"More than just acquaintance, that Nizi is a devil. She thinks about how to conquer me all day long and make me kneel in front of her and sing "Conquer"."

"So it's such an exaggeration. It sounds very much like a character like Elizabeth."

Fujimaru Ritsuka felt a little hungry and even wanted to eat popcorn.

This kind of similar scene in "The Great Prime Minister of the Six Kingdoms" often happens in [Chaldea], and she never tires of it.

"Anyway, get in the car first!"


Nodding, Fujimaru Ritsuka skillfully sat on the [Battle Locust] seat and hugged Nangong Qi from behind.


In an instant, Nangong Qi's facial expression became extremely ferocious, his lips rolled up, his teeth clenched, and his white teeth were directly exposed to the air, resembling the word "Benefit".

Obviously, he still underestimated the influence of the crowned [Beast] Spiritual Base on him.

"what happened?"

"You, ahem, do you have somewhere you want to go? Or maybe other clues, clues or something like that?"

Nangong Qi quickly changed the topic.

"I remember this is [Seraphix], a submarine oil field base belonging to [Chaldea]. There should have been Nero, Tamamozen and Mr. Emiya traveling with me. I don't know where they are now. .”

"Is there a computer here? If so, preferably one with very high computing power?"

Considering the technology of [Chaldea], Nangong Qixun thought that he could use a computer to contact everyone in Mooncell across a world.

"Computer? I don't know exactly, but there should be one in the control room."

"Okay, now head to the control room!"

Although he didn't know where the control room was specifically, relying on the speed of the [Combat Locust], Nangong Qixun thought that he could still find the target even with the stupidest and simplest exhaustive method.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

The engine sound of the motorcycle erupted, and Nangong Qi and Fujimaru Ritsuka were speeding through the world.

"It's Gawain!"

During this process, Fujimaru Ritsuka saw a familiar servant, and Nangong Qi controlled [Battle Locust] to stop.

"It turned out to be the master."

Gawain was originally on guard, but when he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka, he suddenly showed a sunny smile, but this smile completely disappeared the moment he saw Nangong Qi.

"It's you!?"

With surprise and fear in his voice, Gawain wielded the holy sword burning with the fire of the sun and struck Nangong Qi on the head.

【Satan Saber】!

The red sharp blade was drawn out and collided with the holy sword, knocking Gawain away.

"What's wrong? You seem to have a problem with me, Knight of the Sun."

Nangong Qi's impression of Gawain was limited to his loyalty to him as a Leo servant on Mooncell, and he couldn't figure out why he was so hostile to him.

Without wavering, Gawain just drew his sword and pointed it at Nangong Qi, with an angry look on his face and his eyes fixed on him, as if he wanted to kill Nangong Qi with his eyes.

"Well, overall, I'm quite a pacifist."

"Pacifist? Bah!"

Gawain, known as [Prince Charming], rarely spoke out.

"I have never seen such a shameless person. You are clearly a beast, a monster, a butcher, and the great whore of Babylon!"

Hearing this, Nangong Qi unconsciously touched his chin.

How did this Gawain know that he was a [Beast] and fused with Draco's spiritual base?

Draco, alias: The Great Harlot of Babylon.

"Even if I really did so many bastard things, the cause of the mistake is definitely not me, but you!" Nangong Qi pointed at Gawain, taking it for granted, and seeing Gawain's blood pressure soar.


"I can never be the one who is wrong. If there is a mistake, it is also your fault, your own fault!"

Although Nangong Qi thinks that he is not a good person, he will not take the initiative to kill innocent people.

“...Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Great eyesight.

The Sun Sword in his hand burned fiercely, and his eyes seemed to be on fire. His whole person seemed to have entered the state of epileptic fire, which was unbearable.

"Wait, wait first!"

Amid the tense situation between the two sides, Fujimaru Ritsuka stood between them.

"You two should not kill each other at this time. As servants summoned in this Holy Grail War, can't you put aside your past grudges and fight to save the world?"

"So brave."

Nangong Qi put away the [Satan Saber]. Anyway, even if Gawain released the treasure with all his strength, he couldn't even break his skin, and he would even charge it with energy.

"I don't care. I wonder if Gawain is more petty than me?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Gao with an almost pleading tone.



Gawain almost gritted his molar teeth and let out a long breath, and inwardly persuaded himself crazily:

I can't lose to him!

I can't lose to him!

I absolutely cannot lose to him!

"I'll prove it to you!"

In the end, Gawain and Fujimaru Ritsuka successfully completed the master-slave contract.

But even so, Gawain still refused to reconcile with Nangong Qi, saying that either Nangong Qi would transform into a spirit child, or he would transform into a spirit child.

In short, we have never interacted with each other until death.

There was no other way, so Fujimaru Ritsuka could only let Gawain Reiko transform first. The reason was that she needed to take Nangong Qi's [Combat Locust] on her way.

After all, how many people are willing to go on foot if they can travel by car?

As soon as this reason came out, Gawain regretted why he was not summoned as a [rider], so he could only transform into a spirit son angrily.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

[Battle Locust] Continuing to drive, Nangong Qi resisted the urge to spread the people behind him evenly on the ground and patrolled around, looking for a way to the main control room.

Relying on his super eyesight and the speed of [Fighting Locusts], Nangong Qi and Fujimaru Ritsuka avoided a large number of followers along the way, and also avoided many meaningless battles, speeding through the world almost unimpeded.

"Well, may I ask, Mr. Nangong and Gao Wenqing, what is the dispute between you?"

"I don't know. But looking at Gawain, it's as if I've chopped him alive a hundred thousand times."


Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly felt a chill.

Not the feeling of a cold joke, but an unprecedented malice, treating all evil deeds committed as justifiable contempt.

"Well, I was joking."

"This kind of thing is not funny at all!"

"It doesn't matter anyway."

Suddenly, Nangong Qi stopped smiling. "Master, be careful, I feel a high-energy reaction ahead, it should be the enemy."

"Gawain, prepare to fight!"

"Fight with a hammer, I can do it alone! Tuo——"

Nangong Qi jumped up from the seat of [Combat Locust], and [Combat Locust] turned with Fujimaru Ritsuka to actively distance itself from the battlefield.

The enemy is a demon pillar, standing in front of the gate of a facility, like a guard guarding the gate.

One of the 72 Demon Gods, Jie Sect.

Draw the knife and chop!

The [Satan Saber] came out of his hand and turned into a red light, cutting the demon pillar in half.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned.

In the [Temple of Time Crown], she had seen the power of the Demonic Pillars. Each one had the strength of a first-class servant. Unless they were top servants like Gilgamesh and Karna, they would definitely be in a tough battle. middle.

"So strong!"

"Open the door!"

Through the feeling of incomparable disgust towards all human existence brought to him by his crowned [Beast] spirit base, Nangong Qi could clearly judge that there was a person waiting behind the gate, seemingly waiting for someone to deal with the Demonic Pillar.

As the door was pushed open, a man with an expression that seemed to be performing arts rushed out.

"Great, the Demon God Pillar has finally been eliminated! You, you are Chaldea's reinforcements, right?"

"Ah, yes. Are you a survivor of [Selaphix]?"

"Almost forgot to introduce myself."

The man suppressed his almost ecstatic mood and extended his hand to Fujimaru Ritsuka in a friendly manner.

"I am the secretary to the director of [Selaphix]. To put it simply, I am the chief of affairs. My name is Arnold!"

"Sorry to disturb you!"

Stronger than the urge to shoot the two people in front of him to death, Nangong Qi rushed in from the side.

"Do you have computers here? The higher the computing power, the better!"

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Originally, Arnold's plot was on the back, but now Gentleman changed it to the front.

Anyway, it has deviated from the original plot, so let’s just continue with the magic modification.




PS again:

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Chapter 46 Candy Vine, loving【alterego】

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There is no doubt that [Seraphix], as a submarine oil field base affiliated with [Chaldea], is also part of [Chaldea]'s important source of funds, and [Chaldea] itself has extremely strong computer technology. 【Selaphix】The same is naturally true.

However, all this is false and is a disguise used to deceive others.

[Serafix] appears to be an ordinary undersea oil field mining base, but in fact, various shameful and cruel human experiments are being conducted behind the scenes, and countless unsuspecting people have become experimental materials inexplicably.

It can be said that the reason why [Chaldea] is able to save the world is completely inseparable from these dirty human experiments in [Selaphix].

Because of this, [Selaphix] has

It has almost the same functions as [Chaldea], including spirit transfer and survey technology for the entire historical timeline.

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