Think about things that you do and accomplish that are not forced by the status quo, but driven by your own subjective drive.


I thought of Ce, Bell, and even Tan Li Dou.

The reason why I think of them is because Nangong Qi once lost them, and was sad, painful, and shed tears for their passing.

He has never been a righteous partner, and his dream of being a hero was completely shattered the moment he lay on the [Overhaul Card] operating table.

If that's the case, why did you choose to fight?

because of love!

Suddenly, Nangong Qi opened his eyes in the water. Even if he fell to the bottom of the pool, the shining red light in his eyes could be clearly seen on the shore.

He fights because of love!

Because he cherishes young lives, even with the effect of [Butcher's Nail], he must suppress the murderous intention in his heart and instead kill the dangerous Emiya Kiritsugu.

Because he loves the hero, Kamen Rider, he doesn't hesitate to use the power given by the [Overhaul Card] that he doesn't like.

Because he deeply loves his life and everything around him, even when facing powerful enemies that destroy the world, he will fight. For the sake of mankind, he will fight against the terrifying monsters and aliens.

This is the reason why he keeps fighting!

When he thought of this, his body that was on the verge of collapse was filled with strength, making him feel his own realization.



Along with the sound of crackling in the air, the water in the entire pool was lifted into the sky by Nangong Qi's move, and scattered like raindrops.

This is still the power Nangong Qi had when he was exhausted and lost his transformation.

"I understand!"

Laughing wildly, Nangong Qi jumped up and landed on the ground, as excited as a child in his 20s.

Then he lost his balance and fell down.

Even so, there was still a smile on his face.

Summon [Aurora Curtain], take out a bottle of glucose from it, and then ton ton ton.

"Phew! It's so cool! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Finally, after traveling to this world, he laughed out loud for a rare moment.

Smile freely and freely.

If he had always lived and fought wearing a mask in the past, then now he has finally realized what kind of person he is.

He was originally a caring and optimistic person.

Half an hour later, Nangong Qi returned to the [Sabbath] base.

But unlike before, where he had a straight face, now his face was filled with a sunny smile.

Masumi, Igarashi's family, and Ushijima's family also felt something was wrong, but they didn't take it to heart.

Because what happened in this city left them no time to think about these unexplained problems.

"A large number of demons have appeared in the city, more than a thousand in number, distributed on more than 30 streets, and they are attacking all the people without restraint!"

If this was the case, it wouldn't make the people present so serious.

The real situation is that among these thousands of demons there are also quite a few Kief believers.

You must know that for every kief believer created, a human life must be sacrificed.

Although everyone knows that Squid is a cautious guy, even if he has to sacrifice his life, he will definitely choose the loyal [Desperadoes] remnants as consumables.

But seeing more than 100 lives transformed into demons, no one present could maintain a good mood.

Where is Nangong Qi?

There was still a smile on his face, but it was a ferocious smile full of danger.

Now he can't wait to knead the scumbag, the scumbag among scumbags, into a ball of Pokémon.

"It's worth noting that many of the places where these demons appear are located within the current Phoenix base. But what I didn't expect is that this guy Akaashi actually dispatched personnel to take the initiative to clean up these demons."

"What does it mean?"

"Is it possible that it's a fight between the two?"

"Only a fool would think that, right?"

Nangong Qi sneered. "Akaashi is the ultimate old fox who has lived for a thousand years, and Orutega is an extremely smart scumbag. They can still fight in the same nest despite having a common enemy. Either Akaashi is suffering from senile dementia, or they have other agendas!"

"So what is their real purpose?"

"I don't know. I'm afraid we have to go deep into this kind of thing to find out. So let's set off now. First, clean up the demons on the periphery to avoid encountering the old monster Azuma again. At the same time, we must avoid conflict with Phoenix to avoid leaving behind Keep your mouth shut."

"Good!" ×N

After reaching a consensus, the Kamen Riders immediately attacked.

Nangong Qi, Ushijima Hikari, Genta, and even Ikki, who is currently unable to transform, Dai Er, Sakura, Weiss, Mirage and Rab, as well as many [Sabbath] combatants, are dispatched.

Through Nangong Qi's [Aurora Curtain], everyone can reach the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Coupled with communication equipment, the three Kamen Riders can support any dangerous battlefield immediately.

However, upon arriving on the street, everyone discovered that things were not that simple.

"Kamen Riders are a group of monsters who use the power of demons. Once they are used too many times, they will turn into real demons themselves. For this reason, we must nip the signs of danger in the cradle!"

"The threat of Masked Riders and demons is imminent. For all those who want to leave that wasteland in search of a better life, Phoenix is ​​a safe haven for all of you."

"In order to protect all mankind from the destruction of Kamen Riders and demons, we in Phoenix, as an important department of the government, will pay all costs. No matter how they slander me, I will continue to work hard for the best interests of all mankind."


Akaashi's speech was played repeatedly throughout the city, all of which disparaged the Kamen Riders, calling them dangerous beings on the same level as demons, while promoting Phoenix's legitimacy as a government official.

"What the hell is this Akaashi trying to do?"

It seemed that he was infected with Nangong Qi's oral habit, so the sophomore also cursed loudly.

"It's definitely not a good thing anyway!"

I don’t know why, Mirage also took the initiative to join in the melee battle with the demon.

According to his own description, he said that what he wanted was for the Igarashi family to survive so that he could continue to torture the entire family.

In this regard, everyone can only say:

That's it, when everything is settled, you can do whatever you like.

But compared to the Grand Prime Minister of the Six Kingdoms of the Igarashi family, everyone in [Sabbath] saw an unusual phenomenon on the originally chaotic streets.

"Everyone, go to Phoenix quickly!"

"Ah, yes, yes, there are security personnel in Phoenix, they can definitely protect our safety!"

"But isn't there a Kamen Rider protecting us?"

"Is Kamen Rider your father or your mother? The Phoenix government departments, even if they don't believe in the government, at least they have to believe in the money we pay to the government in taxes!"

"I'd better wait and see!"

"Then I don't care about you, I'll take the first step anyway!"


Everyone on the street, which was originally in chaos due to the attack of a large number of demons, immediately made two choices. Some chose to go to Phoenix for protection, while the other chose to wait and see and go home to escape.

However, among the people divided into two groups, more than 60.00% chose to seek asylum in Phoenix.

There is no way the Sabbath crowd could stop people from seeking refuge in Phoenix.

Maybe once they stop it, it will stimulate the people's rebellious psychology and make them want to go to Phoenix even more.

If not, it might even leave Phoenix with a mouth to speak of.

Despite this, an extremely uneasy feeling surged into everyone's hearts, making them feel extremely uneasy.

"I-I'll sneak into Phoenix!"

After clearing away all the demons, the sophomore suggested this.

"That ground base in Phoenix, I still know the terrain inside the base relatively well, and I also have Phoenix's internal access ID card."

Since Karisaki and Kadota appeared

Among Phoenix's previous death lists, their ID cards were naturally canceled by Phoenix. Only the sophomore still had access qualifications within Phoenix.

"It's better to let me go. If you go, you will only waste your boring life. It's better to keep your life and let me torture you slowly in the future!"

Mirage strongly objected, and the reasons given even Nangong Qi found outrageous.

What kind of nonsense is this?

However, in order to find out the conspiracy of Akaishi and Squid, everyone decided to let the sophomore go to Phoenix as an agent.



Let’s start the sophomore undercover plot. Anyway, we can’t write it like Kinoshita Hanta.




PS again:

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Chapter 244 This is not a shelter, but a devil’s cafeteria!

After changing into the Phoenix uniform with a pure white base and black breastplate, I set out for my sophomore year.

However, before departure, for the sake of safety, Da Er was also equipped with monitoring equipment and positioning devices. If an accident occurred, everyone at [Sabbath] would immediately set out to rescue Da Er.

After the sophomore left, Nangong Qi continued to propose:

"There are sophomores on the open line to help with the exploration, but I propose to add a hidden line spy. Of course, since this is the plan proposed by me, then leave it to me to execute it!"

Nangong Qi is recognized as the strongest knight in the entire [Sabbath], so of course his plan is very easy to pass.

"set off!"

Driving [Battle Locust], Nangong Qi drove towards the Phoenix base in the city at high speed...

No wonder!

According to Nangong Qi's expectation, Phoenix has already become the base camp for the "Dead Man" to resurrect corpses. The operation is probably similar to that of the "Snake Shield Bureau". Presumably the entire city's surveillance system has also fallen into the hands of Diavolo and other entities.

Therefore, like the Kang family assassins, there is no infiltration plan to directly attack Mang.

But it is also necessary to use a surprising method to sneak in.

For example now...

"Scramble! Octopus! Kurosai! Oomukade! Kamen Rider Daimon! Daimon! Daimon!"

Broken upgrade!octopus!Black rhinoceros!Centipede!Kamen Rider Damon!Damon!Damon!

and this!



On the Chimera drive, Karisaki was also equipped with the function of genetic weaponry, so Nangong Qi asked Kadota to get it.

Give the desperate crowd a little Kamen Rider surprise.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

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