"So how should we rescue Xiaoxu?"

Kusakabe Tsumugi, or maybe Kaga Mizuki, are now being snatched away by the Protozoa General Directorate. They are probably like TV in a different world that cannot be detected by any detector.

Without the positioning coordinates, even Nangong Qi would not be able to find him.

And if Nangong Qi remembers it correctly, the speed that the Protozoa Directorate burst out far exceeded the super acceleration of the wasp, and I am afraid it was not due to the use of sea worms.

Maybe the alien Haipa Heijiadou is not strong enough in combat, but it is definitely enough for him to lead Xiaoxu around the world.

How to catch him?

"I know a machine that can prohibit all knight systems from using clock up."

In the kabuto chapter of "Kamen Rider Decade", there was a machine that could prohibit the use of clock up in various senses.

With his own abilities, Nangong Qi is sure to recreate this machine.

"Then what's the price?"

"All knight systems will be treated equally and cannot use clock up. Only zerg can super-accelerate."

"That's absolutely not possible!"

Although Gagami is a reckless man and is often deceived by zerg, protozoa, heaven, or other things, he is also aware of the dangerous consequences of Nangong Qi's plan.

He really missed his wife, but he didn't do anything so mindless.



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Chapter 45 Chonghuang Shi Wang·Full Firepower


In terms of combat effectiveness alone, the Kato series should be considered the lowest among all Heisei knights.

Even so, the Kato series still has his unique ability, which is the time-out of Hypa.

Theoretically, you only need to obtain the approval of a ZECT, and then successfully obtain the Hypa worm equipment, you can time out the Hypa, transcend time, and reach the past and future.

It can be said to be very simple, if only from a theoretical point of view, it is probably the same in the entire Kamen Rider series.

Of course, this also leads to one thing, that is, the Kamen Rider in Hypa form is really damn good at running away.

He can appear at any point in time, or even several or even infinite times at the same point in time.

Anyway, if you want to catch him, it is almost impossible, as long as he has no idea of ​​​​fighting head-on.

The only way Nangong Qi thought of was to use a machine similar to the one used in the Kamen Rider Decade TV Kamen Fighter chapter to force all ZECT knight systems to lose the ability to time out.

Once the alien black armor enters this world, he will lose the ability to continue traveling through time and space, and eventually fall into a trap.

It's a pity that that machine will only have an effect on the knight system and will not restrict the zerg at all. As a result, ZECT with the knight system is unable to fight back when faced with the zerg attack.

So I can only give up.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid there's only one last way left!"

Nangong Qi thought, if he wants to deal with time travel, he must also use the trump card of time travel.

"That is to travel back in time, that is, the time when the alien Black Armor had just acquired the sea worm.

"But in that case, wouldn't we be modifying the past wantonly and doing the same thing as the Time Tribbers?"

Gates expressed his worries.

However, Nangong Qi just rolled his eyes at him.

"As if you haven't done anything like this before!"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you really exist in the original timeline of "Kamen Rider King"? No, you, Gates, are actually doing the same thing as the Time Robbers, but you just ignored it!"

Completely unable to answer, Gates could only look gloomy.

"But no matter what, we are creating our own future, a future that we all long for, don't you want to?"

Nangong Qi immediately changed the subject, and Gates' originally tense facial expression finally relaxed.

Now that we’ve reached a consensus, let’s get ready to take action!

"So is there anything I need to do?"

After Gagami got the method to save his wife, she was extremely excited and couldn't wait to join the others.

"Your mission is very simple, that is to find a way to communicate with Gang Dou and ask him to find a way to get you a brand new Hypalm. Only in this way can we have the capital to capture him!"

"Communicate with Gangdou? What a crazy idea!"

After all, who has nothing to do and wants to communicate with a dumb mechanical bug?

Despite this, Gagami decided to risk everything in order to save his wife.

"Okay, leave it to me to communicate about Gangdou, so just feel free to go ahead!"

After reaching a consensus, several people immediately dispersed.

Nangong Qi, Little Devil, Gates, Black and White Woz, and Tsukuyomi return to their nine-to-five routine.

At this moment, Si Sha and his uncle are still waiting in the electric train.

Not only them, but even Yuto came.

Yuto, the second rider in "Kamen Rider Den-O".

"The Den-O train is finally repaired!"


The four idiots cheered and raised their fans to sing and dance around their uncle.

My uncle wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked excited.

"This is my first time repairing such a big clock! Sure enough, there is no clock in this world that I can't repair!"

"As agreed, hand over your dials!"

Soon, Nangong Qi got the dials of Dian Wang and Ling Nuosi into his hands.

The Den-O train and the Zero North train also traveled through time and space after being repaired, heading towards another destination disturbed by the strange demon god, to fight to protect the timeline.

"Zhougo, Gates, go on!"

Nangong Qi threw the two dials to the two of them respectively.

"Thank you!"

"Hey, do I have one too?"

Compared to the excited little devil, Gates looked confused.

"Don't thank me!" Nangong Qi waved his hand. "The person you should thank is your uncle. He is the one who made the biggest contribution to repairing the Denou train!"

"Uncle, thank you so much!"

"You kid, what are you talking about?"

In this warm family atmosphere, incredible things happened


Golden ripples rippled in the air, and all the previously collected Kamen Rider dials glowed, flew into the sky, gathered in the hands of the little devil, and turned into a large golden dial.



Blackworth immediately jumped out to celebrate the little devil.

"Celebrate! The ultimate King of Time who transcends time and space and knows the past and the future is the King of Chonghuang Time! At this moment, history has finally turned to a glorious chapter!"

"In that case, transform!"

In a ridiculously long section of transformation sound effects that the author didn't even bother to copy and paste on Baidu, twenty Kamen Riders turned into golden sculptures and became part of the Little Demon King's armor.

The king of the Chonghuang period appears.

"It's amazing, the power is boiling. Now I am invincible!"

"Electric King!"

With the activation of power, the electric train that had just left this time and space was pulled back by the little devil.

"Hey, are you mistaken? We just paid the repair fee!"

"Please, we need a lift!"

"Okay, okay, there's really nothing I can do against you!"

Riding the Den-O train, along with Gagami, who was destined to get the sea worm in the future, the group of people began to set off towards the past.

At the past time, Black Kato was fighting against the real Kato and Tendo Souji.




"Rider Kick!"×2

The two of them launched knight kicks at the same time, flying towards the enemy.

Souji is a very thief, calling for help from the sea worm during the flying kick.

If nothing else goes wrong, when the two knights are about to collide, he will quickly switch to Hypa form, and then directly blast the Protozoan Souji.

However, as expected, an accident occurred.

Time stagnated, causing whether it was Jia Dou, Hei Jia Dou, or the sea worm, all frozen in place.

Then, Ur jumped over and stuffed a dial into Heijia Dou's body.

"Dark Kabuto!"

"From today on, you are a brand new alien dark armor. Now go destroy the real armor and replace it!"

Powerful energy surged through Heijia Dou's body, making his originally thin armor look like heavy armor.

Not only that, the Hypa Insect fell directly into his hands, further increasing his power and being promoted to the alien Hypa Black Armor.

Time returns to flow.


With the collision of the knight's kick, the Tiandao Souji flew out crazily, canceled his transformation, and sprayed blood from his mouth.

"I won, and Xiaoxu will only belong to me in the end, and will only belong to me forever. As for you, just go to hell!"

"Hepa clock up!"

The Protozoa Director very cautiously activated his strongest Hypa super acceleration to kill the Tiandao Director, in order to kill this destined enemy and never be reincarnated.

"Hyper Cast off! Change Hyper Stag Beetle!"

"Hepa clock up!"

A blue figure appeared in front of the Protozoa Chief, blocking the killing blow.

"Are you, Gang Dou?"

"It's Haipa Gangdou!"

Using the new power given by the sea worm, Gagami pulled out the two extremely sharp swords on his shoulders and slashed at the body of the alien black armor.

It was this protozoan bastard in front of him who snatched up his wife and ran away. Gagami would never forgive him!

Absolutely not!

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