"Bell, let's go together!"


Bell turned into dark red mist and returned to Nangong Qi's body.

At this moment, Bell and Nangong Qi worked together as one, raising the brand new Bell's Carcharodontosaurus sin seal and ringing the bell.

"Bell Carcharodontosaurus!"

"It's a brand new sin seal that I've never seen before!"

Despite this, Chishi didn't panic at all, and even stood in front of Nangong Qi and watched the show openly.

After all, behind him is an army of tens of thousands of powerful Kifu believers, and even if they are all lost, Kifu can reincarnate in the dirt with a wave of his hand, pursue souls in the underworld, and bring back all the demons of death.

Not only that, in Keefe's demon space, there are hundreds of thousands of demon armies that are ready to go and can be released at any time to support the front line.

Let me ask you, with hundreds of thousands of troops in hand and the Resurrection Hot Spring at your back, how can you lose?

This is simply an advantage over Flying Dragon Riding Face. How could he lose?

Impossible to lose!

I'll stand here and watch you transform.

Because Akaishi is about to face Nangong Qi and Bell in their strongest state, wielding the whip of complete defeat and completely defeating his determination and will to resist.

"Partner, it seems that Akaashi has no intention of interrupting our transformation!"

"He is really a good person!"

"In this case, we cannot let down their rare kindness!"

"Let's beat them together

Find your teeth! "

"Transformation!" ×2

"Ultimate up! Kamen Rider JUDO! Guide entropy and control time! Bell, Bell, Bell Carcharodontosaurus!"

A huge dark golden carcharodontosaurus formed behind Nangong Qi, roared to the sky, and then bit Nangong Qi fiercely.

Cast Off!

In an instant, the Carcharodontosaurus exploded into countless pieces of armor, and then attached to Nangong Qi's body, turning into a set of full-body armor that was completely black with dark gold edges.

A pure black cloak appeared on the left shoulder, fluttering in the wind, and there was a large mouth full of shark teeth on the helmet.


"Strengthen mountains and rivers, burn my soul! Now we are invincible!"


Listening to Nangong Qi's war cry, Akaishi just wanted to look up to the sky and roar.

"Then let me verify and verify how hot your background is! Give it to me!"


After Akaishi gave an order, the army of Kifu believers who had been waiting for a long time behind him surged towards Nangong Qi like a tide.

In response, Nangong Qi just raised his hand gently.

The next moment, dark golden energy was released, covering the entire area.

World, stop!

The entire scene was like a mural, everyone was still in place, the running Kifu believers were fixed on the running road, and Akaishi also maintained his previous movements.

"Fa, what happened? Why are they all still?"

Everyone present was confused and confused, and a few of them expressed their confusion.

Karisaki touched his chin, looking thoughtful:

"If my guess is correct, it's probably the effect of entropic weapons!"

"Entropy weapon?"


Karisaki pushed up his glasses.

Even before he had backstabbed, he had had in-depth cooperation with Nangong Qi and successfully developed the [Chimera Driver] and [Shijia Driver].

At that time, Nangong Qi had absolute trust in Karisaki and gave him the task of installing the entropic weapon on the Kamen Rider transformation system.

Although Karisaki finally chose to run away with a backstab, the development has been greatly improved. Nangongqi relied on his strong scientific research level to continue development based on the information left by Karisaki.

The final result was naturally the Bell Carcharodontosaurus in front of him.

A name that combines Bell and the original contract signed between Nangong Qi and Bell, which is a very memorable name.


I'm so sorry!

Karisaki felt his heart bleeding.

As a knight chef, it is undoubtedly a great honor for him to be able to develop a set of Kamen Rider's strongest armor.

It's a pity that because of a mistake, he gave up this honor and chose to fall into darkness.

Looking back at Nangong Qi, he was walking on the road to the dam, walking smoothly all the way.

Even if there is a time-suspended Keef believer in front of him, he can easily blast it with one fist.

So what if there are hundreds of thousands of demons behind Akaishi?

In front of the Bell Tyrannosaurus, mere Kief believers are nothing more than bugs.

No matter how many bugs there are, they are still bugs!

It is still something that Nangong Qi can easily crush with just a move of his fingers.

At this moment, it was already night, the moonlight was shining down, but the entire dam was still dark.

This is all because the demon blood shed by the Kief believers who died in the previous battle has dried up and is adsorbed on the dam like solidified asphalt.

Soon, Nangong Qi came to Akaishi, acting as if he was walking in the backyard of his home.

"Akaashi, your drama of raping and betraying your own kind can only end here!"

After announcing in a low voice the judgment of Akaishi, Nangong Qi flicked the sin seal on his belt to launch his special move.

"Vail CarcharodontosaurusFinish!"

The end of Bell's Carcharodontosaurus!

Dark golden energy surged on Nangong Qi's feet, and with a handsome turning kick, it directly hit Akaishi's stilled body.

The next moment, Akaishi completely disappeared on the spot.

It was reduced to ashes and nothing was left.

"What a terrible power!"

"This is the power of entropic weapons!"

While everyone was marveling at Nangong Qi's powerful strength, Karisaki was also concentrating on the explanation.

"Just now, Nangong's knight kicked the entropy current in Akaishi's body, adjusting the time of every molecule in his body back infinitely, adjusting it to a state where Akaishi was not even a cell, and completely crushed him to ashes. !”

Then, Nangong Qi looked at the broken limbs that were still in place and floating on the water downstream, feeling in his heart

make a decision.

"You all go home!"

Raising his hand slightly, Nangong Qi snapped his fingers.

The next moment, from his center, a powerful dark golden energy was released in the form of a circle.

All the Kief believers who came into contact with this energy disappeared in place, and even the long-dried demon blood on the ground and the various broken limbs and broken arms on the downstream water disappeared.

If he hadn't personally experienced the previous battle, he would probably regard everything just now as an illusion.

Not only that, the Igarashi family, Karisaki, Ushijima Hikaru and Kadoda, as well as all the [Sabbath] combatants suddenly felt refreshed, and all the energy consumed in the previous battle was returned.

"this is?"

"It's incredible!"


While everyone was amazed, Karisaki continued to explain:

"It's Nangong, he has adjusted our body's time back to its optimal state!"

"What about those Kief believers? They won't be directly reduced to atoms like Akaashi, right?"


Nangong Qi turned around and explained:

"The move I just made will turn back the time of every Kief believer back to the time before they were converted into Keef believers! And you, too, are the same!"

"And what about them?"

"Of course I sent him back to the city!"

Under the mask, Nangong Qi smiled crookedly.

It has to be said that the alien demon's technology is extremely advanced, and it can even control the position of an object by affecting time with ease.

"Huh? I remembered everything! Dad, sophomore, Sakura!"

Ikki was pleasantly surprised to find that all the memories of his family that he had lost came back to him, and he hugged his family members excitedly.

It should be said that entropic weapons are indeed demonic technology. Even the soul of the memory that was burned because of supporting Weiss in the battle can travel back in time.

Looking at Genta with a happy face, Bell also felt disappointed.

But when he thought of Nangong Qi, this feeling suddenly disappeared.

"Partner, can I ask you a question?"

Bell's tone changed drastically. He was no longer as cold as before, but became cautious, like a child tentatively asking if he could buy expensive toys.


"Partner, do I count as your family?"


Nangong Qi was a little stunned, as if he had never thought that Bell would ask such a question.

The next moment, he was smiling under the mask.

"Bell, what are you thinking about? We are inseparable and close friends. More than just family, we are basically the same existence with souls connected to each other!"


Bell didn't respond.

But Nangong Qi could clearly feel that if Bell still had tear ducts, he would probably have burst into tears.

"Bell, my best friend, my family, and my best partner, let's go and die together for that old immortal thing Keefe!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

Nangong Qi slowly raised his hands above his head, and the dark golden energy turned into thunder and lightning that flashed in the sky.

Immediately after...


With a crisp cracking sound, a dark red mouth opened in the sky.

It is very similar to the scene on the "Ultraman" set next door, where various super beasts are released by the Yabo people and break the sky.

That is the demon space where Keef lives, and there are hundreds of thousands of Keef demons in it that need to be dealt with in a timely manner.

"[Fighting Locusts]!"

At Nangong Qi's call, the loyal motorcycle drove at high speed from the woods nearby.

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