Finally, he forcefully carried a large number of cement blocks through the ancestral dam of the special photo studio and arrived at the forefront of the battlefield.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone present were attracted.

Seeing that flash of pink in the crowd, Ikki didn't care about any shame and shouted:

"Wes, save me!"


Weiss squatted down slightly, exerted force on his legs, and jumped up.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, but Weiss still reached an altitude of tens of meters and firmly grasped Ikki.

"Wes, help pull this apart!"

"I will handle it!"

In the air, Weiss and Ikki each pulled one side of the Keef Tyrannosaurus Sin Seal, spinning in the air like a tandem, before landing at high speed.

"What is that?" Karisaki was also attracted by Weiss and Ikki who were playing two-person spin in the sky, and then a heartbreaking pain appeared in his neck.

"You are actually distracted in this kind of battlefield fighting? You simply don't know what to say!"

Nangong Qi had no intention of stopping, and directly opened his mouth full of countless fangs and bit Karisaki's neck, making him feel suffocated and no longer had any energy to pay attention to Ikki and Weiss.

"Stop them for me!"

Naturally, the squid also felt that something was wrong, and immediately gave an order to Aguilera.

"No need

Now! ”

Suddenly, an old voice sounded.

It's Akaishi!

He has always been an intellectual cadre and actually came to the front line in person.

"Leave it to me next! Tuo——"

Akaashi jumped up and struck hard at the Keefu Tyrannosaurus Sin Seal between Ikki and Weiss with a hand knife.

Probably in his opinion, the Keef Tyrannosaurus Sin Seal is a power-up item that can be used by anyone, so destroying it has a higher priority than killing Ikki and Weiss.


Keef's Tyrannosaurus Seal of Sin split into two, and Ikki and Weiss also fell to the ground in the air.

In fact, Ikki was completely confused.

Before he could pull apart the awkward sin seal, Akaishi helped to split the sin seal into two parts, and the originally unruly looking Tyrannosaurus Keefu sin seal also stopped struggling.

"Wes, let's transform together!"

"it is good!"

"It's burning!"×2

Ikki and Weiss exploded with amazing hand speed in the air, each took out the [Levis Drive] and tied it around their waists, and pressed their respective sin seals.

"Keef Tyrannosaurus!"×2

"Big Bang! Come on! Tyrannosaurus Keef!"×2N

"Transformation!" ×2


Akaishi was shocked and angry.

He never expected that this sinful seal was so weird that it actually needed to be split in the middle before it could be used.

His original attempt to stop them turned out to be self-defeating and helped Ikki and Weiss.

But it was too late to say anything.

I saw violent upper and lower jaws composed of energy released from the drives of Ikki and Weiss respectively, forming a huge dragon head, biting down hard on Ikki and Weiss.

"Ultimate up! Overflowing Hot passion! In the final analysis! The inside and outside are one! The power of the universe is infinite! Kamen Rider! REVI! VICE! Let's go! Come on! Giffa! Giffa! Giffard Rex!" ×2

The ultimate sublimation!A surge of fiery passion!All of one heart!The appearance is the same!Cosmic power!Unlimited!Kamen Rider Levi!Weiss!bring it on!Let’s go together!Keefe!Keefe!Keefe!Kifde Tyrannosaurus!

The huge surge of energy formed a set of brightly colored armors on Ikki and Weiss, with only the helmets being their respective colors.

Ikki is pink and Weiss is dark blue.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

The magnetic field that can be seen with sight lingers on them, slowing down the two's fall, allowing them to finally stabilize their fighting strength on the water.

Seeing this scene, Akaishi and Squid suddenly lost their souls.

Especially the squid, he chose to turn around and run away without hesitation.

"Nangong, we are here to rescue you now!"

Stepping on the water, Weiss rushed towards Karisaki and Nangong Qi who were hugging each other, while Ikki killed Akaishi.

Seeing this, Nangong Qi released Karisaki in time, allowing him to be kicked away by Weiss.

"Keef Tyrannosaurus? I would like to see what you are capable of!"

"Crush Genome Edge!"

Gene-shattering blade!

The power of gorilla!

At this moment, Karisaki had completely given up all reason and devoted all his brains to the battle.

There were huge gloves attached to both fists, and they were swung at Weiss.

The magnetic field energy opened up in front of Weiss and turned into a huge shield.


After the collision, Karisaki was shaken away by the impact, and was greatly surprised at the same time.

"You can actually block my full blow?"

"Karisaki, don't continue to be crazy! Your father is dying too. Why don't you come see him for the last time?"


Karisaki's actions shocked him.

"Lie! You're lying! Don't think you can deceive me easily!"

"I'm not lying to you, Karisaki, come back and see him one last time! Don't do something that you will regret for the rest of your life!"

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!"

Repeating the same words crazily as if to brainwash himself, Karisaki touched the sin seal again.

"Juuga Amazing Finish!"

Tenga's surprise ends!

The powers of 22 different animals unite again

One, Karisaki jumped up and kicked towards Weiss.

"Ikki, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

In the distance, Ikki hammered Akaishi into the water with his fist, and then launched his special move with Weiss.

"Revi Giffard Finish!"

"Vice Giffard Finish!"

The red positive and blue negative energy were thrown out in the form of energy balls, hitting Karisaki who was still in the air and stopping him in mid-air.

Weiss and Ikki took advantage of this moment to jump up, and the powerful magnetic force tightly bound them to Karisaki, spinning at high speed in mid-air with Karisaki as the center.

Accelerate, continue to accelerate.

Until the end, Weiss and Ikki kicked towards Karisaki in the center.

The original high-speed rotation was transformed into a more powerful flying kick, and the damage to Karisaki from the left and right attacks doubled.


The sound of armor shattering was heard, and Karisaki's armor shattered and fell to the ground. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes.

Ikki and Weiss Luo caught the power of the magnetic field and landed steadily on the ground. Looking around, they were all damned Keef believers and demons.


Nangong Qi rushed towards Ikki.

But the next moment...


Yihui hit Nangong Qi's face with his fist, and the fangs exposed in the air immediately fell to the ground.

Nangong Qi fell into the vast reservoir of the reservoir and disappeared.

"Ikki, what are you doing?" Weiss was stunned.

"Isn't he an enemy?"

Ikki was a little confused.

“That’s Nangong Qi!”

Wes put his head in his hands and almost screamed.

"Ah? That monster is Nangong Qi?"

He did not see Nangong Qi transforming himself into an alien monster in order to gain more power, so he did not know Nangong Qi's identity.

However, let me ask, facing an alien monster that is skinny, covered with countless spikes, fangs and claws, and a tail as sharp as a dagger, how many people will not regard it as such when they see it? What about friendly beings?

Compared with that alien, Ikki felt that all the demons he had ever seen were benevolent compared to it.

After being reminded, Yihui quickly came to the water's edge and could not see any sign of Nangong Qi.

The numbness in his scalp suddenly came over him, making Ikki feel like his brain was overloaded.

"Wes, what should I do?"

"Don't mention anything else, let's clean up those miscellaneous fish demons first!"

Weiss was referring to the Keef believers not far away.

The cadres who originally led the team dispersed long ago after seeing Karisaki being fucked so easily, leaving only a group of low-intelligence Kief followers.

Without the suppression of superior cadres, the low-intelligence Kief believers were actually ready to move, and it seemed that the next moment they might overwhelm [Sabbath]'s already weak defense line in a wave.

"Revi Giffard Finish!"

"Vice Giffard Finish!"

The special move is activated again.

Ikki and Weiss held each other's hands tightly, and slowly raised their free hands in front of hundreds of Kief believers.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

A huge magnetic field force formed in mid-air, sucking all the Keef believers not far away into the mid-air, forming a huge monster ball.

Vientiane God!

Then it lost control, and an extremely huge magnetic field energy was injected into the monster, followed by explosion.


The monster ball that had gathered countless Kief believers exploded like fireworks, leaving no one behind.

So what should we do next?

"Wes, go and bring Karisaki back. Dr. Masumi can't hold on much longer, let him go see his father for the last time!"

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