Then in the sixth episode of No.40, an even bigger thunder exploded.

Sparrows have the ability to bring back dead people

Damn, this is a temporary patch!

Sparrow was almost beaten to death by the civet cat, but instead of saying "Wait a minute, I still have the ability to save your sister", he said "We were all deceived by Gua Gua La"

Looking at the subsequent scene of the civet cat being manipulated by the operator’s sister, you can imagine that whenever Sparrow says the previous words, the civet cat will spare his life.

Is this what you call a wise general?

Not even mentally retarded!

Of course, in Takahashi's works there are only heavier ones, not the heaviest ones.

For example, Jihu made a wish and pushed a five-digit number of people back to the earth, and even pushed all his sisters back to the tree of wisdom.

The whole family can see that the raccoon cat can be saved through Zimli, and the polar fox can also save people.

but he didn't do that

On the one hand, it is to deny the civet cat's wishes in all aspects, and on the other hand, it is to give the sparrow a chance to clear his name.

If people are not pushed back into the tree of wisdom, then the sparrow will never be able to wash away and repay what it has done.


Gentleman has already thought about it, burn Takahashi's script and write a new one

Jihu, don’t even think about your sister Zimli. You are not qualified to have this sister at all, because you can’t even guarantee her safety.

It's better to leave it to the protagonist to protect him. He is definitely more responsible than you.

Nima's Takahashi

New chapter Nangong Qi: From today on, I am no longer a Kamen Rider!Wuhu——

After capturing Kiritsugu, everything became very simple.

Nangong Qi took everyone back to the real world and got the Little Holy Grail from Illya.

"Illya, do you still want this father?"

"That's enough." Illya looked lonely, no longer having any feelings for her father. "He has become a dispensable character in my life."


Anyway, Kiritsugu now only has a human stick, which is of little use.

"After the Holy Grail War is over, I will put him in Einzbern Castle and let him slowly wait for death there."

The implication is that the final handling of Kiritsugu will be left in Illya's hands.

After all, in this Holy Grail War, the most injured people were his wife and daughter, and only the two of them had the qualifications to forgive Kiritsugu.

"Holy Grail, open it!"

Nangong Qi poured a large amount of magic power into the [Little Holy Grail] without hesitation, and began the ritual of awakening the [Greater Holy Grail].

Gradually, the golden Holy Grail floated into the sky, blooming with dazzling light like the sun.

The space could not withstand the influence of such a huge amount of magic power, and began to collapse and dissolve, finally exposing a [hole], a passage leading to the source.

"Roots! Roots!"

After seeing the [hole], Tokiomi immediately showed a crazy expression, even his wheelchair was kicked away by him, and he rushed over in a hurry.

"Father, don't go!"

Tohsaka Rin hugged her father's thigh, determined not to let her father go on a one-way ticket trip with no return. The main thing was to express filial piety.

"Son, are you going to disobey your father? Get out of here and don't stop the Tosaka family from realizing their long-cherished wish!"

At this moment, Tokiomi was no longer polite, and immediately kicked his own daughter, and hit her on the head with the staff in his hand from time to time.

But even though his face was bruised and bruised, Tohsaka Rin still refused to let go.

"Bad girl, you forced your father to do this!"

Just like all magicians who pursue the root, Tokiomi's feelings for his daughter are also consumed by the root.

When he was exhausted, he took out the gems and performed the family's gem magic.

Wind gust!

The fierce wind howled and blew Rin Tohsaka into the air, just like blowing a piece of paper.

Of course, Tokiomi himself was not immune to the disaster and was also blown up to the sky, but this was still within his expectation.

In the air, Tosaka Rin could no longer catch him, and Tokiomi flew freely with the help of the wind, flying quickly towards the [hole] leading to the source.

"Haha, I succeeded! Root, root, root..."

With a proud laugh and raving like a madman, Tokiomi's figure disappeared into the [hole].

"Do not--"

Tohsaka Rin screamed sadly, and Kallen on the side was happy in her heart, but she had a straight face, like a holy elephant, neither sad nor happy.

"Sakura, this is the mark I left on Tokiomi. Remember to take good care of your sisters and the others with this from now on!"

Nangong Qi lowered his head and whispered to Sakura, who nodded slightly and showed the same evil smile as BB.

After all, it was the Tosaka family who personally sent Sakura to the old bug to be tortured. It is said that the Tohsaka family is the culprit of Sakura being tortured by the old bug for a whole year. If they want Sakura to forgive the Tohsaka family, then they A corresponding price must also be paid.

The only person who can forgive the Tosaka family is Sakura, and Pot King Tokiomi is a good choice for Sakura to manipulate the Tosaka family.

"Okay, now comes the wish-making part."

Nangong Qi turned to look at Medea. At this moment, the purple-haired wife's eyes were shining with excitement, joy, and disbelief.

"If it's convenient, could you please tell me in advance what wish you want to make?"

If it was a wish similar to that of Amakusa's troublemaker, then it would have to be rejected.Although Nangong Qi knew that Medea was not the kind of severe chuunibyou who wanted to save all mankind all day long, he still decided to ask more questions just to be on the safe side.

"I want to get a physical body." Medea opened her teeth slightly, and a girlish blush appeared on her cheeks. "I want to be able to follow the master forever!"

Nangong Qi glanced at Shirou, and his attitude was nodding. There was no big problem in thinking, but he probably didn't know Medea's true identity, but regarded her as Circe.

[Okay, let’s start making wishes! 】

With the wish made, the golden Holy Grail bloomed with magical light. With the help of the Holy Grail, Medea successfully obtained a physical body.

Also with the end of the final ceremony of the Holy Grail War, almost all the servants will exit.

After all, maintaining a servant in the real world requires extremely powerful magical support. It has always been the Holy Grail ritual that maintains the real supply of magical power for servants.

Now that the Holy Grail War ritual is over, almost all the servants will be unable to maintain their spiritual bodies in this world because of the loss of the Holy Grail ritual, the greatest source of demon supply. Their bodies will disperse and return to the Hall of Valor.

Except for Medea and Medusa.

The former is because she made a wish for a physical body, and the latter is because Illya's own magic power is powerful and can provide all the magic power that the servant needs in reality.

You must know that in the original timeline, Illya itself had an extremely large magic base. With one person's magic power, she summoned the extremely mana-consuming Hercules ten years in advance of the Holy Grail War.

"Goodbye then!"

After bidding farewell to Matong's family, Nangong Qi left this world and suddenly felt lighter.

He didn't care about all the sins he had committed. He simply owed Illya, so he came to repay her debt.

Now that the debt is paid off, it's time to go home, put down everything about Kamen Rider, and live as an ordinary person.

In the future, Shirou will still embark on the road of justice, but not as a [partner of justice], but as a Kamen Rider, and there will be a Medea who will always follow him.

He will never be alone, let alone a lonely hero.

Shinji will go to the Kingdom of Shadows, teach a certain purple old woman the value of life, and form a deep bond with the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.

He is not alone either. Scathach will re-understand the preciousness of life and no longer seek death. He will even take the initiative to leave the Kingdom of Shadows and embark on the road to walk side by side with Shinji who becomes a Kamen Rider.

[Ce, Bell, let us go home! 】

"I'm going home. I want to kill all the computers and game consoles at home!"

"Everywhere is my home."

After returning to the original world, Nangong Qi took the initiative to find the Little Devil, and through his hands erased all memories about Kamen Rider, as well as the power and history of Kamen Rider.

With the memory of Kamen Rider, he cannot live as an ordinary person. Just lying on the [Overhaul Card] operating table and undergoing a series of torturous and crazy transformations are enough to make his thinking go to extremes and ego. destroy.

[From today on, I am no longer a Kamen Rider!Wuhu, take off——]

This was the last thought in Nangong Qi's mind before he lost all memories of Kamen Rider.At the same time, the Little Demon King will also give up the power of the Demon King of Time, take the initiative to seal it, and live as an ordinary college student.

Three years later, Nangong Qi slowly woke up with a soft feeling.

Three full years have passed since he took the initiative to clear his memory and hand over the history of Kamen Rider to the little devil.In these three years, he has been living as an ordinary person, even

I have completely forgotten about clearing my memory and Kamen Rider, but...

poppy, Kadoya Ya, Melt Lilith, Parson Lip, Imperial Flower, BB, Erquet, Matou Sakura (AI in FE World Online)...

All of them are extremely beautiful women. Each of them loves Nangong Qi deeply and is unwilling to give up this love. Nangong Qi cannot refuse their love and can only reluctantly let go of his extremely high self-restraint principles.

But even so, Nangong Qi was still troubled by some strange worries.

Although Nangong Qi could call each of them by name, he could not remember any memories of meeting them, as if they had been specially deleted, just like the precious Japanese learning materials in the USB flash drive were deleted.

But it doesn't matter, he is a person who is easily satisfied. Since he can't remember that memory, then don't deliberately recall and search for it, because in his opinion, it is just a mediocre person, and he will not be happy for himself, and it will be even worse. Not willing to take the initiative to break up their current life.

He only remembered that under the urging of his brother Ce and his good friend Beier, he and a large group of girlfriends came to the eldest wife Poppy to have a frank talk, fearing that he would be killed by the eldest wife.

"Where did you find so many playmates?"

As a result, Poppy said such a sentence after understanding the general situation, which made Nangong Qi's mind full of questions.

Only later did he realize that Poppy regarded his harem as her harem, because Poppy was a carnivorous woman, and neither men nor women had any taboos.

Looks very much like a certain hum monster.

Wait, who is the monster?

Forget it, since I don’t remember it, it means it’s not important.

How can this work?

After realizing this, Nangong Qi immediately chose to revive her husband. He pinned Poppy on the bed and persuaded her with a stick and a sword. He tortured her hard until she began to beg for mercy.

From then on, Nangong Qi lived a life of studying to be a school doctor during the day and going home to party at night.

how to say?

In short, he is still very satisfied.

The eldest wife, Poppy, is the daughter of the Fantasy Group, and the younger wife, Monayaya, is the biological sister of the gangster [Overhaul Card] leader Monyaji, so at least she doesn't have to worry about food and clothing.

You will have no worries about food and clothing throughout your life, your harem will be complete, and your life will be peaceful.

Perhaps the best life is like this.

"Time to prepare breakfast and get ready for school!"

Nangong Qi works as a school doctor, and he has a lot of leisure time on weekdays. After all, the school doctor is not a hospital. There is no need to worry about minor problems, and major problems can be sent directly to the hospital.

He was so free that he could catch up on his sleep at school every day so that he would have the energy to continue partying with his harem at night.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and Nangong Qi instantly left the state of catching up on sleep, pretending to be working frantically, with extremely skillful movements, which he couldn't do without long-term exercise.

"Doctor Nangong?"

Zhuang Wu looked around and entered the infirmary.

【you again. 】

Nangong Qi smiled crookedly, put down his work, took out a bottle of drink and handed it to Zhuang Wu.

[Did you skip physical education class again? 】

"Thank you."

Zhuangwu took the drink, unscrewed the bottle cap, and immediately started drinking.

[But it’s not good for you to skip classes all the time. Be careful, I’ll tell your uncle and let him teach you a lesson! 】

"No, no, no! I surrender and I will definitely correct it!"

Zhuang Wu could only raise his hands and surrender, but he also knew that it was impossible for Nangong Qi to do such a thing.

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