The person facing Bell was none other than Squid, and beside him stood Yu Zhihao and a man in black robes.

"Is it you?"

"Quick, retreat quickly..."

Nangong Qi weakly ordered Bell, but Bell, who always obeyed Nangong Qi's orders, did not carry out the order. Instead, he gently threw Nangong Qi directly into the [Aurora Curtain], and stayed to continue to confront the Squid and the others.

"I will definitely tear you into pieces today, one by one!"

Bell immediately transformed into an extremely dark meteor with a dark red edge and struck towards the squid.

But unexpectedly, the man in black robe next to Squid burst out faster than Bell, and waved his fist to give Bell a head-to-head fight.

"This, this smell? Could it be that?"

After taking a few steps back, Bell made an extremely shocked sound for the first time. "You guy, is it?"

The hood of the man in black robe that was originally used to cover his face was lifted off by the storm of fistfights between the two, revealing his inhuman face.




By the way, how many people have guessed that the identity of the man in black robe is actually Diavolo?

Anyway, Gentleman has completely changed the plot and character of Levis.

In this case, why don't you, gentleman, change the final BOSS? After all, Keefe is a loving old man in the original drama, and his sense of oppression is not as oppressive as that of Diavolo (lay down)




PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

Please allow me to shamelessly request an automatic subscription!

Chapter 225 Diavolo rises!


Apart from the three-point shock in Bell's voice, the rest was full of anger, and he even gritted his teeth for the first time except when facing the Igarashi family.

"I didn't expect that you, Babar's thing, are still alive? Did my father leave you alone when he was eating everyone tens of millions of years ago?"

"Of course not!" Facing Bell's [kind] greeting, Diablo was not angry. Instead, he spoke in a more elegant and gentlemanly tone than Bell, just like scolding a child.

"As early as tens of millions of years ago, I died. Just like you, I died in the mouth of my brother Keef. But compared to you, I should be lucky. About a few thousand years ago, I was killed Humanity woke up and I became who I am now!”

"Really? If that's the case, then you better go ahead and die!" It was clear that he was a blood relative in front of him, but Bell acted as if he was an sworn enemy and activated his special move without hesitation.

"Vail Up!"

"Crimson Impact! (Crimson Impact!)"

Waving his fists, he attacked Diavolo's face.

"Haha, children are children, they will always be so impulsive!"

Unexpectedly, Diavolo actually blocked Bell's killing blow with one hand, just like an adult blocking a child's punch.

Diavolo's strength can be seen from the inside, and it is obvious that it is not ordinary.

[Aurora Curtain] Nangong Qi on the opposite side couldn't help being shocked: "Bell, come back quickly!"

But Bell fell completely into rage and completely lost all reason. There was only one thought left in his mind, and that was: kill the other party, kill the other party, kill the other party!

"Kill it!"

"Vail Up!"

"Vailing Stamping Finish! (Bell Stamping End)"

Dark red energy gathered on his feet, and Bell attacked Diavolo with a knight kick.

"Bell, you kid, how many times do you have to tell me before you understand." Diavolo's voice was full of ease, and he didn't take Bell seriously at all.

"In my eyes, you are just a child!"

As he spoke, Diavolo swung out a punch and actually knocked Bell away.

It was so terrifying that Nangong Qi couldn't help but take a breath.

Fortunately, Nangong Qi barely recovered from the previous explosion, and summoned another [Aurora Curtain] on the way Bell flew out, causing him to fall into it and escape.

However, regarding the [Aurora Curtain], Diavolo touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

"Is it the ability to transfer space? It seems that some of the technologies of the people on Earth have even surpassed mine. It really shouldn't be underestimated! I have to say, Bell, you have a good partner who has allowed you to successfully save your life. And, JUDO, can you hear me?”

Suddenly, Diablo spoke to the [Aurora Curtain].


Nangong Qi did not respond, so he could only take out the Ultra pistol. Once Diavolo learned how to break through violently like Brother E, he would immediately blow his head off with one shot.

"Well, I'll just pretend you can hear me!"

Diavolo didn't pay attention and continued to talk to himself. "I can probably see the relationship between you and Bell, and I don't mind him being your partner. But I must give you a piece of advice. Get out of this human city as soon as possible. If you don't want to be with Bell, Let’s have fun together!”

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

A low laughter sounded, and the malice in it even made Nangong Qi shudder subconsciously.

If the once destructive Wang Xiaoming gave Nangong Qi a sense of threat similar to that of a nuclear bomb explosion, then the feeling given by Diavolo in front of him was that of a dirty bomb.

It was only then that the [Aurora Curtain] disappeared.

"Wait a minute! Give Akilela back to me!"

Suddenly, Yu Zhihao looked towards the yet-to-be

The completely disappeared [Aurora Curtain] rushed over.


I saw that the [Aurora Curtain] that Bell could easily pass through before was now like a wall. Tamaki Hao was hit hard and his whole body was stuck on the [Aurora Curtain].

Despite this, Yu Zhihao still hammered the [Aurora Curtain] with his hands like hammering a door.

"Open the door quickly! Give Aguilera back to me! Give it back to me!"

Diavolo in the back looked thoughtful.

"It turns out that this thing can not only teleport, but can even identify friend or foe. The strength seems to be quite high."

Soon, the [Aurora Curtain] disappeared, leaving only Yu Zhihao alone on the ground in a helpless rage.

Also in the former [Desperadoes] base, Nangong Qi was also summarizing information.

"Diavolo seems to be Keefe's eldest brother and Bell's uncle. It seems that he is not weak in strength. Even when facing Bell's sure-kill attack, he can take it down as easily as an adult facing a noisy child. Also, his last piece of advice..."

"He is not my uncle!"

Suddenly, Bell roared angrily, interrupting Nangong Qi's thoughts.

After he woke up, his whole face was distorted, and he rushed to grab Nangong Qi's collar. "I have no father, no mother, no uncle, I don't have a single family member! Do you hear me?"

"Oh, I understand. Bell, you are actually an orphan." Nangong Qi raised his hands very obediently. "So, can you put me down now?"


It seemed that Bell was still angry, but he still let go of his hand and gently put Nangong Qi down.

"Sorry, partner."

"I understand you. I was once as crazy as you and wanted to tear everything in front of me to pieces, so I understand you."

Nangong Qi didn't mind, but continued to think about everything Diavolo said.

"If Diavolo is really as powerful as he appears, I guess the Igarashi family may not be his if they join forces with us..."

"It's impossible for me to join forces with the Igarashi family!" Bell interrupted Nangong Qi again, obviously hating the Igarashi family to the extreme.

"It's just an analogy, no need to be so nervous." Nangong Qi smiled, and then continued to think. "Diavolo is very strong. Even if all of us are tied together, we may not be his opponent. The most important thing is that that guy looks like he is at ease. There is no need to lie at all. Could it be that he is planning to do something... ..."

The feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger, so much so that Nangong Qi couldn't speak anymore.

So what to do?

Go to Antarctica and call all the Holy Blades?

Are you kidding me?

Other people's holy blades also have things they must protect. If pulling people in by yourself leads to serious consequences, wouldn't it be a stupid operation to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall?

It is impossible to save everyone, so in battle, you must fight with the sin of not being able to save everyone.

Despite this, a strong feeling of uneasiness still lingered in Nangong Qi's heart, making him feel extremely frightened.

"It seems that I still need more power."

"Hmm." After thinking for a while, Bell nodded in agreement. "You're right, if you want to deal with Diavolo, you need more powerful power!"

So what should be done?

According to the situation of the seniors and juniors of Kamen Riders in the past, idealistic outbreaks such as Kuuga and Yajida, the belts were automatically updated;

Or just like Dragon Rider, Faiz, and Kiva, get brand new equipment directly;

Or even simply have both, and under the burst of idealism, forcefully use brand-new equipment that cannot be used by oneself.

Looking at the situation on our side, we have George Karisaki, who can be said to have invented the entire Levi's Kamen Rider transformation system on his own, plus Levi's Kamen Rider transformation system. It seems to be a combination of technology and spiritualism, so...

Maybe I should ask Dr. Karisaki if he could get himself some more powerful equipment.

Looking back at Bell, he had long since disappeared, and it was unclear what method he was planning to find to improve his strength.

"Forget it, let's go find Karisaki first!"

Holding Aguilera's hair and dragging her on the ground, Nangong Qi dragged her forward without mercy.

At this moment, Karisaki was conducting various experiments in the room where Keefu was stored.

I saw that various instruments and equipment were linked to Keefe's body to detect various data on him.

In order to make Keefu, who seemed to have turned into a corpse, react, Karisaki, who wanted to die, even connected Keefu with hundreds of thousands of volts of high-voltage electricity.

It's a pity that Keef still didn't move, as if he was really dead.

Adhering to the scientific spirit that if you can't die, then do it to death. Today, Karisaki took out a chainsaw, a bone chopper, a laser, an electric drill and other equipment, intending to get some cells from Keefe's body for research.

It's a pity that Keefe can take dozens of knight kicks from Nangong Qi and Bell without even breaking their skin.

Even if Karisaki makes the whole room look like a construction site

, he himself even rolled up his sleeves and worked enthusiastically, but Keefe was still unscathed.


After working for a long time, Karisaki was so tired that he was sweating and panting. He quickly took off his shirt, revealing his figure that belonged to a scientist.

After high-intensity exercise, his abdomen was outlined with plump abdominal muscles, and his arms were even more muscular. This perfect figure made Karisaki worthy of being a scientist in the world of Kamen Rider.

Just when he was about to continue working, Nangong Qi dragged Aguilera into the room, and smelled a pungent smell of rust and burnt smell, but Nangong Qi completely turned a blind eye.

"George, are you free now?"

"Huh? Oh! It's you!"

Karisaki, who was concentrating on continuing to touch Keefu, noticed Nangong Qi, and then looked at his bare upper body in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I understand your pain, don't worry about it!"

Nangong Qi took the initiative to turn on the air conditioner and exhaust fan, took out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator through the [Aurora Curtain], and pulled Karisaki to find a chair to sit down.

Open the drink and take a sip.


Karisaki couldn't help but admire, and then turned to look at Nangong Qi.

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