"I, actually, was pushed back?"

After regaining the ability to think, Nangong Qi just sighed like this.

He had a thousand words in his heart to complain about everything that happened last night, but when the thousands of words came to his lips, they turned into happy laughter.

Probably just like poppy said, two people love each other and recognize this love.

In this case, there is no need to say any more words.

"Poppy, are you awake?"

"Of course I'm awake."

"Are you okay? I heard that women feel uncomfortable the first time."


There was no answer, Poppy just turned his back, as if he was shy about something.

"Well, we've already been honest with each other, what's there to be ashamed of?"

"Bad villain, didn't you see that I have all my clothes?"

"Ha ha!"

Nangong Qi smiled, summoned [Aurora Curtain], took out a few sets of his own clothes and handed them to Poppy.

"Don't forget, we made an agreement with the Igarashi family today to go to the amusement park. We can't keep them waiting!"




These are already modified contents

There is nothing that can be done about this. Even though I wrote it in such a simple way, it will still be blocked.

MD, so I’ll just send these out as free chapters.




PS again:

The protagonist is probably a person who has been walking in the darkness for who knows how long, so much so that he thinks he is part of the darkness.

Unless someone forcibly pulls him out of the darkness like a vampire and sends him to sunbathe on the street, he will never be able to change this way of thinking.




Final PS:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

Please allow me to shamelessly request an automatic subscription!

Chapter 257 The twisted knight chef swears allegiance

"Juuga Amazing Finish!"

Tenga's surprise ends!

"Destream Finish!"

The end of exile!

"Bell! poppy!"


Shouting the name of the one they loved most, Nangong Qi and Yuantai jumped up and launched flying kicks at Diavolo who was hiding in the rear and using countless Kief followers as human shields.

Double Knight Kick × Two Showa Knights!

It looks very much like the alien Ajito hiding behind a large group of human shields on the set of "Kamen Rider King" next door.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

The Double Knight Kick was so powerful that it knocked out countless Kief followers along the way and was in front of Diavolo almost in the blink of an eye.

Just facing the incoming attack, Diavolo couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

There is no way to avoid it, so we can only fight hard!

"Let's fight!"

Double life-breaking path!

The fists were retracted at the waist, and the moment Nangong Qi and Yuantai got closer, they were violently thrown out.


In an instant, Diavolo's legs sank deeply into the ground, and he slowly moved backwards uncontrollably, plowing a furrow on the ground.

Even if it was only at the moment when the two sides were relieved, the winner had already been decided.

"Impossible, impossible! It's impossible! I obviously summoned so many cannon fodder this time to consume you, why can't I defeat you?"

"There is only one reason for your failure!"

"That's what you're doing to our families!"

“Totally pissed us off!”×2

The last words were shouted by Nangong Qi and Yuantai in unison, and at the same time, a momentum like the earth was shattering erupted from their bodies, pushing Diavolo back crazily at a faster speed.

Gradually, Diavolo could no longer continue with this situation and could only allow the two knights full of endless energy to kick his body, pressing him to the ground and rubbing him crazily.


In the end, Diavolo was kicked out and turned into a huge firework in the air.



Seeing that their biggest enemy was eliminated, Nangong Qi and Yuantai could finally focus on finding their respective families.


The two Kamen Riders, who both came from the Showa era and relied on their love for their families to get out of the dark ages, were killing each other in the amusement park like crazy.

The purpose is to find their beloved family members as quickly as possible, and also to reduce the possibility that they may face more enemies.

Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!

Ikki, who had been in OMO all this time, couldn't help but be secretly surprised by the fact that he was killed by the darkness of the sky and the earth, and was even unable to transform.

"Are they really brothers?"

Because the two of them are equally strong and equally crazy.


Suddenly, the familiar cell phone ringtone rang on the two of them, shaking their movements like a meat grinder.

Regardless of how many Kief believers and Kief envoys were around them, they almost burst out and took out their mobile phones as fast as they could in their lives.

"It's poppy's phone number!"

"It's Yukihira's call!"

Press the ON key.

"Poppy, are you okay?"

"It's okay!"×2

Nangong Qi and Yuantai were relieved.

"Don't disturb the labor and management! Didn't you see that the labor and management are busy?"

Feeling that there was a sneak attack from an unruly Kifu believer behind him, Nangong Qi turned around and kicked him violently.

"Qi, you are a doctor after all, can't you keep your mouth clean? If you have a child in the future, you will lead him bad!"

"Okay, okay, I will listen to you, I will definitely change it, I will definitely change it!"

It was only when he almost thought he was going to lose Poppy that Nangong Qi realized how much he loved her, so he naturally agreed repeatedly.

It's just a matter of changing my oral habits, no big deal.

As long as poppy is okay, everything is fine.

"When we get back, let's go have barbecue!"

"Okay, okay!"

"See you then!"

"See you!"

After hanging up the phone, Nangong Qi looked at Yuantai not far away.

It happened that he had just put down the phone, and the two of them smiled tacitly under their masks.


Not only the two of them, Da Er also received a call from Ju Ying, which finally calmed him down after he almost turned into a mirage.

At the same time, outside the amusement park, [Sabbath] combatants were also gathering.

"Hurry up!"

Under the leadership of Ushijima, the combatants guarded various roads and did not allow any of the demons to escape from them and endanger the peace of the city.

The division of labor is clear. The Kamen Riders are responsible for cleaning up most of the demons, and [Sabbath] is used to cut off the demons' escape routes.

Within an hour, there was no sign of demonic activity in the amusement park.

"Let's go back to eat barbecue tonight!"

Nangong Qi's body leaned back in an exaggerated manner, making several people present want to throw throwing knives.

"But before that, let's go to the supermarket first and prepare the ingredients! After all, there are nine people in our family, so we have to prepare barbecue for at least ten people!"

"Okay, let's go back and have barbecue tonight!"

At the same time, in the underground base, Karisaki

He stared at the screen with a gloomy expression, watching Nangong Qi and Yuantai playing tricks there together.

In fact, he has been watching Nangong Qi and Yuantai since they entered the amusement park, staring at the display screen with concentration.

I just don’t know why, but he kept a frown and a serious expression throughout the whole process. Even if Nangong Qi and Yuantai teamed up to kick Diavolo to death, he still had this expression, just like a stone sculpture carved from stone. General.

As a knight chef, he should be happy and happy, but at the moment he seems to be very unhappy.


Suddenly, Karisaki jumped up from his seat, roared, and smashed the screen with his fist.

"Hoo, ho, ho, ho, ho..."

He was breathing heavily and his eyes were bloodshot, which all showed what was in his heart at the moment.

"A real Kamen Rider doesn't need a family! Nangong, Nangong, what happened to you? You actually become like the Igarashi family?"

No one could answer his question, only endless silence.

"When something happens, you can't sit still and wait for death! I have to do something, at least make Nangong return to the Kamen Rider he once was!"

Karisaki sat back on the chair tiredly, his brain working at high speed, thinking about how to make Nangong Qi return to his former appearance.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made a decision.

His hands were tapping rapidly on the keyboard as if he were playing a piano.

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