"Anyway, follow my heart and let's do it together!"

"it is good!"

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

The red and blue magnetic field energy was released, completely disrupting the gravity of the earth and canceling out the gravity of all the surrounding demons, leaving them all suspended in mid-air.

"Then next..."

"Go back to where you came from!"

The magnetic field energy surged again, forming a large number of magnetic field coils visible to the naked eye in the air, wrapping these demons and flying quickly towards the dark red space gate in the sky.

"Go back!"×2

With the sound of one person and one demon, a large number of demons, including demons that had just been transformed from humans, were all thrust back into the sky.

Not only that, Ikki and Weiss suddenly discovered that the power of the magnetic field seemed to be able to forcibly close the space door.

“It always feels like it’s going to work!”

"Ikki, let's go together!"


"Revi Giffard Finish!"

"Vice Giffard Finish!"

With the activation of the fatal attack, more terrifying energy spurted out from one person and one demon like a sea, forcibly closing the space door in the sky.

"Did you make it?"

Seeing that the enemy had temporarily retreated, Juying asked this question.

"Is this a success?"

Nangong Qi's rhetorical question completely shocked Juying to the point where she couldn't say a word.

"So what should we do next?"

"Cold salad!"

Leaning down and picking up a demon arm from the ground, Nangong Qi summoned the [Aurora Curtain] and walked in.

"Come on!"

Genta, Dai Er and Ju Sakura followed closely behind.

"Hey, wait for us!"

Weiss pulled Ikki and took off on the spot, flying into the [Aurora Curtain].

On the other side of the [Aurora Curtain] is Sabbath's research base.

Karisaki took the demon arm handed over by Nangong Qi, conducted tests and research, and came to the conclusion:

"According to my research, all human beings in the world contain more or less demonic genes in their bodies. It only needs to be slightly activated through the sin seal, and the demon will appear! And those Kief believers will undoubtedly speed up this process. !”

"Can it be reversed?"

Nangong Qi's voice was extremely calm, as if he had never known Karisaki before.

"It's difficult, but I'll try my best!"


Nangong Qi nodded, and then left [Sabbath] through [Aurora Curtain] and returned to the alien spacecraft.

"Qi, how's the situation?"

"It's very bad! More than a hundred people have been converted into Kief followers, and they will never be able to change back again!"

Nangong Qi's entire head was covered by shadow, and his dark golden vertical pupils shone like light bulbs in the darkness.

"Today is probably just a small test for Keefe and the others, and the next situation will only be more terrifying and disgusting than before!"

"If I guess right?

If there is a mistake, the Outlaws plan to turn everyone in the city into demons! "

"Oh my god! There are hundreds of thousands of people in this city!"

Poppy covered her mouth, her eyes full of panic.

If hundreds of thousands of people were transformed into demons, it would probably not be a problem for this kind of thing to become an international issue.

The most terrible thing is that the ensuing humanitarian crises and tests of human nature, as well as questions such as whether the devil's life is life or not, will continue to test everyone's bottom line.

"What should we do? Do we need help from Tan Lidou?"

If the bugster virus could be used to convert the Keefe demon into data and then readjusted back...

It's useless!

When a human being is converted into a kief believer, that person is already dead!

All that is alive are demons occupying human bodies!

"Now there is only one way, and that is entropic weapons!"

Bell had shown Nangong Qi how to use entropy weapons a long time ago, and he could freely control time.

If we could control time and reverse all the humans who had become followers of Kif, then the troubles of the fugitives would not be a concern at all.

"Hey, I have to work overtime again!"



Regarding Ikki, I always feel that he seems to be tightly bound by the Igarashi family.

Especially when no one in the family was reliable, he had to give up his dream and work as a bathhouse worker.

In the original TV series, he even lost his good brother Wes for the sake of his family.

So I thought, for Ikki, the best ending is to leave the Igarashi family.

After all, people will grow up after all. Ikki will also have his own lover, his own family, and his own happiness in the future. He cannot always stay with his parents.

Of course, in Gentleman’s book, Ikki already has a wife




PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

Please allow me to shamelessly request an automatic subscription!

Chapter 268 Water Demon Plan

In the space created by Keefe, the squid is doing some experiments.

Since this is a completely independent space outside the earth, there is no gravity at all, and the squid can only move through a magical hoverboard.

And with the support of Kief Space, the population plunder plan can be implemented smoothly.

After all, he was a world away, so Squid didn't believe that those Kamen Riders could still come over and kill him.

Ever since, Chip Squid has successfully collected hundreds of supplies.

And these consumables are all wrapped in a kind of mucus, floating in the air like balloons.

Although he is not a famous scientist like Hikari, Tan Lito, Kanzaki Shirou, or Zhanji Lingma, he still has great wisdom.

I am not a professional, but I can learn!

So, before Karisaki jumped repeatedly, Squid learned from Karisaki and obtained a lot of important information about the devil.

And now, it's time for this forbidden knowledge to come into play!

Standing on a suspended board, the squid took out a test tube of water with a sinister smile on his face.

Although it looks like an ordinary test tube of water on the surface, the squid does not dare to get a drop of water easily, because this bottle of water is mucus scraped from Keefe's coffin.

Just a small drop is enough to convert an entire adult population into keef believers.

This thing is much easier to use than the Keef Seal!

Controlling the hoverboard under his feet, he took the test tube liquid and came to a person who was holding consumables. He handed the test tube in his hand to the guarding Kief believer and ordered:

"Put a few drops on him!"

After receiving the order, the Kief believers immediately fished the consumables out of the liquid cage with their bare hands, and then poured a test tube of liquid onto the consumables.

The Squid believes that as long as he is given enough time, he can convert all humans around the world into kief followers and plunge the entire earth into chaos.


With a howl of pain, the consumables were transformed into a brand new kief cultist.

And this new type of kief believer is even more contagious. It only requires physical contact to make people succumb without kief marks.

Chapter's case, transforming humans into identical kief followers.

The squid looked at the empty test tube with some distress, and could only feel helpless at the low intelligence of the Keef believers.

"That's what I collected all day long!"

However, this is still a renewable resource, but it is a bit troublesome to collect.

"How's the experiment going?"

Akaishi also stepped on a hoverboard and came to the squid.

"The experiment went well, but the amount was too small!"

Also, it takes an entire day to collect a test tube of mucus.

It cannot be left to the clumsy Kief believers who don't know how to do fine work. It can only be done by the squid and a few loyal hands.

And you must protect your whole body, because once this mucus is released, no matter what kind of human being, you will immediately be transformed into a Kief believer.

This is what the Squid learned after paying the price of several loyal subordinates.

"So what if this mucus is diluted? To what extent can it be diluted to convert people into believers?"

"I don't know."

The squid shook his head, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"But we can try!"

"How to experiment?"

"I plan to pour a test tube of slime into the waterworks to see what the city will look like! And I call this the Water Demon Project! Hahahahahahaha!"

"good idea!"

As he said, he went to the water plant through the space door. After knocking down a few security guards, he poured all the mucus he had collected over time into the water circulation system.

"Next, let's see how you Kamen Riders respond! Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

Day two.


Countless kief believers are walking on the streets, attacking all humans they can witness, and transforming them into kief followers identical to themselves.

There is no need to say anything more, the water demon plan was successful!

Every corner of the city is inhabited by kief followers, and all traces of humanity are almost extinct.

"Damn it!"

Seeing all this through the surveillance system, Da Er hit the computer screen with his fist, breathing heavily.

"Brother Da Er, calm down!" Juying quickly stopped Da Er.

"How do you make me calm down?"

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