

"I'm very sorry. Although I have the highest command authority in Phoenix, according to the information I found, the Keef Seal was directly transferred away by that guy Karisaki in the name of scientific research. In other words..."

"In other words, if we don't capture that little brat of Karisaki alive, or if his mouth is a little tougher, we won't be able to get the Keef Seal in this life. It's really, hahaha!"

With a sneer, the squid transformed into the demon form of the giant squid.

"Next, our troops will be divided into two groups. You go and release more cadres and combatants. You must control the entire spacecraft in the shortest possible time. And I will go and play with that Karisaki!"

"Sir, do you know where Karisaki's scientific research area is?"


Only ghosts know this thing!

The entire Phoenix air base is more than ten times larger than an aircraft carrier. There are dozens of floors of space inside, and each floor has a specific function.

Walking around without being familiar with the inside of the air base is tantamount to jumping into a mud pit to look for coins.

"Let's release Yu Zhihao first and let him release the other members. You can lead the way for me!"

In the end, the cuttlefish absolutely left the job of releasing people to the tool man Tamaki Hao of the "Desperadoes".

Anyway, this guy is just a brainless idiot. Whatever the cuttlefish asks him to do, he will do it honestly.


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