There is no possibility between them, and what's more, he said "I don't like you" simply and clearly...

"Mom, are you hot?" Sakura asked.

"...It's okay." Chun said.

"Then why are you fanning yourself with your hands...?" Sakura asked, and her face looked very hot...

"..." Chun said.

She glared at her daughter, unable to answer.

So I used a solution that I haven’t used for a long time:

"Adults, children don't ask!"

"...Yes!" Sakura replied quickly and respectfully, and then said nothing.


Miyajima Tsubaki began to think wildly, Kobayashi Murayasu... shouldn't be considered an adult, right?

She subconsciously looked at the boy in front of her. Although he was quite tall, he might not be fully developed yet.


After hearing this, Kiichiro Miyajima started laughing: "Don't worry, it's not a shame to lose to me, Kiichiro Miyajima!"

"I don't feel good..." Lin Cun'an seemed to be still worried about something.

Kiichiro Miyajima said:

"In this case, let's compete behind closed doors so that no one else can visit. Only we will know the outcome."

This said.

Miyajima Tsubaki sighed.It is said that "only we know", but can't outsiders still guess it?

He really took off his pants and put them...Chun, who has always been gentle and elegant, still couldn't say that vulgar word.

"it is good."

But unexpectedly, Lin Cun'an agreed immediately.

Miyajima Tsubaki:?

I really can’t understand what this boy is doing.

The Miyajima family was originally a dojo. Although Miyajima Kiichiro is now old and no longer recruits disciples, the essence of the "dojo" is still preserved.

There is still a kendo training ground at home.

And it's quite a big piece, about thirty square feet.

There are sliding doors on the left and right fronts.

All can be opened to watch the competition in the venue.

You can also turn them all off for "private contests."

Lin Muruan and Miyajima Kiichiro took the latter approach today.

They stepped on the tatami together.

Then Miyajima Kiichiro ordered Sakura to push all the doors shut, even his daughter and granddaughter also needed to avoid it.

Lincun An was quite fresh and looking around.

Really rich and powerful.This site alone is as big as five or six of his homes...

"Hmph..." Miyajima Kiichiro sighed proudly: "Since you have discovered it, let me introduce it to you."

Lin Cun'an:?

"What you are facing is my family's heirloom sword, "Kuaikato Ichimonji"! "Kiichiro Miyajima said proudly.

Only then did Lin Cun'an realize that there was a big sword lying across his crotch - it was a real big sword.If it was his "big sword", it should be vertical...

The length of the scabbard is about 1.2 meters, but it is extremely narrow...

Then Lin Cun'an discovered that there was not just one sword, but a short sword of forty or fifty centimeters lying horizontally under the long sword.

Who asked you this?Lin Cunan said in his heart.

But Kiichiro Miyajima obviously didn't notice his disgusted look, and continued to introduce himself:

""Kateto Ichimonji" consists of "Kaito" and "Wakizashi". It is said that he was a famous swordsmith in the Taisho period..."

The old man chattered on as if giving a history lesson.

how to say?

Although he spoke very excitedly, his eloquence was mediocre. When he talked about the depth of love, tears welled up in his eyes. However, Lin Cun'an still couldn't empathize with her. People's joys and sorrows couldn't be communicated to each other. He only felt that he was making a noise.

Moreover, it has only lasted a fraction of 100 years since the Taisho period. It is indeed a long time for a person's life, but it is not enough as a family heirloom.

All I can say is don’t be moved by yourself.

The old man spoke with gusto, and seemed to want to introduce Lin Cun'an to his father and mother, and maybe tell him how he was born...Lin Cun'an quickly stopped and said:

"Mr. Kiichiro, I have something to say... No, I have a sword with an extraordinary origin. You may be very interested in it after hearing it."

"Oh?" Miyajima Kiichiro is indeed a swordsman. Before Lin Cun'an could say what kind of sword it was, his old eyes flashed with intense eyes: "What sword?"

"This is it." Lin Cun'an grabbed the wooden sword on his back and presented it sideways in front of Miyajima Kiichiro.

Kiichiro Miyajima was immediately interested.

What ancient origin could the wooden sword have?

Lin Cun'an smiled mysteriously: "Mr. Kiichiro doesn't know something, but this wooden sword has indeed an extraordinary origin."

"Oh?" Kiichiro Miyajima twitched his eyebrows, "How do you say that?"

"It was given to me by Senior Sister Ying." Lin Cun'an said.

"...bastard! I'll kill you!!"



Ps, even if it needs to be recharged now, it also needs to be updated. Only then can it be called sound.

224. Come on, come on, you have a lot of time anyway.

Inside the door, there is a battle between ? and ?

It’s the collision of muscle against muscle.

It's a competition between men.

It is also a battle between swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

Outside the door, Miyajima Sakura was kneeling on the wooden floor, her eyes facing the closed door.

His breathing became more and more rapid, and he swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva from time to time.

Just imagining the scene of the collision between the two swords can make Miyajima Sakura excited.

Grandpa and Xiao Lin are enjoying themselves inside.


Who wins and who loses?

Rationally speaking, Miyajima Sakura's grandfather, who taught her kendo since she was a child, is invincible.

But emotionally, she couldn't imagine the situation where Kobayashi-kun, who had never suffered a defeat before, would lose.

Miyajima Sakura put her hand on the ground, rubbing the wooden floor uneasily, and her eyes looking at the door began to tremble.


Miyajima Tsubaki shouted softly.

"...Yes Yes!"

Miyajima Sakura quickly looked up, her mother was standing beside her, her majestic gaze falling on her from top to bottom. "Come with me out of here," she said.

"But..." Miyajima Sakura was a little reluctant.

"Since your grandfather has adopted a "closed-door" approach, it proves that he does not want the results to be known to others.Wouldn't it be contrary to your grandfather's behavior for you to stay here all the time? "Miyajima Tsubaki said with a frown.


After hearing this, Miyajima Sakura quickly stood up while stroking the hem of her skirt.

"Grandpa, learn from you..." Miyajima Tsubaki looked serious, but when he said this, his heart and liver trembled together.Not long ago, she called her daughter's junior classmate "senior"... What kind of ethical collapse is this?Moreover, he had done so many shameful things with his daughter's junior classmate in the bathroom just now.

If Sakura knew...she would definitely think that she was a bastard mother who seduced the juniors at her school...

No no no.

Sakura has always respected her the most and will definitely understand her painstaking efforts...

The sudden disordered thoughts made Miyajima Tsubaki a little confused for a while.

She pursed her lips, and then her plump body swayed restlessly.

Today's events, let alone "happened" in the past, Chun had never even thought about it. It was too... shameful.

...and exciting.

thought here.

Miyajima Tsubaki suddenly felt strange.

Why does she feel this way?It was really puzzling... but at the same time, there was a full sense of excitement that was driving her.

Her delicate face, which did not look like that of a high school student's mother, began to bleed, and the majestic feeling she had just now was instantly wiped away.

But Sakura Miyajima didn't dare to be disrespectful at all.

"Mom...what's wrong?"

"Cough, it's okay..."

Miyajima Tsubaki tried hard to hold himself back, then changed the subject and said, "Sakura, do you like your junior? Or do you have a crush on him?"

Sakura Miyajima was stunned for a moment, then felt a little shy.

Seeing his daughter's expression like this, Miyajima Tsubaki could come up with an approximate answer even without answering.

Although Miyajima Sakura is innocent and innocent, she is still a high school student after all. She is still a little embarrassed to face such questions, especially because the person who asked the question is her blood relative. She subconsciously wants to deny it, but after thinking for a moment, she He nodded firmly,


After she admitted it, she mustered up the courage to look directly into her mother's eyes.

Miyajima Tsubaki sighed.

This seems to be the first time in Sakura's adult life that she has confessed her affection for a member of the opposite sex... which is really rare.

She was both happy and helpless.

What is gratifying is that my daughter, who has always been indifferent, finally has emotions like an ordinary girl.And that Kobayashi Muran is also a good match for her in both appearance and character.The most important thing is that if it is that boy, there is no need to worry about his daughter being deceived... Kobayashi Murayasu and Miyajima Sosaku had faced off before.The former almost pushed her beastly brother to the ground and beat him. The two of them were definitely not a team.

She could finally rest assured.

But the helplessness lies in...

If the daughter is with Xiaolin Cun'an, then she is the boy's mother-in-law.

How could a son-in-law go to the bathroom with his mother-in-law, then leave his daughter outside the door and hide it from her! ?

The Miyajima family's tutoring has always been strict. Even if Tsubaki had never learned kendo, when she was young, she lived the same life as Sakura does now, learning the same etiquette and upbringing... She had never imagined that such a ridiculous and confusing thing would happen in her life. In your own life!

Unethical, really unethical!

Chun bit her white teeth, her tight red lips twisted and trembling.

But at this time...

The memories of that time hit her head again, and they were really unforgettable.


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