Afternoon: Exploring various systems in the base of [Desperadoes] and making an exclusive sin seal for Bell

Evening: Saw the news about Phoenix and prepared to go to the rescue




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Chapter 214 That’s it!Save the world!


After scolding Phoenix, Nangong Qi quickly calmed down.

This is probably a sequelae of Nangong Qi's emotional system being modified. No matter how intense his emotions are, he can quickly calm down.

Of course, Nangong Qi didn’t resist, or even

I want to change this sequelae.

Because in many cases, intense emotions will only delay oneself from making correct judgments.

Only by cooling down quickly can he find the most correct path.

Although Phoenix had made many hostile behaviors towards Nangong Qi before, Nangong Qi didn't mind.

Because on the Kamen Rider set, these so-called government agencies are basically impossible to help Kamen Rider, and may even hinder Kamen Rider.

But what Nangong Qi never expected was that Phoenix would be so wasteful that all the "Desperados" who were imprisoned just today could escape from prison, and even reversely occupy the air base.

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he really couldn't sit back and watch.

If such a large air base falls into the hands of the terrorist organization "Desperate Crowd", it is estimated that Nangong Qi will see the "Desperate Crowd" controlling the air base tomorrow and going around Tokyo to coerce the government into compromising. News.

"Hey! Phoenix, where are you going to find me, a Kamen Rider who has a big picture, repays evil with kindness, and doesn't even ask for a salary?"

While talking to himself, Nangong Qi took out his mobile phone and dialed Ushijima Hikaru's number.

"Sir JUDO, have you seen that video circulating on the Internet? The number of reposts has exceeded tens of thousands, the reposts are crazy!"

"I already understand the general situation. Now, I'm going to issue you a brand new mission."

"Please say!"

"Trace all the addresses and devices that forwarded the video and minimize the impact of this matter!"

"What? No!?"

Ushijima Hikari wailed.

"That's tens of thousands of reprints, and I still have to track them down one by one!"

"why not?"

Nangong Qi's words were full of unquestionable momentum. "I was the one who invaded and deleted the embarrassing video in my sophomore year. I can do it. As my assistant, why can't you do it?"


For a moment, Ushijima Hikaru was speechless.

Seeing Ushijima Hikari's silence, Nangong Qi continued to put pressure on him.

"Why don't you start? If this continues, the number of reprints will not be tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands!"

"Okay, okay!"

Almost on the verge of tears, Ushijima Hikaru could only follow Nangong Qi's request to track the address, hack into the device, and delete the video.

"So what are you going to do next?"

"Of course I'm going out and saving the world by the way!"

Nangong Qi's tone was extremely relaxed, as if he was going out for a meal.

To be honest, Nangong Qi couldn't even remember how many powerful, ferocious, and brutal enemies he had fought to save the world, let alone how many times he had saved the world.

"...It's amazing!"

After a long silence, Ushijima Hikari could only praise Nangong Qi.


Nangong Qi is completely indifferent to praise and glory. He doesn't save the world for these illusory things.

"let's go!"

Summon [Aurora Curtain], take out [Lost Drive] and Fang Memory to prevent yourself from being mistaken as [Desperadoes] by Phoenix's people and accidentally injure friendly forces.

"The fangs!"


Click the memory, insert it directly into the groove of the [Lost Drive], and finally tie it around your waist and push it.


White, ferocious armor covered with spikes was attached to Nangong Qi's body.

After completing the transformation, walk straight into the [Aurora Curtain] and arrive at Phoenix's air base.

As soon as he entered Phoenix's base, Nangong Qi saw an old acquaintance.

It's the saber-toothed tiger demon, the lawyer.

At this moment, he is leading a group of low-level demons and demon soldiers to patrol the base, seeming to be looking for something.

"Yo hoo!"

Nangong Qi greeted the lawyer friendly.

After seeing Nangong Qi's face clearly, the lawyer suddenly felt like he was dying.

"You? You again? Why is it always you!?"

At this moment, the lawyer felt like the unlucky captain who met Kratos again and again in the "God of War" series.

"Because the sky is calling, the earth is calling, and people are calling, calling me to defeat evil! Although I am not a [partner of justice], I will still hunt all demons!"

"Come on, I'll take the first step!"

Without hesitation, the lawyer immediately asked his men to take the rear and fled directly.

"Want to run? No way!"

Nangong Qi, who was under the mask, smiled slightly and took out a cylinder similar to a roller, but completely crimson with a sinful seal of black stone.

Crimson Bell's Sin Seal, this is a prop that Nangong Qi and Bell spent most of the day tinkering with on the spaceship to help Bell materialize with the most primitive sin seal manufacturing system.

"Crimson up! Crimson Vail!"

Press the sin seal and stamp it on yourself.

Like venom, black liquid seeped out of Nangong Qi's body, forming a black humanoid presence on the side.

The liquid quickly solidified into armor, and the eyes of the humanoid being shone with an ominous dark purple light.

[Crimson Bell], appears.





"I'll leave it to you, little guy. I'll hunt down that lawyer and get information!"

"No problem! Roar——"

Roaring like a beast, Bell turned into a dark red meteor, and his hands were like sharp blades, tearing the little devil in the way into pieces.

"Don't leave!"

Following the path opened by Bell, Nangong Qi burst out at an alarming speed and chased the lawyer.

Bell stayed where he was and continued to tear apart other demons.

Although they were all demons, Bell never regarded them as his own kind, and the way they fought was even more cruel.

Take out the heart, chop in half, tear with hands, decapitate, tear open the chest...

The methods were so cruel that even Nangong Qi could only sigh at himself.

Ever since he experienced that demonic tragedy in the prehistoric dinosaur era, Bell has been completely changed.

Because he witnessed the tragedy of cannibalism with his own eyes, and was even eaten alive by his biological father, Bell completely despised his parents and these so-called similar people.

The only thing he values ​​​​is his partner, and the rest are just ants that he tramples on at will.

"Hoo ho ho ho--"

At the same time, on the other side, Nangong Qi easily caught up with the lawyer and cut off his legs and brought him down.

Of course, due to the devil's physical fitness, the lawyer's legs also grew quickly.

"Don't come here ah ah ah!"

the lawyer wailed.

"Don't be nervous!"

Saying relaxed words, Nangong Qi still threw several flying knives.

The flying knife is coming!


A sound broke through the air, pinning the lawyer to the ground.

The legs, feet, hands, abdomen, and chest were all covered with knives, fixing the lawyer in place like a specimen.

"Actually, I am a pacifist." Nangong Qi spread his hands and continued walking towards the lawyer.

NMD, are you considered a pacifist?The devils are all angels!

Although he was full of curses in his heart, the lawyer did not dare to speak his mind. Instead, he took the initiative to exit the demon form and asked nervously:

"What do you want to know from me this time?"

The lawyer is not an idiot. He naturally understands why Nangong Qi is willing to spare his life and how to survive.

Obviously, as a cadre of the "Desperate People", the lawyer knows a lot of information, which is very valuable to Nangong Qi.

This is his struggle to survive!


Soon the lawyer was telling all he knew.

Phoenix's commander is actually a chameleon demon;

Although all the [Desperadoes] were sent to prison by Nangong Qi, it also means that all the [Desperadoes]’s combat power has boarded Phoenix’s air base, giving them an opportunity to cooperate inside and outside;

The process of the mole's self-destruction is also very simple. The Chameleon Demon gathered almost all the combatants in Phoenix in the name of a celebration party. After getting them all drunk, he released the [Desperadoes] from the prison and took control of the entire air base in one fell swoop;

The real purpose of the squid is actually the Keef Seal. Through this thing, he wants to awaken Keef, or even gain the power of Keef, and completely destroy the order of human society;

However, the Keef Seal is still in Karisaki's hands, and Karisaki is very alert and has not been controlled until now. Therefore, all the [Desperadoes] are looking for traces of Karisaki in the air base.

"I see, I probably understand!"

Nangong Qi did understand a lot from the information given by the lawyer.

Presumably, the previous video was posted online by Karisaki on his own initiative. The purpose was probably to inform Nangong Qi of Fenix's current situation so that he could come to help quickly.

"Well, I've told you everything I know! Can you bypass me? Na? Na na na na na na na!?"

"If you want to live, tell that guy Orutega, and I will go to the energy room and blow it up. Even if I blow up this place, I will never allow her to fall into your hands. .Now, get out!"

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