Taking a long breath, Nangong Qi washed his hands and put on a white coat. Resisting the urge to crush all the passers-by who were coming towards him, Nangong Qi forced himself to walk along the street to the hospital.

Be calm!

Be calm!

You must stay calm!

Due to the influence of the crowned [Beast] spirit base, Nangong Qi now wants to slap him to death when he sees a human being. It feels like he wants to slap him to death when he sees a mosquito flying steadily next to his ear.

The most important thing is that Nangong Qi can really do this.

In order to overcome this feeling of disgust that is almost engraved in his soul, Nangong Qi has been training for three full months, and finally he was able to slightly suppress this impulse and disgust.

As for the identity of the doctor, he chose it himself, and Leo helped arrange it.

And he only has one patient, and that is Hakuno Kishinami.

"How are you feeling?"

After walking this distance, Nangong Qi felt that he had walked on a tightrope without any protection, and came to Kishinami Hakuno's bed, showing off his qualities as a professional doctor.

"It's much better."

Kishinami Hakuno pressed his temples in distress. "But my head still hurts. Just hearing the sound makes my nerves twitch."

"It is recommended to wear hearing aids!"

Continuing to write and draw in the notebook, Nangong Qi asked: "By the way, hasn't your brain disease been cured? Why are you still having such a big reaction?"

"This is beyond words!"

Kishinami Hakuno let out a long sigh, hugged his legs with his hands, and curled up together, as if he was autistic. "After I entered Mooncell, I met the woman who called herself Draco. She enthusiastically invited me to participate in her concert. I didn't refuse, and she was here when I woke up."

You are destined to fall in love with Draco at first sight, and then listened to the concert of Xingyue's number one singer in a daze, which made the body that had just recovered from a serious illness even worse, and lay in the hospital bed for three months.

Then you really deserve to die... No, I can't have this


Nangong Qi quickly cleared his mind to avoid completely going astray and destroying mankind.

"I'm really stupid. Obviously my instinct is telling me that something is wrong."

Hakuno Kishinami scratched his hair, making it a mess, and said self-deprecatingly: "Obviously my intuition has always been very accurate, but I still listened. She is obviously so beautiful, why is her singing so destructive?"

"It's understandable. After all, people who are passionately in love often don't have everything."

After all, in the Xingyue world, Nero and Kishinami Hakuno's falling in love with each other at first sight is completely destined, just like Tamamo Mae and Kishinami Hakuno falling in love at first sight.

Nangong Qi put down his notebook, glanced at Draco, who had been staying at Kishinami Hakuno's bedside for three months, and then suggested to Kishinami Hakuno:

"That's right. I have a suggestion. I suggest you go to some other places under my care. It must be of great benefit. I just don't know what you think?"



P club players gather

We call it efficient




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Chapter 44 About the good [Beast] being shot while lying down


"Going out for a walk?"

After thinking for a moment, Hakuno Kishinami nodded, choosing to believe in the miraculous doctor in front of him who cured his brain disease. "It's okay, but if the whole earth becomes like that, where else can we go?"

Although Kishinami Hakuno was admitted to the ICU after listening to Draco's singing as soon as she entered Mooncell, she still understood part of this earth-shattering battle that would determine the future destiny of mankind, especially about the earth.

The entire battle between Nangong Qi and ORT was broadcast live on the entire Mooncell, and the result was obvious. Two animal-like magnetic field guys directly bombarded the entire earth into a world of death. It is estimated that not a single blade of grass will grow in a few hundred years.

"Leo... Master Leo has developed a new spirit transfer technology, which, combined with parallel world observation technology, can send people to other parallel worlds."

"Magic, is it so magical? Why have I never heard of it?"

After all, Draco had tricked him into the ICU three months ago, and Hakuno Kishinami instinctively felt uneasy.

"Because this is a brand-new technology that has just been developed, more people need to devote themselves to it. I am one of them."

Nangong Qi's face was not red, and his heart was not beating as he told lies.

He simply wanted to take someone to a crowded and unfamiliar place to exercise his ability to develop his nerves. He took Hakuno Kishinami because he only took a fancy to her unique luck for the moon-shaped protagonist.

Anyway, it still takes a long time to find the timeline he wants to reach. If he is idle, he will be idle. Why not try his luck by using the spirit son to transfer to the timeline next door for a few days, and maybe he can meet Illya. maybe.

After hearing this, Draco on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

If you take Hakuno Kishinami out for a walk, maybe her dislike of him will drop by several levels.

Just like a boyfriend and girlfriend, one of them has just done something very sorry for the other. If you want to apologize and reconcile, you will naturally not choose when she is in a bad mood, but wait for a while before doing so.

That was the beauty that Draco had never been so attracted to before!

He must succeed and be included in his harem!

As for the spirit transfer technology, Leo had long dug it out from the ruins of the Animusfiya family.

The Animusfia family on this world line has long been deserted, and even if they want to find Director Hongsi, they can't find it.

It is estimated that the unlucky guy who was stabbed in the back at the beginning and sent a bomb into the sky did not live to the day when Nangong Qi brought blessings and salvation to mankind in this world.

The reason why it has been delayed for so long is just to try to combine the parallel observation technology and the spirit transfer technology to create a replica of [Chaldea], except that there is no junior school girl.

Of course, out of some bad taste, Nangong Qi suggested that Leo change the name of the observatory to [Chaldea].


After arriving at the observation platform, BB, who was wearing a very revealing nurse outfit, pounced on her, and then Nangong Qi dodged directly.

Although there is no school girl, there is a demon-type junior who is even more troublesome.

The pounce was in vain, and BB fell to her knees directly, crying like a child, as if she was a poor girl who was completely deceived by a scumbag and abandoned in the end.

"Hey, oh, oh, senior, you have found a new love again.

, I don’t want anyone else! "


Kishinami Hakuno felt as if he had discovered some serious blind spot.

"Ignore her, this guy hasn't said a word of truth all day long."

Ignoring BB, Nangong Qi continued to lead the way forward, letting her continue to kneel on the ground and pretend to cry.

Kishinami Hakuno looked at the people coming and going around him, but no one stayed. He must have figured out this arrogant AI's habits long ago, and he took it for granted and turned a blind eye.

"Well, are you alright?"

Out of kindness, or for some other reason, Kishinami Hakuno somehow managed to lift BB up from the ground.

Then BB threw himself directly into her arms and cried loudly.

"Hey, senior, senior, why did you abandon me? Now that you have a new love, why don't you want me as your old love? Do you dislike me? I was the one who came here first!"


In the monitoring room, Nangong Qi couldn't help but frown when he saw BB's frame-up look.

Just talk about your situation and not talk about why you fell into this situation at all, right?

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway." Nangong Qi turned to look at Leo, who looked very much like a doctor in [Chaldea]. "How are the preparations for the spirit transfer?"

"According to your request, the timeline and location of the spirit transfer will be completely random."

Rani was writing and drawing with a piece of data, his eyes sparkling, and he completely assumed the role of Leonardo da Vinci.

"Then there is the issue of your crowned [Beast] spirit base. After our testing, we found that in the timeline when other great sources have not been exhausted, even a little bit of [Beast] breath will be suppressed by a large number of summoned heroic spirits. besieged, and will almost be ostracized by the world.”

"It's a little troublesome."

Ever since Nangong Qi defeated and devoured ORT and inherited the spiritual base of the crowned [Beast] from it, the entire Xingyue world had no rivals, and the mere crowned servants were only slightly in trouble.

Of course, if you want to make Nangong Qi sick, you can still make him feel sick.

For example, when Nangong Qi was attacked by a group of high-ranking servants, he was cursed by Jiang Taigong, and he completely forgot the coordinates of the timeline he wanted to reach.

Even now, after Nangong Qi has completely taken control of Mooncell, this damn head-dropping curse has not been lifted. As a result, he had to ask Leo for help and asked him to send people to use Mooncell 24 hours a day to find the world coordinates like a needle in a haystack.

"Is there a solution?"

"Change job description." Lani pushed up his glasses and handed the data pad in his hand to Nangong Qi. "According to calculations, the job description of [Beast] can be completely converted into [Alterego]. Because the essence of [Human Evil] is the inversion of [Human Good]. By then, the hostility of the world towards you should be much reduced."

"Okay, get it for me now!"

"plz follow me."

Under Rani's arrangement, Nangong Qi was sent to a medical cabin to change his spiritual status.


The coquettish voice of Sesshōin rang softly in his ears, and Nangong Qi almost tore the medical cabin to pieces and jumped out.

"Seshoin, what do you want to play?"

With a slight hint of anger on his face, Nangong Qi glared at Sesshōin.

At this moment, the Sesshōin was also wearing a white coat and temporarily became Leo's psychiatrist, which was regarded as returning to his old profession.

After all, psychology is a thing that has many benefits if used well and in the right place. It is impossible for Leo to use such a prison-related talent, and Nangong Qi is there to help keep an eye on him anyway.

"Actually, I still like humans very much. It's nice to be a good person occasionally!"

"I believe you, you are such a bad bitch!"

Do you really think that you don’t know that in your eyes, you are the only human being?

"Can't I have a chance to change my ways?"

"Do you really want to change your ways?"

"At least until you completely fall, Master, I will always support you!"

Sesshōin licked his lips with some emotion. "If I can't even get your master, how can I lose control of you?"

"At the very least, I will endure it as long as possible before you fall."

Maybe, that's good news?


After glaring at Sesshōin, Nangong Qi closed his eyes and lay flat in the medical cabin, waiting for the spiritual changes.

He didn't know how much time had passed before he opened his eyes and found that his surroundings had turned into a completely blue world, the medical cabin was nowhere to be seen, and he was lying on the floor.

The floor seems to have been moved from "Minecraft" next door, all made of stacked sky-blue blocks.

"Did the operation succeed?"


There was no response, and Nangong Qi continued to shout.

"Is there no one?"




"The Killing House?"

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