"My name is Draco, the sixth [Beast], VI/S!"

As expected, another [Beast] was summoned as expected, and Nangong Qi's face was really ashen.

I really won't be able to summon heroic spirits in the future. I guess if I summon one in the real world, I will be beaten by a van of ranked servants.

"I wonder if your boy is Yu's master?"



Protagonist: Alaya, you have to trust me, believe me, I am really summoning the heroic spirit.

Alaya: I believe you, oh Nole’s JUDO




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No.17 Chapter Three with One, Three [Beasts] with One Yue Ji

The transformation of the beast, Nero's true form.jpg

The moment he saw Beast Nero, or Draco, Nangong Qi felt desperate and even a little numb.

Well, I will probably only be able to summon [Beasts] in this life anyway.

"Forget it, it's all the same."

After reorganizing his mood, Nangong Qi looked at Draco suspiciously.

"By the way, why do you vomit blood when summoned? Is it possible that you are [sickly]?"

"You are [sickly], your whole family is [sickly]!"

"If you are not [sickly], could it be that you were beaten like this by people from [Chaldea]?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that this guy like you knows so much."

Draco sneered, not at all as cheerful and generous as the emperor in Nangong Qi's image. "Yes, Yu has devoured [Chaldea] in many parallel worlds. After all, Yu is the anti-Messiah [beast], and only the desire to save the world is in line with Yu's appetite. Hahahahaha!"

"But you were ultimately defeated at the hands of [Chaldea]."

Nangong Qi lowered his jaw silently and revealed Draco's scar without warning. "He was even summoned by me to become my follower."

"Yes, Yu has become your servant, the master who controls the [beast]."

With that said, Draco approached Nangong Qi and sniffed it several times.

"Ah, what a sweet smell this is! It really makes me want to stop. You must be a savior who has been running on the front line of salvation all year round. This sweet smell cannot be compared to the sum of the many [Chaldeas] that I have devoured. .”

"Savior, Lord? Me?"

If casually beating up a passing Wild Kamen Rider TV villain or a theatrical BOSS can be considered a salvation, then Nangong Qi has really saved the world countless times.



Leo, Rani and Tohsaka Rin were even more surprised.

It doesn't seem like nonsense that Nangong Qi was recognized as the savior by the [Beast], but how could a being who could only summon the [Beast] be the savior.

Could it be that summoning a [beast] once will defeat the [beast] once, similar to the setting of actively setting fire and then extinguishing the fire?

"Looking at how badly you are injured now, it must be difficult to fight or something like that, right?"

"Haha, this is a natural thing. Not only is Yu seriously injured, but Yu's clone, the seven-headed monster Hedu, has gone to nowhere."

Draco continued to sneer, as if he wanted to stimulate Nangong Qi to kill him.

"Why not try to kill Yu while he is weak? Isn't that what a great savior should do?"

"Try a hammer!"

Nangong Qi took out the [Satan Saber] and stabbed his palm through it, then put his bleeding hand in front of Draco.

"Hey, come eat."

"Are you teasing Yu and treating Yu as a pet?"

"The crisis I am facing now is no smaller than the [Beast] coming, and I am in urgent need of strength. There are only two roads left in front of you now, either cooperate with me or be hostile to me, choose for yourself!"

Nangong Qi’s implication is very simple, that is:

Come and choose, surrender to me or be destroyed here.jpg

"Yu, please tell me first. As long as there is a chance, I will eat you up! I will definitely prepare the best wine and the best music."

"You can do whatever you want. Anyway, your past life has nothing to do with me. I only care about the present and the future."

Draco held Nangong Qi's hand, licked the wound, and enjoyed the nourishment of the blood.

"It's so delicious! I'll lend you my remaining power temporarily."

"Does this tame the [beast]?"

The three Leos looked at Draco's appearance as a good girl, and suddenly had the illusion that they were watching the daughter of the neighbor's courtyard eating popsicles.

Soon, the wound on Nangong Qi's hand healed, and Draco could only reluctantly let go.

The wounds on her body that were still bleeding were successfully healed and stopped bleeding.

"The child, she is in danger!"

Ti Ma stared at Draco with a wary face. Compared to the Sesshoin who did not cause trouble, Draco, the [beast] who declared to devour Nangong Qi, was obviously more dangerous.

"Mom, don't worry. In terms of the degree of danger, I will only be more dangerous!"

Nangong Qi stuffed Alice and Nursery Rhymes back into his body and looked at the three Leos in the distance.

They were obviously very frightened, or they were extremely vigilant and did not dare to approach easily.

After all, if a person encounters a [beast] once in his life, he is considered lucky in eight lifetimes. Nangong Qi summoned three [beasts] at once, which can no longer be described as lucky.

"Forget it, let's explore the maze first!"

Under the guidance of Nangong Qi, Tima, Sesshōin, Draco, and Elquette, the three [beasts] Yiyue Ji entered the maze to explore.

There are a lot of hostile programs and shadow followers wandering around the maze, so it should be very dangerous.



Tima's sonic roar alone is enough to destroy all hostile programs and most of the shadow followers. Even if the remaining ones can survive, they are probably seriously injured.


"My head hurts so much, can't you lower your voice?"

Compared with the original Nero, Draco's headache symptoms were more obvious. After Tima released a few sonic attacks, she already had a splitting headache and looked embarrassed.

Tima glanced at Draco, and then dazzling lasers were released from her eyes, vaporizing a Shadow Servant on the spot.

Unlike the previous super useless Sesshoin, after summoning the two thugs Ti Ma and Draco, Nangong Qi no longer had to roll up his sleeves to fight in person, and the speed of conquering the maze was also much faster.

In addition, Nangong Qi has a very good memory and will basically not lose his way, let alone follow the same path.

Soon, several people arrived at what should be the end point.

The reason why it is said to be the end point is because the person in front of him is different from the shadow servants he encountered before and his level of hostility is different. He is a real servant.

"Elizabeth Bathory."

After all, he is one of the two kings of singers in the Xingyue world. He has red dragon horns on his head, a long black tail behind him, and scarlet nails on his fingers that look like beast claws. Nangong Qi doesn’t want to recognize him. It's hard to get rid of her.

"It turns out that Little Piggy is my fan, I'm so happy!"

Dragon Lady is undoubtedly a narcissist on par with the original Nero, and Piggy is what she calls her people.

"In that case, let the singer of the heroic world sing a song for the fans!"

I saw a castle-like speaker equipment emerging from the dragon lady's feet, and an ominous premonition appeared in Draco's heart.

"Oh? Are you going to sing? And that's a speaker, right? It's so big!"

Looking at those huge speakers, Erquette showed a very interested expression.

As Tsukihime who lives in the castle all year round, she is full of curiosity about the novelties of human modernization.

"Hey, hey, why do I have a very ominous premonition?"

"That means your hunch is right!"

Nangong Qi

Take out your earplugs and prepare yourself for sonic attacks.

"That guy's dragon roar attacks in the form of sound waves. When she sings, her unique dragon roar will naturally be mixed in."


Draco couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Her headache symptoms were more obvious than Nero's. Faced with this attack that could be called noise, she would only have more headaches.

"The last song, I will kill you grandly! Let me sing you the hottest pop song in the Servant world!"


The ominous premonition in his heart became more and more intense, and Draco simply slapped Dragon Lady and everything including the speaker away, sticking it to the wall.

Long live, the King of Xingyue Singers has broken all ties with each other.

It's just that the wall behind the dragon lady seems to be a little special, and it can actually withstand the strange power of a [beast], even though Draco is in the stage of recovering from a serious illness.

"There's something wrong with this wall!"

Nangong Qi pulled out the [Satan Saber] and slashed at the wall, but it didn't cut it.

No, to be precise, the wall made of data healed at the speed of light as soon as it was cut open, making it impossible to break through forcefully.

"Does it require some kind of key?"

Although Nangong Qi is not a game expert, he often plays games with Baosheng Yongmeng and is still very sensitive to some elements in the game.

Since this wall requires a key, it needs to be analyzed by professionals.

Nangong Qi immediately sent the data of this wall to the old school building and gave it to the three people for analysis.

Of course, they were shocked by Nangong Qi's behavior of summoning three [beasts] in succession.They still completed the analysis task meticulously.

At least on the surface, these three [beasts] are quite honest.

Soon, Rani sent an analysis report.

"According to analysis, a type of data called SG is needed as a key to open this wall!"

"SG? I hate mechanical levels the most. I always have to spend energy collecting some things that are not there."

"What? Mechanical level? Is it a game?"

Erquet can always be interested in something that Nangong Qi is not interested in.

"It's a game, but it's not a game you should play."

Nangong Qi pinched his brows and couldn't help but feel Alexander.

"Okay, now tell me, where is it and how can I collect SG?"

The so-called SG refers to Secret Garden, which is an interest and hobby that wants to be hidden but wants to be known, with both positive and negative emotions.

Although it is a hobby, in fact, SG is also a kind of mental sedimentation and confusion.As long as this SG is taken out, his spirit can be calmed down to a certain extent.

"If your guess is correct, the SG you need is in Elizabeth's body. If you want to remove the SG, I'm afraid you have to use the power of [Five Stops Mindfulness]."

"[Five Stopping Mind Views]?"

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