Li Shuwen glanced at his master and said nothing. He could only take a few steps back angrily.

"Julius Belchisco Harvey?"

Nangong Qi also quickly recognized the young man in black. Although he had not seen this person in other timelines of Xingyue, he had also received intelligence from other masters and slaves investigated by Yu Ce after hacking into Mooncell.

"You are from a Western European plutocrat, the half-brother of Leonardo Bistario Harvey."


Hearing this, Julius' pupils almost shrank into needlepoints, and at the same time, he decided in his heart to completely eradicate the person in front of him without leaving any further trouble.

"And you, Li Shuwen, you are obviously a warrior, but you are so ignorant of martial ethics, you come here to cheat and attack me."

"If the opponent is a weak being who can't even take my punch, then he is not qualified to talk to me about martial arts. But you are different. You actually relied on martial arts to take my punch. Only now you have You are qualified to have a fair fight with me!”

Well, Li Shuwen is a martial arts fanatic and likes to fight against powerful opponents.

Because of this, it is not incomprehensible to despise the weak and only respect the strong.

"So do you want to continue?"

Nangong Qi moved his fists, and the skill called [Qi] rolled inside his body.

"If I could, I wouldn't mind fighting with you all day here!"

"Assassin, let's retreat!"

" is good."

Harvey looked gloomy and just wanted to retreat first and fight another day.

Li Shuwen was also very unhappy, but he had no choice but to obey Harvey's command spells.

Soon, the master and slave pair disappeared into the maze, and Nangong Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then...


Large mouthfuls of blood were spurted out, almost completely covering the ground under Nangong Qi's feet.

Nangong Qi was not just spurting blood, he was bleeding from all his orifices.

[Wuer Da] This move itself is the use of [Qi].

By filling the whole body with [Qi] and forming a realm of one's own [Qi], one can achieve the powerful technique of [Qi swallowing] the opponent.

Generally, people who are beaten to death by Wuer are actually similar to "shock death" in modern medicine. The reason is that when the "swallowed person" is "swallowed by air", the body and mind fall into a state of extreme tension. The nerves were dizzy and the shock hit him, causing his heart to stop beating.

Fortunately, Nangong Qi was his professional counterpart and had practiced the related methods of [Qi], so he was able to take two hits of [Wu Er Strike] and not die, and even had the energy to counterattack.

But that is just a stop-gap measure. The damage caused by [Qi] still exists, and the Qi that has been injected into the body needs to be discharged first before treatment can be carried out.

After spurting out blood, Nangong Qi sat on the ground and began to use his half-human, half-demon physique to heal himself.

"Master, are you okay?"

Sesshōin quickly came to check Nangong Qi's body, but he pushed him away.

"As long as you don't disturb my recovery, I'll be fine!"

Nangong Qi's eyes were full of disgust for Sesshōin, a servant who could only hold him back.

"Thanks to my prompt reaction, otherwise, you will probably be punched to death by Li Shuwen. Can't you be more careful? You exposed your back to the enemy and almost let Li Shuwen succeed in a double kill. You don't care about your own life. Or do you think you think I have a long life?"


Nangong Qi was referring to what Sesshōin had just done.

He was punched away by Li Shuwen. This guy from Sesshōin didn't even think about responding to the enemy, and even exposed his back to Li Shuwen.

If Nangong Qi hadn't endured the wounds on his body and received the second punch, Sesshōin would have also been punched to death.

"Don't worry about it for now. Even if you are really a waste, you are still my servant. Working with you is what I, the master, should do. Now, help me up and go back!"

After returning to the dormitory, Nangong Qi lay directly on the ground, looking like he was about to ascend to heaven and become an immortal.


Arquette rushed over, preparing to tear open his own blood vessels and give Nangong Qi some of his own blood, allowing him to change his species again.

"No need."

Nangong Qi didn't want to wait for Bell to come back and find that his home was gone. It would be enough if the bad thing between Yuantai and Bell happened again.

Bell: For that kind of woman!

"I myself have the blood of an inhuman being,

As long as you don't die, self-healing is just a matter of time. "

After hearing this, Erquette also stopped his movements and nodded.

"I'll remove [Crazy Transformation] from you another day, so I won't have to worry about understanding what you mean!"

Erquet was summoned as a berserker, and was born with the [Madness] job skill, leaving him with almost no language ability.

The most important thing is that her intelligence seems to have declined a lot.

Nangong Qi didn't want to let a mentally retarded person do whatever he wanted to save himself when he was unconscious.

Days passed, and Nangong Qi never went out to the dormitory again.

One is to cover up the heavy damage he suffered before, and the other is to prevent that guy Julius from seizing the opportunity again.

After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

Since Nangong Qi couldn't prevent Li Shuwen's sneak attack, he might as well just stay in the non-combatant zone and avoid being attacked again.

Soon, a week passed and the day of the decisive battle arrived.

In [Five Moons Thinking about the Sea], Li Shuwen and Julius have been waiting here for a long time.

"I thought you were some kind of strong person." As soon as he saw Nangong Qi and Sesshōin, Julius expressed his contempt without hesitation. "I didn't expect that he turned out to be a shrinking coward!"

"Ah, yes, yes, you are right!"

Nangong Qi didn't pay attention to such a provocation at all, and told Sesshōin behind him: "I'll take care of Li Shuwen, and you go and blast Julius. It's just a master, so you should be fine, right?"

"Of course no problem."

The way Sesshōin looked at Nangong Qi was very strange. "But you are also a weirdo. As a master, you have to deal with the enemy's servants, and you have your own followers deal with the enemy master."

"It's not because of you, a loser." Nangong Qi's mouth was ruthless. "Think about it, we have defeated four pairs of masters and slaves now. Have you helped me at all?"


After thinking about it carefully, Sesshōin could only bow his head and admit it.

"But it doesn't matter. You can also interfere with the opponent's master and prevent him from supporting Li Shuwen!"

"Okay, promise to complete the mission!"

Nangong Qi moved slowly in front of Li Shuwen.

Li Shuwen also ignored the Sesshoin. Probably in his eyes, the world was huge and not as big as his desire to fight.

master? (no concern)

"Bajiquan, Li Shuwen!"

"Shaolin Red Heart Fist, Nangong Qi!"

After a brief self-introduction, the two disappeared at the same time and greeted each other with their fists on the head.

Unparalleled punch with steel fist!

Guanhead Road!

But even so, the two are still different.

Li Shuwen would subconsciously pull out his other hand to block, but Nangong Qi simply relied on his inhuman physique and [Qigong] defense to block.

"Touch" × 2

As soon as they fought, both of them were already covered in blood.

Shake the ground!

Nangong Qi was about to pursue him when Li Shuwen stamped his foot violently, causing Nangong Qi's lower body to become unstable.

Limen pushes the elbow!

Li Shuwen's right elbow slammed into Nangong Qi, making him feel his blood surge, as if he had been struck by the full force of the [Engine Sword].

On Sunday, luck will be concentrated!

Before Nangong Qi landed, Li Shuwen began to mobilize the [Qi] around him and directly sucked Nangong Qi back.

In response, Nangong Qi did not resist, but punched Li Shuwen with all his strength.

He was severely injured by [Steel Fist Wu Er Dao] before, completely because he was attacked by a sneak attack and was unprepared.

Now, he has used [Qi] to protect his internal organs and other important parts in response to this move.

Explosive inner strength!

Duan Sheng Dao!

The two fists hit the opposite body at the same time, and they both flew backwards at the same time.

Nangong Qi only felt a bomb detonating in his body, almost exploding his [Qi] defense.

Li Shuwen's situation is even worse.

In terms of physical fitness, he is not as good as Nangong Qi.

This is the weakness of Li Shuwen, a modern servant. Unlike all kinds of fantasy, non-human and semi-god servants, Li Shuwen's physical fitness is at the bottom.

What's more, Duan Sheng Dao is Nangong Qi's former enemy Azuma who has practiced martial arts for thousands of years. The killing moves he has learned are even more terrifying one to one in terms of damage to people.

Seeing the enemy in such miserable condition, Nangong Qi immediately pursued the victory.

Shaolin Red Heart Fist·Sakura Continuous Attack×Duankaidou!


In the process of quickly retreating, Li Shuwen endured the severe pain in his body and stabilized his body, but for some reason, he actually heard the sound of water.

When he looked up, he saw a huge wave of [-] meters heading towards him.

That is Nangong Qi's [Qi], the strongest Qi that can truly engulf the world!

"I missed it. Although my heart felt unwilling, I felt happy."

The next moment, Li Shuwen was swallowed up by the huge waves and completely shattered to pieces by Nangong Qi's moves.

"Seshoin, how is the situation over there?"

"Of course there is no problem!"

Sesshōin threw Harvey towards Nangong Qi. "I twisted his hands and feet, but I didn't hurt his life!"

"That's good!"

Nangong Qi released a ball of bubbles, wrapped Harvey, and sucked

Take it into your own body.

Victory, triumph!

The fifth round is over.

The originally mighty 120 eight-person masters were also reduced sharply to only four people.

"Brother, did he really lose?"

As soon as Nangong Qi left [Fifth Moon Dreaming Sea], he heard Leo sighing.

Leo, whose full name is Leonardo Bistario Harvey, is the half-brother of Julius, and is probably the strongest master in this Holy Grail War besides Nangong Qi. .

"Brother, how did he leave in the end?"

It was obvious that Nangong Qi should be considered the murderer of his brother, but he still allowed himself to ask in the calmest tone.

"I don't remember."

Nangong Qi really didn't pay attention, so he turned to look at Sesshōin.

"It must be very painful! After all, my hands and feet were broken by me!"

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