"Don't even think about it!"

Tima took the first step and stood between Nangong Qi, Melt Lilith and BB.

Their relationship was completed with her help, and she would definitely risk her own life to protect this relationship.

"Senior, what's your opinion?"

BB didn't care about Ti Ma at all, she just wanted to listen to Nangong Qi's wishes to decide the next action.

"BB, don't you understand who I am?"

Nangong Qi hung Meltililith on his back, and the door to the [World of the Dead] opened, and majestic magic poured out from it.

Previously, he fused the spiritual bases of two [Beasts], took away all the magic power of the Beast Court, and stored it in the [World of the Dead].

As long as they are all taken out, Nangong Qi will gain the power to literally hold the sun, the moon and the stars in his hands.

"Of course I refuse!"

"Hmph, as expected of a senior, this answer is not beyond my expectation. But the almighty BB has already made a plan, clang clang clang!"

I saw a prison rising up. All of them, including Elle, Parsonlip, Leo, Chen Gong, Erqite, Sesshouin, Draco and others, were imprisoned in it.

"Senior, you don't want the people around you to get hurt, right? Hehe!"

"BB, I advise you to release them safely now, otherwise you will regret it! Because I will spread your ass!"

"Regret? I'm afraid, senior, you can't do anything now?" The malice in the expression on BB's face became more and more intense, so full that it almost overflowed. He was worthy of being a junior of the little devil type.

"Now I have changed my mind. Senior, you must kneel on the ground and apologize to me honestly, three times, three times!"

"I'm afraid it won't work even once!"

A voice that was unfamiliar to almost everyone present, but extremely familiar to Nangong Qi, sounded.

Hearing this voice, Nangong Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"MD, I hope for the stars and the moon, and finally I've got you here."

"Who? Who the hell is talking?"

"Haha, we will protect my brother's integrity!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the prison where everyone was imprisoned disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by BB's hands and feet, which were tightly bound and hung on a wooden stick. BB was in a state of confusion the whole time, and had no idea why he suddenly behaved so well. Overturned.

The person holding the wooden stick was a little boy who looked about seven or eight years old and looked somewhat similar to Nangong Qi. He greeted Nangong Qi in a friendly way:

"Brother, we finally met victoriously in the core area of ​​Mooncell!"

"elder brother?"

Everyone present was in a state of confusion, wondering why Nangong Qi had an extra brother inexplicably, and they never saw him mention it.

Moreover, he actually took control of Mooncell's core first, so his strength should not be underestimated.

"Ce, you!"

Nangong Qi breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then anger surged into his heart.

"You guy, why didn't you come here until now? Also, did you deliberately pretend to be controlled by BB just now, just to see your brother make a fool of himself?"


How could one admit such a thing?

Ce could only turn his head in embarrassment and hold BB in front of him as if he was holding a shield.

"Didn't I already catch the culprit? Brother, why don't you spread her ass while it's hot?"

"Labour and management need to open your ass first!"

Nangong Qi threw away the [Satan Saber] and replaced all six arms with feather dusters, and walked step by step towards Ce with an unstoppable and terrifying momentum.

"Bell, save me!"

“Nangong, now is not the time to settle accounts!”

Bell wore a pair of eyes and walked out with a gloomy expression, and he didn't seem particularly happy.

He himself did not expect that it would take so much time to dig through the road leading to the core of Mooncell. The digging efficiency of the two of them was not even as good as that of the BB who had a bug.

What makes Bell feel the most unacceptable is that his partner has experienced so many difficulties and enemies in his absence. Bell feels that he is simply unpardonable and unforgivable.

Rather than being playful, Bell wanted to find a random piece of tofu and crash on it to death.

But just like what he just said, the last enemy [Yusei] is on his way, which is not the time to deal with such trivial matters.

How did you know that?

What a joke, they really control the core of Mooncell. No matter what happens in this data world, they can't escape their eyes.

"Yes, yes!" Ce Kuang nodded, like a chicken slurping rice. "Brother, we have to wait until we deal with the enemy to settle the score!"

"That's what it says."

Nangong Qi's eyes glanced at BB, and his endless anger instantly took away his sanity.

He flew up and grabbed the stick with the BB hanging on it, threw her to the ground, pressed on her back, opened his bows with six hands at the same time, and slapped her butt crazily, making a crackling sound.

Ce and other things can be pushed back, but this BB Nangong Qi cannot be forgiven.

How angry he is with this guy BB!

Originally, after Nangong Qi fought the Holy Grail War, he could directly control the core area of ​​​​Mooncell, and nothing would happen.

As a result, BB suddenly jumped out, kicked him down, and then threw him into a maze and banned him from walking in it, just to control the core of Mooncell before him and make him kneel down to beg her.

After several fights, he finally managed to suppress his anger towards this scumbag AI, but BB just repeated his old tune.

If she hadn't taken control of Mooncell's core first, Nangong Qi would probably have to kneel down and beg her.

It can be said that along the way, Nangong Qiping suffered so much and suffered so many beatings, all thanks to BB, and it was all BB's fault.

Although it did not cause much harm to Nangong Qi, it was extremely insulting and disgusting, especially the client, so...

"Labour and management are so damn angry!"

Within a few minutes, BB's buttocks were swollen.

"Ah ah ah, senior, even if you don't do it for my sake, you have to do it for the sake of Lilith, Parson Lip, and Emperor Flower. Please spare me one more time!"

"I'll spare your mother!"

"Brother, it's almost done!"

Seeing that it was almost time, Ce quickly pulled Nangong Qi away, tied up the BB, and threw it in front of everyone.

"Come on, come on, let's take revenge if we have a grudge, and hold on to an injustice if we have an injustice! Brother, it's almost time for us to fight!"

"Huh. I'll settle the accounts with you when I come back. Now, she's yours!"

After the words fell, Ce and Bell turned into data and entered Nangong Qi's body, and then Nangong Qi quickly left Mooncell's data world.

Soon, a large group of people and followers gathered around him, their eyes shining red as if they were hungry wolves who had been hungry for months when they saw delicious food.

Being shackled again, BB was no different from an ordinary girl. She could only tremble when surrounded by people.

"Can you reconcile?"

"At this moment!? BB, are you kidding?"

"Emperor Flower, Melt Lilith, Parson Lip, I am your mother! You must save me!"

"Save your hammer!"

Emperor Hua hammered BB into the floor with one slap.

"You deprived me of my ability to think and forced me to attack my senior. It is an unpardonable crime!"

"And me!" Melt Lilith also looked angry. "I finally felt true love from Nangong, and you actually want to deprive me of this feeling! Unforgivable!"

In a word:

BB, fuck! BB, hit!

When his eyes came to the real world, after He Ce and Bell merged into one again, Nangong Qi had returned to his peak and had absolute confidence to eliminate the mere [Yu Xing].


The game field expands to include the entire solar system, including the [Wandering Star Ark] that is rushing to the earth.

The familiar jet black armor appeared on Nangong Qi. The pure black skirt was like the deepest part of the universe, and the dots of starlight on it were like the sea of ​​stars in the Milky Way.

Different from the past, Nangong Qi now relies on Mooncell.

You must know that Mooncell is a photon computer with a body diameter of more than [-] kilometers. In terms of computing power alone, it will only be far superior to Nangong Qi. As soon as Nangong Qi enters it, it will be packaged into a compressed file and cannot be used to its full potential. Full strength.

And now this computer has been used by Nangong Qi. He has reached invincibility in the true sense. He is the [Moon King] of this world.

"Got you!"

The game field is Nangong Qi's world. With simple arithmetic, Nangong Qi instantly found the movement trajectory of [Wandering Star Ark].

The so-called [Wandering Star Ark], said to be an ark, is actually more like a huge pyramid that can fly at super-light speeds, shining with golden light. Even La Er Shining is probably very fond of the appearance of this thing.

Densely packed [Star Arks] form the armor of [Yusei Ark], each one is a hundred meters long, and each one is equipped with [Yusei Vanguard] similar to Sefalu, which can destroy the Moon World God System.

"Start the invasion!"

As a pure data life form, bugster has a unique and powerful advantage in the data world, which is its powerful intrusion capability. Breaking through a firewall is basically as easy as eating, drinking, and playing games.

Nangong Qi transformed into a data stream and entered [Youxing Ark], but as expected, it was intercepted by the system's internal firewall.

Looking at these firewall guards, Nangong Qi almost laughed out loud.

Actually, all of them are giants who look similar to Sefalu. The only thing they have in common is probably the military-like [Yusei Crest] on their bodies.

"Black Hole Critical Strike!"

With the activation of the [Decisive Skill], countless black holes were formed in the palm of Nangong Qi's hand, as docile as a well-behaved cub, but the destructive power within them made all the [Wandering Star Soldiers] shudder.

But for the sake of protecting the firewall, let them all bravely come forward and give it to them.


The cold command was given, and the black hole that even light could not escape was unchained, greedily devouring everything around it, swallowing all the firewall guards inside.

[Star Ark]'s data firewall has completely collapsed.

"Bell, please help decipher the control system of this [Wandering Star Ark]!"

"Just leave it to me!"

As a super talented student of an interstellar civilization, Bell naturally knows how to control the technology of other civilizations.


Soon, the entire [Wandering Star Ark] began to slow down, and finally stopped near Saturn.

[Yusei]'s crisis has been lifted, temporarily.

After all, there are thousands of [Wandering Star Soldiers] here, each of them possessing the strength of Safalu at his peak.

In this world, there are less than [-] humans left on the earth. It is estimated that even if a fragment of [Wandering Star Soldier] falls on the earth, it will be a disaster for the current human race.

It's like a time bomb that may explode at any time, so we must deal with them all while the [Wandering Star Soldiers] are sleeping to avoid future troubles.

But for Nangong Qi, dealing with anything should not be too simple.

To put it bluntly, it just means destruction. No matter what the process is, the final result is destruction and death.

"Brother, brother, I have a great idea!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Ce became extremely excited and immediately told Nangong Qi his thoughts.

To this, Nangong Qi naturally agreed happily and allowed him to do it.

An hour later, Archimedes woke up from his coma and shivered subconsciously.

In the [World of the Dead], he encountered an unprecedented horrific encounter.

Countless weirdos and villainous knights mercilessly gave him various ways to die. No matter how he died, he would be resurrected quickly and then killed again.

He was resurrected and died repeatedly, but he just couldn't reach the end of true death.

If you let him stay in there for a while, he might give up thinking completely.

"Is it finally over?"

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