When there are people rushing to eat, the food will taste better.


Xingye smelled the smell of braised pork. Although it was very fragrant, she still lay lazily on the ground.

It's really too much to eat.

Ten minutes later, Wu Liang finished his meal and collected the leftovers and plates in one go.

The COS bus scene in the love hotel was also collected, as well as various novel props and equipment, as well as the water bed.

When Wu Liang left with Tang Mengmeng and Xingye.

The entire love hotel is like a clean room, even the floor is covered with scraped wood.

At the entrance of the supermarket, Du Xiaoshuang and others were already ready to go.

"Let's go, let's go, sorry, it's a little late!"

Wu Liang hurriedly walked a few steps and got on the bus.

"It doesn't matter, we have just finished counting the supplies. If everything goes well, we will arrive at the port today!"

Du Xiaoshuang looked at Wu Liang with some dodge.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally made up her mind and said:

"You come with us..."

She originally wanted to say later, would it be okay to live on the island together? !

As a result, Lao Zhou moved his nose and suddenly said:

"It smells so good. I can smell the braised pork. Oh, it smells so good!"

When the others heard what Lao Zhou said, they quickly sniffed it vigorously.

"It does seem to smell like braised pork!"

"Stop making trouble, what time is it now, let alone living and cooking, where can we find fresh meat? The power has been out for so long, even if there is meat, it will smell!"

"Maybe it's the braised beef noodles, the smell of instant noodles."

"Ah, if there is a bowl of braised pork now... ah no, just a piece of braised pork, let me eat it, even if it costs me death, I will admit it."

"Oh, if things continue like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat braised pork for the rest of my life!"

Everyone mourned.

"There are some refrigerated containers at the port. If we are lucky, we may be able to find imported beef that is not spoiled. Then we can make braised pork!"

Du Xiaoshuang began to draw cakes.

"Let's go and fight for the braised pork!"

The driver was also encouraged and stepped on the accelerator.

The truck behind me just followed behind.

After driving about 50 meters, I saw gang members lining both sides of the road.

The redhead stood in the middle of the road with his arms crossed.

"They won't be finished!"

When Lao Zhou saw Hong Mao, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"No, with Brother Wu Liang here, if they want to cause trouble, they will simply die!"

Du Xiaoshuang said confidently.


The bus slowed down slowly and finally stopped.

"I'm going to see what's going on!"

Opening the car door, Du Xiaoshuang walked out holding a recurve bow.

"What do you want to do? It's endless, isn't it!?"

she said coldly.

There were rows of tattooed men around them, all of them fierce looking, holding various weapons, with a fierce light in their eyes.

"Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, we are here to say goodbye to our eldest brother!"

"You guys who are riding horses make me laugh, don't act like you are crying in mourning."

Hongmao slapped the burly man next to him on the head with his hand.

The latter quickly grinned. This smile was uglier and more scary than a cold face.

The boys around him immediately started laughing too hard.

Originally, they were dressed in weird ways, and they were used to bullying others, so they had a sense of scorn and hostility about them.

Now I am trying my best to laugh, but not only does it not make the atmosphere more harmonious, but it is also full of darkness and weirdness. The picture is simply too horrible to look at!

"Brother, I, Hongmao, will always be your little brother, and I swear to follow you forever!"

"Your kindness to my little brother will never be forgotten!"

Redhead shouted.

Afterwards, the boys on the roadside seemed to have gone through a lax rehearsal, shouting unevenly:

"The grace of rebuilding will never be forgotten!"

"Don't forget!"


"Is it such a great kindness?"

Wu Liang opened the bus window a crack and exposed half of his face.

He didn't even believe it himself. Didn't he just kill the gang leader and second son and let Hong Mao take over?I saved a life by the way, but why is it so grand?

"I, the red-haired man, are the most reasonable and loyal. As long as the boss doesn't dislike us, no matter when or where you say hello, we will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Hongmao said with a serious face.

In fact, in addition to being grateful, he also admired Wu Liang.

This is the indelible mark left on the soul of a dying person when he sees a strong man killing a powerful enemy with absolute strength!

Wu Liang couldn't understand this feeling, and naturally he couldn't understand why Hong Mao was so devoted to him.

"Okay, since you call me big brother, then I can't bear the title of big brother in vain!"

"Come here, I'll tell you something!"

Wu Liang said.

"Okay, boss!"

Hong Mao hurriedly ran to Wu Liang, raised his head and listened carefully.

As Wu Liang spoke, Hongmao's eyes gradually lit up.

"You...you actually figured out all the weaknesses of mutant zombies?!"

The red-haired pupils were shaking, and he couldn't believe his ears.

The most troublesome thing about mutated zombies is that they are powerful and their weaknesses are very hidden.

It won't be like ordinary zombies, just headshot.

The weak points of many mutated zombies are not in their heads. It is not easy to cut them. If you finally hit them, it is not a weakness and it is completely useless.

Sometimes, if you want to kill a mutated zombie, many people need to join forces.

Even if it was killed in the end, its body was riddled with holes, and it was not clear which blow was the fatal blow.

After Wu Liang's explanation, everything suddenly became clear.

This reduces the difficulty of fighting mutant zombies by at least two levels!

Having this kind of information is like finding the secret to getting rich in peaceful times. If everyone doesn’t secretly make money and upgrade, who would be willing to share such an important thing with others?

But Wu Liang did it.

Not only did he save his life, but he also told himself such precious information without reservation!

Hong Mao's eyes turned red instantly.

"Boss, when I was six years old, my father ran away from home and never came back. My mother remarried and was afraid that I would drag her down, so she threw me at my aunt's house."

"My aunt and uncle often quarreled. When they quarreled, they would vent their anger on me, beat me, and scold me. No one has ever been really nice to me since I was a child!"

Chapter 167 Port Area

"Even the boss of the previous gang only used me to fight with my life and gain territory for him."

"Once, I killed more than a dozen people by myself to fight for the gang's territory. Although I won, I suffered multiple fractures, my hands were almost disabled, and my whole body was covered with wounds."

"When the doctor said that I might never be able to hold a knife again, I saw the disgust and disgust in the boss's eyes."

"He doesn't even feel the slightest debt in his heart. Instead, he feels that I will only hurt him in the future."

"Fortunately, I recovered well and was able to keep my position as the third in command of the gang."

"This gang is like this, and other gangs are not much better. I only know how to live for myself."

"It wasn't until I met you that you not only saved me, but also told me such important information. You are the one who truly treats me as a brother."

"My red hair...my red hair...oooooh!"

Hongmao didn't know what to say to express his feelings at the moment.

All he knew was that those empty oaths and expressions of loyalty were far from being able to express his inner excitement at this moment.

"Okay, don't act like a child, you are a gangster, you are a bit tough, okay!?"

"Next time I see you, I hope you won't always be so weak!"

Wu Liang stretched out his hand and patted Hong Mao's head condescendingly, and then patted the bus compartment to signal to drive.


The bus engine roared and the vehicle started to move slowly.

"Brother, I will definitely work hard to become stronger!"

Hong Mao looked at the direction in which the bus and the minivan were going away, with a runny nose and tears in his eyes and swore.

Wu Liang sat on the bus until he turned a corner and completely lost sight of Hong Mao and others.

After here, further ahead is the viaduct leading to the port area.

Many large trucks can only go under the bridge, and only small passenger cars can pass on the bridge.

Originally, the port area had many trucks and few passenger cars.

Now the viaduct is very smooth. There are almost no abandoned vehicles, and it is even harder to see the shadow of zombies.

Very smoothly, the bus drove to the port area.

From here, you can even see the tall sea-view apartments in the distance, as well as the logistics park further away.

The air here seems to be much more humid and cooler.


Suddenly, the bus braked suddenly, and the tires rubbed against the ground, leaving long marks.

"what happened?"

Everyone who was about to fall asleep due to the smooth journey immediately woke up.

"There is a robbery!"

The driver said with a grimace.

I saw a few people pushing shopping carts filled with stones into the middle of the road. There were also people holding cigarettes in their mouths and holding wooden sticks and machetes in their hands.

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