
"Crimson Bell!"

Click the fang driver, stuff it into the [Lost Driver], and tie it around your waist.

Not only Nangong Qi, but also Kadoda and Bell very wisely chose to transform first and then fight, so as not to be caught by the law of victory.

"Transformation!" ×3

As white as bones but covered with spikes, extremely ferocious armor was attached to Nangong Qi's body.

The reason why this form of attack was chosen is, on the one hand, because the people have more trust in Nangong Qi, a folk hero who has always been wanted by Phoenix and is not on the record, and on the other hand, because Nangong Qi decided to wear Nangong Qi continuously after being seriously injured many times. Two layers of leather holster for greater power.

[Aurora Curtain] unfolds.

In the blink of an eye, Kadoda, Bell and Nangong Qi arrived at the scene.

"Chimera Drive!"

Nangong Qi took out another belt, and Bell and Kadota attacked directly and began beating many demons.

"Twin Chimera!"

Double Chimera!

"King! Dile! Come on! Chimera! Chimera! Chimera!"

emperor!crocodile!bring it on!Chimera!Chimera!Chimera!


King crab and devil's energy phantom enveloped

Nangong Qi's ferocious white body was covered with another layer of more powerful orange-yellow armor on top of the original armor.

"Scramble! King Crab! Crocodile! Kamen Rider Chimera! Chimera!"

"Sa, show time!"

Imitating Master Fa's lines, Nangong Qi waved his fist and joined the battlefield.

Although the opponents were almost all Keef believers whose strength surpassed the existence of second-stage demons, facing the lineup of the Knights such as Nangong Qi, Bell and Kadoda was still not enough.

The battle is completely one-sided.

In the midst of this, Kadoda discovered that there was actually a brave reporter staying at the scene, filming the process of the Kamen Rider fighting the devil.

Too dangerous!

"Don't stay here, leave quickly!"

Kadoda, who had a strong sense of justice, immediately turned around and evacuated the crowd.

But these reporters were too over the top. I don’t know whether they should be said to be dedicated or not afraid of death. Even if Kadoda forced them with fists and kicks, they had no intention of evacuating.

"That's right, Akaashi!"

Suddenly, Kadoda discovered that Phoenix's new commander, Akaashi, was still there.

I don't know if it was because he was too old, but he was so frightened that he fell to the ground, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

Adhering to the idea that even if the reporters could not be evacuated, at least the commander had to be evacuated, Kadoda immediately carried Akaishi on his back and prepared to take him away from here.



For no reason, Kadota felt a sharp pain in his back and fell to the ground.

It's not over yet, more dark red energy surges through his body, causing his body to twitch uncontrollably, and at the same time, the transformation is about to be released.

Even so, Kadoda gritted his teeth and put down Akaashi on his back, and yelled:



Nangong Qi saw at a glance that Kadota was in poor condition and directly summoned [Aurora Curtain] to teleport him away.

But Kadota's unreasonable frustration also reminded Nangong Qi, and he couldn't help but feel extremely wary of Akaishi.

"Bell, can you feel it?"

"Huh?" Bell stopped tearing the demon child apart and felt it carefully before saying:

"I smell it! That man has Diablo's scent on him!"


Under the mask, Nangong Qi's entire face was distorted.

"Nah! This Phoenix is ​​probably not a branch of the winery. The previous commander was a chameleon demon from the [Desperados], but the current commander is even more powerful and is directly a contractor of Diavolo!"

The conversation between Nangong Qi and Bell was entirely conducted through the soul link in the contract, and no one present could hear it.

But Akaishi still keenly felt that Nangong Qi and Bell's eyes were focused on him, and he quickly grabbed the microphone of a reporter next to him and shouted:

"JUDO and his companions actually stopped fighting at such an important moment. How little regard for the lives of the people! Let's judge, can we in Phoenix allow such outsiders to protect the people? "

Nangong Qi: (╬ ̄Pan ̄)

"I smell the BBC!"

"Whatever, just do it and it's done!"

Bell was completely unaffected by Akaashi's slander and continued beating the little devils amidst laughter.

After Nangong Qi glanced at Yan Chishi, he also fought side by side with Bell.

The output power of the Chimera driver is extremely powerful. It can beat a powerful Kief believer without even using the ultimate move, and can punch a kid with one punch.

After punching with all his strength, the Keef believer exploded like a water bag, and the dark demon blood spilled all over the ground.

Bell is even more brutal, tearing apart various demons with his hands, and his fighting style is comparable to a combination of Showa rice dumplings and Heisei rice dumplings.

However, even so, Akaishi still slandered:

"Look, how cruel JUDO and his companions are. They are completely fighting like barbarians. How can a Kamen Rider who is so cruel and more like a devil than a devil protect the people?"

"Underneath his mask, he must be a vicious and bloodthirsty murderer. As the commander of Phoenix, I must set an example and bring him to justice!"

Such BBC's statement made Nangong Qi feel annoyed, but after withstanding the transformation of "Overhaul Card" and the torture comparable to "Butcher's Nails", his character has already been improved to the limit of human beings.

He would probably be able to laugh it off if he was sent to the Amazon rainforest and the whole thing was broadcast to the whole world.

Soon, the demons on the scene were swept away by Nangong Qi and Bell.

Immediately afterwards, the reporters who stayed at the scene swarmed up, wanting to get more powerful and powerful news materials from Nangong Qi and Bell.

"Mr. JUDO, what is your surname?"

"Mr. JUDO, what is your motivation for becoming a vigilante?"

"I wonder what you think of Akaashi, the current commander of Phoenix?"


Such enthusiasm made Nangong Qi think of the bad reporter in "Ultraman Mebius".

"Bell, retreat!"


Don't give reporters a chance at all.

[Aurora Curtain] Teleport the two of them away from here before the reporters rush to them.

As soon as he returned to the base, he saw Kadota lying on the ground and Karizaki was checking him.

Just looking at how busy Karisaki is, Kadota may be in a bad situation.

"How is it?"

Leaning down, Nangong Qi observed the wounds on Kadoda's body, ready to take out the JO ambulance for treatment at any time.

Maybe it hurts a little bit, but after all, it is still a rare active recovery tool in the new decade.

Kadota was seen lying on the ground. The wounds on his back were shocking, as if they were bitten by some kind of wild beast. You could even see his ribs wrapped in flesh.

"It's not that bad. If you ask why, it's just because I'm a genius scientist!"

Karisaki took out a demon cell needle and aimed it at Kadoda's blood vessel.

The next moment, the pain on Kadota's face was greatly relieved, and the huge wound on his back was healing crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Karisaki turned around and asked, "Did you encounter any strong enemies again today?"

"It's Akaashi!"

"Akaashi? Isn't he the new commander of Phoenix? Is it possible?"

"It's just what you think." Nangong Qi sighed slightly, glad that he had never believed in Phoenix.

"According to Bell's feeling, Akaashi is a person who signed a contract with Diablo. And Kadoda's injuries were caused by him."


Picking up the [Timmons Drive] on the side, Karisaki continued:

"It was Akaashi who gave me this drive, saying that even if a person doesn't have a demon in his body, he can use this drive to transform. It seems like he had bad intentions from the beginning."

"A wily layer cake conspirator at the top of the government?"

Bell controlled Yuantai's body with a terrifying smile on his face.

"It's as if his identity as Phoenix can stop me. Let me find an opportunity, and my partner and I will bag him and kill him! Anyway, he is Diavolo's contractor, no matter what he wants to do, It’s always right to kill him!”


Karisaki directly rejected Bell's impulsive idea.

"Akaashi is now the commander of Phoenix. If he is directly assassinated, it will probably be like the Prime Minister being killed with a shotgun in public, which will trigger unrest in the whole society!"



Regarding the settings of Akaashi and Azuma, Gentleman changed it a bit

Changed from Contractor of Keef to Contractor of Diavolo

Also, Azuma is currently No. 1 under Diavolo. After all, in the movie version, one person smashed the Keef Tyrannosaurus in full state with the debuff.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest shapeshifter among humans.




PS again:

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Chapter 236 Dark will, hands stained with blood

"So what? What does that have to do with me?"

Bell didn't take it to heart at all when he heard that society would be unrest.

He is a demon, not a human being. It doesn’t matter whether you are in turmoil or not, except...

"Partner, what do you think?"

"Bell, your method is good, but I think we should have a better way."

Nangong Qi's words successfully made Bell give up his previous idea of ​​giving up thinking and sharpening his head to move forward.

"Okay." Bell could only shrug, left the room, and continued to repair his entropy change device, trying to see if it could be miniaturized.

Just like the black hole trigger, it is added to the knight transformation system.

You must know that Keefe was once the captain of this alien spaceship, and Bell, as Keefe's eldest son, was trained as a top student. In terms of attainments in demonic technology, Bell is by no means inferior to Karisaki, a genius scientist.

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