The health teacher is a shitty teacher!

At the moment when humans and gods were fighting, the door was knocked twice.

A rough voice that could never be that of a student rang out:

"Sister Yayoi."

I'm calling myself.

But this title made Aiya Yayoi's heart tremble.

In school, most people call her Aiya-sensei. Even if there are girls who are a little familiar with her, they will call her "Yayoi-nee" or "Yayyo-nee" at most... that's right.

But that was a long time ago.

It goes back as far as Yayoi’s student days.

At that time, Yayoi was also known as the "Red Yasha". She was the famous female leader of the bosozoku clan near her hometown at that time. Her subordinates all called her "Yayoi-sama".

But as everyone entered the society and gradually stopped interacting with each other, this title seemed to be sealed, and it never sounded in Yayoi's ears.

"I haven't seen you in eight years."

Then there was the sound of leather shoes hitting the tiles on the floor. This sounded a familiar yet disgusting man's voice: "Long time no see, Yayoi-sama——"

The person who came was a dark-skinned, but not strong, man with blond hair, a somewhat stooped figure, and a rather dull look in his eyes.

You can still be called young, but there is a huge difference from high school students.

Yayoi remembered that he might be a little younger than herself, but it was probably the years of drinking and nicotine that made him look older than he actually was.

If it were placed in the first two months, Yayoi might have thought about his name.

But as time went by, Yayoi's impression of this person gradually became more profound.

This annoying man with earrings on his ears and a lip ring on his lips is called,

Snake Mound George.

This guy used to be a troublemaker on the Yayoi team. Eight years ago he caused some trouble and they kicked him out. As the text shows, he is an absolute bastard.

Yayoi looked at him in surprise.

The man named Snake Zhong George twisted his lips as if smiling:

"We haven't seen each other for so long, it's really embarrassing for you to welcome me like this..."

Yayoi's eyes gradually became colder: "I just didn't expect to see you alive again."

Faced with Aiya Yayoi's cynicism, Snakezuka George did not show any anger, but said sarcastically and playfully:

"Don't be so heartless, Sister Yayoi. Let's forget about the past and let's get to know each other again. How about that?"

"Huh?" Yayoi's eyes were not only cold, but her voice gradually became stiff: "Have you forgotten what you did? I will never forgive the bastard who drugged and raped the people in the team in this life. you."

"Hahaha." Snake Mound George scratched his head: "You are still as aggressive as before. It's really unbearable to speak so bluntly. Oops... Sister Yayoi, I've heard about it a long time ago. I heard that The eldest brother is dead... He had a car accident not long after I got married to you. Sister, you are really unsatisfactory... Really, you don't even tell me such things, you all regard me as a troublemaker."

"This kind of thing has nothing to do with you. So I don't feel obligated to tell you." Yayoi said.

"Even if you think it's nothing, I think it's very important." Shezhong George said with a smile: "This way, my long-term wish has come true. The woman I couldn't reach before is now...hehe."

He pointed two fingers at Yayoi, as if he wanted to knead her face.

"I knew it." Yayoi sneered: "I knew you were still making such crooked ideas. You are still the same, a big pervert - but if you look down on people too much, even now, as long as I shout There are still a lot of people coming to help..."

In fact, it is a bluff. After entering society, everyone is taking care of their family and life, and no one will want to go back to their previous life.

After all, adults and teenagers are completely different creatures.

Snake Tomb George raised his lips and smiled: "Sorry, that's not possible... Actually, I also know another secret of yours. Sister, are you living with that high school student's brother now?"

As he spoke, Snake Mound George gradually approached Yayoi.

Yayoi Aiwu's fists clenched suddenly: "What do you mean...are you threatening me now?"

"It's hard to hear what you said, but I don't know what will happen if you piss me off. It's easy for me to deal with a high school kid... Sister Yayoi, you are actually worried, right? What if your lovely brother is raped? It's so pitiful that a gangster like me gets entangled with him." Snake Tomb George narrowed his eyes: "If you want that little guy to be safe, you should know what to do, right?"


Someone next to Snake Tomb George said.

Not Yayoi, but the plain voice of a boy.

"Who is it?" George Snake Mound was shocked.

He had been talking to Yayoi for so long, so if anyone else had been around, he would have spoken out long ago.

Then, the curtain of the hospital bed was opened by the person talking inside.

He is indeed a young man.

He should look like a high school student... but that's probably the case.After all, this is a high school.

Snake Tomb George smiled.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a young boy. It really makes me doubt my past when I was young.

"Brat—" Although he didn't know who this guy was, Snake Tomb George put his hands in his pockets, bent forward, and approached the boy with black hair and black eyes.

"Wait a minute—" Yayoi suddenly said.

Snake Tomb George's heart moved. It seemed that this brat was quite important to Sister Yayoi.

He was about to look back at Yayoi, whose expression seemed nervous.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my scalp, as if someone had twisted my hair.

Before he could recover, the huge strength contained in his wrist made him ache, and he could not help but follow the owner of the wrist.

"Damn it - it hurts -"

Before Snakezuka George could fully react, the hand shook him away, and the force, accompanied by strong inertia, made him rush towards Yayoi's work table.

With a "bang", his nose hit the edge of the table, and blood spattered everywhere in an instant.

Snake Tomb George quickly looked back.

The young man who was originally lying on the hospital bed was looking at him indifferently and sneered at the same time:

"I didn't expect it, smelly, the world line has changed!"


Snake Tomb George still didn’t understand what the young man said.

The young man's right hand stretched out again and grabbed Snake Tomb George's cheek.

Snake Tomb George suddenly felt as if he was being restrained by pliers, with a suffocating pressure.

"Also, don't look down on high school students. We are all at an age where we can save the earth. There is no comparison with social remnants like you!"

Then, he threw him away again.

This time it was my forehead.

Bang, another loud bang.

Snake Tomb George was in great pain.

"I haven't been to class for so many days just because I'm a bastard like you. Do you know how much my grades will drop?"

The boy's words were calm, but his approach was extremely violent.

Snake Tomb George had just recovered and had not had time to speak.

Just another close contact between forehead and the edge of the table.

"Uh-huh—" Snake Mound George groaned.

"Don't let me go to college just because I couldn't get into college before!"

Another close encounter.

The level of violence even frightened Yayoi.

Even though she knew that Snake Mound George was not worthy of pity, Yayoi was still afraid that Lin Cunian would kill him just like that.

As a professional gangster, Snake Tomb George certainly has a stronger fighting ability than ordinary people.

But fighting is all about the right time, place and people.

Snake Tomb George was first attacked by Lin Cun'an in a sneak attack. The attack also resulted in severe blows. Before he could recover, he was hit hard, hard, and hard again. He had no room for a backhand.

Wait for a response.

He had already sat down on the ground, and blood from his nose mixed with disgusting snot poured into his mouth.

There was a groggy feeling in my head, like I had a concussion.

He looked at the blurred eyes, and the young man seemed to be looking at him condescendingly.

Snake Tomb George tried his best to ask:

"...Who on earth are you!?"

Lin Cun'an gestured with his thumb to Yayoi Aiya who was hiding behind him:

"Her Mrs. Yazhai!!"

Then he looked at Snake Tomb George with a stern look:

"Do you know who in Baiqiu High School should not be offended the most!?"

Although Snake Tomb George was not very conscious, he still understood one thing.

This guy seems to be the leader in this high school.

Haha...a bad boy?



Ps, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep after finishing writing. I hope I can get up tomorrow.Also, please vote a lot at the beginning of the month, reward a lot, and read and subscribe. After all, many subsequent chapters should be revised.

173. Strategic preparation!start up!

"Go up and down the street from Baiqiu to find out who the father is."

Snake Zhong George could tell that the high school student in front of him wanted to express this meaning.

His head seemed to have been concussed, and the bridge of his nose was throbbing in pain.

Even the scene in front of him began to blur, and he could not clearly see the appearance of the young man in front of him.

However, he was still sneering in his heart.

He is a bad boy.

I really didn’t expect that Yayoi-nee would have a “relationship” with a high school delinquent even at her age. It’s really funny.

Don’t you forget your original intention?

Snake Tomb George not only smiled in his heart, but his smile also appeared on the outside.

Yayoi saw George Snakezuka's face tightening and beginning to rise.

Yes, not just the corners of the mouth, but the entire face.

Like a crawling snake.

Dark, clammy, and...disgusting.

She tightened her grip on Lin Cun'an's arm, almost pulling out a wrinkle from his long sleeve.

Although Lin Cun'an had the upper hand at this time, she still had an ominous premonition when looking at the smile of George Shezhong.

After all, George Snake Mound is a "criminal."

Although he was not arrested and sent to a juvenile detention center ten years ago, that was because he had dragged on the relationship. In fact, he was still a criminal who violated the law.

And Lin Cun'an was just a young man.

But Yayoi also found it strange.

She had never seen Lin Cun'an like this.

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