"No, Brother Ikki, this is not your fault, you are doing it for the good of this family!"

After comforting each other, Juying finally regained his strength and regained some energy.

In this way, the Igarashi brothers and sisters united the front, and learned from Masumi about the grievances between Bell and Shiranami Junpei decades ago, as well as his true identity as the father of George Karisaki.

"I was really young and arrogant at the time, and thought I could control everything. I never thought I would kill so many innocent people and let similar tragedies happen to you! I'm so sorry!"

After Ikki and Ju Sakura looked at each other, they suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Logically speaking, they should hate Masumi, because it was him who made the Igarashi family fall apart like it is today.

But they should be grateful to Masumi, because it was him, otherwise there would be no happiness for the Igarashi family, let alone the existence of the three Igarashi brothers and sisters.

"We are not the ones you should apologize to!"

Unexpectedly, Juying actually spoke first, and when he spoke, he hit the point.

"I have also thought about your suggestion. Unfortunately, both my son and my experimental subjects have either disappeared or died."

When he said this, Masumi's body became convulsed and trembled slightly, as if he was crying.

He is haunted by the sorrow of his child caused by the death of George Karisaki, causing him great sadness.

Young people lose their fathers, middle-aged people lose their spouses, and old people lose their children.There are three great sorrows in life.

In this world, the only thing that can still give Masumi comfort and redemption is probably the forgiveness of Genta Igarashi and Yukihei Igarashi, who were both victims and survivors.

"Then, let's work together!"

Ju Sakura stretched out her hand towards Masumi with a serious look on her face.

"Let us fight side by side to save my father!"

"...Thank you! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

Masumi stretched out his trembling hand and gently placed it on Jusakura's hand, followed by Ikki and even Weiss in his soul state.

—————————————————Karisaki rubs his hands in his belt————————————————

About a week later, Squid led a group of low-level members of the "Desperadoes" in black clothes and swaggered on the street, with the words "This is a trap" written on their faces.

Although most of the combatants in the middle level of the [Desperate Crowd] sank into the sea when Phoenix's air base crashed, but with the outstanding eloquence of the squid, there are still a few leftovers from the [Desperate Crowd]. Fish, shrimp, squid and squid can still produce such a team of consumables.

The reason why they are called consumables is because in the eyes of the squid, they are really all consumables.

Chip Squid casually waved his hand, and saw several consumables carrying cameras pointed at him and starting a live broadcast.

"JUDO, I really miss you! So much! So I

I hope you can come to me soon.Of course, I know you're a smart guy, so I'm going to give you a little encouragement! "

As he spoke, Squid took out the Kief seal and stamped it on the body of a consumable behind him.


The consumables made an extremely painful sound, and his body began to gradually petrify, and gradually expanded like a sponge absorbing water, and finally expanded into a huge stone cocoon.

At the next moment, the stone cocoon shattered.


Along with the scattered fragments of the stone cocoon, a brand new demon, far more powerful than any second-stage demon, the Kief disciple, was born.

"JUDO, can you see?"

After consuming a consumable, the squid turned to look at the live broadcast camera and asked with a joking look on his face.

This is the past few times. As long as it is live broadcast, JUDO can quickly find the conclusion they have drawn: JUDO must be very concerned about network information.

"If you don't show up, I will transform all these people and then go to the streets to wreak havoc!"

As if to verify the authenticity of his statement, Squid continued his previous behavior and continued to put the Keef seal on several other consumables, converting them all into Keef believers.

"No need for JUDO!"

Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded.

The squid looked over and found that it was the Giant Sakura standing there.

"Only you?" Squid sneered.

As early as when he planned to defeat Ikki by cleaning up his family, the squid had checked all the eighteen generations of the Igarashi family's ancestors, and he knew the giant Sakura in front of him very well.

"Just an invincible reptile!"

If it were the previous Giant Sakura, he would probably be so angry that he would charge head-on without transforming, and it would be all for nothing.

But now...

"What a shoddy way to provoke generals!"


The squid suddenly felt something bad, and he took out the seal of the king squid and stamped it on his body. The thick ink covered his whole body, and he was about to transform into a squid demon.

However, what was even more unexpected was that Giant Sakura's hand speed was actually faster than that of the squid. He even ran towards the squid while transforming.

It's going to be worse, it's going to be worse, it's going to be worse!

Teeth white!

The squid was completely panicked.

"Catch up!"

Before the squid could completely transform into a demon, Giant Sakura had already completely transformed and kicked the squid out of the black mist.

Despite this, the squid still successfully completed the transformation, but now he was still rolling on the ground in a very embarrassed manner, and the Keef Seal in his hand fell to the ground.

"got it!"

In this way, Squid spent a lot of time, and the Keef Seal that he finally obtained from Diavolo fell into the hands of Giant Sakura.

In an instant, Squid's entire face became distorted.

Not only because he, who claims to be a high-quality talent, was deceived by Ju Sakura, a giant cherry in every sense of the word, but also because...

"You bastard! You actually kicked me in the face!"



To be honest, I don’t understand the thinking logic of some readers.

The people who burned the bathhouse were obviously Mirage and Da Er, so why did this have to be blamed on the protagonist?

Is it because the protagonist is a Kamen Rider, knowing that Mirage was going to burn down the bathhouse, but he didn't stop Mirage?

That’s not how moral kidnapping works, right?

Besides, don’t you look at what Ikki and Da Er did to the protagonist.

First, the protagonist was seriously injured in a fight with the squid, but in the middle of the fight, Ikki directly yo-yoed, causing the protagonist to have to hold his pineapple body to face a mirage with full status.

The second time was when Mirage took the initiative to jump onto the street to cause trouble. The protagonist was about to smash Mirage to pieces, but was hit by Ikki until his chest was dented and he almost died on the spot.

It was because of Ikki's two magical operations that the protagonist was completely numb.

Since you said that Mirage is your family and no one can hurt it, then this time Mirage burns down your bathhouse, the protagonist will naturally not go to help.

Because from the perspective of the protagonist, if he goes there, he will still be beaten up by Ikki.

Even though he knows that he will be beaten to death, he still helps the person who wants to beat him to death. Is the protagonist committing a crime, or are you committing a crime?

Of course, these are not important, because burning the bathhouse is not only to promote the plot, but also to completely change the persona of Sakura, the hard-working hen, and Ikki, the chaotic family man.

For example, in this chapter, Giant Sakura finally recognized the reality under successive blows, and used her image as a giant baby to catch Squid off guard.




PS again:

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With the things submitted, the votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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Chapter 227 Kindness gradually arises

Squid, whose original name is unknown and now named Orutega, is the think tank of the "Desperate Crowd" and is actually the operator behind the scenes of the "Desperate Crowd" who controls everything.

He was naturally smart and highly intelligent, so that there was a sadly thick barrier between himself and ordinary people, making him feel lonely.

But it doesn't matter, he comforted himself so much.

"Because I was born to be the Kami who wants to dominate this world!"

With absolute self-confidence and extremely high intelligence, Squid believed in himself so much that at the invitation of Diavolo, he joined the [Desperados] organization and has been serving as the shadow ruler of the organization.

As time went by, he became more and more confident in himself, and his ambitions became more and more inflated.

However, today, he was deceived by a person he had always looked down on, even despised, Juying. Not only did he lose the hard-earned Keef Seal, he even...

"You bastard! You actually kicked me in the face!"

Roaring angrily, the squid immediately waved his hand and ordered to the Kief believers who had just transformed from the consumables: "Tear this damn bitch into pieces for me!"

I don’t know what the reason is, but the Keef believers actually carried out the orders of the squid and rushed towards the Giant Sakura holding the Keef Seal.

"It's too late! My battle is over, now it's time for a big fight!"

Before the Keef believer could reach him, Juying threw the Keef seal without hesitation, and then kicked the first Keef believer to attack.

Until this time, Ikki, who transformed into kidnapping Levis, appeared from the shadows and happened to catch the Keef Seal.

Seeing this situation, the cuttlefish immediately called in the reserve personnel. "Tama Chihao!"


Only a gunshot was heard, and the Kif seal in Ikki's hand was shot away by Tamaki Hao who was hiding in the dark.

After being rescued by the Squid and Diavolo, Tamaki Gou signed a contract with the devil again, and without Aguilera, he went deeper into the abyss of the underground, never to return.


Obviously the Keef Seal was not a regular thing, but it still rolled on the ground.

Without any hesitation, Ikki immediately jumped up towards the Keefu seal that landed on the ground, followed closely by the squid.

"got it!"

In the end, it was the statistically superior hijacker Levis who got the Keef Seal one step ahead of the squid.

Just the next moment...

"Vail Up!"

"Crimson Impact!"

At some point, Bell came to Ikki, and took the opportunity to punch Ikki on the chest, causing a large amount of sparks to erupt from his body and fly backwards quickly.

"And you!"

Bell had no mercy on the squid, and immediately launched the second stage of the sure kill.

"Vail Up!"

"Vailing Stamping Finish!"

Crimson energy wrapped around his feet, and Bell kicked the squid away like a football.

It should be said that Bell is indeed a powerful demon, easily crushing the main force of the battle between Ikki and Squid.

"Brother Ikki!"

Seeing Ikki being knocked away by a fist and Bell appearing, even Jusakura, who was fighting fiercely with several Keefu followers, couldn't help but scream out subconsciously.

"Tama Chihao, give me firepower to clear the ground!"

The squid reacted faster and gave Tamaki Hao a brand new order before he even landed.

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