I saw Chen Mengyao driving Xingtian, behind him were a dozen mechas with the Chen Heavy Industry logo, and heavily armed security personnel wearing Chen Heavy Industry badges. Thousands of drones were densely packed in the sky. people poured into the command center.

Da-da-da, da-da-da!

There were also a dozen fanatics who were not afraid of death and rushed towards Chen Mengyao while shouting.

Little did they know that the moment they took action, the computer had already calculated their trajectory and immediately locked onto their heads.

The small hole on the mecha's shoulder immediately fired a dozen large-caliber bullets, blasting their heads open with precision almost at the same time.

This ability was originally used to deal with zombies. With the help of computers and head recognition and locking, dozens of zombies can be killed at a time without wasting a bullet.

Now it's the mob.

"Everyone, get out of the room immediately and come to the road!"

"If you do not appear at the designated location for more than 5 minutes, the drone will blast the room where heat energy is detected!"

Chen Mengyao's voice appeared on all the speakers, radios and mobile videos in the city at the same time.

Everyone's mobile phone has only one screen, and that is the live broadcast screen from the command center.

Whether it is Internet technology or military technology, everything is under Chen Mengyao's control.

"Quick, quick, get downstairs!"

"This is power. If we want to resist power, we will not go down and see what they can do!"

"Don't be stubborn, you're really going to kill someone!"

"The law does not punish everyone. If we all don't go down, can they still kill us all?!"

"Yes, we need to unite. As long as there are many people, they will have to compromise."

"Yes, if we listen to them this time, we will no longer have the right to resist in the future, and we cannot compromise!"

"Damn it, I'm having diarrhea. I live on the fifteenth floor. I really can't get down in five minutes. I'm going to die!"

Although the video switched to Chen Mengyao's screen, the barrage function is still there, and many people are editing messages on it to cheer each other up.

It seemed to be a technical loophole, but in fact they didn't know that it was Chen Mengyao's intention.

Chapter 140 Chen Mengyao’s methods

After Chen Mengyao said these words, she never spoke again, but silently watched the countdown time displayed on the mecha's mask.

At this time, thousands of drones have flown to every corner of the safe zone, automatically using thermal imaging to detect the situation in the room.

It's late summer and early autumn. It's very hot outside during the day, but it's extremely cool in the corridor.

If there are people in the building, it can be easily observed from the thermal imaging.

One after another, people have come to the street.

But there are still many people who stubbornly hide at home, firmly believing that the law does not punish everyone. Chen Mengyao does not dare to kill so many people.

"The last minute of the countdown!"

"59 seconds! 58 seconds! 57 seconds!..."

Some people couldn't sit still. Although the barrage was full of indignation, about dying for fairness and justice, they actually sneaked downstairs after typing.

Some silly people believe whatever others say online and sit in the room with a determined look on their face.

Defend the illusory fairness and justice.

"3 seconds! 2 seconds! 1 second! Time's up!"

Everyone's heart tightened!

However, a few seconds passed.

The drone was still hovering in the sky without any movement.

"Did you see it? I'm just saying the truth without blaming everyone? No matter how awesome Chen's Heavy Industry is, how dare he become a sinner who massacres human beings?!"

"This is a great moment. We have stood firm for fairness and justice, and power has retreated in front of us!"

"Yes, so what if it's the end of the world? Under the rule of a strong power, even in peaceful times, it's still the end of the world!"

"No one is afraid of becoming a criminal in history. As long as we unite, there is no enemy that we cannot defeat!"

"Haha, ridiculous Chen Heavy Industry, slap yourself in the face!"

"Trash, why are you pretending not to kill people? You want to be the boss of the safe zone in your next life!"

The barrage was immediately filled with remarks that were either congratulatory, ridiculing or insulting.

Some people who were already standing on the street, especially those who posted barrages saying they stood up for justice, but temporarily rebelled, quickly ran back into the building.

If someone discovers that he has defected before the battle, wouldn't it become a joke in their mouths? !

The moment these people returned to the building, thousands of drones immediately launched targeted attacks.

Bang bang bang!

The incendiary bomb was fired into the room, causing an immediate explosion, and the room and corridor immediately became a purgatory.

As long as the floor is detected by thermal imaging, the entire floor will be burned directly, leaving no one with nowhere to escape.

"Ah! Help!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Ah, it's so hot!"

Waves of wailing and painful howls came from the building.

At the same time, the number of barrages on videos has dropped dramatically.

After a while, there was not even a barrage left.

Those sarcastic and eccentric people have all disappeared.

"Sorry, the network is a bit stuck!"

Chen Mengyao had a sly smile on her face.

Oh my god, the network is lagging.

It was obvious that she deliberately delayed the attack to allow the wallflowers on both sides of the snake and mouse to return to the building.

Then wipe them all out in one go.

At this time, the people still standing on the street were either timid or knew the power of Chen Heavy Industry.

No matter what, they will become the most obedient survivors.

"Chen Mengyao, you are too cruel!"

Qin Lulu couldn't help being a little shocked when she saw this scene.

In just one move, at least [-] to [-] survivors were killed.

"Compassion does not control soldiers, justice does not control wealth, this is the truth of the world."

"Teachers taught me since childhood to respect the elderly, love the young, be polite, and be civilized. This is the way to survive in a civilized society."

"But if your strength has exceeded the scope of survival and you can explore and develop to a higher level, you will find it."

"The original plan simply won't work!"

"Don't talk about being a soldier, just talk about doing business. Will companies that are polite and honest be sure to survive? Not necessarily."

"Many rich people's first pot of gold is often not earned in an honest way. The primitive accumulation of capitalists is bloody."

"This is even more true in the last days. If you are not strong or ruthless enough, you will end up like Tang Jianguo, and he will be the one sent away."

"His benevolence and righteousness not only failed to save the safe zone, but also failed to leave a good reputation. In the end, it even harmed his family!"

Zhuang Aoxue sighed quietly and said.

"Indeed, so does Brother Jiang. He adheres to the bottom line of a soldier and is unwilling to conflict with the people."

"Otherwise this place would already be his world!"

Wu Liang also said with emotion.

In terms of ruthlessness, he is no match for Chen Mengyao.

To be decisive in killing, Wu Liang would definitely not hesitate at all against the enemy.

But the people in the safe zone who were incited by Tang Xiaolong were not considered enemies. As long as he was not offended, Wu Liang would not take action against them.

It is even more impossible to kill 4 or [-] people in one go like Chen Mengyao.

But it is also necessary to do this, to get rid of people who are difficult to manage and get rid of potential threats.

The rest are easier to manage and control.

The first condition for managing the survivor camp is that collective interests must be higher than individual interests. Freedom and equality are nonsense.

If the interests of two people conflict and they are both equal, how should the decision be made?

This can only lead to more and more irreconcilable contradictions!

Chen Mengyao's approach eliminated all potential uneasy factors and established his authority at the same time.

"So... starting from today, I am the person in charge of the safety zone, everyone has no objection!"

Chen Mengyao said again.

But this time, no one dared to speak in the barrage.

After a long time, someone sent a message: No objection...

"Very good. Since everyone has no objections, from today on, I will be the person in charge of the safety zone!"

"Now I am announcing the first law after taking office. All people over the age of 14 must complete tasks and obtain contribution points to exchange for supplies!"

"The tasks will be released by Chen's Heavy Industry from time to time. After receiving the task, there will be Chen's Heavy Industry's security or drones to cooperate with you to complete the task."

"Please note that all materials obtained during the mission do not belong to you personally. They belong to the entire safety zone and will be distributed by me."

"If anyone attacks a drone, or a companion, or hides supplies during a mission, it will be a capital offense!"

"What Chen Heavy Industries pursues is not some bullshit equality and freedom. What it pursues is enabling human beings to survive and rebuild human civilization."

"You can't afford to eat, and you can't even kill zombies. What qualifications do you have to talk about equality?"

"If you accept it, stay. If you don't accept it, take a step to the right. I guarantee that you can leave the safe zone safely. I will never make it difficult for you!"

Chen Mengyao shouted sternly.

This time, however, no one moved to the side.

After all, they are not stupid. They kill zombies outside and in the safe zone. Why not in the safe zone? !

Going out to die? !

Chapter 141 The global energy storm is coming

In this way, Chen Mengyao adopted an iron-fist policy and directly took over the safe zone.

But what everyone didn't know was that Chen Mengyao, the feared female devil who could be called a cold-blooded tyrant, was as obedient as a bird in front of Wu Liang.

Employees of Chen's Heavy Industries began to manage the survivors in the safe zone according to the group's management methods.

Group and number survivors, publish company rules, conduct basic combat training, etc.

Everything soon started to proceed in an orderly manner.

"Are you... leaving?"

After everyone dispersed, only Chen Mengyao, the personal secretary, Wu Liang and others were left in the courtyard of the command center.

Chen Mengyao held Chen Jiayao's hand reluctantly, but her eyes glanced at Wu Liang from time to time.

"You should tell the master directly about this matter, so you don't need me to be a reference!"

Chen Jiayao smiled and put Chen Mengyao's hand into Wu Liang's hand.

Chen Mengyao blushed.

The secretary behind him was very sensible. He made an excuse and turned around and answered the phone.

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