And when transforming into a build form, a top student who can produce a bunch of formulas, but I can’t do it and he doesn’t know the theoretical settings of the grandmother’s paradox and parallel worlds.

But even so, he still chose to travel back in time, hoping to kill the little devil before he grew up.

This behavior of escaping is itself a kind of fear of the old devil

And his reckless behavior is probably a disguise to cover up his inner fear.

However, the gentleman thinks that discussing this does not seem to have any impact on Gates's character, so he simply skips it.




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No.40 Fangs that resist at all times!

I want to see Mach’s defeat CG.jpg

In the air, Nangong Qi hugged Philip, quickly took out the dial of [Kamen Rider Cyclone] from him, and then combined it with the joker dial that he asked for from Shotaro to form a complete dial of [Kamen Rider W].

"Philip, you don't have anything to do here now, please leave!"

Summoning the [Aurora Curtain], Nangong Qi pushed Phillip into it.

"Don't even think about it!"

"Accel! Bird! Cyclone! Nasca! Rocket! Xtreme!"


Just like swiping cards to play straight in the emperor form next door, Katsumi Daidao used six different Gaia memories at once.

Bird, Nazca and Rocket memories give him the energy to fly at high speeds;

Acceleration and gusts of wind allow him to burst into even greater speeds;

The limit has caused his speed to soar to the extreme, and even ordinary super acceleration may not be able to keep up.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

Dao Katsuki almost transformed into a supersonic cruise missile, appeared in front of Nangong Qi in an instant, and snatched Philip away.

"He can't let you take it away!"

"Really? Dao Keji, you should open your eyes wide and see who the person in your arms is!"


I saw Phillip suddenly opened his eyes, with extremely sharp and determined eyes, as if he had completely changed. With one blow of his hand, he pierced Dao Katsuki to the core, and he was still holding a bright red heart in his hand.

Then, crush it.

Then Phillip's face changed into another person's appearance amid a burst of mosaic special effects.

That’s the plan!

You must know that Philip himself has died physically and lives in the form of a data body.

In addition, bugster itself is also composed of data, so Nangong Qi and Ce immediately thought of a very bold idea.

Nangong Qi directly forcefully swallowed Philip’s data body

, followed by Rang Ce quickly disguised himself as Philip.

So that Dao Keji can relax his vigilance and complete the killer move at this moment.

Although Katsuki Daido is an extremely powerful being in the "Flawless Memory Warrior" state, without having time to use the ability of the metal memory, he cannot stop the sword of Ce, the strongest bugster.

"Hey, brother!" Ce complained. "Can't you wait until we kill this guy first before revealing the information? It will make us look like third-rate villains in comic books!"

"I just want him to die knowingly. After all, in the final analysis, he is also a poor person."

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would receive mercy from my enemies before I died. But, but, but ahhh!"

Roaring angrily, Dao Keji's body bloomed with deep purple light.

"Skull!" Skull!

Skeleton memory has the miraculous ability to allow people to move with the body of death.

It can be said that as long as the drive is not destroyed, the user can maintain immortality and immortality.

"Stop dreaming! What I just destroyed was not only your heart, but also your drive!"

Ce looked confident.

Gaia memory itself is also a container for storing data. Bugster is a complete data body. It is not particularly difficult to invade and destroy the drive countermeasures.

But are things really that simple?

Incomparably powerful energy burst out from Dao Keji's body, and deep purple light washed over Ce's body, completely destroying his data body into data fragments.


Nangong Qi quickly went to absorb Ce's data fragments to prevent him from directly GG.

"No, it's not scientific!"

Returning to Nangong Qi, Ce felt incredible.

"I have obviously destroyed the program that uses Gaia's memory in the drive, and there is no memory socket on his body. How does he use this power?"

"Brother, don't forget, even if T2's Gaia memory does not have a memory socket, it can be directly inserted into the body and used like the [Knight's Play Cassette]! Moreover, Daido Katsumi is very compatible with the eternal memory. After skipping the drive and directly transforming into a dopant, his ability to control Gaia's memory will probably only be stronger than before!"

"And after losing the weakness of the lost drive and the immortality of the skull memory, wouldn't we start a hell-level copy?"

"You can say that!"

"But, I also thought of a good method, a perfect strategy!"

Nangong Qi promptly transferred control of his body to Ce, and followed him with an extremely confident smile.

"The rules of victory have been decided, and now is my route to clear the level!"

Ce took the initiative to take off the Lost Drive from his belt, and controlled his body to fly towards Katsuki Dao.

Now, the two of them are falling rapidly, but they have not yet reached the ground.

It was also the first time for Daidao Katsumi to use the special ability of the skull memory alone. He was not able to fully react for a while, and he actually let Ce get close to him.

I saw Ce grabbing the fang memory on Dao Keji, injecting his own data into it, and communicating with the data in it.

"The machine soul in the fang memory, please obey my orders, resist the oppressors, crush, fight, and wreck!"

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

A pure white light flashed on the fang memory, and the next moment countless fang blades burst out of Dao Katsumi's body and kept spinning, cutting his body, his internal organs, his bones, everything about him .

"Why, how could this be?"

"It's very simple, because like you, I am a complete adaptor of Gaia's memory. The reason why you are able to use the power of the fang memory is just because of the characteristics of the eternal memory. You are forcing the fang to do It doesn’t like to do things. Just ask, when the fang memory that has always been oppressed meets me, an absolute adaptor, how can it be impossible for him to show his fangs of resistance to you! "

Ce showed an extremely confident smile. He was already sure that he had completely won.

Just like in the battle between Kato Shun and Daidou Katsumi, Daidou Katsumi accidentally touched the eternal memory.

As a result, his adaptability to the Eternal Memory was far greater than that of Kato Shun, so much so that the Eternal Memory refused to provide Kato Shun with the power to transform, and instead provided power to Daidou Katsumi.

At this moment, just as at that moment.

The fang memory in Dao Keji felt that Nangong Qi was an absolute adaptor, so he finally chose to resist Dao Keji, an oppressor who was not an adaptor but always forced himself.

"Now, Dao Keji, you are ready to be cut into pieces by the fangs of resistance!"

"Puff" "Puff" "Puff" "Puff" "Puff"


As he spoke, more fangs and sharp blades grew out of Dao Katsumi, not only cutting his body, but even the various memories on his body were completely destroyed, including the skeleton memory that maintained his life.

"Krypton hahahaha!"

Katsuki Daido smiled miserably.

"Dao Keji, you have always regarded yourself as the king of all memories, thinking that you can use all memories

The power is a matter of course.Because of this, you will be so unscrupulous and finally die in the fangs of resistance! "

"Yeah, I never thought that I would die in the power that I am most proud of! JUDO, I am defeated with all my heart!"

"Then let's count your sins in detail!"

"Can it be counted by now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dao Keji's body was completely torn into pieces.

Only a piece of fang memory is left as the final victorious rebel.

"Ce, Qi, I have to remind you that we are still in the sky now, and like Groudon, we can't fly!"

Bell reminded Nangong Qi and Ce very thoughtfully.


"Sky Rider!"

A green hurricane roared around Nangong Qi. His body was covered by strong armor, and the anti-gravity device worked at the same time, causing Nangong Qi to finally fall steadily to the ground, and the fang memory was firmly grasped in his hands.

"Well, now I have two memory sticks. How about getting a W drive in the future and playing a double fang form. The move just now is called the Fangs of Resistance!"

After playing with the brand new fang memory in his hand, Nangong Qi looked at the little devil and Gates in the distance.

"Finish Time!"

"One hit! Time Burst!"

Gates unleashed his most powerful trick, gathering energy on his right foot and kicking towards Uncle Ultra.

In this regard, Uncle Otto didn't panic at all.

Please, he is so brave!

"Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang"


Not only that, he even beat his chest like a gorilla and challenged Gates.


Gates roared angrily and kicked directly through Uncle Ultra's chest, leaving a big hole.


Uncle Ultra exploded on the spot, and the metal memory was completely shattered. He himself lay on the ground with a look of disbelief on his face.

"This is impossible!"

After saying this, he fainted.

Then there is the little devil.

His opponent Shi Mo lost the support of Philip, a super power bank, and his strength declined crazily.

Not to mention the powerful numerical values ​​​​before, not even the resistance to immunity to time is left.

The little devil was immediately overjoyed. He took out the dials of various other knights and used different abilities one by one to deal with the old woman Shi Mo.

"Finish Time!"

"Omega! Time Break!"

Combined with the power of the spirit knight, the little devil kicked Shi Mo away again.

Shi Mo rolled up on the ground in embarrassment, staring at the little devil with his eyes, a feeling of incomparable shame welling up in his heart.

"You guy, are you teasing me?"

She had been kicked by the little devil countless times, as if she was a prey being toyed with.

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