"Let us go! Help!"

Miyano Akemi had a look of resistance.

At this time, he was frantically smashing the arms of the simulated personality.


Hui Yuan Ai had already lost her soul.

Let the simulator pull its arms and move forward.


in a haunted house.

A very terrifying laughter echoed.

This laughter came from the simulated personality.

"Let us go, you..."

Miyano Akemi kept struggling and beating the strong arms of the simulated personality.

But the other party's strength was too great.

Her attacks look like she's tickling the Sim.

"Hahahaha.... As a human being, you must actively overcome the fear in your heart!"

Hoshinogi looked at the simulated personality on the screen with a positive and optimistic attitude.

Some speechless.

The simulated personality is positive and optimistic except for itself.

Don’t forget to let those around you enjoy positivity and optimism.

If it is in reality.

Such a man will be disliked.

[You watched Miyano Akemi and Haihara Ai bravely overcome the fear in their hearts. 】

【You are very pleased. 】

[So you led the two of them and continued walking forward. 】

[When entering a basement of the haunted house. 】

[You see a small swimming pool. 】

【So you have a plan in mind. 】

[I want both girls to experience the climax of this scary haunted house. 】

on the screen.

A cold and damp basement.

There is a small oval-shaped cave built of mud.

Next to the small cave is a small swimming pool.

The ones in the pool have turned yellow-green.

There is a red and yellow striped beach ball floating on it.

There is a white swimming ring next to it.

Due to long soaking time.

Half of the swimming circle was stained with yellow-green unknown floating objects.

From the outside it looks like an ordinary walrus breeding ground.

But look carefully.

In that cave.

Hidden is a pair of bright green eyes.

[You threw the two of them into the pool in one fell swoop. 】

[Both women cheered happily. 】

[You stand on the shore and look at the two people swimming "happily" in the pool with relief. 】

[At this time, a giant walrus crawled out of the small cave. 】


Hoshinogi looked at the screen in the simulation.

I see.

What climbed out of the small cave was no ordinary walrus.

It is a very ugly "monster" that looks like a walrus.

Although its bulky and stout appearance is very similar to that of a walrus.

They all have huge, round bodies, thick and fat.

There is a pair of air sacs in the neck and no concha.

The fleshy limbs resemble fish fins.

The forelimbs are long and the 5 toes are widely separated.

The hind limbs can bend forward.

The tail is also short and hidden in the skin behind the rump.


Its outer skin.

But it looks like it is patched together piece by piece with human-like skin.

The edges of every piece of skin have marks that have been patched by stitches.

The technique looks very messy and crude.

Look carefully.

A piece of skin on the back actually looks like a human face.

I saw the monster gasping for breath.

Dragging its bulky body towards the two girls.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The human-skinned walrus let out terrifying roars.

It was only after I looked the walrus face to face that I realized it.

That's what's hidden beneath the human skin.

It turned out to be a real human being.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai in the pool suddenly let out miserable screams.

Both of them swam backwards desperately...


Hoshinogi looked at the scene on the screen.

I can't look back for a long time.

This haunted house is also too realistic.

Legend has it that some people will make money by turning ordinary people into animals.

Now that I actually saw it, I was shocked.


Some unscrupulous traffickers will break all the hands and feet of abducted children.

Then tear off their skin alive.

The fur of cats, dogs, mice and other animals is then sewn onto their skin surface with needle and thread.

Wait until the fur and flesh are completely attached.

After several months of raising and training.

Raise them into a talking "animal".

Then sell them to wealthy families in the city at high prices.

Who can stop a talking pet?

These poor children gradually became tools for their pleasure.

Caused by greed.

This approach has attracted other unscrupulous traffickers to follow suit.


for a long time.

There are cases of missing children happening all over the city.

[You let out a hearty laugh on the high platform. 】

[Both women shouted for help in the pool. 】

[At this time, you suddenly see the warning sign in this area. 】

[It clearly states that visitors are prohibited from entering. 】

[And explains that the walrus inside is aggressive. 】

【You feel unhappy, so you decide:】

[Option 1: Knock the sign down and pretend not to see it. 】

[Option 2: Relocate the notice board and pretend nothing happened. 】

[Choice 3: Jumping in and playing with everyone is the happiest thing. 】

[Choice 4: Turn around and leave, ignore it. 】

Hoshinogi looked at the four selections that suddenly appeared.

Some tangled.

The simulated personality is a bit "coquettish".

The style of doing things is also so radical.

He actually threw the two of them in regardless of the consequences.

Hoshinoki doesn't want to see the two girls being swallowed up by the monster in the simulation yet.


He placed his finger on the third option.

Just take a gamble.

Because the other three items seem to have a tendency to ignore death.

[You grabbed the railing and jumped into the swimming pool. 】

[At this time, the walrus roars and attacks you. 】

[Its eyes project a dark green light towards you. 】

[A trail of unknown yellow-green liquid was left in the mouth. 】

[Its wheezing sound echoed in the basement. 】

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