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Chapter 269

Holding the Bell Sharcharodon Sin Seal in his hand, Nangong Qi took a deep breath.

"Poppy, if I don't restore a human body, or other experiments fail, please forget about me! After all, I am a monster, and I am not worth waiting for you for a lifetime!"


Poppy shook his head, got close to Nangong Qi, and used his body to warm Nangong Qi's cold body.

"The person I love most is you. No matter what you become or what your ending is, I will never leave you!"

"In this case, I can't fail even more, right?"

Nangong Qi wanted to laugh, but he couldn't make such an expression because he didn't even have any face left.

"Sa, let's start the final experiment! Bell, if you can still hear me, please come out and help me!"

Take out the [Levis Drive] and tie it around your waist, and press the Seal of Sin.

"Vail Carcharodontosaurus!"

Bell's Carcharodontosaurus!

At the moment when the seal of sin was stamped on the drive, a voice that Nangong Qi was very familiar with but had not heard for a long time sounded.


"Bell? Are you finally awake?"

"Yes, I'm back. But why did you give up your human appearance and become like us demons?"

Bell was full of doubts about Nangong Qi's current appearance.

"But then again, if the demon cells in your body weren't pure enough, I probably wouldn't be able to wake up."

"Well, it's a long story about this!"

Being able to wake up Bell unexpectedly, this unexpected joy really made Nangong Qi ecstatic and wanted to cum immediately.

Sing a song.

But now there are tens of millions of people at stake above his head, and he is not in the mood to do that kind of thing at all.

"By the way, one more thing, Keefe is awake!"

"Kif? Has that old immortal thing finally woken up?" Bell's originally joyful voice became filled with murderous intent.

"So Bell, lend me your power once again!"

"Transformation!" ×2


Poppy heard it very clearly. Nangong Qi just made two sounds at the same time.

"Ultimate up! Kamen Rider JUDO! Guide entropy and control time! Bell, Bell, Bell Carcharodontosaurus!"

The dark golden carcharodon roared behind Nangong Qi and bit down hard on Nangong Qi.

Cast off!

The huge carcharodontosaurus instantly shattered into countless fragments, and these fragments also whirled in the air and combined, falling on Nangong Qi, turning into a black body with dark gold armor as decoration on some edges, and a completely black cloak. appeared on his left shoulder.

Compared to the bright colors of Keef's Tyrannosaurus Levis, the colors of Nangong Qi's Bell's Tyrannosaurus are simpler and bleak, as if they are the ultimate darkness that wants to swallow everything.

"Odd?" Poppy asked worriedly.


Nangong Qi gave a thumbs up gesture to Poppy.

Now he feels that he can control time and everything.

Then, the first thing to be done is...

Nangong Qi put his hand on his heart and released dark golden energy.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

With the change in entropy, the time of Nangong Qi's body quickly rewinds.

Gradually, all the demon cells that were originally fused into his body and almost impossible to separate were eliminated from the body as time went back.

Not only that, countless dark red demon cells appeared as dark red particles, gradually condensing into a humanoid existence in the air.

It's Bell!

Not only that, Nangong Qi could also clearly feel that his alien-like body under the armor had also returned to a human body because the demon cells were expelled from the body.

Without turning his head, Nangong Qi stretched out his fist and collided with Bell's.

"Partner, do you know what I want to do now?"

"Of course, our two souls are linked to each other!"


Poppy stood aside with his head full of questions.

Although she didn't know what kind of existence the fierce-looking Bell was, it seemed that the relationship between the two of them was quite good.

"But before that, I still have something to do!"

"Is it about that woman?"

Bell turned to look at Poppy, looking her up and down, which made Poppy feel a little scared.

If it had been before, Bell would have chopped up the woman who was partnering with his gun without saying a word.

Then add another sentence:

"For that kind of woman!"

But considering that last time he did this and ended up being abandoned by Yuantai, he could only endure it.

Let's allow this woman to stay with her partner for the time being. At least, I am closer to my partner than this guy.

"Her name is poppy."

"Poppy? You have good taste, partner!"

With that said, Bell turned into dark red mist and returned to Nangong Qi's body.

"Then we'll see you later. I wish you and her a happy marriage and a baby soon."

After saying this, Bell's voice no longer appeared in Nangong Qi's mind.

"Qi, that devil just now, who is he?"

"He is Bell, as I told you before, a friend who has had a life-and-death relationship with me!"

With that said, Nangong Qi released his transformation, revealing his body that had turned back into a human.

"Look, look! I'm back now!"

Nangong Qi and Poppy hugged each other tightly, feeling the feeling of finally returning.

Especially Nangong Qi. After he stopped being a human again and then turned back into a human being, Nangong Qi felt a kind of joy of rebirth.

"Poppy, I'm going to save people now!"

"I know that in the city above our heads, there are tens of millions of people suffering, and only you can save them. So go ahead, I will wait for you here!"

"Wait for me, after I finish packing those things, let's live our lives together!"

After Poppy kissed Nangong Qi's lips deeply, Nangong Qi summoned [Aurora Curtain] to transfer himself away.

————————————————Keef eating snacks————————————————

“Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho—


Outside the largest shelter in [Sabbath], tens of thousands of demons were making continuous beastly roars.

Not only that, there are more demons coming from afar.

The whole scene was like the Chinese dynasty next door, when the Internet was not yet developed, and a large number of migrant workers lined up to sell train tickets.

"This quantity is really too much!"

Looking at the hell drawing, even an old warrior like Yuantai felt his scalp numb.

Yuantai was like this, not to mention the others, all of them looked as gloomy as dark clouds.

Except Weiss.

"Haha, no need to hold back now! Ikki, let's have a big fight!"

Facing the seemingly endless enemies, Weiss looked extremely excited, and Ikki held her back to prevent her from rushing out directly.

"Look, everyone, it's Orutega!"

The sharp-eyed Ushijima Hikaru saw his husband-killer enemy at a glance, and now he was slowly walking out of the demon army, with an extremely confident smile on his face.

"Hey, good afternoon, Kamen Riders!"

As soon as he came out, Squidward made an extremely artificial sound of praise, as if he was praising the Kamen Riders.

"The visitor is not good!"

"I'll go!"

The sophomore volunteered and chose to negotiate with the squid.

"Olutega, do you want to persuade us to surrender again today?"

"Hoho, you are worthy of being the second son of the Igarashi family. He guessed it right the first time! It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!"

As he said this, Squid actually clapped his hands.

"But this time, I really come with good intentions! As long as Igarashi and his family surrender, I will retreat with the army of believers. What do you think?"


By handing over Igarashi's entire family, [Sabbath] and everyone in the shelter can be saved.

But can the squid keep its promise?

Regardless of how credible the Squid's agreement is, if it can save lives, then this kind of thing is worthy of discussion by everyone in [Sabbath].

"My time is limited, so I can only wait for you for 5 minutes at most! So please hurry up! Hahahahahaha!"

A low laughter sounded, and the Squid quickly retreated back into the army of Keef believers.

[Sabbath] was involved in a tense discussion.

"What should we do? Do we really want to hand over Igarashi's whole family?"

As soon as this proposal was put forward, it quickly attracted the approval of many people.

And this includes sophomore year.

"Hand us over. Anyway, whether to fight or not, the decision lies in Orutega's hands. Even if he breaks the agreement, our final result will still be annihilation! Everyone on the left and right will die, so why not take a gamble? Bar!"

It seems that the sophomore has made up his mind to sacrifice his own life and that of his family members to save more people.

It would have been okay if I didn't say this in my sophomore year. Once I said it, the hope of survival spread like crazy among the completely desperate people.

Even if several other members of the Igarashi family wanted to say something, they had nothing to say in the end.

What can be said and done now?

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