

The crowned [Beast] can eat the owner of the [Beast] spirit base to restore physical strength. This is the gentleman's own personal device.

After all, no matter what, we have to let the crown [Beast] show off a little bit.

Although it’s only been one chapter and he’s fucked by the protagonist

The protagonist uses his ability to be preyed upon by ORT to lure him to the sun, and then uses the [Emperor Stone] to resist the sun, taking advantage of the environment to kill ORT.

You must know that [Mechanical Knight] itself can withstand the surface temperature of the sun. The protagonist uses the [Creation King] form and can withstand higher temperatures than Mechanical Knight. There should be nothing wrong with it, right?




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Chapter 42 There must be a title [Beast]

Purple old woman.jpg

"Brother, we won!"

Looking at ORT who was motionless and completely lifeless, Ce couldn't help but cheer in Nangong Qi's consciousness.

Being scorched by the high temperature on the surface of the sun, ORT, which had no chance of death, was always in the process of self-healing, being burned, self-healing, and being burned.

As long as the sun does not go out, ORT will never be able to get rid of this state, never reach the end of complete self-healing, and it is even less likely to continue its activities to harm humans entering the interstellar era.

"It's not over yet!" Nangong Qi poured cold water on Ce and looked at his missing right hand. "At least we have to get our hands back. We can't let me be like Yang Guo for the rest of my life!"

"How do I get it?"

"Let's cut it open first and see if there is any remnant of my hand."

Stepping on the hot surface of the sun, Nangong Qi approached the ORT, pulled out the [Satan Saber] and immediately disembowelled it.

turn out......

"Nothing at all."

"Odd!" Bell's calm voice sounded. "According to my calculations,

This ORT is full of the smell of your hands, and it is most likely completely digested and absorbed. "

"...What should we do? You can't really be Yang Guo for the rest of your life, right?"

"Qi, if you don't mind, I have a good idea." Bell said what he thought of, but it was probably an idea that his partner would find difficult to accept.

"Since ORT eats your hand, conversely, it seems that you can also eat ORT. Maybe after eating, your hand will grow back."

Nangong Qi looked at his severed hand in silence, and then at ORT who was still staring blankly.

"Are you sure?"

"Who knows about this kind of thing? Anyway, you have no other way, why not treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor and eat it!"


Nodding, Nangong Qi used his mind to drag the remains of ORT over and picked up all the fragments that were burned on the ground.

Since you are determined to eat it, you'd better eat it cleanly.

Ollie here, done!

"Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch -"

The lower jaw of the locust-like head opened, revealing its ferocious teeth, which smashed the shell and body of the ORT into pieces and sent them into its stomach.

"Cut off the live broadcast! Quick, quick, quick!"

At the same time, in Mooncell, Leo is instructing the Western European chaebols to handle the live broadcast to prevent the scene of Nangong Qi gorging on ORT, which extremely loses SAN value, from falling into the eyes of the public.

The reason is also very simple.

There is no doubt that ORT is a pure monster.

Unable to communicate, I don't know what it does, why it appears on Earth, and I can't even understand how it was born or how it fights.

Invincible, at least for current humans, ORT is invincible.

Just the aftermath of the battle caused by Nangong Qi and ORT almost turned the entire earth upside down, turning the once beautiful earth into a terrifying murderous hell, just like the planet that was subject to the "Extinction Order" in "Warhammer 40K".

Faced with such an incommunicable and invincible being, without Nangong Qi's existence, Leo could not even think of how to win.

Even if they win, I'm afraid it will be a tragic victory with heavy casualties.

But such a monster was completely defeated by Nangong Qi.

No matter what price he paid, I am afraid that in the eyes of the people, they are just two monsters fighting each other, one of them defeated the other, and their feelings towards Nangong Qi are probably mostly fear.

Just like the "Uncanny Valley Theory", when a human-shaped object is closer to humans, the feeling it gives to other humans will change from goodwill to extreme fear.

In the form of the Creation King, Nangong Qi looks like a crimson locust walking upright. Coupled with his destructive power, which can easily kill ORT, the people's fear of him will only rise to the next level. .

Fortunately, Nangong Qi walks with humans, so he can alleviate this emotion, and maybe he will even worship him.

If the later clip of Nangong Qi devouring ORT is released, I am afraid that the previous positive emotions will be replaced by completely negative emotions, and the complete fear will never be recovered.

"Crunch, crunch, ugh! It tastes terrible, like eating burnt soil!"

After eating the ORT completely, Nangong Qi just wanted to vomit it out.

"But at least my hand has grown back."

Moving his newly grown right hand, Nangong Qi felt that this move was not a loss.

"gone back!"

After confirming that the ORT was eaten and that the guy was not playing tricks in his stomach, he left the sun and flew towards Mooncell with a long tail flame.

"Brother, before you go back, I have good news and bad news that is worse than before."

"Let's hear it all." Nangong Qi also wanted to know what news could be worse for him now than that ORT could eat himself to restore his physical strength.

"The good news is, brother, you have successfully inherited the spirit base of the crowned [beast]. From now on, those [beasts] will be just snacks in front of you. Moreover, you have also absorbed part of the power of ORT. You should be able to function in this world." Walk sideways. Bad news..."

Ce hesitated for a moment and decided to vaccinate Nangong Qi in advance.

"I hope you can be mentally prepared and not panic."

"Brother Ce, don't you know how much we have been through together? I am a professional Kamen Rider, I won't panic!"

"Then, okay, I'll tell you the truth. Brother, after you are promoted to a crown [beast], you will be extremely disgusted with humans, so disgusted that you want to crush them even if you just look at them from a distance."

Ce was careful when he said this. After Nangong Qi heard this and fully understood it, his brain shut down for several seconds, and then...

"Fuck! vomit vomit vomit vomit vomit vomit -"

In the universe, Nangong Qi was retching, as if he wanted to spit out the ORT he had eaten.

"Brother, it's useless. You and ORT's spirit bases are finished."

Fully integrated, even if it is spit out, it will probably be a pile of waste. "

"I want you to manage."

"So do you need help peeling off the [Beast] spirit base?" Bell's voice was full of reason and calmness. "We have completed the analysis of [Beast]'s spiritual base and can continue the separation operation at any time."

"Then what will be the consequences if it is separated?"

"The Spiritual Energy of the Crowned [Beast] will not disappear, and will most likely fall on Draco and the Sesshōin. Therefore, I suggest you, my partner, raise Draco and the Sesshōin before stripping it away!"

Bell gave what seemed to be the most rational and coldest advice.

"Does a co-author have to have a title [Beast]?"

Nangong Qi suddenly felt a toothache.

There was no need for him to consider the option of Draco and Sesshouin, because he had promised these two [beasts] that as long as they did not betray him for one day, Nangong Qi would never betray them.

What's more, when he dealt with the Beast Yuan before, it was thanks to these two [beasts] taking the initiative to fuse their spiritual bases with Nangong Qi that he had a chance to defeat the Beast Yuan.

In other words, they are considered Nangong Qi's benefactors.

So Nangong Qi would not do that, would not do that kind of ungrateful thing, absolutely not.

"If you are a partner, you don't want Draco and the Seshoin to have a spirit base that inherits the title of [Beast], that's why."

"Well, it looks like I have to keep my distance from other people on weekdays."

In order not to abandon Draco and the Sesshou Institute, Nangong Qi could only carry the spirit base of the crowned [Beast] on his back like the Lich King in "Warcraft" next door.

"Victory, triumph."

When he returned to Mooncell, Nangong Qi didn't make any fanfare. He just sent a message from a distance to Rin Tosaka, Leo and Lani, and they gathered together quietly.

"That's the way it is, that's the situation."

Nangong Qi looked around, and as expected, he felt a little annoyed in his heart, as if he saw a group of ants crawling around on the cake and wanted to burn the whole place with fire.

Human beings are just a bunch of bugs, an eyesore of sand, and an unpleasant dregs.

"In short, it is best for us to keep our distance. It will be beneficial to both of us."

"Then how do you feel about me now?"

Tohsaka Rin's hair changed from black twin ponytails to golden waves. It was obvious that he transferred control of his body to Ai Lei and took the initiative to approach Nangong Qi.

Looking at Ailei, Nangong Qi also felt that the boredom in his heart was much relieved.

"Well, it seems that the object of this disgust is limited to humans, and servants should not be counted. That's not right, Ailei, you are a god-level servant. Maybe I should find a few more servants to experiment with."

"It doesn't matter what happens to that kind of thing!"

The liquefied Meltililith climbed up Nangong Qi's body and then materialized, with two thighs carrying him on his shoulders. "As long as Nangong you are okay and you love me, that's enough."

"Meltlilith, you are also a servant who has integrated many goddess spirit bases. I don't have a strong feeling of disgust towards you."

Nangong Qi touched his chin. "Maybe I should try to have more contact with the human camp servants."

"Even so, I don't recommend Nangong that you do that." Leo shrugged and tried to take a few steps towards Nangong Qi.


In an instant, Nangong Qi's eyes became sharp, scanning Leo up and down like a dagger, and the thoughts in his head were all about how to kill Leo quickly.

"Feel sorry."

Nangong Qi, who realized what he was doing, quickly looked away.

The influence of the Crowned [Beast] Spirit Base on him was probably to engrave his absolute hatred of human beings in his subconscious, making him unconsciously hate all humans around him.

The subconscious mind is so difficult to control.

If Nangong Qi met an innocent human being in a fight, he would probably subconsciously smash the opponent into a pulp with a backhand fist.


Leo didn't care too much. After all, as the leader of the Western European plutocrats [Perfect King], he was born to be the center of attention and was often hostile to some people, so he was used to Nangong Qi's gaze.

"My opinion is, Nangong, not only should you not stop contacting humans, on the contrary, you should live in the city and walk with humans."

"Hey hey hey hey!"

Before Leo could finish speaking, Meltililith protested, clamping her legs further on Nangong Qi's head. "Don't you know that Nangong hates humans now? Are you planning to let him do things he doesn't like?"

"That's why we should do it!"

Facing the aggressive Melt Lilith, Leo did not give in at all. "Humans themselves are social animals. If Nangong stays away from people for a long time, his sense of belonging to humans will only become weaker and weaker, or even no sense of belonging at all. So in the long run, you have to increase your contact with other people. "


Meltililith immediately wanted to use her sharp high heels to blow Leo's mind, but Nangong Qi caught her eyes.



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