For a Kamen Rider, the best motivation to stimulate him is hatred.

The fastest way to stimulate Ikki's hatred is to burn down the bathhouse and destroy his home.

So Nangong Qi let Mirage and Bell go.

Now that you have taken on the name of Kamen Rider, show me the consciousness of being a Kamen Rider, or else put down your belt and go back to being your bathhouse worker!

Of course, Nangong Qi would not allow Bell to easily kill Ikki's family, and even had insurance in place.

"Crimson up! Crimson Vail!"

Along with the crimson light, a dark liquid like venom separated from Nangong Qi's body, forming a crimson humanoid being.

Crimson Bell appears again.

"Well partner, see you later!"

After taking the crimson Bell's sin seal from Nangong Qi's hand, Bell immediately transformed into a soul, disappeared on the spot, and killed the Igarashi family.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

Meanwhile, the Igarashi family is salvaging what's left of their home.

To be precise, Giant Sakura relied on the protection of Kamen Rider to shuttle back and forth between the sea of ​​​​fire and outside the bathhouse.

The things rescued include valuables such as bankbooks, driver's licenses (in Japan, this thing is equivalent to ID cards), and so on.

It was at this time that an uninvited guest arrived.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Along with the low sound, dark red mist appeared out of thin air and gradually condensed into a solid body.

It's Crimson Bell!

Seeing Genta and Yukihira hugging each other, he was furious.

"Junpei! My Junpei!"

The resentment was so full that it almost overflowed. Bell transformed into a resentful woman, slapped Yukihira away, put her hands on Genta's shoulders, and her voice was full of sadness:

"Junpei, do you still remember me?"

"You monster, stay away from me and my family!"

Bell's anger increased.



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Chapter 221 Bell: Junpei!Flat screen!My flat screen!

"Junpei, have you forgotten me?"

Although the anger in his heart was overwhelming, Bell had no intention of venting on the person in front of him, because in his opinion, these were not Shiraha Junpei's fault, but the fault of the Igarashi family.

"But it doesn't matter, I will kill all these escapes soon, and then the two of us will slowly reminisce about the past!"

Saying words that Genta couldn't understand at all, Bell took the crimson Bell Seal of Sin in his hand and prepared to kill.

The Crimson Bell Sin Seal is different from other ordinary sin seals. It was created from the original version of the sin seal manufacturing system in Nangong Qi and Bell's research base [Desperadoes].

While it can give Bell physical form, the sinful seal itself can even be used as a weapon like a fist.

"Who the hell are you?"

Juying had just rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire carrying a TV, and looked at Bell with an even more unkind look.

After all, Bell himself has a ferocious look, and the grinning look doesn't look like a kind person no matter how you look at it.

It is estimated that except for Nangong Qi, a very nervous, well-informed, and even cold-blooded person, no one would have a good impression of Bell.

At the same time, in the underground base of [Sabbath], Masumi Karisaki could not help but tremble in his hands when he saw the evil ghost that was sealed by himself many years ago appeared.

"Who is it? Who actually released this guy? The person who released him must not be a kind person!"

Masumi's tone was full of sadness, and she quickly picked up her phone to notify the Ushijima family, who had been preparing. "Get ready to take action, the devil is back!"

His eyes returned to the burning happy bathhouse.

"Me?" Bell's mouth couldn't help but grin, making him look even more ferocious and terrifying.

"My name is Bell, and I am the enemy of your Igarashi family. And today I am here to destroy your whole family!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Juying didn't take Bell seriously at all.

Rather, after transforming into a Kamen Rider, Sakura's confidence exploded to an indescribable level, making her confident that she could defeat all enemies in the world.

"I am invincible now!"

"Invincible? Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Bell's laughter was different from Nangong Qi's madness. Instead, it had a bit of low elegance. "You are so crazy that I want to laugh!"

"You're already laughing!" Juying complained mercilessly to Bell.

"It doesn't matter! You will be a dead person soon anyway!"

Bell pushed the roller-like device on the glove, ready to give Juying a hard blow. "Similarly, I will also let you understand the true meaning of invincibility!"

"I am the one who should say this!"

Waving his fist, Juying charged directly towards Bell, making Bell want to laugh like Nangong Qi.

"Vail Up!"

"Crimson Impact!"

Along with the deep and ghostly sound effects, the moment the giant cherry approached him, Bell suddenly swung his fist and knocked the giant cherry into the sky.

The next moment, Bell transformed into a soul and teleported directly above the giant cherry, covering himself with the gauntlet weapon, stimulating more powerful energy.

"Vailing Stamping Finish!"

With a gorgeous roundhouse kick in the air, Ju Sakura was kicked directly to the ground, creating a huge crater.

The huge impact even blew Genta and Yukihira away, and they fell unconscious. The happy bathhouse that was still burning beside them also became trembling.

After landing on the ground, Bell discovered that Juying had been hit by two of his attacks and had immediately canceled his transformation, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

But it doesn't matter. Bell's original intention was to torture the Igarashi family and live better.

He easily pulled Ju Ying out of the pit. Seeing Ju Ying's painful expression, Bell couldn't help but taunted: "I'm afraid you don't understand what a real battle of life and death is, do you? But it doesn't matter, I'll do it now. teach you!"

After saying that, Bell let go of Juying and began to calculate how much force he would have to use to only hurt her instead of directly smashing her to pieces.

"The so-called battle of life and death means risking everything, with the intention of completely killing the enemy, no matter what the means! Just like this!"

The next moment, fists fell on Ju Ying like a violent storm.


For a while, the sound of cracking bones could be heard, and Ju Ying's body became even more twisted.

, his facial expression was extremely distorted, and he flew back wildly.

With just one continuous blow, Bell broke more than 90.00% of all the bones in Juying's body.


The giant cherry seemed to have turned into a mollusk, softly falling to the ground.


This is what Bell is thinking at the moment.

But not enough!

Just when he set his sights on Ju Ying, a humanoid being covered in black and with carbonized skin constantly peeling off stood between Bell and Ju Ying.

It was Igarashi Kazuki, the eldest son of the Igarashi family.

Although he was now burned to the point of being reduced to a human form, with carbonized skin constantly falling off his body, and blood flowing from the gaps on his body to the ground, he still stood firmly in front of Bell.

"No, Shao Hai, my general!"

The voice was a little unclear.

"Come on!"

Bell gently pushed Ikki away, not out of any idle kindness, but completely intending to keep him alive so that he could continue to kill and torture him.

"Your body is already a pineapple. Just lie down and wait for death!"

"Don't think about it!"

Suddenly, Bell felt his shoulders tighten again.

It turned out to be Yuantai.

I don’t know if it’s because Genta has the experience of transplanting demon cells, but this guy woke up from a coma so quickly.

Not only that, Genta pulled Bell while shouting at Ikki:

"Ikki, run! Take Yukihira and Sakura with you and run! This guy is very dangerous!"

"Junpei, Junpei, my Junpei!"

Bell's voice was a little helpless, but he didn't publish it like he did with Ju Ying. "Junpei, just stand here. When I kill these guys, we can go back to how we were before!"

Even though his voice was full of goodwill towards Yuantai, Yuantai still refused to let go and continued to punch and kick Bell.

"You devil, stay away from my family!"

Of course, how could ordinary people's fists and kicks hurt Bell, a fully armed demon?

"Hey? What should I do?"

After thinking for a while, Bell stared at the [Levis Drive] on Ikki's waist.

"Hahaha! I thought of it!" Extremely happy, Bell directly pulled the driver off Ikki's waist with brute force, and then tied it to Genta's waist.

"What do you want to do?" Yuanta felt bad and struggled, trying to pull the drive off his waist.

Ran and egg.

Bell's punch power was measured in ten tons, which was beyond what an ordinary person like him could resist.

"Don't worry, Junpei, I will never harm you!"

Bell's words were filled with sincerity. "It only takes a little while, and we can go back to the past, back to the past! And now, let us become one! Transform!"

Press the Crimson Bell Seal of Sin, then cover the [Levis Drive] and flip it.

"Crimson up! Transformation! Deep! Really red! [Kamen Rider Bell]!"

Along with the sound effect of transformation, Yuantai's eyes buzzed, flashing red for a while, and the expression on his face became extremely cold, as if he didn't know his family at all.

Bell, on the other hand, directly changed from the true red form back to the original form, and then transformed into a black soul body, hugging Yuantai tightly from behind.

Then Bell turned into a black liquid and wrapped around Yuantai's body, turning into a pitch black with red armor on the edge.

[Kamen Rider Bell], true red form, appears!

"It feels so nostalgic, Junpei, we can finally be together! From now on, the two of us will never be separated, and no one can separate us! So next..."

Bell, who finally completed the fusion with Genta, was in a good mood. He set his sights on Ikki, Jusakura and Yukihira, and planned to promote these people directly to cheer for his reunion with Genta today.


"It's now!"

Just hearing a gunshot, dozens of people rushed out from the shadows, picked up their guns, pointed them at Bell, and shot him.

They are exactly [Sabbath] people.

As early as when Ushijima Hikaru planned to burn the bathhouse on fire, they were waiting nearby, preparing to rescue the Igarashi family.

Unexpectedly, these measures were not used on Mirage, but ended up being used on Bell.

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