Speaking, Nangong Qi looked around.

Many figures vaguely appeared in the originally empty amusement park.

This unusual situation made him feel uncomfortable.

"Ikki, Da Er, A Guang, and brother Gentai, their rest time has come to an end, now it's time to fight!"

"Hey, I obviously want to play with Yukihira for a while longer!"

After all, Motota was once a Showa knight, and he also noticed the chilling atmosphere around him.

"Then let's fight!"

Seeing that he finally no longer had to torture himself in the amusement park, the sophomore immediately came back to life and took out his binocular driver.

"Transformation!" ×4

Except for Ikki, everyone present completed their transformation.

"Diablo, are you here?"

"Yes, I'm right here!"

Diavolo emerged from the shadows.

Behind him were more than a hundred Keef believers, each of them looking as ferocious as the alien knights on the set of King of Time.

Among their ranks, there are several Kief envoys whose strength far exceeds that of Kief believers.

"As for your little girlfriend, her name is Poppy, right? I have already sent people to deal with her. I think you will be able to see her head soon!"

"Fuck you! Before that, I will definitely kill you completely! It just so happens that today I will settle the old and new grudges with you along with Bell's share!"

"Kill it!"

Cut off the sea!

Nangong Qi almost instantly changed back to his Ding Lao mode, and his momentum turned into a huge wave in the air, killing Diavolo.

But after suffering a loss at the hands of Nangong Qi, Diavolo would not make the same mistake.

Facing the menacing Nangong Qi, its reaction was to retreat!

"Give it to me!"

"Ho ho ho ho ho!"×N

At his order, the Kief believers and Kief envoys who were already ready to attack swarmed forward.

"Sophomore, go help your mother and the others!"


Da Er is the one with the strongest flying ability among the people present, so Yuantai, who is anxious, also hands over the heavy responsibility of support to Da Er.

I saw the black and white wings spread out behind Da Er, and the invisibility ability of [Perfect Wings] started to operate, making him disappear directly from everyone's sight.

Looking to the other side, the women's team was also surrounded by Kief believers led by heavy squids.

"Good afternoon, ladies!"

With a fake smile on his face, Squidward made a gentleman's salute to the four women.

"Can you please just sit back and be captured, so as not to suffer any physical pain? Especially you, the woman named Poppy. I heard that you have a very good relationship with JUDO. My boss specially told me to take more care of you. Woolen cloth!"

"Don't think about it!"

"Hmph, if you don't want to eat a toast or take a fine wine, give it to me!"

"Ho ho ho ho ho!"×N

After giving the order, the Keef believers rushed away like high school students who had just finished their afternoon class and rushed to the cafeteria.

Poppy first used the power of his body to push away the approaching demons, then quickly took out the [Faulty Driver 2.0] and fired at the ground, blowing up the closest Kief believers.

"Transformation!" ×2

"Buggle Up! Dreaming Girl (Wow!) Simulation girl in love always faces Toki meki Crisis (Wow!)"


Giant Sakura's transformation was still within Squid's expectations, but Poppy's transformation really exceeded his expectations.

What's even more unusual is that the style of poppy's transformation seems to be very different, just like in the game, and the surrounding environment seems to have changed.

It’s the gaming field!

Although Squidward didn't know what the game field actually was, he was still keenly aware of something amiss.

Could it be that?

The cuttlefish immediately took out his mobile phone, and the signal on the display screen was zero.

In the world of "Kamen Rider Ex-aid", if you want to use a mobile phone to communicate in the game field and outside the game field, you need a special mobile phone developed by Tanlito's divine ability.

In an instant, countless thoughts flowed through Squid's mind, and a cold sweat broke out.

"This is a trap! They are the hunters and we are the prey!"

The squid came to this conclusion.

If his guess was correct, the current situation was that he was trapped in something similar to a barrier.

Reinforcements from outside could not come in, and it was impossible for him to escape from inside.

Careless!Can't dodge!

But think about it, Poppy is a JUDO woman, and JUDO is the mortal enemy of the Outlaws. How could she not be prepared?

And there were nine people in their formation today, eight of them were Kamen Riders, and they almost had "This is a trap" written on their faces.

If Diavolo hadn't been so stubborn, he wouldn't have risked his life.

This is so bad!

"Critical Crews—Aid!"

"King Cobra Stamping Smash!"

Juying and Poppy launched their special kills at the same time and kicked towards the encirclement of Keef believers, cutting through a bloody path.

The squid was stunned to see it.

Weak women with double A power and speed.

Note: Poppy has a kicking force of 70 tons, and the invincible Joan of Arc has a kicking force of 76 tons.

Fortunately, he didn't act recklessly just now, otherwise he might be the one who died.

Weiss directly carried Yukihira on his back, his legs were in the wind, and in a flash, Poppy and the giant cherry disappeared from sight.

Just when Squid felt like today was the day to die, the signal on his cell phone suddenly returned to full bar.

There is no doubt that after poppy broke through the encirclement, he used the characteristics of the game field to escape with the women's team.

But Chip Squid didn't know it. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly took out his walkie-talkie and contacted other cadres deployed in the amusement park.

He was surprised to find that these four women seemed to have disappeared from the world, and there was no trace of them at all.

"Yes, illusion?"

It was as if nothing had happened, and everything seemed to be in a mirror.

If it weren't for the cold sweat streaming down his forehead, the loss of the Keef followers was real, and he would probably regard everything he had just experienced as an illusion.

"It's not good, it's better to take the first step!"

An ominous premonition spread in his heart, and the squid immediately spit out a large mouthful of ink, wrapped it around his body, and disappeared.

"When I gain greater power, I will definitely make you Kamen Riders pay a hundred or a thousand times the price for offending me!"


Accompanied by a shrill whistling sound, a white, slightly black figure hit the ground like a cannonball, and at the same time stirred up a large amount of gravel, causing Gaia next door to have to give a good score.

It’s sophomore year!

He was so anxious that just the aftermath of his landing knocked away the surrounding Kief believers, and even killed several of them alive.

"Mom, Sakura, Weiss, Aunt Poppy, where are you?"

"Evily Perfect Finish!"

Unable to find any trace of his relatives, Da Er went completely crazy. He launched his special move without hesitation, waving the short-blade weapon in his hand and drawing out streaks of sword light in the air.

Under such an attack, the Kiv believers fell like wheat.

"Where are you ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Da Er was like crazy, almost killing people and killing Buddhas, leaving only the broken limbs and broken arms of the Kiffu followers whom he tore into pieces wherever he went.

Of course, there are not many people left in the entire amusement park now.




That’s weird, maybe it’s also influenced by the protagonist (I’m sure)




PS again:

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Chapter 255 Let me get pregnant!

"It's what it is, it's what it is."

After Nangong Qi told Karisaki about Poppy, his eyes widened as if they were about to burst out.

"you are married?"

"Yes. Originally I didn't want her to come, but because of the agreement with the Igarashi family, I had no choice but to bring her."

"No, I mean, can a Kamen Rider, especially a Showa Rider like you, get married?"


Nangong Qi couldn't help but have a black question mark on his face.

"Do you have any misunderstanding about Kamen Rider? Why can't I get married?"

The uncle Yanjian who works on the set of Holy Blade next door can even entertain children.


For a moment, Karisaki was speechless, and at the same time a strange look appeared on his face.

Probably just like those idol fans whose personality has collapsed, and like the first person to receive an idol's wedding invitation.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Karisaki looked a little strange, Nangong Qi patted him on the shoulder.

"No, it's nothing, it's okay!"

Karisaki forced a smile.

With such poor acting skills, Nangong Qi also looked at Ding Qi, but he always had absolute trust in his companions, so naturally he didn't get too entangled in this kind of thing.

"Well, I have to work with the Igarashi family next. Goodbye!"

[Aurora Curtain] appeared and transferred Nangong Qi away from this place.

Looking at the place where Nangong Qi disappeared, Karisaki's eyes were extremely complicated.

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