
Nangong Qi was just stunned for a moment and replied:

"Then go and tear that impostor apart!"

In Nangong Qi's eyes, the so-called chameleon only has a mere appearance and no inner nature at all.

Bell is an extremely powerful guy, wouldn't he be able to tear that impostor off easily?


The chameleon demon was completely dumbfounded.

Shouldn't a normal person's thinking be to try to distinguish one's companions from impostors in a melee to avoid beating up teammates?

Why is this guy urging himself to fight Bell quickly?

Is your brain sick?

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Bell noticed something was wrong, and his emotions became more violent than ever before.

"You bastard, you want to confuse my partner and then take her away, right? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh-"

Dark red energy flow erupted from Bell's body, directly blowing away all the demon soldiers around him, or even shattering them.

The reason why Bell was so furious was entirely because the scene in front of him aroused some extremely bad memories.

Thinking about how he and his good partner used to eat and sleep every day, and beat up demons when they woke up, how happy their little life was.

But on that day, the woman named Igarashi Yukihei appeared and snatched Shiraha Junpei away in front of Bell.

The chameleon demon changed into his appearance in front of Bell, and even directly imitated his tone, calling Nangong Qi his partner. For Bell, it was tantamount to digging out his most painful and sad memories. , re-enacted it in front of him.

It can be said that it completely inspired Bell's PTSD.


"Unforgivable! Unforgivable!"

Falling into a complete rage, Bell transformed into a red meteor and knocked the Chameleon Demon away.

Immediately afterwards, there was Bell's violent beating like a wild beast.

Eviscerating the stomach, pulling out the muscles and bones, gouging out the eyes and amputating the hands, emptying out the entrails...

For a moment, the scene looked like a slaughterhouse, and the chameleon demon was chopped into piglets by Bell, as if he was dismembering a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

"Forgive me!"

The chameleon demon wailed, he already regretted disguising himself as Bell.

Who knows why Bell reacted like this. If he had known, he probably would not have taken the initiative to follow Oruteja to beat Nangong Qi.

But Bell would not be soft on his enemies at all, not to mention that the person in front of him even waltzed in his biggest minefield.

Therefore, he must give the existence in front of him an extremely painful death.


Bell directly opened his mouth full of fangs, tore off large swathes of skin on the chameleon demon's body, along with its flesh and blood, and then ate it.

Probably because he had the experience of being eaten to death by his own father, Bell thought this was the most painful way to die.

But well...

A humanoid being is eating another humanoid being. According to the uncanny valley theory, the visual impact on humans is absolutely unparalleled.

Not to mention those cadre-level demons with high intelligence, even the demon soldiers felt fear.

Not only that, the chameleon demon was still struggling, and Bell didn't stop and continued to eat.

"Crunch——" "Crunch——" "Crunch——" "Crunch——" "Crunch——" "Crunch——"



The sounds of acid cracking, crushing and chewing continued at the scene, so much so that Nangong Qi and other demons around him stopped their original plans to fight and focused on Bell.

But after a while, the chameleon demon completely lost its human form, and even the signs of breathing disappeared.

Bell's body was also splattered with dark demon blood. He stood up silently and looked around at all the people and demons.

(There is only one person, Nangong Qi.)

Although he was originally completely black.


Everyone and all the demons remained silent, unable to say a word. The energy room that was originally noisy due to the battle suddenly became as silent as a cemetery.

No demon dared to look directly at Bell, not even the demon soldiers without much intelligence.

"Evil, devil ah ah ah!"

He had obviously given up on being a human being, but when faced with such an impactful scene, the lawyer, the saber-toothed tiger demon who was the prehistoric overlord, was so frightened that he took the lead and ran away.

Seeing Cadre Demon leading the charge and Chameleon Demon's tragic death, several other cadres had no intention of staying and followed the lawyer, choosing to escape.

Not only them, but the demon soldiers also chose to escape.

Bell was about to chase after him, but Nangong Qi stopped him.

"My partner, are you sympathizing with your enemy?"

"It's not!"

Nangong Qi shook his head, released the transformation, and smiled.

"Our goal is to blow up this air fortress. After this fortress is blown up, they will probably be dead if they fall from such a high altitude! It's better to save more strength and prepare to deal with those who still have the will to fight. Enemy, how about it?”

"Indeed. Instead of wasting your energy on these miscellaneous fish that are not even a threat and will die soon, saving your energy is the right option."

With these sighing words, Bell put down the crimson Bell's Sin Seal in his hand, transformed into a soul, and returned to Nangong Qi's body.

"And I do feel a little tired. Partner, I'll take a nap first, and then you can call my name again when you meet the enemy!"

"Good night, Belle!"

After comforting Bell, Nangong Qi also stretched out and lay down on the ground covered with dark demon blood and various broken limbs. He took out his phone and dialed Kadoda's number.

"Hey, Kadota, what's going on over there? I've occupied the energy room, now please tell me quickly how to blow this thing up."

"I just finished evacuating the other people on Phoenix and I'm on my way to the control room!"

"Where is Karisaki? Isn't he with you?"

"Him? He is fighting a dead woman and can't get out!"

"So do you need help over there?"

"Probably not. I don't know why, but I couldn't even see a demon along the way. The situation can be said to be great! I have arrived at the control room now!"

At this moment, just as Kadoda said, he has arrived at the door of the control room and is opening the door with his own authority.

"is it?"

Nangong Qi still didn’t know that the reason why Kadoda didn’t meet the devil on the way was actually because the Squid was too cautious and concentrated almost all the high-level combat power of the [Desperate Crowd] to deal with him in the energy room.

He just sighed in his heart, Kadoda is really a man favored by God.

It is indeed great!

To be honest, Nangong Qi would never blow up the energy room if he didn't have to, because that was probably the last extreme measure that had to be taken.

"Then I will..."

"Kadoda, I tell you there's no way! This air fortress is mine, and Phoenix is ​​mine! None of you can try to steal it from me!"

Suddenly, on the other end of the phone, Squidward's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a fierce fighting sound.

Fuck, this dandruff squid can teleport? !

Nangong Qi couldn't help being shocked and angry.

After all, the squid ran so quietly that no one in the melee noticed it.

Therefore, from Nangong Qi's perspective, he beat the shit out of Squid and all the "Desperadoes" with his front legs, and then went to the control room and bumped into Kadoda with his back legs.

Soon, Squid's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Are you JUDO? I didn't expect that as a wanted criminal in Phoenix, you would actually choose to cooperate with Phoenix!"

"Whatever I do seems to have nothing to do with you, right?"

"Haha! So JUDO, I wonder if the people in the cities below the fortress are related to you?"


Suddenly, Nangong Qi felt as if his heart was tightly grasped by a pair of steel pliers, and his breathing almost stopped.

"What do you want?" Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Nangong Qi's tone still pretended that nothing had happened.

"Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy! I have activated the firepower system of the air fortress and pointed all the muzzles at the city below. As long as I give an order, the entire city will be destroyed. The city will be reduced to a sea of ​​fire!"


Nangong Qi didn't speak, and didn't even dare to take a deep breath. He just bit his lips tightly, clenched his hands into fists, dug his nails into his flesh, and blood couldn't stop dripping on the ground.

Veins popped out on his head, and his eyes were bloodshot and covered with red bloodshot eyes.

"So? What does that have to do with me?"

"JUDO, you just hesitated, right?"

The extremely intelligent Cuttlefish was keenly aware of Nangong Qi's hesitation, and his tone was full of ridicule.

"What exactly do you want?"

"It's very simple. I hope you can cancel the transformation and let us meet face to face! After all, we have been fighting for so long, and I am also very curious about you!"


Nangong Qi sneered, his heart filled with contempt and disdain for Squid's so-called proposal.

To cancel the transformation is to disarm and put your life in the hands of the squid.

The most critical thing is that Nangong Qi cannot guarantee that a terrorist who will threaten him with the lives of innocent people will keep his promise.

Maybe the Squid will use similar methods to force Nangong Qi to do some anti-human things in the future.

In that case...  

Nangong Qi held his mobile phone in one hand, took out the lost drive with the other, tied it around his waist, and pressed the fang memory.

"The fangs!"

Insert into the drive and push.

"Mr. JUDO, my patience is very limited. I hope you can respond as soon as possible!"

Fang armor, complete outfit.

Take out [Timmons Drive] and Spider Seal.

"Bell, excuse me!"

"Your business is mine!"


"Transaction complete!"

"[Kamen Rider Timmons]!"

On the basis of the existing fang armor, Nangong Qi added a layer of Timmons armor.

The Squid was completely ignorant of this and thought Nangong Qi's silence was an inner wavering, so he continued to attack him with his voice.

"Presumably, you don't want me to control the spaceship and blow up the city below into ruins, right?"


Nangong Qi still didn't reply, but silently took out the Ultraman pistol and the Crimson Bell Seal of Sin, and stamped the Seal of Sin on himself.

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