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Chapter 32 Yuxing invades the core area


Huge collision sounds continued to sound in the imaginary space, which was the sound of the battle between the two giant beasts summoned by Airei and the huge mecha driven by Emperor Karl.

This kind of huge battle is not something ordinary beings can easily approach. The aftermath alone is enough to seriously injure second- and third-rate servants.

"You're almost there, just try harder and call it a day!"

Ailei showed a satisfied smile and planned to release red thunder again in the underworld to blow up Emperor Karl.

Emperor Karl was no match for her, the goddess of the underworld, not to mention that she had already activated her Noble Phantasm, allowing the ground to enter the state of the underworld. This was also her world, which was equivalent to a local battle.

She doesn't know what existence can defeat her in her world!

Even someone as strong as Istar would have to suffer from this.

"It's my children!"

"Scared! Mother Goddess?"

Not knowing when Tima would come to her, Airei was so frightened that her golden hair stood up like a Saiyan.

The two giant beasts she summoned were actually her mother's children. Who knows if she would be moved by the scene and send herself back to the Throne of Heroes with a slap in the face.

Fortunately, Tima's eyes did not stay on the two giant beasts for too long, because she knew that her biological children had died long ago, and what was in front of her was just their remnants.

She looked at Emperor Karl with extremely disgusted eyes.

"Bad boy!"

The source of the sea of ​​life, whose source was unknown, surged toward Emperor Karl like the Yangtze River, directly submerging him in the black mud and completely wiping him out.

What about other battlefields?

"Congratulations to the Mother Goddess of Creation for your victory!"

Chen Gong ran over alone and saluted Ti Ma.

At this moment, Nangong Qi, BB, and Sesshōin also arrived here, with Draco sitting on Emperor Hua's shoulders.

"Did you come up with the idea to let Sesshōin and Draco kill people on purpose?"

As soon as Nangong Qi came up, he stared at Chen Gong.

"Exactly!" Chen Gong admitted without shame.

"In other words, it was your idea to let me fuse the spirit bases of two [beasts]?"


"You fucking!"

"But Mr. Nangong, I have to remind you, if you don't do that, you may not be able to defeat that giant demonic Bodhisattva!"

"Of course I know, but I'm just so angry!"

Understanding is one thing, anger is another.

Although at that juncture, there was no chance of winning except for fusing the [Beast] Spiritual Base, but it was completely different to agree in advance and to be forced into that situation without any knowledge.

After all, no one wants to be plotted and stabbed in the back by one of their own without knowing it.

"This is a necessary sacrifice!"

Chen Gong said his famous saying.

"It's not an example!"

Things had already happened and could not be undone, so Nangong Qi could only accept that he was unlucky and endure it, and warned Chen Gong by the way.

"By the way, didn't Archimedes see your plan?"

"He probably didn't guess what I was thinking. After all, merging the [Beast] Spiritual Base is really crazy. It's not like a madman can't do such a thing."

"So in your eyes, I'm a lunatic?"


Nangong Qi felt like a volcano was about to erupt, but he still endured it because Ti Ma was beside him.

"To shut up!"

The sight came to the last battlefield, where blue flames and red flames were almost all around Karna and Arjuna.



Although Emperor Karl has been eliminated by Tima's move, logically speaking, the effect of [Sound of Heaven Assimilation] should disappear, but at the moment, the two Indian heroes have no intention of stopping and continue to fight with their noble phantoms.

It is estimated that the two of them were fighting each other and really got angry.

Even if the effect of [Sound of Heaven Assimilation] is lifted, the two of them still have to kill each other first.

Either you die or I die!

"Hey, hey, you two are using my magic power!"


Because both Arjuna and Karna are servants with high magic consumption, Leo proposed to let Nangong Qi, a person who can summon two [beasts], serve as demons, so that the two of them can output at full strength. .

Of course, two servants with high magic consumption are nothing to Nangong Qi, but the feeling of fighting between the left hand and the right hand is like the fight between Ikki and Weiss in the original Thursday, [Kifu Tyrannosaurus] There was a fight between the upper jaw and chin.

But even so, Nangong Qi had no intention of intervening.

Because he promised the two of them that after everything was over, he would give them a fair one-on-one duel.

"But it looks like the two of them are about to decide the final winner!"

Chen Gong saw the clues.

Yes, at this point, the battle between Arjuna and Karna has come to an end, and both sides have to release their strongest Noble Phantasms.

"Learn the mercy of the King of Gods, and annihilation is this thrust! Look at me, O Indra. Burn everything. [O Sun Disk, surrender to death (Vasavi Shakti)]!"

"The sacred domain is expanded and the space is fixed! I will devote all my anger! Karna, I will defeat you. It's about to happen! [Shadow of the Hand of the God of Destruction (Pashupata)]!"

The two Noble Phantasms collided violently in the imaginary space, and the strong aftermath almost blew the unprepared Ailei away.

No, it's blown away.


"Caught you!"

Nangong Qi braved the aftermath and brought Ai Lei back, holding her like a princess.

"Wow ah ah!"

Ai Lei instantly turned red and warm, and steam was constantly spraying out of her ears.

But Nangong Qi quickly put her down and let her hide and communicate alone in a daze.

One thing to say is that although Karna's Divine Killing Spear is designed to summon the strongest [Anti-God Noble Phantasm] among the servants, and also has the powerful characteristic of [Anti-World Noble Phantasm], Arjuna The [Hand Shadow of the God of Destruction] is not weak either. It comes from the power of Shiva, the Supreme God of Destruction in Indian mythology, and also has the special attack of [Anti-God Noble Phantasm].

For a moment, the two noble phantoms collided and became deadlocked.

At the location where the two Noble Phantasms collided, energy that could not be dissipated continued to accumulate, distorting the space, turning into an existence like a black hole, and its size continued to expand, rushing towards Arjuna and Karna.

But at this moment, the two people in the deadly battle can no longer control that much. The current situation is that whoever retreats first will die.

In front of them is their old enemy, and they would rather die together with the enemy.

Soon, the energy black hole affected the two of them, swallowing them both together and returning to the Heroic Spirit Seat.

"Well, the two of them deserved their death, right?"


Suddenly, Nangong Qi was hugged.

It was Arquette, holding Nangong Qi in her arms and looking tearful.

Obviously, after the death of Emperor Karl, the brainwashing control effect of [Sound of Heaven Assimilation] was naturally lifted.

When she realized what she had done, she couldn't help but regret it.

"Can you reconcile?"

"Little bitch, since you betrayed Nangong, you must die to atone for your sins!"

Regardless of whether she was disgusted by the betrayal or planned to take this opportunity to kill Arquette completely, Meltlilith had no room to hold back and attacked with all her strength.

Of course, Arquette may not be a match for Melt Lilith and Parson Lip, but as the moon's own daughter, she can hide.

After waking up, she did not dare to attack Meltililith and Parsonlip, and could only avoid their attacks until Karna and Arjuna's Noble Phantasms caused huge aftermath, affecting the two of them. Finally, she finally spotted the opportunity and came to Nangong Qi's side.

This also proves that Arjuna and Karna simply slapped their heads and couldn't hold back, and it was not for any other reason.

"I'm so sorry! I was actually controlled by that old man and even attacked you. I'm really sorry!"

“Little bitch, how dare you hug Nangong?!”

Meltililith was so anxious that she was almost red-tempered, and she burst out at her fastest speed and rushed towards Elquet.

"There is no room for you now, senior, so just go back to the Throne of Heroes!"

"Lilith, stop, Arquette is not an enemy."

Nangong Qi rubbed his temples and felt a huge headache.

Arquette is already one of the few people around him who has a relatively normal mind. If she was killed by Meltlilith here, wouldn't he have to hang out with a group of psychopaths all day long?

As soon as she finished speaking, Meltlilith stopped suddenly in the air with a look of reluctance.

"Nangong, you are such a good person. Please punish me severely!"

"Punishment with a hammer! First find out where Archimedes and Elizabeth have gone, and then consider it as making up for it!"

Although he has experienced so many things, Nangong Qi still does not forget to eradicate the root causes.

Archimedes, who is a member of the [Yusei] force, must die, and Elizabeth, who delivers the [Beast] courier, must also pay the price.

"it is good!"

Arquette immediately began to use her Tsukihime authority to search for traces of Archimedes and Elizabeth, and then...

"Can't find it. At least not in imaginary space or on Earth."


But it would be a mistake to ask you to do this.But yes, [Youxing] is an existence outside the earth, how could you find it? "Nangong Qi slapped him on the face, then turned to look at BB.

This imaginary number space is the territory that BB has been operating for a long time. She is also an AI. It should not be difficult to find people in the data space.

"BB, help me find them!"

"Senior, are you begging for help?"

A devilish smile appeared on BB's face.

Nangong Qi couldn't help but take a deep breath, stabilize his emotions, and ask in the calmest tone possible:

"Please, dear junior, please help me once."

"It's almost there!"

Waving the pointer, a large number of maps appeared in front of everyone, and Nangong Qi actually discovered something strange one step ahead of BB.

"They're below us!"


BB had a question mark on his face.

Senior, you are so capable, you make me very embarrassed!

"Where is below us?"

"Of course it's the road that BB dug so hard to lead to the core area of ​​Mooncell!"

BB looked proud, but Nangong Qi looked ashen.

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