Nangong Qi's hearing was very good, and he could hear clearly even the low-pitched noises from the Sesshōin.

"I hope you won't be held back in the next battle like you were just now."

"Master, can't you just stop mentioning what happened just now?"



Drake was indeed good at naval warfare, but it was limited to medieval naval warfare, not the undersea warfare of World War I.

After being seduced underwater by the protagonist, she couldn't even summon the undead fleet. The protagonist's mobility underwater was even stronger than on the water.

Ever since, Drake was killed instantly by the protagonist using the extreme drive of his double fangs, including both men and the ship.




PS again:

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Chapter 7 Second round of battle, nursery rhymes reappear

"Young man, although we are rivals, I hope you can have a fair showdown with me in six days."

"A fair duel? Is this what you have been pursuing all your life? It should be said that you are worthy of being a romantic knight."

Facing the old man named Dan in front of him, Nangong Qi felt as if he was facing a senior knight such as Hongo Meng. "It's just that as a Kamen Rider, I also have my own pursuits!"

"Let's talk and listen."

"It's a bit complicated to say, but it's not impossible to explain." Nangong Qi smiled. This was the first time he confided in this way to a person he had just met not long ago.

"For example, in this Holy Grail War, I will never kill anyone, and I will also achieve the final victory. To this end, I have developed a new programming method that can directly convert the defeated person into data Stored in a form. They will be released after the Holy Grail War is over."


Dan's face momentarily had an interesting expression.

"I didn't expect the young man

Still such an idealistic person.It's a pity that if you can't win the final victory, you will eventually let down the defeated enemies you saved. "

"I will not lose. There is only one winner in the end, and that is me!"

"I'm looking forward to fighting with you!"

The two stretched out their fists and bumped.

Probably it was because both of them had an unrealistic but extremely stubborn idea that they hit it off so well.

—————————————————Seven days later——————————————————

Seven days have passed, and it's time for the second round.

[Ni no Yue Si Hai] is actually divided into two parts. One part is a battlefield for two pairs of masters and slaves to fight, and the other part is a maze, which is also the road leading to the battlefield.

As soon as he entered the maze, a strong poisonous gas hit his face.


Still poisonous!

Just a little bit is enough to kill the master and even the second- and third-rate servants, and some of the first-rate servants may also be seriously injured.

"Suck it-"

Like a human-shaped blower, Nangong Qi took a big sip, and then nothing happened.

After all, according to his bloodline, he is a mixture of humans and demons, and poisonous gas that is effective on humans may not be effective on him.

On the contrary, it was the Sesshou Institute. After most of the poisonous gas was sucked away by Nangong Qi like a blower, she also inhaled a small amount of poisonous gas, and then she became dizzy and almost fell down.

"Do you need to be a weakling?"

With no choice, Nangong Qi could only take out a bottle of antidote and give it to the Slaughterhouse to drink.

There is actually no antidote for sale in Mooncell, but Nangong Qi couldn't stand up to his strong programming skills, so he used his coding skills to create a super antidote that was comparable to the panacea in "Warhammer 40K" next door.


Sesshōin's eyes lit up, and he greedily drank the remaining antidote in the bottle before Nangong Qi snatched it back.

"This counts as money, it will be recorded in your account!"

“It doesn’t matter how much money you have!”

Sesshōin is obviously the kind of character whose desires come up and his intelligence and reason are thrown out of the sky. He grabbed Nangong Qi's legs like an addict addicted to drugs and begged:

"Master, please, I want more! I will buy it no matter how much it costs!"

"You want a hammer, do you have the money? You spend all day eating and drinking here, how dare you say such a thing?"

Nangong Qi immediately took out a quilt and wrapped Sesshōin into a rice dumpling, took out a rope and tied it again, and then tied the rope around his body, firmly fixing Sesshōin and himself. He did not forget to put it into Sesshōin's mouth. Cotton stuffing.

Completely ignoring all the yelling Sesshoin, Nangong Qi set off carrying a large burden on his back.

"But then again, who released the poison just now? You must know that only Old Man Dan and I can enter the passage of this battlefield, but Old Man Dan is impossible to do such a thing. Could it be said that it was His servant? A servant who uses poison!"

In the battlefield of [Futsutsuki Kaikai], Dan is checking his guns to prepare for the next battle.

"Yo, old man!"

Nangong Qi entered and greeted Dan friendly.

"Is your servant an expert in using poison?"

"What? How do you know?"

After hearing Nangong Qi's words, Dan immediately understood everything.

Nangong Qi knew that there was only one possibility for his followers, and that was that he would sneak attack Nangong Qi before the war started.

"Archer, stop it!"

I saw a man in green robe appearing out of thin air behind Nangong Qi. The crossbow arrow on his wrist was aimed at Nangong Qi several times.

Nangong Qi turned sideways and lightly grabbed all the incoming crossbow arrows with one hand.

"My crossbow arrows are coated with poison. Even if you just hold them, you will be affected. Prepare for skin ulcers and a painful death... Huh?"

"Crunch crunch—"

Nangong Qi put the crossbow arrow directly into his mouth, as if chewing sugar cane again.

“Very delicious, very fresh, thank you for the treat!”

"Are you really a human being?"

"I should still be considered half a human. After all, I still have half of the blood of other beings mixed with me."

"It's no wonder that you were able to win the first round of the battle with a servant even more useless than me."


Dan abandoned Nangong Qi and immediately started arguing with the green-robed archer.

"I should have told you a long time ago that you are prohibited from using poison and sneak attacks. You should decide the outcome with your opponent in an upright manner!"

"You are just trying to make things difficult for others, sir. In the final analysis, my skills are all in despicable methods such as poisoning and sneak attacks. If you ask me to fight others with bows and arrows, I am really worse than a second-rate servant. To be honest, I completely disagree with your combat strategy, your chivalry has long been outdated!"

The green-robed archer scratched his head and seemed to have no intention of hiding it.

"And judging from the fact that the guy opposite is completely immune to poison, I guess even a sneak attack may not be able to deal with him!"

"Old man, you don't have to be too harsh on your servants. After all, everyone has their own best and favorite fighting method. Forcibly defeat yourself.

To impose one's own will on others is not chivalry! "

Unexpectedly, Nangong Qi was actually talking to Dan and Lvpao Archer who were arguing.

"Brother, you are quite interesting. Looking at the thing behind you, it must be your servant, right?"

The green-robed archer smiled and took the initiative to take off his hood. "Well, I guess there's no point in hiding my identity. I'll just tell you my real name. My real name is Robin Hood."

"Robin Hood? That's a legendary ranger."

Nangong Qi smiled and took out the [W Drive] and tied it around his waist.

"But I also have a reason why I have to win!"

"Fang! (fangs)"

"Fang! (fangs)"


The pure white armor covered Nangong Qi's body, and dense spikes burst out of his body.

Despite this, Nangong Qi still controlled the growing fangs and sharp blades to prevent them from harming the Sesshōin on his back.

"Please both of you go all out. After all, fighting with all your strength is the best respect for the enemy, isn't it!?"

"If this wasn't a battlefield right now, I really want to have a drink with you, little brother!"

Robin Hood also laughed heartily and turned to look at Dan beside him. "Master, please fight alongside me this time!"

It's not the casual old man title before, but the serious master title.

" is good!"

After hesitating for a moment, Dan also decided to show the greatest respect for Nangong Qi, that is, to go all out.

"Then let's fight!"

The next moment, Dan and Robin Hood ran in different directions.

Dan held a modified sniper rifle and kept pulling the trigger at the target, while Robin Hood also fired crossbows.

Crossbow arrows and sniper bombs formed a fire net in the air, blocking almost all of Nangong Qi's escape routes.

"Fang Wind Cut Formation!"

Nangong Qi stamped on the floor violently, and a large number of fangs with a length of more than two meters and a width of more than half a meter pierced out from the ground, blocking all incoming attacks.

"Fang Reincarnation Knife!"

A sharp blade grew out of Nangong Qi's body, with four blades, but the tails were linked together, rotating at high speed, and constantly making the sound of cutting the air.


Along with the ear-piercing scream, several fang reincarnation knives were thrown and attacked Robin Hood.

The [Faceless King] ability is activated, and Robin Hood disappears directly on the spot.

This is one of his Noble Phantasms. It has the ability to make itself transparent, hiding all its own taste and breath. The effect is similar to [Breathe Blocking], and the concealment effect is quite powerful.

Unless he takes the initiative, or has a special tracking ability, Nangong Qi may not be able to find him forever.

But this is not difficult for Nangong Qi.

Give up reason and let the wild beast consciousness in the memory of the two fangs control the body.


Nangong Qi roared and got down on all fours, and the eyes on the mask glowed with golden light.

Now, he will use the instinct of the beast to find Robin Hood.

Beast instinct, tell me quickly, where is the enemy?

Where is the enemy?


found it!


Nangong Qi almost turned into a white lightning, the air was almost cut, and Robin Hood was pulled out of the invisible state by Nangong Qi and smashed to the ground.

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